Master of Scourge Synthesis

Chapter 425 Changes in the Battle Situation

Chapter 425 The Battle Situation Sudden Change (Subscribe)

Erase Scourge collar's coordinates above the railgun.

Chen Wei knew very well that when the railgun was deployed, they had already divided the entire map into coordinate positions, and some coordinate points were erased by means.

For example, the golden tree, the capital of the elves now.

In order to prevent the golden tree from being attacked by the railgun, this coordinate point was erased.

Later, all the major gods and major palaces wanted to have such treatment.

But even if he lost most of his authority, the Elf King didn't give up this authority.

Chen Wei discovered this by accident while studying the situation of the railgun.

Of course he can't erase the coordinates of the natural disaster territory for a long time.

But for Chen Wei, he doesn't need to erase the coordinates here for a long time, he only needs three to five days to prevent the railgun from moving on his head.

Of course, Chen Wei didn't believe that there were so many archmages on the elf side who couldn't handle this matter.

So he needs to keep adjusting the coordinates inside. It would be best if the coordinates of the entire railgun can be messed up.

If not, just delay it.

Now the time advantage is on Chen Wei's side.

He only needs to drag it out for a few days, and the situation will be different.

Not to mention that the elves must be in chaos now.

Unlike Chen Wei's side, the two ancient beasts also felt the attack of the railgun.

When the railgun attack fell, they all looked in the direction of the holy land at the same time, and their crazy eyes quickly became dignified.

None of them are fools, they have all seen the harm this kind of railgun can do to them.

So no matter whether it was the ancient god dragon with only its body left, or the ancient god giant who just got up, they all acted quickly.

They all knew that the elves had made a move.

If someone hadn't adjusted the attack range of the railgun, if the attack fell on their heads, it would be impossible to withstand the attack with just the two of them.

So the ancient gods and behemoths need to change their strategies now. They no longer only want to strengthen themselves, they now need to expand the number of comrades around them.

So the ancient god dragon began to pull out its own neck and wings, tore them off, and threw them in other directions.

And the ancient god giant who just got up pulled out his left hand and buried it in the ground.

Although the two did it differently, they both had the same idea. They wanted to add a few clones of the ancient gods so that they could quickly become new giant beasts of the ancient gods.

Once they did that, they immediately started looking for suitable flesh and blood for their doppelgängers.

Only by devouring a large amount of flesh and blood will their avatars grow bigger and become new ancient god behemoths.

In this way, the gathering elf troops became their most important target.

As for Chen Wei's Calamity Leader, it also attracted their attention, but there are still bits and pieces of rookie players' power in the Calamity Leader, and these forces can still restrain the ancient gods for the time being.

In the case that the ancient gods and monsters have something to eat, they will not be willing to eat these things that make them uncomfortable.

So their target is directly the elves with a strong ancient god aura.

The aura of the ancient gods on the elves is like a light at night in their eyes, and they can be seen from a distance.

As long as they rush over, they can find it as soon as they look for it.

When Wood took over Chen Wei's forces, he also stared at the positions of these ancient gods for the first time.

After all, the situation in front of the three sides is more favorable for the natural disaster leader.

On the other side of Hurricane City, a chaotic area with the breath of ancient gods has formed.

Although there are no ancient god monsters here, as long as someone enters this area, they will be affected by the ancient god's power immediately, and even be swallowed directly.

Now not only the elf troops dare not come in, even Chen Wei's troops dare not pass.

The two sides are deadlocked here.

It has been two days, and the positions of both sides have not changed in any way.

It seems that if they continue to fight like this, until finally Chen Wei leaves the novice world, they will not have any new changes.

The situation in Plague Town was even more so.

Although Stanford didn't have enough troops, he was deep enough, and he also took away most of the catapults in Chen Wei's hands.

These catapults and special bullets are quite effective against elf troops.

Although the throwing speed of the catapults will be slower, it will slow down the pace of the elf troops.

The most important thing is that the mechanical treacherous body has also allocated some power to pay Stanford, plus the players who have just joined here, the fight with the elf army here is very impressive.

What will happen after a long time is still unclear, but one thing is certain.

Now there is no need to worry about the situation here.

On the contrary, the battle between the ancient volcano tree and the crimson behemoth has now played out Chen Wei's natural disaster collar.

Unlike other limit creatures, the crimson behemoth is a kind of limit creature that moves very fast.

At the same time, he only needs a little flesh and blood to be resurrected through blood.

This is an extreme creature that is quite difficult to kill.

The ancient volcanic tree has beaten the crimson behemoth to its limit several times.

As a result, the flesh and blood of the giant crimson beast who didn't know where it was hidden was revived by the blood, and ran to the ancient volcanic tree again, and fought with the ancient volcanic tree.

Such a situation caused the ancient volcano tree quite a headache.

At first, the ancient volcanic tree thought that it had held back the enemy's limit creature, and it had done what it should do.

But through the news that came, he knew that the mechanical body had killed an extreme creature.

He knew that several extreme creatures died in the hands of the ancient god dragon.

This time his record is not so impressive.

This made the ancient volcanic tree quite uneasy.

He felt that if this continued, Chen Wei might give up on him.

After all, he is not even as good as an existence that has not yet reached the limit biological level, such as mechanical ghosts.

This is not what he thought.

Everyone who is following Chen Wei now is willing to follow Chen Wei when they see that Chen Wei has a chance to leave this world.

In this novice world, no matter how hard you try, the upper limit is the legendary level.

It is impossible to break through if the legend goes up.

This kind of pain is only understood by extreme creatures.

Seeing that Chen Wei had a chance to leave this world, the ancient volcanic tree, as a limitless creature, naturally didn't want to be left behind.

So when he failed to take down the crimson behemoth three times in a row, the ancient volcano tree was also a little anxious.

He began to think about whether to use some methods to lure the crimson behemoth to the place he designated before making a move.

He needs to consider a big explosion this time, and he can't let the crimson behemoth have any chance to escape.

(End of this chapter)

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