I can downgrade maintenance

Chapter 167 Burning a Nest of Insects

Chapter 167 Burning a Nest of Worms
Zhou Ning walked around Wangjing City.

As far as the level of creation and customs he saw, he felt that Yu Country was not as good as Daqian.

The same town in northern Xinjiang, Shuolong County, has reached the level of the Republic of China.

Going into the details, the application of brick and tile paint, etc., is already relatively common.

Especially the houses on the street, blue bricks and red tiles, painted columns with overhanging eaves, and even carved beams and painted buildings, are quite common in Shuolong County.

But on the main street here, there are many adobe houses.

Looking at people's attire and mental outlook, it is obviously not as good.There are disheveled and malnourished people everywhere.

Technology is not in place?No, Zhou Ning felt that the level of the rulers here was poor.To put it bluntly, illiterate farmers know how to take good care of large animals, so that large animals can work better.Will the ruler not understand the dangers of exhausting the pond?Too greedy and negligent.

In fact, Zhou Ning thought so, somewhat wishing to see the ruler of Jingcheng.

If it was replaced more than a year ago, the mansion might not be bright enough, but it is not enough to have dishes on the noodles.

It was the great change in Jing prison that led to the severance of the Jing prison caravan, which made the economy of Wangjing City, which was very dependent on port trade, take a sharp turn for the worse.After more than a year, it became like this.

Zhou Ning left Wangjing City with a preconceived negative cognition, and went all the way south, which is equivalent to looking at people with colored eyes, and his senses are not very good along the way.

It was not until Shouyang, a big city, that Zhou Ning walked around carefully, and placed a road sign in the back garden of a certain Dazhai in the city.

Then he discovered that the mansion seemed to be haunted.

"Heh, a garbage place!" He shot a Suppressing Evil Talisman and left.

Fuwan is an application of Fulu.

Zhou Ning's spiritual alias cultivates talismans. Under trusteeship, some talismans will be produced every day. While improving the skill proficiency, other characters will also benefit from it, and there is an extra extraordinary means of small come and go .

Speaking of this, I have to mention the role hosting after the system upgrade 3.0.

Compared with the past, there has been a significant improvement.

Elephant Hunting, Evil Beastman Avatar, and Bone Dharma Body can all practice life professions at the same time.

Alchemy, refining tools, formations... these can all be regarded as life occupations.

Among them, the ones that burn more money are assigned to the serious account.

Similar to collecting, mining, herbal medicine, skinning, and paper making, they are all handed over to the Bone Dharma Body.

Xunfeng now has a lot of herbal medicine skills.

After controlling this number, Zhou Ning can naturally identify many types of herbs, and has a special perception buff constant, and has advanced picking techniques and so on.

This was unimaginable before 3.0.

Of course, looking at it from another angle, his game is getting more and more expensive.

It's an incentive in disguise.

As if to say again: Do you want to be more cool?Krypton gold is king when playing games.

If money represents the wealth that life can accumulate, then krypton gold is actually a large amount of investment.

And a lot of wealth also represents people's mentality towards the project.

Be pious enough to get back what you want.

Dedicate your time, energy, wealth, and enthusiasm to me, and I will give you what you want.

Understood this way, the foundational point of the system is that he will get a fair return for every effort he makes.

In reality, this is difficult to achieve in various fields.

This is why he and many game fans are so desperate.

It is indeed an escape, an escape from the reality that always disappoints.

Whether it is true or false, it is a feeling, and it is an information signal fed back to the consciousness through behavior.If you want to be a happy person, why should you care too much about the truth?
After leaving Shouyang City, Zhou Ning called up the map and chose his next destination.

The important town in the west of Yu Country, Changchuan.

As far as he knows, Fu Shan's foothold is Changchuan.

Specifically, Changchuan City, or a certain town in the area, there are insect soldiers to locate it, and he can find it as long as he passes by.

So, set up a flying boat and head west.

About thirty hours later, Changchuan was within sight.

The time was close to midnight, so naturally it was not suitable to visit. Zhou Ning planned to visit the next morning.

After receiving the flying boat, Zhou Ning floated down from the sky. Although there are official roads here, it is a wilderness with no villages or villages.

Zhou Ning didn't mind, and even liked the environment a little bit. After landing, he chose a place that was covered by the wind. When the Youguang Demon Iron Umbrella was opened, there was a quiet place for meditation under the umbrella.

Speaking of this umbrella, it was modified from the dark iron bone umbrella given to Fu Shan when he first met Fu Shan.Seeing things and thinking about people, full of memories.

The herbal futon was laid down, and Zhou Ning, who was sitting cross-legged, quickly fell into meditation.

Many things are just a habit.

Sitting like this is not used to at first.

Now I'm used to it, it feels better than dozing off and staring for a while in summer, the time flies by in a flash, and I wake up very refreshed.

'boom! 'There was an explosion.

Before the sound of the explosion, there was light, which illuminated the left half of Zhou Ning's face.


Zhou Ning had the sweet smell of sleep, and the resentment after being woken up by being suddenly splashed with ice water.

"What kind of demon are you at night?" Zhou Ning glanced in the direction of the flames, and at least ten kilometers away.

Zhou Ning was not interested in meddling, and continued to meditate.

'boom! '


'boom! '

Zhou Ning got up to collect the futon and umbrella. This situation successfully awakened the memory of being harassed by the horn of unscrupulous cars while sleeping on a midsummer night in his previous life.

It was hard to fall asleep in the hot weather, and finally fell asleep. Some people lack public morals and honk their car horns in the community at night.

After a few strokes, I could bear it, and while I was still in a daze, I still hoped to fall asleep.

After a while, I couldn't take it anymore, I was woken up completely, I didn't feel sleepy at all, and my body and mind were dry.

Zhou Ning remembered that when he rushed downstairs, he found the driver and beat him, and he was also beaten at the same time.

In the end, he was detained for a few days for fighting.The film police asked him: Why are you so angry?He didn't say a word, but he had no regrets in his heart...

With such a memory base, it is not surprising that the evil fire is bursting out at this moment, after all, his spiritual state is not high now.

With a gloomy face, Zhou Ning stared at the place where the flames swayed, and after a while, he flew there in the wind.He wanted to see who was pretending to be the criminal who stayed up most of the night, playing tricks and messing around.

After getting close to a certain distance, Zhou Ning directly switched to Lihuo debut.

In terms of combat, Xunfeng is the kind of existence that uses simple but powerful skills to kill the enemy by leaps and bounds.

Gentu is more suitable as the vanguard of the team, destroying the formation and demoralizing.

As for Lihuo, Zhou Ning positioned it as a clear field weapon. Against those who are not as good as him, Wushuang mows the grass, and against those that are stronger than him, the damage height is not high enough, so it can only be ground, but it is not enough flesh, so he uses the power of annihilation as a weapon. Pave the way, or use high-energy crystals, and then change the method with blood, so that you can fight hard with the posture of the method T.

Of course, magic T is not so good. Due to the lack of special protection skills, the fake blood volume using magic as blood is not worth much. It looks like a lot, but it is not used. Not a few rounds.

This time it is the appearance of the method T transformed from high-energy crystal + blood method.

After activating the deflagration state, the high-energy crystals were quickly absorbed and converted into temporary mana.

Due to the serious drop in control accuracy, the air around the body has been distorted by the high temperature at this time, with a radius close to 30 meters.

"Get out of the way!" Zhou Ning shouted, and went straight to the fight.

Wei Song noticed Zhou Ning's approach early in the morning. After all, Zhou Ning did not hide his behavior.

Before seeing Zhou Ning, he had already noticed the strong extraordinary power. Seeing that he was a human being, Wei Song's little tension disappeared. The current battle situation is much worse than expected. If there are any strange enemies appearing, Your side is likely to collapse.

Zhou Ning's arrogant attitude made Wei Song feel uncomfortable.

But it was just like that, because the next moment, he couldn't care less about these things. The burning sensation like being in a furnace, and the subsequent death warning made him try his best to avoid it, although the front and back It's only two seconds, but the feeling of surviving after a catastrophe is very satisfying.

In fact, not only Wei Song, but several of Wei Song's companions also felt similar.

Moreover, it is not accurate to describe it as being in a furnace, it is more appropriate to be in a microwave oven.

From the inside to the outside, it was burning at the same time, as if it would explode in the next moment.

Zhou Ning has already shown mercy, Fa T Lihuo's method is to deny his relatives, not deliberately pretending to beep, but lack of control.

As for the target targeted by Zhou Ning, the bugman, it was like charcoal after retorting when it encountered a high-temperature flame, it exploded at once, and burned through quickly.

Zhou Ning also confirmed that the hostile target was a variant of the devil's gnat, so he couldn't help but fight directly.Then, like the absolute domain of the god of death, those who enter are immediately ignited by extraordinary power.

Moreover, these extraordinary combustions will further enhance the power and scope of the burning domain.

After only a dozen seconds, the range expanded to a radius of 50 meters, and those weaker insects, the "boom" fire, directly turned into scattered sparks and ashes, even saving the burning process.

In comparison, these weak people are like dry grass, which can only be burned for a while to make firewood, not as resistant to burning as high-level ones.

Of course the insects tried to resist, but Zhou Ning was like a sun, the closer it was, the more terrifying the temperature.

The weapon, the body, melted or burned at a high speed during the swinging process. The process was short but extremely tragic, and the scene was very shocking.

"Who is this guy? Why is this fire so terrifying?"

Wei Song shook his head and pulled his companions to continue to retreat further. "It's too domineering and difficult to control, but it's obviously very effective against insects. Ordinary flames don't have such an effect."

Indeed, worms also possess extraordinary power, and resisting extraordinary power with extraordinary power is not something to be slaughtered by others.

But in the face of Lihuo, the worm-man's extraordinary power seems to have lost its extraordinary characteristics, and even became a combustion accelerant to strengthen the burning effect and speed in the direction, which is very unusual.

The reason is actually not complicated. After System 3.0, the body was modified and an extraordinary organ was added so that it could be blessed with the power of ghosts.

Although the use of You Sha is far from comparable to that of You Hunting Tuba.

But it also changed the nature of the supernatural power. You Sha overcomes all evils, just like the Supreme Lord of the Rings.

Therefore, although the flame of the Lihuo Yushi looks not much different from ordinary flames, at most it has a slightly heavier cyan tone, but it is actually very unscrupulous, and it is more appropriate to say that it is a plasma state of energy.

It is also for this reason that it does not require enough oxygen to achieve extremely high temperatures.

Combustion at high temperature will turn everything in its path into ashes. Regardless of roasting and burning, the effect is still very gorgeous, brutally gorgeous.

Zhou Ning himself likes this effect very much, and can't help but think: "If this is a computer special effect, every second is equivalent to burning money, and it is a lot of money."

And when he thought about the continuous burning of money, he felt very proud and refreshed, and felt that those flames and ashes seemed high-end and romantic.

Yan dog, visual enjoyment, psychological distortion... It doesn't matter, anyway, controlling the extraordinary version of arsonist like Lihuo who wastes energy, the feeling of fighting is very enjoyable.

Even those that are not within the scope of the burning domain can also be ignited.

But Zhou Ning prefers to use the nuclear explosive flame ball.

From the outside, it is not much different from the fireball technique, except that it is faster, but after hitting it, it has the effect of bombardment by 180MM heavy artillery shells, with deflagration outside.

The sound of this kind of fireball breaking through the air is sharp and shrill. After the explosion, the flames are blazing and vigorous, and the shock wave spreads in the form of a fire ring.

In just a short while, the bugmen who were rushing out of the crypt seemed not enough to kill.

So Zhou Ning continued to burn everything along the big hole with a diameter of nearly ten meters, like sailing against the current.

Due to the cavity-like constraints of the cave, the power of the combustion field is further increased. From the perspective of Wei Song and others, the cave has become a furnace, and it is a furnace with a super blower blowing air. The rock and soil were burned red, and then began to melt.


The visual effect is too shocking, which makes Wei Song and others feel very monogatari. Huowan has reached such a high level, let alone seen it, never heard of it.

About 10 minutes later, Zhou Ning stepped on the vulcanized earth and rocks and walked out of the cave.

The energy is used up, the burning field is closed, and it seems that it is not so noisy.

However, Lihuo's killing method is not only for venting, but also for forming formations.

What is refined is naturally the extraordinary substance, energy, and even soul contained in the target.

Therefore, this style of play is most suitable for dealing with the situation at hand.

If it is really killing ants, it is a pure waste.

If you are elite and have a large number, you can make a lot of money.

After burning and killing in a circle, three fist-sized flame orbs were refined.

Zhou Ning felt that he could pretend to be Kael'thas Sunstrider now that he was wearing a red cloak.

"Well, the fire has been purged." Although the insects were not killed, the overall harvest was not bad.

Except for the cave, it wasn't surprising to see Wei Song and the others waiting.

"Hi everyone." Zhou Ning greeted proactively.With the system in place, language is not a problem. Just as he was able to speak the Xinzhou dialect fluently when he traveled across the country, his Changchuan dialect is not bad now.

Wei Song and others saluted respectfully, with a very correct attitude.

The strong are always easy to be treated politely, such as Zhou Ning, who has no airs, will soon be crowned with the halo of being approachable, let alone helping, or even saving lives.

Zhou Ning is not very interested in making friends with these people. Although he is interested in the 3-meter-high power armor magic weapon used by Wei Song and the others, he will not socialize with them because of this.After all, he had guessed through some details that these people belonged to the Jade Kingdom official.

Wei Song and others reported their family background, which also confirmed Zhou Ning's guess.

They claimed to be from the Shenji Camp.

This name made Zhou Ning feel like a joke, but after careful study, he felt that people chose this name, which was actually quite appropriate. It was because he was carrying information from another world that he felt like a stalk.

The magic monk, also known as Yanshi, gave Zhou Ning the feeling of extraordinary power + Mohism mechanism.

Among them, those that are used in combat are more appropriate to be called God Machine Cultivator.

The divine machine is their magic weapon.

In the case of a team, they can still play the McCree one.The large-scale magic machine has a special cabin to accommodate relatively close-fitting magic machines for combat.

It was the large magic machine that disturbed his meditation before, causing the flames to shoot up and the huge movement.

Although the magical machine is interesting, Zhou Ning pays more attention to the magic pintle.

The devil crocodile he encountered this time felt quite different from what he knew.

More like his Youyue Bugman.

You must know that from the perspective of the magic crocodile, there is no such cognition of "the human form is respected".

Devil pintles have their own society, their own living habits, their own aesthetics, and their evolutionary path. There is no need to deliberately imitate humans.

His Youyue Bugman was cultivated based on his aesthetics and human beings.

And the devil pintle that I encountered this time has evolved to rely on the human form through self-evolution, and it is already in a humanoid form, and it looks similar in general, like a person wrapped in a beetle.

The main difference is that the proportions of the limbs are different. If you are a little farther away, they look alike.

He was curious, what happened to the devil crocodile in the Jade Kingdom?Could it be that these demon gnats, like his Youyue worms, are battle pets raised by a certain monk?

(End of this chapter)

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