Master of Scourge Synthesis

Chapter 190 Batch synthesis of building stones

Chapter 190 Batch Synthesis of Building Stones (Subscribe)
Chen Wei is very aware of the situation of the Shire centaur, and he is also very clear about Zhuifeng's attitude towards the Shire centaur.

As long as the Shire centaur has some attack methods or highlights, there is no forest centaur in Chasing Wind's team.

But the problem is that this kind of charr centaur is really useless, their movements are as dull as the materials used to synthesize them.

Not to mention that their movement speed cannot catch up with Chasing Wind, it is their own personality, which is full of plant characteristics.

If you don't call this kind of Shire centaur, they can stand still in place, like a log.

He can even stand there until he dies.

Zhuifeng discovered this, so he didn't want this kind of Shire centaur.

But this time, Zhuifeng saw another side of the Shire centaur.

"I need this kind of large centaur. I found that centaurs can't just be nomads. We also need our own land and farmland. Although Shire centaurs can't fight, they are good at agriculture, so I need Shire Centaur."

Chen Wei was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that Zhuifeng hadn't built his own city yet, but he had already started to think about it from the direction of a city lord.

It seems that Zhuifeng's ideal is not talking about it, he has really put in his own efforts.

"Okay, then the Shire centaur."

Chen Wei nodded in response, "I'll synthesize it for you now."

"Wait, boss, please make a double."

Chen Wei was stunned for a moment, and then he understood Zhuifeng's idea. Zhuifeng didn't want to change the attributes of the city's heart, but in order to prevent his city from becoming an elf city, Zhuifeng needed to replace the city with various centaur buildings The building that the heart should have.

"You have embarked on the most difficult path."

"But as long as we get through, there is hope for the centaur. At least we don't need to call our camp a village like the dwarves, and think that we are independent."

Chen Wei didn't say anything more, Zhui Feng had such a heart, Chen Wei would definitely not stop him.

So he picked the building stones he picked up again.

"Do you have any other ideas? If so, I can help you synthesize them together?"

"Yes, Boss, see if there is a large population increase in the building stones, please keep this kind of building stones for me."

"A large increase in population? This really exists."

Because of the birth rate and growth rate, the population of elves is actually not large, so they all like to use vassal races to work for themselves.

And they themselves do something more important.

Therefore, among the building stones obtained by Chen Wei, there is really a building stone used to increase the population.

【Building attributes】

Name: Soul Garden

Quality: Extraordinary

Type: Population Boost

Function: It can be built in a city. After it is built, the population output in the city will increase by 35%.

Of course, Chen Wei believes that this is only the initial effect. If the level of the garden of the mind is raised, the population output will increase even faster.

Coupled with the birth rate and growth rate of centaurs, Chen Wei believed that the city of chasing wind centaurs would grow rapidly in a short time.

At that time, this city will become Chen Wei's fourth city.

Thinking of this, Chen Wei became even more attentive.

He took out the building stone and placed it in front of Zhuifeng, and explained the situation of the building stone in detail, and recorded the places that needed to be synthesized or modified.

However, Chen Wei was not in a hurry to make a move.

In fact, a large part of his synthesis is gambling on luck.

Unless he used the original formula, what he could synthesize was a gamble.

Building stones are different from soldiers. If a soldier makes a mistake, fails to synthesize, or synthesizes something he doesn't want, Chen Wei has nothing to lose.

But building stones are different. The quantity of these things is small. If you lose one piece, you can only wait for the city heart to arrange tasks or build directions.

If the direction is wrong, Chen Wei will not be able to change it even if he wants to.

So he had to get everything ready.

The synthesis of the human stables needed by Chasing the Wind is the simplest. With the experience of the lightning stables, Chen Wei knows how many centaurs of the same type need to be put into the building stones.

When dealing with it, Chen Wei naturally put forward corresponding requirements.

For the loss of these centaurs, Zhuifeng has no opinion.

And the centaurs who followed the wind also knew their fate.

None of them spoke, Chen Wei could tell that they were all quite excited about their fate.

Chen Wei didn't ask, but after thinking about it, he understood what the centaur was thinking.

The centaurs in the novice world are all vassals of the elves. They can only fight for the elves at ordinary times. No matter how many people die, the elves will not take a second look at them.

Not to mention what benefits it brings to their human stables.

But chasing the wind is different here.

Chasing the wind has brought them the hope of the rise of the centaur. Even if there is nothing else, a centaur city is real.

These centaurs were sacrificed for their own race, so they were naturally very excited.

Knowing this, Chen Wei didn't persuade them much. He just arranged the centaurs to stand in the corresponding positions, and then placed the selected building stones beside them.

Through Chen Wei's [Synthesis] interface, Chen Wei easily injected mana.

Under the effect of mana, the selected building stones quickly changed from natural green to magma-like red, or pollen-like pink.

When the color of the building stone changes, the centaurs surrounding the building stone disappear quickly.

It was like walking into building stones, and they all disappeared in the end.

After all the centaurs disappeared, Chen Wei looked at the building stones on the ground.

"There are a total of nine building stones, six of which were successful and three were unsuccessful. The success rate is not bad. Let me check the situation. The synthesis of the Lightning Stable of the Lightning Centaur was successful.

The Dream Mirror Stable of the Nightmare Centaur successfully synthesized two pieces.

The flower stable of the centaur in the forest, how could it be called this name, it was a success.

He succeeded in demonizing the blood armor stable of the centaur.

The giant stable of the Shire centaur, a piece of success.

The luck is pretty good, most of them are successful, one piece will be reserved for the lightning stable and the dream stable, and the rest will be sent to the people's stables outside, so that the people's stables in this area can complete the transformation.

From now on, you will no longer be vassals of the elves, but a centaur kingdom of your own. "

Chen Wei immediately promoted Zhuifeng's centaur to the national level, but Zhuifeng was very happy.

His mouth opened wide.

This is his dream.

Even if it was just Chen Wei talking about it verbally, he had already seen the day when he led the centaur out of his own path.

(End of this chapter)

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