Chapter 92 Other People
Backlund North District, Saint Samuel Church.

In the long sound of paper flipping, Soest asked casually:
"What's new in Backlund recently? What do you think deserves attention?"

Daly's eyes moved slightly, she thought for a while and said:
"Several Extraordinary people who have cooperated with us have sent news that many people have been looking for an organization that believes in 'The Fool' recently, and have given corresponding honorable names..."

After describing the honorable name of "The Fool" in Loen language, she chuckled lightly and said, "I seem to have seen the birth of a brand new cult. Of course, it may be the incarnation of an old friend."

"Sost, what do you think?"

Soest thought for a while and said, "No, I have never heard of a similar organization."

At this moment, Leonard raised his head from the file, and said in a deep thought: "Could this be related to the two Tarot ceremonies we're investigating? 'The Fool' is the first and most important theme of the Tarot cards. Card!"

Daly froze for a second, then nodded thoughtfully: "Your idea is very interesting..."

"But there is no evidence, it is pure speculation, not even reasoning." Soest said with disapproval.

Leonard revealed a smile and said, "Emperor Roselle said, make bold assumptions and verify them carefully."


Hillston District, Cragg Club.

After leaving the Harvest Church, Klein headed straight for this place. As soon as he entered the hall, he saw the equestrian teacher Talim Dumont sitting in a secluded place, thinking about something.

Seeing that there would be a wait for lunch, Klein moved closer and greeted with a smile: "Good afternoon, Talim, you seem to have encountered a problem again?"

Talim woke up suddenly, shook his head quickly and said, "No, no."

Do you seem to have done something wrong?Klein muttered, sat down, then smiled and said:
"It's a pity that Alan and Mike are not here, otherwise we can have another pleasant afternoon."

Talim followed with a smile: "They are all busy and have little free time."

Before Klein could speak, he looked around and said, "Sherlock, after hearing my mention of your deeds, an important person is very interested in you and wants to meet you, are you willing?
"Frankly, I'm really envious, this is a very rare opportunity."

Wait, what can I do?To help Mrs. Mary catch rape?Accompany reporter Mike to a whorehouse?Even though I went to the East District several times, I didn't do anything extraordinary, and the East District was under martial law for several days because of that big incident. Since I haven't been checked by the Chavas meter until now, it proves that Ma Leah's confidentiality work is very good... At most, you know that I have made some contributions in the serial murder case, and helped Dr. Allen solve the problem of nightmares by providing consultation... Klein was confused for a while.

After two seconds, he suddenly understood the reason.

It must be that when the big man asked Talim about any good detectives he knew, he could only think of me, so he took the initiative to help me add some descriptions that sounded very powerful, such as in the serial murder case, the real person behind the scenes The case-solver, Mrs. Mary's ex-husband and his sympathetic wife transferred the property of the Coim Company, a great detective with strong mobility, a keen sense of smell, and precise shots... This is business bragging... Klein secretly sighed.

He considered for a while and said: "Talim, I'm sorry, as a detective, I have my own principles, that is, try not to get involved with things involving big people, it may be just a small sneeze-like friction for the upper stage, It is likely to bring me an unbearable disaster."

"I'm not going to label myself, so I'm not going to meet the big guy."

"...You are very sensible." Talim said in a deep voice, "The big man has expected this kind of reaction, and thinks that such a detective is more trustworthy. So maybe he will still find you in the future to do some commissions that have nothing to do with the upper class. .”

That's good... Klein smiled and nodded.

For lunch, Klein chose the creamy matsutake Fenbo pasta, served with garlic clam chowder and steamed egg custard.The membership fee is so expensive, it must be paid back, not to mention the club's chef is very skilled, every time he can eat until he can't eat anything.

Talim still seemed to be preoccupied, but since he didn't want to talk about it, it was inconvenient for Klein to ask. The two chatted occasionally, talking about the weather, the market, and the latest fashion trends.Talim also gradually relaxed a little during this rambling conversation, the worries on his face became less, and he gradually relaxed and enjoyed his lunch happily.

When he was about to finish eating, Klein looked around, "Isn't Mr. Vaughn here recently?"

Talim wiped the last piece of steak meat with the sauce, wiped his mouth with a napkin contentedly, and replied with a smile: "It's November now, years ago was the busiest time for writers. Sherlock, You don’t know, but at this time of year, Mr. Vaughn will bury himself in writing at home, and come out after completing the manuscript commission.”

After finishing speaking, Talim shook his head mockingly: "I still have something to look for him, but unfortunately I haven't seen him for the past two days..."

It turned out to be like this...Senior Angel seemed to enjoy the life of ordinary people.

Klein, who was thinking about taking the initiative to visit once, silently dismissed the idea, because he couldn't bring out items from the Extraordinary World, and he couldn't cook a good meal like Senior Angel. Lawyer Jurgen, his good neighbor.And it is very impolite to disturb others when they are working. Since they are not going out anymore, maybe the seniors are not very willing to receive guests at this time.

"Sherlock, you seem to be very familiar with Mr. Edward? I remember that when I tried to introduce you for the first time, I didn't succeed. You left first."

Talim was a little curious: "When did you meet?"

You even recommended me to him?I have no impression at all, it should be in private... I met Him at the entrance of the sewer, of course, I can't tell you this.

Klein subconsciously wiped his nose, and began to distort the facts: "I met Mr. Edward by chance on the way to complete the commission, and later found that we got along very well, so we gradually became acquainted."

Talim had no doubts about what the detective said, and even smiled in anticipation: "I guess so."

"When we went to Mr. Carter's dinner before, Mr. Carter even praised you as a great detective in front of us. I didn't know that you are not only good at marksmanship, but also good at shooting and driving snakes!"

Mr. Carter?Who is Mr. Carter—the snake-driver?Could it be Miller Carter?The rich man who bought the Bond family's mansion with its secret basement?You and Senior Angel just attended his dinner party?What a coincidence, Backlund is so small... Klein replied without changing his expression: "It was just a small thing, the underground building that was in disrepair finally collapsed."

"Did Mr. Edward say anything?"

To be on the safe side, he still couldn't help asking.

After all, it was Miss Sharon who asked to blow it up, so that she, who was like a ghost, could enter freely to get items.If Mr. Edward is also interested there, I'm afraid I have to notify Miss Sharon in advance... But this is not because I leaked the secret, I did not break the agreement, this is a coincidence that no one thought of... Klein thought silently.

Now he has a natural resistance to "coincidence".

"Mr. Edward just felt a little curious, and didn't say anything." Talim recalled it, but didn't take it to heart.He got up, and after the carefree lunch hour was over, the previous worries appeared on his face again.

"I should go, Sherlock. It was a pleasure chatting with you, but there are people waiting for me. See you another day."

Seeing him looking tired and hurrying towards the exit of the club, Klein also stood up and said goodbye to him with a smile.

"See you later."

"Dear Dean Norma, Zhan Xin'an."

"Today is November 11th, long time no see, I am Ademisol."

"As you can see, I am now free from chaos and able to think, learn, read and write normally. With everyone's help, I have mastered meditation, gradually controlled my inspiration, and completed a promotion."

"Now, I can predict my daily luck through inspiration."

"I told Mr. Sean that he won't win a lottery ticket. He didn't believe it, but he didn't win."

"We have obtained some funds, and the human trafficking incident has been resolved recently. Many things are moving in a good direction. Miss Maria took the opportunity to expand the factory and accommodate more workers. Now, our three The factory already has more than 400 employees."

"Miss Maria chose me as her assistant, and I began to learn to handle some simple affairs. She seemed to want to train me to be a manager, to prepare me for entering the sect in the future. I don't know if I can not Live up to her expectations."

"I will work hard."

"Is everything alright with you? I saw Alia here. She is studying at Backlund University. The scholarship and subsidies from the school are enough to support her life. She can eat bread with meat every day. And a little taller."

"I have already applied to Miss Maria. At the end of this year, I hope to return to your side and spend the New Year with you."

"I wish you good health again!"

"Your sincere child, Ademithor, with respect."

In the dark and gloomy stowaway, a fat man wearing a headscarf couldn't hold back his temper and kept asking the people next to him in a low voice: "Have you arrived yet?"

"It's been a long time sailing!"

"Didn't you say you can arrive today?"

"I have nothing to throw up!"

The person who was asked answered him impatiently: "Soon."

"Mr. Craftsman, you and I are both believers in God. This escape is blessed by the Great Mother Tree. You are always so impatient and disrespectful to God!"

I never thought of respecting your mother tree of desire! !The delicate stomach can't eat these rough foods, and the nobles who have never traveled far have never walked such a long waterway. Shalf Maxwell, who vomited [-] times along the way, cursed in his heart and had to make a face. With a pious and repentant look, he returned to his seat and stopped talking.

Great-great-uncle, this journey is really difficult...!
As soon as Sharf started to complain in his heart, the scene of Trainor holding his ears (making his feet almost off the ground) before leaving immediately appeared in his mind, and he said with a grim face: "Do you know Know how rare this opportunity is! Are you still here to pick and choose?"

"If, if Charles has this chance, I will try my best to make him—"

Scharf felt phantom pain in his ears. At that time, the old housekeeper Turing hurried over to smooth things over, interrupted the second half of his great-great-uncle's sentence, and saved his ears.

Of course he also wanted to escape, but it was also necessary to complain.Under the cover of a bunch of cultists, he left Trier incognito. He hid all the way, walked through mountains and forests, and finally left the port two days ago. He successfully boarded the prepared ship and headed for Rorsted A hidden port near the archipelago.

At that time, people from the Celestial Sect will come to pick him up.

After about two hours, Sharf looked at the sunlight coming in through the cracks of the deck above his head, gradually shifting from the center to the east, which means that the sun is setting in the west, and the carriage of the eternal blazing sun is about to leave the sky. It won't be long. Goddess will come step by step.

In violent and brief turbulence, the ship docked.

Sharf was protected in it, and he got off the boat with the cultists, only to see a group of cultists who seemed abnormal in spirit and seemed to be able to fight, and there was no one who came to help him as his great-great-uncle said. shadow.Sharf couldn't help but start beating drums in his heart.

Are you here yet...

The cultists surrounded him and surrounded him, Sharf felt like a piece of meat being stared at by beasts.

While he does, presumably, probably actually have a bit of plumpness, this metaphor is one he doesn't want to accept at all!

The pace of the people was hurried, and they entered the jungle without stopping after leaving the private port.The hot and humid climate and hurried walking made the pampered Sharf almost out of breath.He pulled off the hood of his cloak and took a deep breath. In his bellows-like panting, he suddenly discerned a strange tone.

Immediately afterwards, the person walking in front suddenly fell down.

Sharf was taken aback, then his spirit was shaken, and he searched around for the real members of the traveling sect who came to pick him up.The cultists looked around vigilantly and covered their ears, but the ethereal tone seemed to be able to rush directly into their minds. They fell to the ground one after another, and in a blink of an eye, only Sharf was left standing.

Sharf was very curious, he knelt down and stretched out his hands to check the breath of the nearest person, and was shocked to find that he had died!
Not only him, but everyone here is out of breath, being taken away by that weird tone!

"Slap." There was a soft landing sound from the front side, and a person in a light brown cloak jumped down from a high branch.

He raised his head and looked at each other with Sharf.Sharf was able to clearly see the outline of the other person's face, which was similar to that of a Loenian, as well as the dark complexion and dark curly hair unique to the people of the southern continent. The hair was also thinly tied into many small braids, or tied into a bundle, or natural down.

"Are you a 'craftsman'? he asked, with a leaf in the corner of his mouth.

"Are you the person sent by the Pilgrim Sect to pick me up?" Sharf breathed a sigh of relief, and then became very curious, "That voice just now was your extraordinary ability?"

After confirming that the other party was indeed his future companion, he also relaxed a little, led the way with a cold face, and introduced himself: "Yes, I am a Beyonder of the "Corpse Collector" path.Of course, we prefer to call it the "Reaper" approach. "

"I'm Garland De, the leader of the Rorsted Islands of the Pilgrim Sect."

"I am Sharf Maxwell. My great-great-uncle, Lord Trainor Soren Vaughan, sent me."

Garland raised his eyebrows, he didn't expect this fat young man to have such a prominent background.But it doesn't matter, now that he has left Intis and given up his status as a nobleman and priest, he is no different from an ordinary person like himself.

"Nice to meet you, then," he said.

"Welcome to the sea, welcome to the original colonial city, Bayam, the city of generosity, Mr. Shalf Maxwell."


Graduation is approaching, the past few days have been extremely busy, and there will be a lot of things to do in the next week...

There is no time to code with peace of mind! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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