Master of Scourge Synthesis

Chapter 249 Air Combat

Chapter 249 Air Combat (For Subscription)

What the elves sent this flying combination to do, Chen Wei could think of it on his knees.

They were trying to destroy the catapult.

That way the elves are no longer a threat and they can then move their camp forward a bit.

Even if Chen Wei has the synthesis formula in hand, it takes time to make a catapult, and it takes time to synthesize a twisted catapult.

Chen Wei didn't want to have problems with the big weapon he finally got.

After thinking for a while, he thought of the weather effect caused by the azure shards that had been placed in Mechanical Heaven.

That can directly hit the ground.

Chen Wei has not experimented with this thing, but if you think about it, it can attack the ground, so what about the sky.

Even if there is no way to kill all those flying troops, as long as they can be prevented from approaching.

Thinking of this, Chen Wei contacted the ashes.

"You take the troops to guard the catapult side, I'll go out for a while."

After finishing speaking, Chen Wei didn't care when Gu Bu and the Bone Marine Corps would rush over, he was a ray of white light, and he led himself into the Mechanical Paradise.

Chen Wei didn't notice that when he flew into the mechanical heaven, those huge eyes appeared directly in the sky.

All the elves below saw the big eyeballs like the moon.

The ancient trees that had stopped raised their heads one after another, supporting a green defensive cover.

At the same time, the elven heroes quickly ordered: "Don't even look at it, be careful of the pollution of the ancient gods."

Under the command of the elf hero, the elf troops stopped.

None of them knew how shocked the elf hero was at this moment.

A huge eyeball was hanging in the air. This was no ordinary leak of the ancient gods. This was the escape of the ancient gods.

It seems that this time it will be desperate.

The elf heroes haven't finished thinking about it yet, the mechanical heaven in the sky has changed slightly.

It felt as if the eyes embedded in the sky blinked.

Then a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and landed in the flying combination of the elves.

When the lightning first fell, it looked like it was only the thickness of an arm, but the further it went to the back, the wider the area of ​​influence, and when it reached the edge of the elf's flight, it immediately enveloped all the enemies.

The current in the sky kept beating on these flying troops.

The weakest goblins and harpies were immediately knocked down into the air by the electric current.

The next to be beaten down was the flying cavalry of the elves, the Hippogryph Huntress.

Although they can fly like Silver Pegasus, their status is completely different.

When the Silver Pegasus was still a Pegasus Cavalry, it was the upper limit of the Transcendent level 12. If you upgrade to a Silver Pegasus, you have a half chance of reaching the legendary level.

None of the Silver Pegasus brought over right now is the kind of existence with legendary potential.

But it is naturally much better than the Hippogryph Huntress, whose upper limit of strength is only extraordinary level 8.

This wave of lightning went down, and the Silver Pegasus troops only lost six or seven, and the Hippogryph Huntress went down half of them directly.

But the strongest is to find some Chimera and Raptor Druids.

The elves on the Chimera shared the damage, and although they were all wounded, none of them died.

Raptor druids are even better, they can dodge non-stop in the lightning, and finally the lightning didn't even touch their sides.

After this blow, although many flying troops were knocked out, the key flying troops did not suffer much loss.

This made Chen Wei quite speechless, but when he planned to mobilize the power of the mechanical heaven to attack again, he found that the energy of the blue fragments had been exhausted.

To make such a blow again, at least three days of automatic charging are required.

Chen Wei was also a little helpless about this. When he came up this time, he specially brought the ancient god corpse oil, but found that the ancient god corpse oil could not charge the blue fragments.

It seemed that this was the only way to go. Now he had to retreat to the catapult. Apart from other things, he had to at least keep the catapult.

While Chen Wei was thinking about this, some semi-mechanized birds flew up in the woods.

These semi-mechanized birds range from large to small. The large ones have a wingspan of more than three meters, and the small ones are the size of crows.

More than half of the bodies of these birds are mechanized, and the rest are also darkened, with eyes, or with tentacles.

One can tell at a glance that this is the style of a mechanical body.

This made Chen Wei think of the first time he saw the mechanical creepy body, there were still birds in the woods.

Afterwards, no birds were seen a few times.

He thought it was because the birds had escaped, but now it seems that is not the case.

Sure enough, after these birds, some flying mechanical troops flew up.

These mechanical troops have wings on their backs, and they look like mechanical angels.

The one at the head is obviously a strengthened body style, which is similar to the violent body fighting outside and the thick light body guarding the mist sentry.

When he flew up, a pair of wings spread out behind him, like an angel, each holding a long sword in his hand.

But when he spread his wings, he could see rows of blue eyes all over his back.

His real power to fly doesn't come from his wings, that's just to keep him balanced in the sky.

His real flying power comes from those eyes, which allow him to defy gravity.

This is exactly one of the four major bodies of the mechanical ghost body, the anti-gravity body.

[Arms attributes]

Name: Anti-gravity body
Quality: Extraordinary (Level Cap Extraordinary 12)
Type: Weird natural disaster

Ability: Force Field
Level: Extraordinary Level 4

Attributes: Attack 31, Defense 11, Life 7000
Initial skill: Anti-gravity force field (with the anti-gravity body as the center, an anti-gravity force field is formed, and the machines that enter the force field will temporarily get the anti-gravity effect and gain the ability to fly, and the anti-gravity effect lasts for 30 minutes)

Explanation: As long as it is mechanical, it can fly.

After the anti-gravity body flew up this time, it led its men straight to the Chimera troops.

The troops behind the anti-gravity body are also called body guards.

In fact, the body guard does not refer to a certain type of body, but a special bodyguard that belongs to the four major bodies.

It was as if the body guards under the berserk body looked like a patchwork of troops.

The body guard of the anti-gravity body naturally has wings, and is also suitable for air combat.

When they rushed up, they immediately rushed towards the enemies in the sky.

After falling on the Chimera, the mechanical guards popped out something like a rope from their waists, and wrapped it tightly around the Chimera so that they would not be thrown out.

Then they raised their weapons and confronted each other.

Relying on the mechanical fighting method that is not afraid of death, they quickly suppressed those elves.

(End of this chapter)

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