Chapter 96 The end of the voyage
Alger Wilson woke up slowly, and the first thing he saw was the wine bottle rolling in front of him. It took him a while to realize that he was lying on the deck now, and his head had never hurt so much.

He supported his upper body with his trembling arms, and the moment he saw the sun in the sky, he suddenly had a strong ecstasy for the rest of his life, and he almost fell down again.There was a salty cold wind blowing from the sea, and the sun's rays fell on his body without any warmth at all. His whole body ached and his belly was hungry, but Alger almost shed tears at this moment.

Why should I be so happy... Today is December 12rd... Isn't our sailing smooth...?
His head was dizzy, and he squinted his eyes to barely see the surroundings: the crew were lying on the deck in all directions, and the employer was among them.

The young man's glasses were thrown several meters, and the cracked lenses gleamed in the sun.The small suitcase that is almost inseparable from the body is not outside, it should be placed in the cabin.Alger took a few breaths and regained some of his strength, and found that the employer's small diary with a brown-red cover had also been thrown out, right next to his feet, and there were still many water stains on it.

Alger didn't think about anything at first, but when his eyes fell on the notebook, he stretched out his hand out of nowhere.

When he picked up the notebook, he was still in a trance. The morality that was almost wiped out by life and ambition allowed him to keep the bottom line. Alger quickly found the index tape in the notebook, and saw the employer's record. All the diaries since then, slowly regaining memory.

After a quick scan, seeing that there was no information or secrets that shouldn't be read, and only recorded the daily weather, food and some small daily things normally, Alger felt relieved and felt that his conscience was no longer condemned.With the help of the diary, he gradually recalled the experience after going to sea, and the blurred pictures in his mind gradually became clear. He remembered the days of investigation in the Oradek Islands, and the previous storm, "Youlan Revenge The Zodiac” was so fast that it was about to fly into the sky. As a navigator, he couldn’t control the ship at all, and finally he seemed to be knocked somewhere in the chaos and passed out... Alger quickly raised his head and counted the number of crew members. Shao Cai breathed a sigh of relief.

I haven't started writing today's diary, it seems that he fainted at about the same time as us.Alger made a few guesses in his mind. Judging from the diary, they successfully completed the mission and did not find the mysterious primitive island. Except for the storm at sea, everything went as he expected.So, it's time to return soon.

What I agreed with him at the beginning was to go to the Oradek Islands, and nothing happened along the way. Why do I always feel a little uneasy subconsciously? Is it because it went too smoothly and caused too much pressure?

Go back and report to the church.Of course, to make a fake contract, I only told the crew that the remuneration was five hundred pounds. After deducting their salaries and donations to the church, I could pocket close to four hundred pounds.

In this way, buying the Sequence 6 formula will be more secure.

The reward was about to come, Alger felt much more at ease.Everything is false, only the benefits are real.He put down the notebook, got up staggeringly, straightened a wooden barrel, sat down, and began to wait for the others to wake up.

The peaceful days always pass quickly, it seems that it is just a blink of an eye, and there is only half a month left before the New Year.

Klein extinguished the charcoal in the fireplace, and put on a double-breasted woolen coat over the dark red woolen vest.

Nearly three weeks ago, Reppard finally got the bicycle patent and began looking for a suitable second-round investor, with steam-powered car tycoon Flammie Cage expressing some interest.

After several contacts, the three parties agreed to make the final negotiation today.As long as the negotiation goes well, Klein can sell his shares in exchange for a considerable sum of money.

And for more than a month, Klein lived without any disturbance, using the investigation to digest the potion step by step and tediously.If there is no urgent matter, you don't have to take risks. Another month, it will be almost the same... Klein thoughtfully took off the half-height silk top hat from the coat rack, and smoothed it with a brush and a handkerchief. Wrinkled, removing dust.

The January 1 gathering pointed to by the badge of "The Hermit of Destiny" left by Lanwusi, he didn't have the idea of ​​going to it.

During this period of time, the "Tarot Club" was still going on once a week. Klein got a few pages of Roselle's early diary, and witnessed that the other party changed from a weak bird who could only fantasize and dare not take action to an active one. The dude of the hunt.Other than that, he has almost nothing else to gain. Although the "Werewolf" Extraordinary characteristic obtained when he helped Sharon fight against the Rose School of Thought was sold to the "Hanged Man" through the "World", it involved a thousand pounds. The above amount of business is obviously not so easy to achieve, and the cursed characteristics of the "werewolf" also discourage many interested parties.

However, at the Tarot gathering a few days ago, the last voyage commission was finally ended, and the "Hanged Man" who returned to Bayam told "The World" that he had contacted a "craftsman", and the other party was obviously moved.

"I hope it can be done this week... There is no clue about the 'Wind Blessed' formula that Mister 'Hanged Man' needs..." Klein packed up his belongings, took his cane, put on his hat, and walked out of the room—— The "Wind Blessed One" potion formula belongs to Sequence 6, so it is not so easy to meet. "The Hanged Man" Alger waited for more than a month, but failed to hear good news.

Derrick the "Sun" followed the suggestion of "The Hanged Man", and behaved without any abnormalities, continued his daily patrols, continued to accumulate meritorious deeds, and did not try any rituals.At every Tarot meeting, he would skillfully pretend to sleep, temporarily not revealing any problems, and usually he would sleep intermittently to avoid certain things from appearing regularly and being suspected.

According to him, Elder "Shepherd" Lovia did not leave the bottom of the round tower seven days later, and is still locked there for unknown reasons.

As for the "Aurora Society" Mr. A's search for the "Fool" believers and favored ones, Klein failed to get any valuable clues when Klein deliberately kept a low profile, and those Extraordinary people who knew the name of "The Fool" all Knowing not to chant this kind of thing at random, they definitely don't have the courage to pray to the existence of a suspected evil god until they are in a desperate situation.

He went out and turned to the home of Lawyer Jurgen who lived on the same street. Professional negotiations, of course, must have a professional lawyer present!

The crow stood on the branch, watching the disguised Detective Sherlock and the unsmiling Lawyer Jurgen get into the taxi together and gradually disappear around the corner of the street.He tilted his head, and suddenly flapped his wings and flew up, shaking off two crumbling dead leaves, passed through the smoke and clouds, and landed on the shoulders of a person who was reading a book in a street park outside the street.

Edward turned the book to the next page, and naturally grabbed a piece of bread from the sandwich basket at hand and handed it to the crow.

"I found a pattern. Every Monday at three o'clock in the afternoon, he will go to Origin Castle at this fixed time, and so will Forsi."

The crow held the bread in its mouth, tilted its head, and tried to identify the old characters in the book that were similar to the Loen language but had completely different content, trying to identify the content in the book.However, he has recently been obsessed with the ancient culture of the Western Continent, and he has begun to be a little biased. After reading it for a long time, he only understands the and and.

It looked around and saw that there were no pedestrians near the park in the middle of the street, so it jumped off Edward's shoulders, jumped on the bench twice, and changed into a human shape with a bang.Amon helped the platinum monocle inlaid with a ring of broken diamonds that he was wearing today, and very consciously picked up the sandwich with a missing corner in the basket, put it in his mouth and took a big bite.

"Is there anything we need to do?" he asked.

"I'm considering buying the soul of one of them."

Edward turned his head to look at Amon, and looked at his shiny monocle for two more seconds: "I tried to buy Klein's soul, but it didn't work. I should try to buy Miss Forsi's this time." gone."

"I haven't seen a cat for two days."

"Richard has completed his mission at sea, and he has sorted out all the records for me. If you want to find it, you can try to summon it yourself." The book in Edward's hand dissipated into a puff of smoke, and he also disappeared from the basket He took out a sandwich and ate it slowly, "I'm going to the sea, and I may go to the Land Abandoned by God in the future. But the time has not been set yet, you can decide for yourself whether to follow me or return to Amon."

"go back?"

The cheese in the sandwich in his hand flowed down slowly. Amon flattened the sandwich and finished a quarter of it in one bite. He said with a strange expression: "I can't wear these clothes after I go back, and I can't do whatever I want. With accessories, I suddenly feel a little bored."

"You can take it slow."

"Okay. I've learned a lot about ancient history and mythology recently. I think I can turn into an ancient scholar, but I haven't been out of time for 300 years." Amon only had one bite of the sandwich left in his hand, and he reached out to take it from the basket He picked up a bottle of warm milk and warmed his hands like a human being, "It's hard for me to imagine that human beings have so many magical fantasies and ideas about gods. Interpretation, not according to the scriptures. From this point of view, although there are seven gods now, they are all quite monotonous."

Edward took a bite of the sandwich: "Tell me."

"I found that the older the gods, the more complex and multi-faceted they are, and they can almost be said to be the embodiment of nature itself as imagined by humans."

"What impressed me the most was the great goddess in Sumerian mythology. She loved both human beings and human cannibalism. Many gods of other civilizations are also in a similar situation. For example, a goddess representing destruction. It’s actually a violent sleep.”

"The same is true of Greek mythology. Ethics and morality do not exist. People can choose to believe in or convert to other gods. Gods can also choose to protect or turn a blind eye to human beings. More often, their images are negative. God is eternity and power. , is correct. Even that, um, God, (Amon thought for a while and changed his name) is also very cruel, and he is never stingy with thunder and fire and divine punishment for those who do not believe in themselves."

After eating the last bite of the sandwich, Amon wiped his hands, put the warm milk on the straw, and drank happily: "But later, the image of the gods began to become monotonous, leaving only the simple love of human beings and the rejection of unbelief." These two characteristics of our own people. Human beings seem to have lost their awe of nature and have begun to use the name of God to benefit themselves."

"Hmm." Edward replied, "Your impression is correct. Gods who are purely for the sake of human beings only exist in the imagination of human beings. There is no need to pretend, cruelty, contradiction, complexity and selfishness are the nature of gods."

"Are you the same?"

"This question is regarded as a reward for your serious study."

Edward said in a very emotional tone: "Of course I am also multi-faceted. I love life, but I also hate them who are noisy and not good enough; I look forward to life making progress, so I also want to see them kill themselves; I am To build buildings to see buildings collapse, to educate life to see civilizations destroyed; I like special individuals, expect them to bring about changes, and expect them to be destroyed by their own group.”

"I see, but you seem very rational."

"Maybe it's just that I just took on the appearance of a human being and turned crazy into a look that you can understand. If a mountain, a forest or the wind suddenly spoke to you, you would also feel horrified."

Edward didn't take it seriously. After eating the sandwich, he tapped the edge of the basket with his finger, and the empty basket disappeared: "By the way, the original reward was to order a set of glasses and accessories for you."

"What, I want glasses too, can I?"

"Then go to your half-father for reimbursement..."

Edward was about to get up when he suddenly saw a person running towards him in the distance, so he didn't move. Watching this human being running towards him panting, Amon looked at him curiously.

"Huh, huh, Mr. Vaughn, I actually ran into you here!"

The young man rested his hands on his knees, panting heavily, laughed out of breath, and said, "I've been looking for you for a long time!"

"...Talim?" Edward recognized the voice, stood up, slightly puzzled, "What do you want from me?"

"Yes, yes, huh!" Talim took a deep breath, finally controlled his rapid breathing rate, and smiled a little nervously, "Because there was no one to talk to, I found you... yes, yes That... that young couple you always suggested they elope..."

"I remembered, you came to me for their affairs?"

Talim coughed, serious and a little guilty: "Yes, I once told you that one of them is a child of an incredible family, so I hope you will not publicize this matter. Uh, I know you are As a gentleman of good character, I mean, in artistic creation... it is best not to have a story about the two of them... um..."

Amon listened to their conversation curiously.

Edward thought for a while: "Talim, you are a nobleman, right?"

"But even for the children of the duke's family or even the prince and princess, the love between the noble and the common people is a part that has been talked about in dramas throughout the ages. It is impossible for you to stop it. Of course, I am not writing romantic comedies. People also have work ethic, you can rest assured of that.”

"Say, that's what I said..."

Just as Talim was relieved, he suddenly became nervous again: "No! How can you be sure that it is the Duke or the adults of the king's family?! Please stop guessing, this is a very serious matter!"

Amon couldn't help interjecting: "We are all human, why can't we love each other?"

Talim was at a loss for words when he heard such a reckless speech, but out of politeness, he replied: "Because a noble person and a commoner cannot intermarry, the difference in status will make both of them feel painful."


"Okay, I got it." Edward raised his hand to stop Amon from continuing to be rebellious, and assured Talim, "I'm sorry, this is the child of my acquaintance, and now he is studying with me, and his thoughts are more active. Please rest assured , I will not tell anyone what you say, nor will I write it."

"...Thank you, I'm relieved now." Talim finally let out a long sigh of relief, thanked him again and again, and left briskly.

Amon tapped his mirror frame with his index finger: "I don't quite understand, it's just a relationship, they are all human beings, so there's nothing wrong with that."

"There's no need to understand, this is how human beings make divisions and build a community of interests." Edward said, "Don't speak indiscriminately next time."


"However, what does the prince's love have to do with him?" Edward glanced at Talim's shrunken back from a distance, thinking of the witch's curse rooted in him, and was a little puzzled, "What's the matter with his body?" , the witch wants to kill people to silence her? But what is he worth?"

"...Could it be that the prince fell in love with a witch?"


The third day of the graduation trip: I have back pain after walking.

82 Well, it seems that it is easy to go wrong when writing the sacrifice of the devil...

(End of this chapter)

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