Master of Scourge Synthesis

Chapter 254 General Attack

Chapter 254 General Attack (for Subscription)

Just as the ancient tree of wisdom finished speaking, mechanical arms grew out of his body, and at the same time his eyes began to turn crimson.

This is affected by the assimilation of mechanical spooky bodies.

The nearby elves all panicked when they saw it.

Because at the moment when the ancient tree of wisdom was affected, the ancient tree's defensive cover visibly shook.

The ancient tree defense cover is something the elves use to save their lives. Without this, the elves will be finished. These elves quickly took out their own methods and dug towards the place where the miner's corpse came out.

They all saw that the old tree was affected by the corpses of the miners who dug through the ground.

As long as the influence on the ancient trees is cut off, they still have a chance.

At this moment, Chen Wei raised his head and glanced into the distance.

"Shirley is here."

While Chen Wei was speaking, Xue Li, the hero of the source power bee, appeared in the air with her army.

Chen Wei noticed that behind her main force, many source power worker bees were flying towards this side with the bodies of Silver Pegasus and Chimera.

The flying troops sent out by the elves for help just now did not die in the hands of the anti-gravity body, but died in the hands of Shirley.

The appearance of the source power bee made the elves lose their last confidence.

Some elf heroes even put down their weapons, not wanting to fight anymore.

"Who are they?" Chen Wei, who was standing on a high place, couldn't help asking when he saw this situation.

"It's normal for morale to be hit." The phantom of the mechanical body replied.

But the mechanical ghost didn't say a word, and he didn't expect that the elf hero would put down his weapon because his morale was hit.

In fact, it's not that elf heroes can't do it, but that what they did this time is too big.

The arrival of the tree world directly trapped all the elves to death.

The ancient tree defense cover and the five-layer defense line are already the limit of the elves.

Their only goal is that someone can notify the Elf Giant Tree City and let the Elf Giant Tree City send troops to rescue them.

Now the flying troops sent out to deliver the message were beaten back.

There was another problem with the ancient tree defense cover, and it was normal for them to lose confidence and morale for a while.

It seems that breaking the enemy is in this one move.

Chen Wei quickly contacted Shirley and gave her an order.

"Xue Li, you attack the ancient trees below from the sky, and destroy as many trees as you can."

When Shirley heard this, she didn't say anything, and flew over the ancient tree defense cover with the worker bees and soldier bees, and the silver Pegasus and Chimera corpses were thrown down directly.

Then the source power ballista aimed at the ancient tree, shooting three times in an instant.

Chen Wei has seen the power of this source power ballista before, and breaking the city is the basic effect.

The crossbow bolt as thick as an arm fell straight towards the ancient tree like a shooting star.

Every hit can penetrate the ancient tree, and even open a big hole in the ancient tree.

After being attacked by the source power ballista, the ancient war tree below finally moved.

They raised their arms hanging down to the ground, and many branches and leaves laid a shield made of leaves just above them to resist attacks from the sky.

At the same time, the ancient tree of knowledge also raised its arms, and a large number of pink and light yellow flowers appeared on the arms of the ancient tree of knowledge.

The flowers open quickly, spewing cloud after cloud of pollen.

Stimulated by the pollen, all the elves felt that they were doing well again.

They picked up their weapons again, jumped on the ancient tree, and were ready to challenge the source power bee troops in the sky.

Their behavior shocked Chen Wei.

"Are they crazy?"

Although he was complaining about the reactions of the elves, Chen Wei didn't stop the movement of his hands.

He seized this opportunity and quickly passed the order to the Bone Sea Army and the Fierce Bone Army.

As soon as the ashes heard Chen Wei's order, they knew it was time for the general attack.

Without saying a word, he waved his hand, and more than 3000 skeleton soldiers rushed out, forcing their bodies to squeeze through the front line of defense.

At this time, half of the attention of the elves was in the air, and the defensive power of the outer defense lines plummeted. Once the bone sea army and the fierce bone army cooperated, the defense line was broken through like paper.

At this time, Stanford saw such a good opportunity, and he would not let it go. He commanded his troops and began to rush in.

The lava dwarves in Stanford's hands have fought a lot of battles during this period. Although they are not willing to fight with the corpses, they have food and drink, and the fights make them happy. Their morale is actually not bad.

After Stanford gave an order, the lava dwarves rushed out with their warhammer in hand. With a sweep of the hammer, they swept away the roadblocks and horses blocking them, and jumped onto the battlefield with flames all over their bodies.

The addition of the lava dwarves made the already chaotic battlefield even more dangerous.

When lava dwarves go into battle, they act like they're crazy, paying no attention to what's around them.

A sweep can smash everything, but it will also hurt the skeleton soldiers around.

But for the lava dwarves, this is nothing. When they fought with Stanford before, they were always at the forefront.

Even if there are people around, they are Roshan madmen with high defensive power, and it is not a big deal if they accidentally hit them. Instead, they will be excited because they are beaten.

Sometimes a lava dwarf is thrown into the enemy's line with a single raise of his hand.

With such cooperation, the lava dwarves have become accustomed to the current tactics.

They did not change their tactics when they cooperated with the skeleton soldiers, which were fragile.

In the few minds of the lava dwarves, all they have to do is rush forward.

However, with this rush, they accidentally smashed through the third line of defense of the elves.

The elves between the third line of defense and the fourth line of defense launched an attack when they saw them rushing forward.

And at this moment, the Bone Marine Corps, which had a relatively large number of people, also squeezed in.

They don't care about the fratricide caused by the lava dwarves.

For skeleton soldiers, they only have one goal, push forward, and push forward.

"What are you still hiding, take out all your strength, and wait to have a son?"

An elf hero on the fourth line of defense couldn't bear the pressure and yelled frantically.

It's just that the chaos has emerged at this time, and no one paid any attention to his words. Seeing more and more skeleton soldiers rushing up like a tide, the elf hero turned pale.

He directed his subordinates to charge forward, waving weapons in their hands to resist the attack of the army.

But with no depth, no troops, and no one even paying attention to him, how could he block more and more skeletons with just a little elf troops.

In the end, he was surrounded by a dozen skeleton soldiers, and before he was hacked to death, he yelled loudly.

"You will regret it!"

(End of this chapter)

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