The world is an actor

Chapter 403 Alisa: It's all mine, I want it!

Chapter 403 Alisa: It's all mine, I want it!
"Xia people, follow me into the ice castle!"

Alisa didn't even look at the stunned and speechless Vice President Yan, and with dozens of black mist monsters holding sealed beetle wax, they drifted slowly towards the ice castle, not forgetting to look back A look at the elder brother who was blocked by an iron stick.

"Master, don't follow, be careful that you will be gnawed to nothing!"

Fang Xiu grabbed Tony and followed Alyssa, and waved to the little monk Wuxin who followed him.

"I'm worried!"

Wu Xin clasped his hands together, with a stern expression on his face: "I don't think this female benefactor is a good person, disciple must hold on to it, don't break the lust ring for a while!"


Fang Xiubai glanced at the little monk Wuxin. Are children's minds so precocious these days?
"Actually, you can let go of my brother right now. You are only a hundred meters away from me. Such a short distance can be completely ignored by a Jindan cultivator. Even if I do some small tricks, I can't escape you Kill!" Alyssa floated in front and said.

"What the beautiful benefactor said is true, but since this is the case, why do you, a sixth-level supernatural being, maintain a defensive posture at all times, wouldn't it be better to disperse the lightning balls that surround you!" Fang Xiu also smiled.


Alisa was suffocated when she heard the words, with a slightly embarrassed expression, she said angrily: "A big man is so fussy, there is no gentleman at all!"

She stomped her feet in mid-air, and floated forward angrily, at a much faster speed.

"Everyone rest as soon as possible, the wounded and the mech pilots who lost their combat effectiveness get ready, the rescue spaceship will arrive soon!"

Yan Liangshu and Zhao Yuankai regrouped and gathered all the entourage. After a short confrontation above the ice field, the Academy of Sciences and the military did not make an inch of success, but they lost a lot of personnel.

Nearly [-] people were killed in the military, most of whom were mecha pilots, while the Academy of Sciences suffered even more casualties, with more than [-] people killed in the battle and countless wounded.

There are less than 400 people from the two sides who can still maintain their combat effectiveness.

"Now the only hope of capturing Fang Xiu's avatar lies with the young man surnamed Li!"

Yan Liangshu saw the casualties in his eyes, and sighed with depression in his heart.

The research mission of the Academy of Sciences in the G galaxy has been roughly completed half a year ago, and most of the scientific research personnel and defense forces have been withdrawn.

Cosmic warriors are already being mass-produced in major galaxies. The main reason why they didn't evacuate all the personnel is that Yan Liangshu's research on Fangxiu's avatar has entered a critical moment.

But three months ago, the black mist monster disaster broke out in G05, the main research and development base, and Fang Xiu's avatar was lost as a result.

Yan Liangshu and the high-level executives who stayed in the G galaxy judged that for the recovery of life caused by the recovery of spiritual energy, only the elite troops need to carry out the lightning snatch plan to regain Fang Xiu's avatar and Su Xingluan's body.

Therefore, more support was not requested from the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences and the military.

Now it seems that they have oversimplified the problem.

The Liberty Alliance actually intervened.

It seems that the warning three years ago still failed to make them fully wake up.

"Master Wuxin, the apprentice is really fine, right? That talented person from the Liberty Alliance probably won't keep his promise honestly!"

Yan Liangshu looked at Fang Xiu who entered the range of the ice castle, his eyes were full of worry, he didn't believe that Alisa could really give in.

"Benefactor Yan, don't worry, although my apprentice has not yet been formally ordained and become a true Buddhist disciple, but he has a very high Buddha nature and a strong sense of self-discipline, so he will not violate the precepts of lust!" the little monk Wu Xin said firmly.

"Um, master misunderstood, I was afraid he would be tricked by Alisa!" Yan Liangshu was ashamed, and quickly explained.

"Benefactor Yan has a picture, that's what I mean!"

The little monk Wuxin didn't change his face, and said indifferently: "As the saying goes, if there is no woman in his heart, he will be a god with a sword. If he can stick to his heart, there is nothing he can't see through!"

"Ah this..."

Yan Liangshu was taken aback.

A natural god with a knife?
Isn't Buddhism advocating killing?
"This figure..."

When Yan Liangshu was talking with the little monk Wuxin, Zhao Yuankai's eyes flickered not far away. He stared at the ice castle in front of him, and always felt that the back of the young man surnamed Li had a feeling of deja vu.

"Xiaguo people, after you enter the ice castle area, you must follow me within ten meters, otherwise you have not been certified by the ice castle's light-brain defense system in advance, and you may be ambushed by our newly invented supernatural cannon!"

After entering the defensive area outside the ice castle, Alyssa issued a warning.

"Ability cannon? The Liberty Alliance has also developed a spiritual weapon?" Fang Xiu was slightly surprised.


Alisa snorted angrily when she heard this, but didn't answer.

Tony, who was held back by the iron stick, explained in a somewhat chatty manner: "The inspiration and basic principles of the Liberty Alliance's superpower cannon come from the complete set of blueprints of the third-generation experimental version of the new mecha that Xia Guo Academy of Sciences took the initiative to open source to the world."

"But our ability cannon has made a lot of improvements, mainly referring to the awakened abilities and spiritual arts of our ability users and psychics!"

Alyssa only added at this time, especially the second half of the sentence, which was said very loudly by her.

"It must be much stronger than your Xia country's spiritual weapons!" Alyssa stood firm.

"There are indeed some merits!"

Fang Xiu's spiritual consciousness spread out and covered the entire ice castle in an instant. Sure enough, strange fluctuations of spiritual power were found in some corners. Some shapes were full of technological style, but the structure and operation principle, and even the excitation of energy were all related to spiritual energy.

In particular, the trajectory and distribution of spiritual power movement are indeed similar to the spiritual power movement when supernatural beings and psychics cast supernatural powers.

"That's natural. Do you know how my brother and I first discovered that we have supernatural powers?"

Alisa raised her head proudly when she heard the words, but the second half of the sentence was very abrupt, without beginning or end.

"Xia people, you are dead!"

When Tony heard this sentence, he moved his fingers slightly and pressed a hidden button hidden on the inside of his wrist.

With a pop sound, a thin layer of wax suddenly emerged from his clothes to cover his whole body.

bang bang bang

At the same time, on the chests of dozens of black mist monsters, the wax held in their hands exploded, and the thousands of six-winged beetles that were previously sealed in it flew out again, heading towards the unprepared direction. Xiu, shrouded.

In an instant, Fang Xiu's figure disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Okay, I knew this woman couldn't be trusted!"

"What should we do? Go to the rescue or flee immediately!"

"It's over, this Buddhist lay boy must be dead, there won't even be scum left!"

Yan Liangshu and the others were all shocked. Although they had already prepared for Alisa's breach of contract, they never thought it would come so soon.

Although everyone wanted to save them, the fear and power of the seraphim made them unable to do so.

Everyone knows that even if everyone rushes forward, the result can only be annihilation of the entire army.

"Little apprentice!"

The little monk Wuxin was anxious, but he had no time to react, so he rushed towards Fang Xiu.

"Damn Xia people, despicable, vicious and shameless, you deserve to die!"

Alisa showed a triumphant smile of retribution: "This is the fate of you threatening me with your brother. If you don't worry about your brother being in your hands, I will definitely skewer you into a skewer and roast it into a delicious barbecue. My little devil and bug!"

"Alyssa, you are the best!"

Tony also passed through the swarm at this time, and floated to Alisa's side. He tore off the wax wrapped around his body, and gave Alisa a thumbs up.

"Meat skewers are readily available, but I don't know if there is a working stove in your ice castle!"

But not long after Alisa and Tony were complacent, Fang Xiu's voice suddenly sounded in the swarm.

Immediately, the two of them felt an unprecedented and unheard of strange fluctuation spreading out from the insect swarm.

This kind of wave attribute is gentle and not violent, but it has the ability to shake the soul.

The two only felt that their souls were about to be shaken out of their bodies, and the world in front of them even appeared layer upon layer, as if they were about to enter another space.

"Why is he still alive!"

Alisa and Tony were taken aback.

Surrounded by thousands of six-winged beetles, even an elephant would disappear completely within a few seconds.

"This kind of beetle is indeed very special, but it's a pity that its development is not perfect. If it is converted into a human being, it may not even have started puberty!"

Fang Xiu's voice sounded again, and the thousands of six-winged beetles that had completely submerged him just now seemed to be drunk, fluttering their wings in a daze, falling to the ground, lying on the ice field and twitching.

"What did you do to my hard toothworm?"

Alisa's expression changed suddenly, her face was as white as snow, and her eyes were full of shock and surprise.

According to the data analysis of these six-winged beetles by the Liberty Alliance Research Institute, although they lose a lot of vitality every time they are manipulated, as of now, Alisa estimates that these six-winged beetles can survive for at least 10 minutes. right.

Now it suddenly became like this, there must be another reason.

What is the origin of this Xia Guoren, who was able to restrain these six-winged beetles?

You must know that this is an even more important strategic weapon than the Black Mist Monster that the Freedom Alliance currently possesses.

It is specially used to deal with the existence of Jindan level.

Once Xia Guo mastered the method of restraining the beetles, the Liberty Alliance would lose a great weapon. Many of the previous arrangements and deduction would have to be repeated, and the loss would be unimaginable.

"What happened to the hard toothworm? This is the priceless treasure of the Freedom Alliance, how could it become like this!"

Tony even landed on the ground, picked up the seraph that fell on the ground, and was heartbroken.

In the cave where the Black Mist Monster was discovered, the Freedom Alliance harvested a total of only [-] six-winged beetles.

Because they have not mastered the reproduction method of the six-winged beetle, and every manipulation will damage their lives. For the Freedom Alliance, every six-winged beetle is an extremely precious existence.

Because Alisa is the founder of the method of manipulating the six-winged beetle, and G05 has Fa Fangxiu's avatar and Su Xingluan's body to protect, the Liberty Alliance Research Institute allocated more than [-] beetles to Alisa.

But after this battle, all three thousand beetles were scrapped, and it was difficult for the brother and sister to explain to the research institute.

"Don't worry, they won't die!"

Fang Xiu snapped his fingers, and the six-winged beetles held by Tony suddenly woke up and flew up with their wings flapping.

"The beetle is alive?"

"Xia people, how did you do it!"

Tony and Alisa exclaimed, unable to figure out what method Fang Xiu used to make the beetle switch between drowsy and awake in a single thought.

And before the siblings observed carefully, they were even more dumbfounded and stunned at the next scene.

After flying high into the sky, these six-winged beetles landed in Fang Xiu's palm, crawling quietly, and even one beetle obediently rubbed its head against Fang Xiu's palm.

He can actually completely control these beetles, not simply using pheromones and waxes, but real manipulation and domestication.

"You're all starving!"

With a flash of brilliance in Fang Xiu's hands, he took out a few pills and threw them in front of the six-winged beetles. The six-winged beetles rushed forward and devoured the pills.

The insect shell, which had been somewhat dim and shrinking, stretched again, giving off a faint luster.

"The vitality of the hard tooth bug has been restored!"

Alisa couldn't believe what she saw with her own eyes. The problem of survival of the six-winged beetle that has plagued the Academy of Sciences for two years can be easily solved by this person from the Xia Kingdom in front of her!

What the hell are those chubby little pills made of?

What the hell did he do!

"Get up!"

Fang Xiu glanced at the more than 3000 six-winged beetles that fell on the ice field. With a wave of his sleeve, thousands of pills flew down.

"It's that kind of strange healing elixir!"

Tony on the ice field exclaimed. He was far away from Fang Xiu before, and he didn't see the pills that Fang Xiu took out, but at this moment, thousands of pills were flying down at the same time, but he recognized them at a glance. It was the life-sustaining pill that Xiu fed to himself not long ago.


Thousands of god-level life-sustaining pills fell, and more than [-] six-winged beetles also came to life one after another under the comfort of Fang Xiu's soul.

They fluttered and flew, scrambling to pounce on the continuation pill, devouring and digesting it, and their bodies also appeared in the state of the previous six-winged beetles.

Not only did the vitality recover, but even a weak suction force was produced in the worm's body, and the aura of the surrounding heaven and earth also began to slowly drift towards their bodies.

"It doesn't matter if you hire child labor. These little bugs are in the form of larvae. They have been sealed for nearly ten thousand years. Although their physical bodies can still remain intact, the essence in their bodies has been seriously drained, and they are all dying of illness. You are willing to drive them!"

Fang Xiu looked at the rejuvenated six-winged beetle, took out a spirit-swallowing gourd from the Qiankun bag, opened the bottle, and thousands of six-winged beetles flew into it and disappeared under Fang Xiu's control.

"Give it back to me, that's my hard tooth bug!"

Alisa yelled anxiously, flew towards Fang Xiu, pushed her hands forward, and two bolts of lightning as thick as a baby's arm struck towards Fang Xiu's head. .

At this moment, she had already lost all judgment and squareness, and there was only one thought in her mind, that is, no matter what, Fang Xiu should not let these six-winged beetles be taken away.

Once the Xia people mastered these bugs and multiplied them on a large scale, the Freedom Alliance would completely lose the possibility of competing with Xia Guo for the dominance of the galaxy in the era of aura recovery.

(End of this chapter)

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