Master of Scourge Synthesis

Chapter 529 Aerial Platform

Chapter 529 Aerial Platform (for Subscription)

Chen Wei estimated his mana level, and finally borrowed part of the mana from the magic pool.

Only then did a teleportation channel open again in the open space near the teleportation gate.

This time Chen Wei's teleportation channel is a bit interesting. He didn't set it up like a portal, but a teleportation circle similar to the one below.

As for the location, Chen Wei was about three meters higher than the platform in the sky.

In other words, Chen Wei's country only needs to put the materials on the teleportation circle, and the things will fall directly to the platform in the sky.

There are special people waiting on the platform. As soon as the materials fall, they will move the materials to other locations to ensure that the delivery point of the platform is always empty.

With this method, there is no need for Chen Wei's soldiers to transport back and forth, as long as the materials are sent in.

This speed of transportation has been significantly improved.

After a while, most of the magic temple materials in Chen Wei's hands were sent over.

At the same time, all the French troops sent over at the beginning also entered the air platform.

Unlike other magic temples, the magic temple on the air platform has been designed long ago, as long as someone goes to build the magic temple.

As soon as these legal troops entered, they acted quickly.

Most of them are already familiar with the construction of the magic temple, and some of them even followed Chen Wei to complete the layout of the magic temple in the southeast area last month.

There are many things that they can handle.

After entering the aerial platform, they immediately started the construction of the magic temple, because there is a platform in the sky, and they don't need to sort out the ground before the platform.

This platform can be used directly.

With the addition of the two conditions, the construction speed of the magic temple is obviously super fast.

It only took Chen Wei two hours to transport various materials, and after waiting another three hours, he received the news from the aerial platform that the magic temple on the platform had been built.

Now they can use the magic of the magic temple to observe all the troop mobilization information within a radius of several hundred kilometers below.

According to the latest information sent up, Chen Wei and Wood noticed that there were more than 4000 soldiers at the guard post they saw.

This force does not need to be attacked by the troops led by Chen Wei, which is Wood's force before, and this sentry post can be easily taken down.

And Wood missed such a good opportunity because of the construction of the fortress and the forward base.

Now that I want to attack again, the timing is already too late.

Through the Atmospheric Eye in the sky, Chen Wei could clearly see that there were many transportation troops transporting supplies towards that sentry post.

It was obvious that they were preparing for the big troops coming later.

After all, Chen Wei has heard of the saying that the food and grass go first before the soldiers and horses are moved.

Coupled with the fact that the enemies in front of him belonged to that kind of mechanized humans, Chen Wei believed that their energy and material consumption would exceed the level of normal people.

It is quite a secret to transport a large amount of materials in advance.

If they don't have enough supplies, they may lose the battle without being able to fight.

And as soon as so many supplies were transported, Chen Wei knew that the sneak attack was unlikely.

Now that they send troops to rush over, it is very likely that they will collide with the enemy's reinforcements.

At that time, it is very likely that fighting and fighting will become a field battle, or even a refueling tactic.

Chen Wei is no better than that player, he is some distance away from his territory now.

That's all he brought with him.

If you want to mobilize troops from the rear, it will take time.

If too many troops are lost due to field battles or even melee battles, then Chen Wei's early attack will be meaningless.

Therefore, Chen Wei would rather not miss the opportunity than throw the troops into a dangerous position.

On the contrary, it is in Chen Wei's best interest to attract the enemy to fight.

At least now that he has the sky platform, Chen Wei doesn't need to worry about being attacked from behind.

After the security was assured, Chen Wei was half relieved.

He has already done everything he can in this forward base.

Whether or not he can defeat the deadly new player will depend on the battle ahead.

Anyway, Chen Wei thinks that he has put all his main troops here now.

There are no more, anyway, there are only so many troops.

Even if it succeeds, it is a big advantage. If it fails, Chen Wei will close the portal, and the enemy will not be able to get through.

Chen Wei, who has a way out, is quite relaxed.

But now all the pressure is concentrated on Wood.

Wood also knew that the enemy was gathering troops, and at this time he had already begun to focus on the fortress ahead.

He intends to use that fortress to block the enemy's attack.

Regarding Wood's choice, Chen Wei didn't say anything.

This time the battle, Chen Wei directly handed it over to Wood.

No matter what choice Wood made, Chen Wei would be willing to support it.

Now Wood's choice is actually the safest one.

Yesterday, most of the foundations of the fortress had been laid.

In the following time, every extra day, the defense of the fortress will be strengthened by one point.

Judging from the current situation, the troops sent by the enemy will be between [-] and [-].

The time will be two to three days later.

If Wood's plan is really successful, when they come over, they will face the fortress defense system that has been built too much.

If there were no siege weapons and no more than ten times as many troops, they would not even have to think about taking down this fortress.

Even with siege weapons, their troops don't want to have a one-to-one battle loss ratio with Wood's troops.

As long as the defenders have enough resources, they can block waves of attacks from the enemy.

As the siege side, where there is no suitable large-scale siege, they can only use refueling tactics and charge again and again.

But in that case, the number of troops they can rush to the attack range of the fortress will be very small.

In this way, Wood's men can concentrate their firepower and beat more people with fewer people.

And this is the real meaning of fighting.

Fighting more and fighting less is the normal state of war.

With Chen Wei's limited strength, if he could fight more and fight less, it would relieve a lot of pressure on the supplies behind him.

Chen Wei has already considered it. As long as Wood can support the forward base for fifteen days, he will go back and find a way to help Wood find a piece of the heart of the city.

Turn this advance base into a new city, even if it's just a village or a town.

At that time, even if Chen Wei took root here, it would be regarded as a nail in the enemy's abdomen.

(End of this chapter)

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