Master of Scourge Synthesis

Chapter 615 Strange Battle Idea

Chapter 615 Strange Battle Ideas (Subscribe)

When crawling out of the ground, the huge scorpion finally showed his powerful body.

The entrance of the mine is the mouth of the scorpion, the mine car track outside the mine is still usable, and the crane beside the mine is the foot and claw of the scorpion.

At the same time, except for the trees, the scorpion's body was shining with metal light. It could be seen that the iron ore had already merged with the scorpion. Excavating the iron ore was equivalent to digging out the scorpion's shell.

Usually this scorpion just buries itself in the ground and pretends to be an iron mine.

Waiting for those enemies who came to mine to enter his mouth and serve as food for the past few days.

As a result, something happened to Nade, and after finding out that the situation was wrong, he actually wanted to destroy the iron mine.

This time, Scorpion was very upset. He got up from the ground and wanted to trouble the Guild of the Wind.

When Nade saw such a situation, he quickly got up.

"Don't wait, the defensive troops stay behind and hold the scorpion for half an hour. The cavalry troops will open the way ahead. Where's the map? Bring the map here."

Nader made a decisive decision.

When his subordinates brought the map over, Nade quickly searched on the map.

Unlike the situation on Anada's side, Nader's current location is still relatively far away from other players' empires.

At Nade's speed, even if there is no other situation on the road, it will take at least ten days to get there.

If there is another enemy attack along the way, within a month, it will be impossible to reach that player's empire.

So Nade just took a look and gave up the idea of ​​leading this huge scorpion to the hostile empire.

That's just a waste of time, and this scorpion looks bigger, but it's actually an ancient volcanic tree, even a little weaker than that.

If there is a real fight, Chen Wei's four or five integrated legions can deal with it.

Nade's legion ranks relatively high, and his fighting style is relatively weird. In fact, he can deal with such a huge monster by himself.

It's just that Nade was unwilling to make a move at first. He thought that he was the commander of the legion. It was very unreasonable for a legion to fight such a big monster.

But if you really want to be pushed, you can do anything.

After holding the scorpion back with defensive troops, Nade began to look for the best way to use the scorpion.

When he found that there was no way to lure the scorpion to other places, Nade resolutely gave up his original idea and reconsidered how to kill the scorpion.

At this time, the scorpion had already fought with the defense forces left by Nader.

The troops of the Utter Wind Legion are mainly composed of demonic natural disasters, insect swarm natural disasters and other non-natural disaster forces.

Because after joining the Weird Wind Legion, their attributes will become weird natural disasters, and their morale will not be affected by the mixed formation, so there are really all types of troops in the Weird Wind Legion's team.

The defense forces that were left behind were magma dwarves.

Of course, they have already become strange at this time, and the magma on their bodies has turned dark red.

They still hold weapons like warhammers like normal magma dwarves, but they are all covered with strange and twisted armor.

This armor is the weirdness of these magma dwarves.

The defense of this kind of armor is actually not very good, only one-third of the defense of iron armor.

But this armor has a weird style, which can make the enemy unable to see the location of the magma dwarves.

In other words, if someone collided head-on with the magma dwarves, there was a two-thirds chance that their attacks would miss.

This is actually an evasive tank.

But when facing units like giant scorpions, their effect is not so strong. The scorpion attack is basically a sweeping attack. If it weren't for the magma dwarves' thick skin and blood, maybe the magma dwarves of this team just now They all died.

At this time, Nade also reacted.

The magma dwarves won't last long.

At this time, we can only go to the long-range troops to hold the enemy first, and then consider other methods later.

So Nade ordered decisively: "Dragon-shaped lizardman, you go."

The dragon-shaped lizardman is a unit that Chen Wei obtained from the upper reaches of the river.

They usually work at the pier upstream of the river, but some dragon-shaped lizardmen also joined Chen Wei's fighting force.

The combat power of these dragon lizardmen is not bad, at least their potential upper limit is relatively high, and they are good at spears and bows, so they can be regarded as excellent mid-range and long-range troops.

So when forming the army, Chen Wei assigned the Dragon Transformation Lizardmen to Nade's subordinates.

Under Nade's command, these dragon-like lizardmen also showed corresponding strange characteristics. Whether they used spears or bows and arrows, they could hit the enemy accurately.

Nade, who knew the characteristics of the dragon-shaped lizard people, naturally sent them out as soon as he saw such a situation.

The dragon-shaped lizardmen don't need to rush forward to fight melee, they only need to shoot from a distance.

As soon as the dragon lizardmen heard such an order, they immediately sprang into action.

Their shooting range is not bad, about 600 meters. As soon as they rushed out, they automatically separated into many teams to attack the scorpions from a distance.

If the dragon lizardman made such a move, the scorpion would be considered unlucky. There are several teams of three to 400 dragon lizardmen, and there is only one scorpion. If you go after the enemy here, you will be attacked by the dragon lizardman on the other side.

If you go to chase the other side, you will immediately be attacked by the dragon lizardman behind you.

Back and forth like this, the dragon-turning lizardman didn't lose much, but the gigantic scorpion became angry instead.

At this time, Nade also saw an opportunity.

"It's now."

Nade decisively ordered the mage who had been preparing behind him.

These mages are magicians from the mage tower in Scourge City.

They belong to the rare natural disasters of magic power, and they are the products of the influence of magic power. After joining the Weird Wind Legion, they were affected by the strange natural disasters and mastered even weirder abilities.

Now they got Nade's order, and decisively released a prepared magic at the scorpion.

Their magic is called cunning.

This is a special area magic, and it can be regarded as a kind of battle magic. Its function is to place a huge strange net on the enemy's battlefield. Enemies who enter this strange net will be affected by various strange characteristics. .

The decline of one's own attributes is the most basic situation, and it is even possible for one's own people to beat one's own people, or to directly turn oneself into a weird one.

Right now, the scorpion is only this big, it is impossible for him to beat his own people.

But it is still possible to lower the attributes of the scorpion.

Nade made a plan, and when the scorpion's combat power was not so strong, he would launch an attack from the sky, knocking out half of the scorpion's blood first.

(End of this chapter)

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