Master of Scourge Synthesis

Chapter 258 Bee Knight

Chapter 258 Bee Knight (for Subscription)
Ten drones are synthesized together.

Chen Wei finally experienced the queen bee-style synthesis method.

With a sufficient number of drones, Chen Wei is really not afraid of the low success rate of synthesis.

If you fail one, you will get ten, if you fail ten, you will get a hundred.

The success rate is there, and there is always a chance to synthesize success.

After injecting mana into the life fluid of the ancient tree, the bright green light emitted by the drone actively merged with the pink magic pattern.

Their initiative surprised Chen Wei. He never thought that drones could do this for synthesis.

But the success rate of synthesizing drone and ancient tree life fluid is really not high.

The ten drones worked together, and whenever a drone found that the magic circle around them could not be formed, they would take the initiative to guide the magic pattern on their side to a place where the magic circle could be formed.

Then the drone would lose all its magic lines and power, and finally be burned to ashes.

In the end, only three drones could enter the magic pattern formation, and most importantly, when these drones entered, the magic formation seemed to be unable to hold on.

Finally, the two colors of bright green and pink are mixed together to form a bright red that looks a little weird and distorted.

Under the influence of this bright red magic circle, the three drones that flew into the magic circle blew up two of them on the spot.

Only one of them was affected by the magic circle and began to change.

The stimulated drones were significantly larger in size and thicker in body, and a large number of bright red chitin shells appeared on the surface of the body.

On his four arms he carried four red needlepoint spears.

On his face, there is a carapace directly covering his face, which makes him look like a knight flying in the air.

[The synthesis of natural disasters is completed, and extraordinary quality is obtained - Bee Knight]

[Arms attributes]

Name: Bee Knight
Quality: Extraordinary (Level Cap Extraordinary 12)
Type: Swarm Scourge, Plant Scourge

Abilities: Flying, Psychedelic

Level: Extraordinary Level 4

Attributes: Attack 16, Defense 10, Life 600
Initial skill: pollen gun, when the four spears stab out, a large amount of psychedelic pollen hidden inside will be sprayed out, which can make people fall into illusion, forming the effect of thousands of spears stabbing out at the same time.

Explanation: Don't look at these drones that don't work very well, but their control of pollen has reached a very high level.

Chen Wei didn't know if ten drones were exchanged for one such powerful bee knight.

But one thing is certain, the queen bee will definitely be satisfied.

Looking at those drones eager to try, Chen Wei knew that they would not make other choices.

Chen Wei replenished his mana, and transformed all the drones sent over into this kind of bee knights.

As Chen Wei synthesized again and again, the success rate of Bee Knight's transformation has also increased a lot.

At the beginning, ten bee knights could only be transformed into one.

But later on, out of ten, more or less two bee knights could be transformed. With a little luck, there was even a record of transforming three bee knights.

After using up all the drones present, Chen Wei then set his sights on the soldier bees and worker bees.

After trying their synthesis formula, Chen Wei found that their synthesis success rate was even lower.

The synthesis success rate of worker bees and ancient tree life liquid is only 1%, and the synthesis success rate of soldier bees is 2%. As for the honeycomb they brought over, Chen Wei also tried it, and the synthesis success rate is 0.17%.
There is an obvious repulsion here, which shows that the resistance of the machine to the life liquid of the ancient tree is still quite high.

The drones have already jumped out of the scope of the machine, and the drones themselves have the function and ability to transform into other arms, so they can easily complete the synthesis.

Putting this on the worker bees and soldier bees is a gamble with their lives.

Chen Wei can try to gamble, after all, there are quite a lot of worker bees and soldier bees, and he is not afraid of losing.

But the problem is that every time Chen Wei synthesizes, he needs to consume his mana.

In order to make up for the lack of mana, he sometimes drinks some juice squeezed from special fruits.

Chen Wei still remembered the unpleasant taste.

If it wasn't really impossible, Chen Wei would not be willing to do such a thing.

Now it is only the beginning of the experiment, and the materials that can be used for the experiment will be delivered soon, and Chen Wei doesn't need to spend all the time at the source power bee.

While waiting for Zhuifeng to deliver the experimental product he wanted, Chen Wei also turned his attention to the battlefield not far away.

With Shirley and the others joining, the situation on the battlefield is no longer under the control of the elves.

These elves have no retreat, no combat power, and can only rely on the ancient tree defensive cover to resist foreign enemies.

But how much power does the ancient tree have.

When the fifth layer of defense was breached and the ancient trees of war began to join the battle, it actually meant that the battle was really over.

Neither the Ancient Tree of Knowledge nor the Ancient Tree of Wisdom is a fighting force.

In addition, they need to set up a defensive cover of ancient trees to resist the invasion of weird woods.

Even if someone killed them, they couldn't fight.

So on the ancient tree side, only the ancient tree of war can fight.

If they are destroyed, it will only be a matter of time before these ancient trees of knowledge and wisdom are destroyed.

The matter in front of him can be completely handled by the mechanical treacherous body, and Chen Wei doesn't need to make another move.

Chen Wei just glanced over there, and then focused on the ancient tree's life liquid.

At this time, the amount of ancient tree life fluid that has been extracted is quite large, and even some crystal-like pieces of wood have appeared in the ancient tree life fluid.

Chen Wei has also seen these wooden blocks, these are actually ancient tree life crystal blocks, the solid version of ancient tree life liquid.

In one crystal block, it is almost equal to the amount of such a pool of ancient tree life fluid.

At the same time, it is equivalent to one-tenth of the energy of an ancient tree.

If Chen Wei is willing to wait, he can wait for the ancient tree life liquid to be completely transformed into ancient tree life crystals before considering other synthesis.

If he is unwilling to wait, or does not need to consume so much energy, he can find some water and soak the ancient tree life crystals in the water, and the ancient tree life crystals will automatically melt and become new ancient trees life fluid.

Chen Wei, who was holding this crystal block, actually had some ideas in his mind.

He didn't directly use the crystal block to synthesize anything, but reached out to take a crystal block, and greeted the mechanical heaven in the sky.

"Take me up there."

Under Chen Wei's order, a white light descended from the sky.

Huge eyeballs appeared in the sky.

The ancient trees who were fighting below saw this situation, and couldn't help but shouted in their hearts that it was over.

From their point of view, the emergence of the Mechanical Heaven is the final attack of the ancient gods, and now their strength has been taken away, and they are doomed.

(End of this chapter)

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