Master of Scourge Synthesis

Chapter 230-Victory

Chapter 230 Victory (for Subscription)


The elf hero let out a loud roar, and the elves under him quickly raised weapons like scimitars in their hands, trying to cut the arrows that were shooting at them.

But they still underestimated the ability of the bone secret archer.

These bone secret archers have all reached their highest level.

Their shooting speed exceeds that of normal archers, and their accuracy and strength are much better than elves.

The elves thought they could parry arrows with a scimitar, but that was just their idea.

When facing the incoming arrows, they didn't even have a chance to react, and they were directly hit by the arrows.

And this is just the beginning. When the skeleton archer from the other side arrived here after disposing of the ammunition, more and more arrows flew out, and the damage became stronger and stronger.

The elf hero is not without abilities. At this critical moment, he took out a green thick book.

"Tree wall technique!"

Under his spell, a large number of wooden walls made of wooden vines were raised on the ground to block the arrows shot by the bone archer.

"Put down the ballista, the target is directly to the right, at an angle of three degrees, and shoot with full ammunition."

When the elves who were saved heard this, they acted quickly.

But the elf hero's tree wall didn't last long. The tree heart who rushed over had already seen the situation here, and he knew that he couldn't let the opponent use the ballista.

The power of the ballista is much higher than normal shooting, and that thing can be used to attack the city.

Among Chen Wei's men, only the skeleton wall can block the ballista's attack.

The skeleton secret archer under him doesn't have such ability.


Shuxin ordered, and shot an arrow at the elf hero.

Following his shot, the elf hero just raised the thick book in his hand, "Tornado!"

A tornado appeared beside the elf hero, and all the arrows flying towards him were automatically deflected in other directions.

Seeing such a situation, Shuxin was also a little angry.

He felt like he was being targeted.

He has already decided that after returning home, he will apply to Chen Wei to learn magic.

It can't be that others can use magic, but he can't do anything.

But that's all for the future, and now he still needs to deal with the current situation.

Just when Shuxin's arrow was blocked by the tornado, all the stone men in charge of transportation stood up.

Holding hands, they turned into a wall on their own initiative, protecting all the siege weapons they transported.

However, the bone archer's speed was faster than them. Before the stone men completed their transformation, a few arrows shot through the wall and into the ground near the siege weapon.

Afterwards, these arrows pierced into the ground grew rapidly, and began to grow a large number of vines.

These vines grew quite quickly, and in a short while, they entangled the siege weapons.

The stone people did not expect such a situation. At this time, they have become a wall, and it is too late to cancel the change.

They could only watch as countless vines quickly entangled the siege weapons, and with nowhere to go, they twisted the siege weapons into pieces.

This time the stone man is going crazy.

They are elemental creatures specially trained by the elves.

They have been trained from birth, and everything they have is built around these siege weapons.

When transporting siege weapons, they transport labor.

They are the foundations when the siege weapons are erected.

They are walls when siege weapons are attacked.

When the siege weapons have no ammunition, they can even directly turn into stone bombs and load them on the catapult.

But they have never encountered such a situation.

Not only did their walls fail to protect the siege weapons behind them, but because of them, the siege weapons were twisted into pieces by the vines.

This made these stone men feel a little overwhelmed. They stopped the changes they were doing, and they didn't know whether to change back or turn into a thicker wall.

At this time, the elf hero also saw the situation over there.

"You are stupid, protect the remaining weapons."

The elf heroes were almost pissed off by the stone men.

Such an important siege weapon will be lost.

You must know that this siege weapon is not comparable to ammunition, and the materials used to make siege weapons are not that simple.

All kinds of wood need to go through various treatments, at least to straighten the twisted wood, and to deal with the eyes growing on the wood.

After all the materials have been processed, they have to be enchanted again.

Strengthen the material with magic.

It can be said that the time required to make a siege weapon is several times longer than making a weapon.

If it wasn't for this reason, the elf giant tree city wouldn't use a satellite city to deal with this matter.

Nor will there be an army of elves dedicated to protecting siege weapons.

The loss of siege weapons now made the elf hero nervous. If these siege weapons were gone, he would be really unlucky.

Thinking of this, he didn't care about other things, and turned to the last page of the magic book in his hand.

Then he punched his chest hard, and spit out a mouthful of blood on the magic book.

The magic hidden above is revealed.


This magic is quite advanced magic that can reverse everything that happens within a range.

At level 1, you can restore destroyed items and environments to their original form.

At level 2, life that died within this range can be revived.

It's even more amazing at level 3, where you can reverse time.

However, the current elf heroes can barely use even the level 1 effect.

After he spat out blood, he pointed at the destroyed siege weapon.

Those destroyed siege weapons were reassembled and became their original appearance again.

When the stone man saw it, he quickly protected these siege weapons.

But this magic is only to reverse some things, not to reverse time. When the spirit hero was distracted from doing this, his flaw was caught by Shuxin.

The heart of the tree jumped out of the woods and shot an arrow at the elf hero.

The previous elf hero can also block the arrow through spells.

But all his mana was devoted to reversing the spell.

When the arrow flew, he didn't even have the strength to dodge it.

At this moment, several subordinates of the elf hero rushed out, trying to block the blow.

But they were still a step too slow. Before the elf rushed to the elf hero, the arrow from the heart of the tree had already pierced the elf hero's forehead.

As the arrow penetrated, a large number of vines grew wildly from the arrow, turning the elf hero into a huge tree ball.

"Destroy all siege weapons!"

(End of this chapter)

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