Master of Scourge Synthesis

Chapter 600 Roads and Flight Points

Chapter 600 Roads and Flight Points
After Chen Wei's adjustments during this period, the control in the territory of the Scourge Empire has become much smoother.

Staying in the Calamity City, Chen Wei can clearly see the whereabouts of each hero, and at the same time, he may also see the flow of materials in the territory and the current development of the city.

Even what each city lacks now can be clearly seen in the natural disaster city.

With such a simple and convenient operation, Chen Wei's daily affairs are much simpler.

Basically, things are in his hands, mainly because he makes the final decision.

The only advantage is that what kind of heroes will be spawned in each city every week can be clearly seen here in the natural disaster city.

Chen Wei will have detailed information on the information and characteristics of the newly spawned heroes.

Chen Wei can use these information to judge whether he wants to recruit one or two more heroes.

In this way, the chances of recruiting useless heroes will be greatly reduced, and at the same time, Chen Wei can also concentrate more resources on the growth of the original heroes.

Chen Wei's plan is to train all of his more than 100 heroes first.

Even if there is no way to reach the full legendary level, then in any case, the level of these heroes must be rushed to their level cap first.

And arrange at least one to three treasures for all heroes.

It is better to ensure the combat effectiveness of these heroes than to pile up a large number of heroes, and the result is that each hero has no combat effectiveness.

At the same time, in the Calamity City, Chen Wei could also see the situation of some outsiders in the territory of the Calamity Empire.

Although there are not many people now, Chen Wei has already seen that there are already some spies in his own territory.

It's as if their Mithief and Source Power Bee are expanding outward.

When he was about to leave the novice protection period, intelligence was even more important to Chen Wei.

While Chen Wei was running the natural disaster territory with all his strength, the latest news came back from Wood.

The message was sent five days ago.

In the case of a smooth passage, this is already the fastest speed.

In the message sent by Wood, the situation during this period of time was explained.

He first said that he missed the best opportunity to target the new player's territory.

When Chen Wei withdrew, the other end of the new player's territory seemed to be facing a big battle.

The scope of the war was quite wide, and it was on the fifth day after Chen Wei withdrew that Wood discovered that something was wrong.

But when he wanted to send troops into the new player's territory, he met the new player's full resistance.

Faced with such a situation, Wood, who was originally short of troops, finally chose to retreat.

While retreating, Wood found that the enemy troops had no intention of chasing him.

Obviously they have only one goal, and that is to repel Wood, not to destroy Wood.

This made Wood believe in his own judgment even more.

There was a big trouble in the new player's territory, and they didn't have time to pay attention to Wood.

Wood obviously looked at such a good opportunity, but he didn't have enough troops in his hands, and finally had to give up the attack, which made Wood somewhat unwilling.

All these unwillingnesses were written in the report, so strong that it could be reflected between the lines.

Chen Wei calculated the time and found that when Wood wrote this report, it happened to be the time when he rectified the heroes.

Even if Chen Wei knew about it at that time, he still didn't have any troops to dispatch.

And when the heroes are cleared up, the best opportunity has already been missed.

It is too late to send troops now.

After thinking about it, Chen Wei could only reply a message to Wood.

Tell Wood that the final rectification is going on in the territory, and in a month or two, Chen Wei will choose to send troops before the end of the novice protection period to clean up the area around the territory.

Now is the time to accumulate troops, and Chen Wei does not have enough troops to support Wood.

But within a couple of months, at the other end of the portal, Stanford will build a new city.

That city will be Wood's back.

At the same time, the resources that can be given to Wood are limited now, and I hope Wood can support it for a while.

After writing these things, Chen Wei hesitated for a while, and finally added a sentence.

"The ancient volcanic tree will be moved to the vicinity of the portal to ensure that the portal is not lost. With the huge size of the ancient volcanic tree, it cannot easily pass through the portal, but it is sitting near the portal to ensure the safety there.

If the village in front can't support it, just retreat back.

There are perfect preparations behind the portal. "

After writing the message, Chen Wei called a source power bee and let it deliver the letter.

After watching the source power bee leave, Chen Wei began to think again.

Now that his territory has expanded, should he build a flight point and a postal system?

In fact, Chen Wei has thought about the flying point since he came to this world. .

But the world in front of him is not a game, and Chen Wei can't use griffins or wyverns to transport troops directly in the air.

If he really wanted to do this, he would be a fool.

Griffins and Wyverns are the main combat troops. It would be a waste of money to fix these flying troops in one place only to transport one or two people.

So Chen Wei has always had this idea, but has been unable to implement it.

Now Chen Wei is thinking about this matter again, after all, the mobilization of troops is the top priority for Chen Wei.

When Chen Wei's territory expands, and then rely on road transportation, it will take a lot of time.

A thought flashed in Chen Wei's mind, how about building one or two airships?

In fact, Chen Wei has been thinking about this idea all along.

After all, his natural disaster city has always been in the sky.

Shipping itself is slower than other places.

Now that the scope of the territory has expanded again, Chen Wei has to consider this issue.

And things like making an airship are actually not too difficult for Chen Wei.

Chen Wei planned to use the deceitful clouds as materials, and then make some shells from the arsenal and blacksmith shop to make some airships.

Then hang part of Chen Wei's flying troops outside the airship, and let them go with the airship to protect the safety of the airship.

In this way, the airship is considered a success, and then Chen Wei is going to set three long, medium and short routes.

Short routes are like Hongguang Town to Natural Disaster City, one round trip can be done in an hour.

The middle route is from Hongguang Town to the villages and towns that Chen Wei originally set up, including the upstream and downstream of the river. There are almost two round trips a day, which happens to be two flights a day.

However, there is no need to arrange airships all the time upstream and downstream of the river, and the boats will travel faster.

On the contrary, other routes use these airships to transport the most things in the shortest time.

There is only one long route now, and it takes exactly one day for the airship to fly from Hongguang Town to the forward base.

Counting the return time, Chen Wei prepared a total of two airships, and guaranteed that one of them would be on the way there every day.

(End of this chapter)

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