Chapter 566 Start the War (For Subscription)
With the latest information sent by Shuxin, Chen Wei and Wood had a better understanding of the enemy's situation.

Looking at the enemy's advancing route, Chen Wei drew a line on the map.

"If we only plan to set the battle line here, is there a way to do it with our current strength?"

When Wood heard this, he looked at Chen Wei curiously.

"Didn't your lord plan to go straight in at the beginning?"

"The time has passed."

Chen Wei said calmly.

At the beginning, he really wanted to go to the player's territory, and even break into the player's capital.

But after arriving here, I realized that the world is very big and the distance is very long.

He also wanted to play blitz, but the problem was that in this kind of woods, even if Chen Wei had all druids under his command, he couldn't run.

At the same time, Chen Wei also had to consider the issue of retreat. After this journey, the blitzkrieg war became a positional war.

The most speechless thing is that in order to defend the position, Chen Wei and Wood had to divide their troops again and again.

Even if Chen Wei had established two new villages nearby, relying on the village's supplementary troops would not be able to withstand the consumption of population and resources at all.

Split base is not so easy to open.

Chen Wei must now make a decision.

It's just a retreat without getting anything.

It is still stuck here like a nail, waiting for the opportunity to attack the human empire again.

Chen Wei now needs to seriously consider the whole situation.

As the commander at the forefront of the battlefield, Wood certainly understands that they really missed the best time.

If they didn't care about anything when they were teleported here in the first place, and rushed directly from the sky to the enemy's capital, maybe this time it wouldn't be like this.

Of course, doing that would also have bad consequences. For example, they were trapped in the enemy's territory, and even Chen Wei's portal couldn't take the army away.

If such a situation really happened, then the situation Chen Wei had to face would be much more unfavorable than the one before him.

So for a while, Wood didn't know whether it was good or bad to fight like this.

"If we only use this line as the boundary, we can easily guard the territory we have occupied, but what good is it if we do this?"

Regarding Wood's answer, Chen Wei smiled.

"There is no benefit, we occupy this place, and the nearby players are not blind, they will naturally see it.

The new player jumped too much and offended all the nearby players. They were either too far away or not strong enough, so they didn't come to beat him.

Now that we have occupied the territory here, the nearby players will definitely see it, and then they will gather here.

You said that if we fight against the human empire here, what will be the end result? "

Wood is not an idiot either, he knew what Chen Wei was thinking as soon as he heard it.

But Wood still said: "My lord, in this case, don't we become bait?"

"What does it matter? Don't we know what we rely on to gain a foothold?"

As soon as Wood heard it, he thought of Chen Wei's talent, natural disaster synthesis.

In the battle, Chen Wei's subordinates will fight more and more, and the more they fight, the stronger they will be.

It can be said that this battle can be regarded as Chen Wei's opportunity.

If he could really attract some nearby players, Chen Wei's gains would not be too small.

At the same time, Wood also saw some thoughts in Chen Wei's mind.

"My lord, are you trying to infiltrate sand into the territory of some nearby players?"

"I have this idea. Anyway, I always have to fight in the end. Where is the fight, it is not a fight."

Chen Wei was not afraid that his subordinates would know his ambitions.

Just as this new player thought, this continent is only that big, if you don't grab it, someone else will.

For Chen Wei, every additional piece of land was occupied would be beneficial and not harmful.

Now all the heroes under him are thinking about fighting or completing tasks to increase their experience.

Now that Chen Wei wants to say that there is no battle to fight, these heroes will be turned upside down.

Hearing Chen Wei's words, Wood didn't say anything more. He also understood that Chen Wei's ambition was reasonable and his plan was feasible.

Then his gaze turned to the line that Chen Wei had drawn before.

This line was not drawn by Chen Wei casually, but was determined according to the current situation.

The location of this line is less than 150 kilometers away from the border village. With the speed of Chen Wei's soldiers, it can be reached in a day at the slowest.

If it is all flying troops, it only takes about three to ten minutes to arrive.

In other words, if the battle line is set here, the border villages in the rear can support the front line at any time.

From the border village, there was the original Mingwei sentry post, and this was Chen Wei's first line of defense against that player.

The reason why he draws the battle line forward is to lengthen the depth.

After the first line of defense was broken, they still had the Mingwei sentry post to use, and then there was the forward fortress.

Just in this way, do we need to build a new guard post here?

Wood also thought about it.

At this moment, news came from the front that human troops finally appeared within their monitoring range.

"They came very slowly."

After receiving the information, Chen Wei glanced at it and handed the information to Wood.

Wood also nodded affirmatively.

It's been so long, and the human army is still nearly [-] kilometers away from where Chen Wei and the others are.

Based on their advancing speed, it would take at least a day and a half to reach the frontline battlefield.

It's no wonder that Chen Wei and the others would complain about the speed of the enemy there.

With such a forward speed, it was not at all as happy as when Chen Wei was beating the elves.

The battles here often lasted for two or three days, and only fought for half an hour.

If it wasn't for Chen Wei not being worried about the situation here, he might have gone back to the Scourge Empire directly.

Where will it drag on for a day here.

At this time, Oman on the side of the human army was not in a hurry.

Under the hands of human players, his main focus is a siege battle.

Unlike other heroes, he does things quite steadily.

Because where he is going, the enemy will only increase and will not escape. After all, the city is there, and they can't escape even if they want to.

So one step earlier and one step later are the same.

It's better to have a stable front line and protect the logistics line, so that the siege of the city will not turn into a siege, and they can't consume the troops in the city, which is ridiculous.

For this reason, he didn't participate in a few battles, but every time it was a long-term battle, he won most of the battles in the end.

It was the same this time. Although his progress was slow, Aoman believed that he must be the one who won in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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