I can downgrade maintenance

Chapter 224 Meat Eater Holy Land

Chapter 224 Meat Eater Holy Land

Zhou Ning knew that he had encountered civilization.

His actions became cautious.

Looking for the source of the sound, he turned over two mounds, and a huge building appeared in his field of vision.

The strip shape, against the background of the desolate and dark environment, looks brightly lit.

After some discrimination, I think this place should have been a huge warehouse.It's the kind of storage facility that has a lot of private units inside.

It has since obviously undergone a series of remodeling.

It is now a post-apocalyptic commercial street.

It is the kind of one-stop shopping, eating, drinking and playing.

If not, there's no need for a makeshift fan made from an off-road vehicle exhaust to act as a ventilation device.

After thinking about it, Zhou Ning finally decided to try to interact with people in this world.

He must use this method to understand the situation of the world.

Compared with the other desolate people he met on the road, he felt that it was still in this kind of place where there was a certain order to obtain information.

Even the most rubbish order can provide a basis for rationality, instead of starting a movie when they meet each other, staged hunters and prey and reversal scenes.

Zhou Ning dared to get closer and planned to observe more.

He has concerns in his heart.

It's not that she hasn't seen anyone for a long time, but is shy and nervous.

Or maybe I'm afraid that I won't act well.

He knew very well that the more this kind of apocalypse, the more indifferent people are to others of their own kind.Not that leisurely.

And he had seen desolate people who died violently before.

Under these two factors, as long as his image is not too eye-catching, I believe it is not very difficult to blend in with the public.

His concerns stemmed from his conjectures.

If the evil demon sent minions to look for him in this world, the conjecture is valid.

If the desolate people who died suddenly in Dongzhen were indeed the work of evil minions.

Then, the existence here seems very strange.

Don't look at him trekking for two days to come here from the abandoned town.

For a high-level transcendent, this distance is really nothing.

To put it bluntly, if the devil's minions are playing the strategy of 'I'd rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go', then it's impossible to escape the catastrophe by fighting against the hustle and bustle here.

Unless the minions of the evil devil deliberately kept it here to attract fish that slipped through the net.

This also means that there will most likely be minions of demon minions here.

So, Zhou Ning confirmed to the system: "What level of extraordinary detection is required to discover my abnormality?"

"An existence that can moderately use the power of the law, such as a monk in the Mahayana period."

"Is it okay to be a golden arhat?"

"Yes, but it must be complete."

"I understand." The system's guarantee made Zhou Ning a lot bolder.

With the mentality that he will have to accept relevant inspections sooner or later, he approaches the giant warehouse.

The surrounding area is bare, not even tall grass.

But the terrain here is undulating, and the sky has darkened, and the wind has picked up again, and the dust and haze are swaying, which can cover things and hide for a while.

After getting closer, Zhou Ning noticed several ATV all-terrain vehicles.

The people here are obviously very fond of these devices.Moving it to a sheltered garage.

At this time, the neon signboard of the giant warehouse can already be seen clearly.

Gladiator City: Mecca of Meat Eaters.

This name also made Zhou Ning feel an earthy smell similar to Xijiao City, but when he thought about it carefully, there was a certain kind of aura.

Below the signboard is the gate, a very common entrance to a mall.

From Zhou Ning's point of view, he could see the various lights inside, and even faint laughter and cursing could be heard in the wind.

This reminds Zhou Ning of Diamond City in {Fallout 4}.

However, he felt that the dark law followed here was much crueler than that in Diamond City.

The main reason is that he believes that the end of the world is beginning, and the time is still short, and there are still more living people who can be tossed about.

For the same reason, resources are extremely scarce, and survival is even more cruel.

The world of the Fallout series is the despair after precipitation, and there is even a little hope for new sprouts from dead trees.

For example, in Vegas, human civilization seems to be on a positive path as the land emerges from the shadow of nuclear radiation.

Clearly not here.

The bloodiest stage of successive riots may have passed, but the darkness has just begun.The theme here is animality, even if there is some humanity, it is distorted.

As for the proof, Zhou Ning noticed a side opening, which should have been used for unloading in the past.

The height of the bottom of the truck compartment is exactly at the same level as the loading platform, so the small carts for transporting goods do not need to be boarded, and can go between the warehouse and the compartment through the back door of the truck.

Now, it is surrounded by tarpaulin fences and barbed wire.

But because Zhou Ning was in a higher position, he could see what was going on inside.

Out of the truck compartment next to the loading bay, hooded desolate people walked out.

Armed thugs watched the men line up to enter.

Near the entrance, there is a small table with some tools on it. Three medical staff wearing masks, hoods, latex gloves, and surgical gowns inspect the teeth, eyes, and hair of these people like livestock.

Then it will be stamped. There are at least two kinds of stamps, red and blue. Zhou Ning is a little far away and can't see clearly.

Zhou Ning guessed that most of these people did not enjoy tourist treatment.

He began to think: "If these people are unlucky people who were caught as fighting animals and food, then who are they targeting at the front gate? Successful wilderness hunters? Slave owners with guns? Or people from the city? A dignitary who came out to have fun?"

Clearly, he doesn't fall into either category.

At the same time, it is also difficult to mix into the channels of the deserters.

It is not easy to jump in the queue due to the monitoring, he is obviously outstanding compared with the desolate people, and starting from being a livestock food, it is too bad, it is simply adding drama and increasing the difficulty.

Therefore, he is going to start by killing people.

This is not a way of thinking that the general public should have.

But hasn't he already realized that beasts can't keep up with cattle and sheep after all?

The life of a meat eater is always accompanied by swords and swords.

As for whether these people are as damned as he guessed, it is not very important.

If you care about it seriously, who doesn't have some bitterness to pour out?

It's all the society's fault, it's all the fault of those greedy capital and officials...

He was tired of hearing this set of rhetoric.

It's not that it's wrong, but it has become indifferent.

He still remembers watching the series of Living Alone in the Wilderness in his previous life. It seems to be the seventh season. In fact, there are every season, but he has a deep impression of this season. A female contestant who can be called Sister Lin is a master of traps.

He caught a hare under the trap, couldn't bear it, couldn't bear the condemnation of his conscience, pear blossoms were crying in front of the camera, and then, with tears in his eyes, he ate two large bowls of rabbit meat, and there was no soup left.

He was very disdainful of this hypocrisy at the time.

How do I survive in the wilderness, don't you have a mental beep?Didn't you come here for the bonus?

Since he is so kind, he can survive a hundred days on seaweed and reindeer moss. What kind of trick is he playing?

Even the cuter squirrels still peeled and ate one after another?
Bitch is hypocritical.Especially these European and American white skins who have lived a good life for a few days by relying on the global plunder of their grandparents, they are really worthy and standing...

Thinking about it now, in the past period of time, he has never been similarly hypocritical.

Refusing to admit that extraordinary people are already another group, they want to sit on the side of ordinary people and be proud of it.

The results of it?
Still have to split.

whose fault?
There is nothing wrong, it is not appropriate to blame anyone.

It is he himself who refuses to carry forward for the mortal group, to be the real guardian.

One thing to say is that human beings do not need superhero-like crutches like smartphones. Human beings have to move forward on their own. If crutches are used too much, they will change from fake cripples to real cripples, and mental disabilities will appear.

He also said that responsibilities are linked to rights and interests, to enjoy rights and interests, and to bear responsibilities.Rather than linking it to ability, it is their business to have ability, and you don't owe anyone, so why do you have to make more contributions if you have ability?
These reasons, to put it bluntly, are calculative and private.

At the same time, they look down on the feedback given by the group.

Because I know that human nature is fickle and forgetful, even if it is good in every way, if it is bad at all, it will be condemned immediately.Besides, it's hard to say hello with your mouth, but what you think about it psychologically.

On the international stage, say a few good words, and then take away the actual benefits, and turn your face to ridicule a "vain stupid beep", don't do too many examples.

In the final analysis, Zhou Ning found himself lacking trust in other people.

Not only because he came from time travel, but also because he lived in an era when the basic trust between people was gradually being lost.

In those hospitals, it is no longer popular to see, hear and ask. No matter where there is a problem, you will be asked to have a full body examination first.It’s for your own good, what if other complications are caused during the treatment?
The medicines sold in those pharmacies are indeed effective, but the medicine cannot be stopped, and the symptoms will become severe immediately after stopping the medicine.It is good medicine that can make you inseparable for the rest of your life.

Real estate, banks, schools, supermarkets, and even real estate... There are few reassuring businesses. If you can't keep your eyes open, you will be cheated without tears.

It is precisely because there is no trust that we care about gains and losses.

The selfishness of human nature is magnified, and I am afraid that I will become a fool who says "others abuse me thousands of times, but I treat others like first love".

As the saying goes, the more I know, the more I like dogs.

The more Zhou Ning sees the dark side of human nature, the more selfish he becomes.

He felt that the salvation plan was not worth it, and the Sky Height Plan was not worth it.

You are a passer-by, so do your duty as a passer-by, and don't try to use your own strength to pull sideways.

When I am in this world, I don't have to be bothered by the illusory sense of power after the gorgeous plug-ins have faded away.

He was who he was, not too bad, but not too great either.

Throw away those fantasies and ambitions that are not controlled by his true power.

Back to reality.

The truth is, the experience turned him from a sheep to a wolf.

His consciousness recognized his transformation of becoming a wolf.

His body supports him to survive like a wolf.

A self-made throwing knife, with a flash of light, hit Anshao hidden in the shadows with a 'bang'. When the body of Anshao fell out of the darkness, there was no expression in his eyes, only a surprised expression remained. As the last proof of having lived in this world.

The nearby Mingshao heard the movement and looked this way, and then there was another flash of light, and Mingshao fell back.The same is the knife into the forehead.

The human skull is very hard. Such a throw requires not only strength but also skill.

Zhou Ning did it, with very little bleeding and guaranteed death.

The body was dragged to a dark place, and after the knife was pulled out, a special bandage was put on it.

This kind of bandage is made of Tibetan cloth. If it is really for saving lives and treating injuries, it cannot be used anyway.

But in order to cover up the smell of blood, it is very suitable, with the strong smell of pine branch ointment, apply it like a dog skin ointment, and then wrap it in a bandage.

Hounds won't keep barking just because of the smell of blood.

The smell of blood in Gladiator City is much stronger than this.

Soon, the two guards were stripped down to their trousers.

His current figure is considered to be the most common clothes rack in this area, and it is easy to find clothes that fit.

Head next to head, with a grenade under it...

A simple booby trap design, just to erase as many traces of killing as possible.

Then Zhou Ning left.

About ten minutes after leaving, I vaguely heard an explosion behind me.

Zhou Ning smiled and muttered, "I'm here to remind some people that no job is easy!"

By the time Zhou Ning chose to settle down, it was completely dark.

In a forest, he chose to sleep on a tree.

This skill is also learned recently, although it is not as sharp as the little dragon girl who sleeps on the rope, it is still good.

He now has a high degree of control over his body.

The body itself also supports this kind of sleeping hair, and there is nothing wrong with it.

Of course, the trunk should be thicker.In addition, it is best to make a safety treatment against rolling.

The next morning, Shanxia Town, which he had been thinking about so much, came into Zhou Ning's eyes.

Looking at the scenery, it was better than he expected.

Judging by the extent of the town's defeat, it was much worse than he expected.

He didn't enter the town, he didn't come to live in Shanxia Town.

He is going into the mountains.

He intends to live in the mountains for a while.

'Quit gaming for a thousand days', this is a plan he drew up.

He didn't plan to get back the system plug-in in a hurry.

He knew that he was not the kind of person who was particularly persistent.

He couldn't stand the temptation of system hacking.

Tried it more than once before.

With a sharp blade in his body, he will kill himself.

Human nature can't stand the test, so try to set up test questions as much as possible.

These words apply to others as well as to himself.

Besides, what's the use of just restoring the cheat?

His Xiling realm cannot be raised to another level. Even if the system can be raised to 5.0, he still has no ability to use the power of law.

Facing evil spirits, he is still a younger brother.

Will the evil spirit give him another chance to escape?
So, it's time to quit playing games for a few days and spend some time in self-cultivation.

He also wanted to know, on the basis of low cheating, to what extent he could achieve by relying on his own ability as much as possible.

In the past, he was both proud and inferior. He felt that he was actually okay in his heart, and he said self-deprecating words that he was useless if he had no system.Which is true?Neither is true.

Now, just ask the truth.Seek spiritual clarity, this is called self-cultivation, get rid of hypocrisy, get rid of vanity, get rid of pomp and vanity, just like blanching stewed meat to remove the foam, and then look at the quality of the pot of soup.

Time flies, spring goes and autumn comes, and it is another year of autumn.

The crops that Zhou Ning planted in the valley had a bumper harvest.

Farmyard manure works well.Is it better to eat your own poo than to eat everyone's poo?Maybe.

In short, the facts have proved that the soil and soil in some places can still support people.So what is the reason that caused the huge catastrophe of the last days?

It just so happens that today is the first anniversary of time travel.With this question in mind, Zhou Ning decided to take a walk around the city of Gladiator, just to get some gunpowder or something.

Compared with half a year ago, Gladiator City doesn't seem to have changed much.

Only this time, he failed to catch up with the truck to unload.

After observing for a while, he decided to continue pulling wool.

And it is to grab a place and squeeze it hard, so that people here can quickly recall it.

This time, the two throwing knives flew out at the same time, bowed left and right, and hit at the same time.

In the past six months, Zhou Ning has not only been a mountain dweller, but also practiced in seclusion.

As I said before, he wants to see what kind of quality he is in the case of low cheating.

As a result, there is a good saying, people don't push themselves, they don't know how capable they can be.

'Touch the corpse' like last time, but this time there is no booby trap.

This time he wasn't going to accept it as soon as it was ready.

Moreover, he doesn't need to care too much about being known by his opponents.

This is the self-confidence brought about by the improvement of strength.

After walking a few steps, his ears moved, and then he quietly turned back into the shadows.

Seconds later, two armed thugs appeared in his field of vision.

In Zhou Ning's eyes, these carnivores are ferocious and cunning. Not only are they well-trained in bullying skills, but they are also very good at bluffing.

They are pretending to be pigs and eating tigers.

They deliberately dressed themselves in a wasteland style, using car tires as shoulder armor, truck tires as arm armor and greaves, and trimmed some fur bindings, or made them into aprons, belts, and neckers.

In fact, they have professional equipment for anti-scratch and anti-stab, and their weapons are also very sophisticated.

Among the guns seized by Zhou Ning last time, even one was new from the factory, and the smell of gun oil was still very strong.

This time it's not bad, the weapons are [-]% or [-]% new, not at all like ordinary doomsday thugs, using rotten guns with almost worn out rifling.

That's why he thought it was possible to obtain information about the end of the world here.

'Shua!Swish! 'The knife flashed continuously, and the two who would not be killed at the corner cut their throats one after another.

Zhou Ning immediately passed over the two, "Hey!" He shouted.

One of the thugs guarding the gate instinctively looked to this side, and was directly crucified to death by a knife thrown.

The thugs on the other side realized that they had encountered a surprise attack and immediately raised their guns.

The reaction was good, but unfortunately his companion was a little quick and couldn't buy him time.

The second knife in Zhou Ning's hand had passed the gatekeeper who had not yet fallen completely, and hit her in the face.It is indeed 'she', a woman.

Killed six people, even the front teeth were removed.

Zhou Ning still didn't intend to stop, nor was he in a hurry to 'touch the corpse'. He just spent more than ten seconds searching for the bullets from the four corpses, so as to facilitate the gunfight after triggering the alarm.

Of course, he didn't forget to take his throwing knife.

He had patiently observed the patrol pattern here before.

Therefore, since they have not been exposed until now, around the gladiatorial city, about six people can still be cleared.

However, his luck pretty much ended there.

The roar of car motors came from far to near, and a train team turned around the mound and appeared on the gravel road facing the entrance of Gladiator City.

Zhou Ning, who had just turned the corner, shrugged.

It took less than 5 minutes since he started his heartbeat.

Apparently, his timing was really bad.

However, there were already two armed thugs, yelling and running towards the main entrance.

Judging from the appearance and the content of the yelling, this convoy seems to be a rival gang?
Zhou Ning was happy. It turned out that the timing was not bad, but the timing was too good...

(End of this chapter)

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