Chapter 162 Let Her Live

The Great War came to an end with Renara defeating the Beast of Elden.

It's really over, and there are no more bosses popping up, otherwise Siris will really curse.

But even so, Siris was devastated by the remaining mess.

If possible, she would like to cheer for victory like ordinary soldiers of the Union Army, but she can't, she is the leader, and she has to make plans for her future goals.

The first to bear the brunt is the disposal of Elden's ring.

Malika pointed to the broken ring in front of her and said: "This is the Elden Ring. It represents all the rules and supreme rights of the junction. Most people will probably restore it, and then incorporate their own interests and expectations, and look forward to it. Take hold of this power and become the new king of Elden. But the ring has been modified by the beast of Elden and is now unrecognizable. The golden law is so ingrained in it that I say you'd rather destroy it than modify it again It, and then get a new one up, anyway, you are another spokesperson of the supreme will, surely this small matter can be done?"

I can do it to be a ghost!

Siris secretly complained in her heart.

"I'm not afraid of making fun of you if I say it. In fact, I still don't know who I'm messing with." Siris spread her hands and said, "So destroying the magic ring and making a new one, I can't do this kind of thing at all!"

Marika said strangely: "The Supreme Will will usually send a helper to people like us. For example, Marikas is my helper, don't you?"

Siris thought of Brother System, and said with a wry smile, "It was there in the beginning."

"What then?"

"It died later." Siris said helplessly, "It died to save me."

Malika was embarrassed for a while: "Sorry."

"It's okay, this is my mistake and has nothing to do with you." Siris scratched her head: "Let's get down to business, since a new magic ring cannot be created, then this magic ring will be kept."


"I know what you are worried about." Siris said: "But you must also admit that the Golden Law is not useless. It also has its advantages and strengths. As for its shortcomings, I have already made up for it."

As she spoke, Siris reached out to touch the dharma ring, and saw the pattern of the [Emblem of the Moon God] emerged, inlaid in, surrounded by many rings, and became a new core.

"From now on, death will return, so that life can be truly complete. But as compensation, the soul of the dead will be led to another world to start a new life." Siris said: "Life is also Death, death is also life, and the cycle of life and death is continuous, so that this world can move forward."

"Honestly speaking, I'm very upset that I failed to destroy the Golden Law." Malika gave a "tsk" and then smiled relievedly: "But who made you the winner, so you have the final say. My existence I probably have reached the limit, so hurry up and take me away, to the world you mentioned, whether it is turning into a stone or a grass, anyway, don’t let me be a human again in the next life.”

Siris was speechless for a while, Malika's look of seeing through the world, she could turn into a dead house in seconds with the Internet.

"Is there anything else that needs to be explained?" Siris asked out of the final hospice care: "If it's not too troublesome, I can help you."

"Oh, I really have one, ah no, two, no, three things I need your help with."

"Zhuo, I'm just being polite, you really have it, and there are three of them, why don't I spend some effort to revive you. I still have several dolls of the same style as Lani's!"

"Don't, my sister is tired, and now she wants to die. The three things I said are not difficult, so you can do me a favor."

"That's fine, let's listen first, I don't care if it's too difficult." Siris looked disgusted.

"Don't worry, it's all very simple." Malika said: "I have two children with Radha, Marenia and Mikaela, because I and Radha are one, so they are born The offspring born by a single god have extraordinary powers, but are born with defects. I hope you can help me take care of them, it won't take too long, just wait for them to grow up."

"Is there any mistake, the first one is so troublesome?" Siris said in a difficult way: "I hate children the most."

"Poor parents all over the world." Malika said flatteringly, "Just do me a favor."

Hearing the word parents, Siris softened her heart: "That's fine, I'll take care of them, and I won't care about them after that."

Malika was surprised: "Why only take care of it?"

"Didn't you say that you will take care of them until they become adults? They will be adults!"

"What?" Malika corrected: "Our rare people are 250 years old, so you have to take care of them until they are 250 years old!"

Sirius was startled.

God damn it is 250 years old, if I can promise it, I will be 250!

She was about to refuse when Malika said, "My second thing..."

"Hey, I haven't agreed to the first thing, don't try to be sloppy!"

"Second thing, I hope you can bury Ge Fulei under my statue." Malika took a deep breath and said, "That fool loves me deeply, but I have been using him as a tool. I don't owe anyone in my life, but I owe him a lot. At least in the end, let him be with me forever."

Licking the dog, licking until the end, there is nothing left.


There is love before, please witness!
"I will do as you say." Siris nodded and said, "Don't worry."

"Thank you." Malika smiled, "As for the third thing..."

"Wait, first thing first, I'm not going to take care of two little kids for 250 years, I..."

As a result, before Siris could finish her sentence, Malika stepped forward suddenly, a burst of golden light burst out from her palm, and then pressed firmly on Siris's chest.

"You?!" Siris thought it was some bloody reversal and sneak attack, but it turned out that it was not.

Because the power delivered by Malika was soft and warm, without any threat at all.

"Take it, this is my last strength." Malika's figure became messy in an instant, and said with a forced smile: "Didn't you say that your helper was killed? I think you will definitely take revenge. This is my understanding and experience of the Golden Law over the years, and it is also my core strength, and I will give it all to you now, as a reward for your help."

Malika didn't lie, Siris felt that her relationship with the Golden Law was getting closer, and many new prayers and skills appeared in her mind.

It has to be said that this is a great gift. Siris was a little touched and was about to say thank you, but Malika suddenly frowned, and then a golden light appeared from her belly, and a tree flew out with a puff. The little golden tree blossomed and bore fruit, and a little girl popped out, hugged Siris's neck with a clatter, and rubbed her face affectionately.

Siris is dumbfounded, what's going on?
The spirit body gave birth to a tree, and a baby fell from the tree.

And this baby is warm and fleshy, so how did a spirit body give birth to a carbon-based creature?

Although Malika was also surprised, it seemed that she was surprised from another place.

"How could this be? Why would I give birth to another god-man?"

"Birth?" Siris was even more surprised: "This baby is really born by you, her father can't be Radagon, right? How can I tell Renara about this?"

"Don't worry." Malika said with a complicated face, "This child's father is not Radagon."

Siris was surprised for a while: "Who is that?"

"It's you." Malika replied, "This is your child and mine, and you are the child's father!"

Sirius:? ? ?

 Sorry, there are still only two shifts today. Although I was on vacation, I slept for a whole day. It must be related to the medicine. .

(End of this chapter)

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