Who says knights can't backstab

Chapter 202 Air Circus

Chapter 202 Air Circus
Evans ran wildly all the way, the bruises on his body and the exhaustion of physical strength made his movements extremely stiff.He found Mia and Alina as fast as he could.

The two girls were looking at the tower worriedly at the moment, they watched Cyril climb up all the way.Now they don't know whether to help or evacuate from this place, and finally they can only stand in a daze not far from the death of the Griffin Rider.

"K...Miss Christian, here, give me the Water Healing Technique!"

Evans was out of breath from running, and immediately began to gasp after stopping.Mia was taken aback by this embarrassment, she quickly raised her staff, and quickly chanted a water healing spell, which landed on Evans.

"Thank you...thank you." Evans finally came to his senses, then turned around, as if he was going to return to the direction of the tower.This frightened Mia and Elena, and Elena strode up and grabbed Evans' clothes.She didn't even use much force, just pulled it casually, and Evans immediately fell to the ground, unable to get up.

"You don't have the strength to fight anymore, so don't make trouble for him."

The girl puffed her cheeks with a cold face, not being polite to Evans at all.And Mia landed another water healing technique on Evans who slowly got up and sat down on his buttocks, and then slowly said:
"Mr. Evans, you have tried your best. What you need to do now is to recharge your batteries and restore your combat effectiveness as soon as possible."

"Try your best?" Evans was in a trance, he raised his hand, and the hand that held the sword all the year round didn't even draw a sword on this day - so what did he do?Sneak in, pass out, and run away with someone on your back?

This is considered an effort?
For some reason, he clenched his fists tightly and hit the ground three times in a row, only then did he let go of the inexplicable depression in his heart.

"I want to go back and help him." After taking a few deep breaths, he made a decision and stood up again.But this time the girls around him didn't stop him, he only heard a murmur:
"Evans, look, what is that...?"

He raised his head in surprise, looked in the direction the girls were looking at, and then suddenly suffocated:
"Danya, this..."

He saw a cyan light flying from the top of the crumbling tower, flying around the tower, and then falling straight down towards the raging monster on the roof.

The monster was still crazily hitting the tower of the tower a second ago, but at the moment when the light came on, it suddenly stopped.He raised his head, let out a burst of roaring, and then five or six scary long gray tentacles that looked like intestines flew out from the broken chest, grabbing towards the blue light in the air.

But that blue light was as flexible as a gust of wind in the air.He was swooping down, and when he saw those scattered tentacles, he suddenly made an astonishing lift, the speed was even faster than before the dive.

The encirclement of those tentacles spreading out and secretly forming a net suddenly became useless.They all hesitated for a moment, and then gathered together in unison, chasing after the rising blue light.

"Then, wouldn't that be Adrian?"

Evans murmured involuntarily. The scene in front of him was beyond his understanding. Didn't that kid look like he was dying a few minutes ago, why did he start performing a "circus" in the air now?

And Mia and Alina stared blankly at the light, and after a while Mia responded softly:

"Yes, that's Mr. V—"

Cyril glanced at the tentacles that were chasing after him from the corner of his eye, and his face was slightly pale.In his hand is a long sword made of cyan wind elements, which is like an arrow at the moment, controlling the direction of his progress——

"Hey, Xiao Hui, is this the way you use the void barrier?" He roared loudly in his heart, and a weak voice sounded from the bottom of his heart: "Is it still useful for me to talk now? You have used it all, What else can I do?"

It is true that Cyril has never used the power of Gray God, and he has to blame the system panel. After entering this special state, let alone a detailed description of the state, he was not even given the skill bar.

He could only radiate his magic power subconsciously, and as a result, he unfolded the "Nihility Barrier" that Nirola had used - the only difference was that due to the spread of the wind element, his Nihility Barrier opened in a special way. It is so big that it almost covers the entire tower.

"The essence of the void barrier is that within this barrier, I am everywhere, and I can do whatever I want...you can figure it out."

Gray God can still maintain a certain amount of communication with him, which allows Cyril to find some direction.Seeing that he was about to rush out of the range of the void barrier, his figure suddenly rolled out to the side.

The bundle of tentacles brushed past him with a "swish", and this was the moment Cyril had been waiting for. The cyan storm on the long sword in his hand swelled, and then swung forward, slashing the number of tentacles. Tentacles, cut off from the middle.

The breaking of the tentacles seemed to have severely injured Ambrose, and he howled, the broken tentacles twisted in the air, as if he wanted to reconnect with the main body.But Cyril had already raised one hand, and a light gray layer climbed up in the pale green eyes. With that hand waving lightly, those tentacles seemed to be cut into several sections by the sword energy. , scattered off the roof.

"Xu... Void Blade, the heart, the heart is on you!"

Ambrose's remaining will finally realized something. His huge upper body was thrown back, and his ripped stomach looked like a big open mouth. Even though Cyril was at a high altitude, he could clearly see The dense tentacles squirming in it made people sick.

"You evil gods, do you always like to make things so artistic?"

"What are you talking about?" Gray God shouted through the hourglass.And Cyril's body turned slowly in the air, like a gliding bird, flattening his body in the air, but his eyes were still locked on Ambrose below.

He understood that Ambrose's ultimate move was hidden in the open belly, but there was also Ambrose's weakness in this state——

"I said, if I cut off your scepter, you wouldn't blame me, would you?"

"Ah? Don't!" Gray God yelled anxiously, but Cyril had already blocked his voice.

The huge body of Ambrose below trembled, and a skeleton-only wing protruded from the abdominal cavity that was enough to make a trypophobic patient vomit, followed by a slender neck and a fierce bird head, which seemed to have a skull Birds want to crawl out of it.

And Cyril slowly folded his arms in front of his chest, and the moment he held the hilt with both hands, the wind element on the long sword let out a cry of joy.

He watched the skull bird crawl out of Ambrose's belly, watched it flap its wings, open its mouth wide, as if waiting to devour him, but closed its eyes instead.

The void barrier, close.

The power that kept him floating in the air dissipated in an instant, his center of gravity shifted, his head fell from his feet, and he fell downwards.

And in his hand, the cyan sword light soared.

It seems to cut through the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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