Who says knights can't backstab

Chapter 408 Two Semi-Professional Levels

Chapter 408 Two Semi-Professional Levels
There is silence in the forest—in fact, this is the normal state of the forest, whether it is the wind blowing through the leaves, or the light jumping of songbirds, or the rustling sound of grass being chewed by beast mouths, compared to the sound of the forest. The whole is just too small.

But the tranquility at this moment is slightly different from the tranquility of the past.

Cyril raised his head and looked at the more silent branches compared to the forest in the past. They were still lush, but Cyril couldn't feel the vitality in them.Those leaves are drooping, and if sharp eyes can see, the tips of the leaves are already turning from green to gray.

It is now two days after the archery competition, and the time has quietly entered July.

The deep serpent, Trigaon's phantom did not cause any harm to the forest entity, it exists in the plane that Cyril can "resonate", and therefore, all the trauma it caused to the forest, It acts directly on the natural origin of the forest.

This seemingly vibrant forest will wither in half a month.At this moment, the Temple of Nature, elves, druids and other natural creatures are busy with this, but they still seem to have no clue.

During the past two days, the elves of various clans tried to contact Cyril - they all knew that Cyril himself was a lord of the human kingdom, and the relationship with the Qingxinzi clan was nothing more than a cooperative relationship.

No.1 who has obtained archery has such an amazing ability to resonate naturally, it can even arouse the resonance of the tree of life. These prefixes are hung on Cyril's head, and any clan can't help but want to recruit him.

As for the Qingxinzi clan?Could a small clan in decline be attractive to a half-elf?
It's just that Cyril has been guarded by the Temple of Nature since the end of the game and returned to the temporary manor. In the past two days, except for contact with people from the Temple of Nature, he has never seen other outsiders—even the Congye clan of the alliance. Or the elves of Ashvan, who are counted as the same camp, have not been able to contact him.

While a group of elves in charge of foreign affairs were racking their brains to figure out how to get the upper hand in getting along with this half-elf, Cyril was leaning on the rocking chair, enjoying the temple massage from Miss Misha behind him, Alina's arm is pinched, and Caroline's calf cat fist.

The farce caused by the phantom of the giant did not delay the progress of the Mufeng Festival, and the equestrian competition of the second ring continued as usual.

Everyone in the manor discussed it for two days, but the only result they got was to be more careful about the people of St. Emma——Cyril knew with his toes that the Phantom of Trigaon was inseparable from the people of St. Emma, ​​not to mention that he I also experienced the ice weeping vines released by the Adele Navy in the forest.

However, from a personal point of view, he has no effective countermeasures.The Temple of Nature also went to investigate the Baisong clan, but in the end they found nothing.

In the end, he could only choose to bring Leonardo, Sher and other high-quality thugs, plus the clan representative Miss Misha, leaving Azike, Caroline and the army housekeeper to participate in the second ring equestrian competition.

"The day of withering is coming."

Sensing the natural atmosphere around her, Miss Elf let out a long sigh: "I'm afraid the Keluo Forest will not be stable for a long time."

"Why is that?" asked Elena who had no sense of nature.

"The cessation of the forest's vitality to some extent means the anger of nature, and then the black forest will spread. The phantom of the deep serpent swept across a large forest. In the next few years, the elves We'll all be busy clearing out the alternate Dark Forest."

Cleaning up an alternate Black Forest?

Miss Misha's words gave Cyril a clue. He finally remembered that one of the missions in the Keluo Forest that could repeatedly gain the reputation of the elves was [Clear the Black Forest].

This task lasted for a long time before it was closed. Now that I think about it, it may be caused by the aftermath of this incident.

This may prove that in the history of the game, the Orsan Emma people did try to get in touch with the elves, or—to use the elves?
In the end, the elves should have succeeded in stopping the conspiracy of the people of Ao San Emma, ​​although the price was heavy.

But Cyril has only reached the second stage of the task at this time, and he has completed the first stage excellently, but what kind of tricks will the people of Osan Emma do in the third stage?

Just as he was thinking in his heart, his pointed ears suddenly trembled slightly, as if he heard someone mention his name—the key point was that the language used by the other party was Ao San Emma's language!

He turned his head immediately, and saw another team advancing not far away. The leader was tall and tall, and he was Bernard of the White Pine Clan.

The few people who followed him were all wearing hoods, but the slight shaking of their armor when they walked was enough to make people know that they were not elves, but Osages wearing the armor of the Adelaide Sea Guard. Emma people.

Cyril's heart sank, and Leonardo beside him suddenly said softly: "Adrien, there is a professional-level aura over there."

"That's them." Cyril also lowered his voice and responded, "The Adlai Navy officer who fought last time."

Alina on the side already bit her lips tightly, she couldn't help blushing when she thought of the scene of being caught and humiliated by the Weeping Ice Vine that day.But Leonardo shook his head:
"No, more than one breath, two..."

"Two professional levels?" Cyril was surprised, and at this time Leonardo gave an accurate answer: "It is two and a half."

He couldn't help pressing the hilt of the sword at his waist.Although he already has a little understanding of the professional level, that threshold is definitely not something that he can cross casually. Maybe he is only short of that step, but it is really hard to say how far this step is.

"The other professional level is Alvin Bridges, so who is the other half?"

Cyril is sure that the future ice octopus will never allow his strength to be lower than any soldier in his legion. With a professional-level adjutant around, his strength will only be stronger.

And the professional level conversion is definitely not half plus half equals one.The half in Leonardo's mouth is equal to Cyril's realm, and the "half" combat power on Cyril's side is at most only himself and Cher.

In comparison, the difference in combat power between the two sides is indeed quite disparate.

"Pay attention to keeping a low profile, don't conflict with the people of O'Santa Emma now." Cyril instructed softly, "If possible, let the O'Connor family attract firepower for us, and we can fish in troubled waters."

"I'm afraid the people sent by the O'Connor family are not good enough for the O'Connor family." Leonardo smiled wryly, and then pointed forward: "Here, look, that's the O'Connor family and the Qingsong clan. "

(End of this chapter)

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