Chapter 90 Sailing Preparations and Guessing

Alger's eyes widened, and he thought he heard it wrong: "What did you say?"

"I think this Mr. Frank's idea is very interesting." Richard replied after thinking, "Hybridization can indeed increase the yield of crops. My teacher said that planting cold-resistant plants and drought-tolerant plants together and cross-pollinating, It is possible to breed crops that are resistant to cold and drought after several generations of selection and breeding. But can it be done between plants and animals? I have never thought about it...I will talk to my teacher later. "

Alger was dizzy from a lot of professional terms in Loen language. This is not his field of expertise at all, so he quickly interrupted Richard: "Planting, farming, that's the job of the farmer, if it doesn't work, it's also the mother of the earth. It has nothing to do with you, aren't you doing charity?"

Richard answered him very seriously: "Charity is not only about helping people live, but more importantly, telling them how to live."

"If you just give food and don't help, it's okay in the short term, but it will harm the other party in the long run. Open factories to attract employees, teach children to read, write and sew, so at least they won't starve to death."

"Increasing food production is also a good way to help people. I really want to talk to that gentleman."

The ghost captain frowned and did not directly stop him, but reminded him more tactfully: "...Mr. Ernst, tomorrow will be fine weather. If you want to go to sea as soon as possible, please prepare all the supplies today. We haven't discussed the route yet. , these are the things that need to be resolved urgently.”

"You are right!"

"Not so polite."

"Well, thank you for your understanding, Mr. Wilson."

Alger suddenly felt that something was wrong, and saw Richard looking at him with sincere eyes that no one could refuse, paired with his usual hearty smile.Richard took Alger's hand, put the small book with the list of supplies into his hand, and then kindly closed his fingers for him.

These hands were hot and scalding, with an irresistible force, Alger didn't break free, and was immediately startled.As if he didn't feel the short-term stiffness of the other party, Richard patted him on the shoulder very enthusiastically and familiarly: "I see, Captain, I will just have a word with him and then come back. I believe your eyes , I also believe in your good quality of honesty and trustworthiness, so the purchase of supplies is left to you!"

Alger's face changed, and he was a little uncertain about the client's thoughts, which made him very uneasy.Before Richard turned around and went to where Frank was, he lowered his voice and said:

"He is Frank Lee, a Beyonder of the "Cultivator" path.It is said that he is a subordinate of the general of the stars.The star general tends to be neutral among the four kings and seven generals, but he is not easy to provoke, you...don't provoke him. "

Finally, he asked: "Mr. Ernst, you don't seem to care about security issues. Is this out of trust or your own strength?"

"Both." Richard turned his head, lowered his head slightly and whispered to Alger, "In terms of strength, although I don't have an advantage in the sea, the sequence is still passable, but I am higher than you. A sequence, so I still need your attention."

A Sequence 6... Alger's eyes widened slightly, but they returned to normal in the blink of an eye.Sequence 6 is no longer an enviable height for me who has digested the Sequence 7 potion. As long as the Tarot Society can find the formula, Sequence 6 is within reach.So he was startled and adjusted.Nodding his head, he watched Richard leave, and then silently dismissed the idea of ​​reducing supplies to fill his pockets.

Frank was walking on the road carrying two sacks of soil. He was wearing a straw hat with his sleeves rolled up, and his body was covered in dirt marks. He didn't look like a pirate, but an ordinary farmer.

He was thinking in his mind why the calf didn't grow out of the soil, and whether the soil was not nutritious enough, so he bought two kinds of soil this time and planned to go back to do a comparative experiment.Frank was slowly dragging the bag while thinking about the experimental data. At this moment, a hurried footstep approached him quickly, and at the same time, a huge shadow appeared on the ground.

Frank wiped his sweat with the back of his hand, raised his head, and looked at the tall young man who came to him: "Hello? Is there something wrong?"

"Hello, Mr. Frank!" The tall young man seemed very happy, and approached regardless of the dirt stains on Frank's body, "I heard the idea of ​​hybridization you were discussing with others, and I think your idea is perfect! Can you Tell me? My teacher once told me about the breeding method of 'hybridization', planting two plants with different advantages together, cross pollination, and after several generations of artificial breeding, there is a great probabilities to breed plants that have both advantages at the same time."

"Although I heard you talking about crossbreeding animals and plants, it does sound unlikely... But this proves that your research project has a lot of room, and it may be possible through 'genetic' means! Please don't Give up, you're doing a great thing!"


Frank was stunned, and the two sacks in his hands fell to the ground.

Richard watched him nervously.

"you you--"

Frank was so excited that he grabbed Richard's hand and made him as dirty as himself.If it weren't for the concern that the other party's clothes were much cleaner and tidier than his own, he would probably hug her.

"You, thank you, you can actually understand and understand my thoughts!"

Frank was flushed with excitement, and even stuttered a bit: "Yes, yes, I made a similar point of view when I was still in the Church of the Mother God, and when I was researching the literature, I found that the predecessors had done related research, but When I wanted to do the experiment, the bishops stopped it... because they thought it was unnecessary, as long as they prayed to the mother god and their extraordinary ability, they could increase the grain production several times, and there was no need to spend decades of manpower and material resources to make one I don’t know if there will be an experiment with results!”

"Probably because you chose to crossbreed animals and plants is really a bit too advanced..." Temperance Angel analyzed rationally.

"Maybe. Maybe. But it's definitely worth studying. If it can be done, people will be able to eat meat as cheap as food."

Frank was full of enthusiasm: "If it weren't for our ship's short stop, I would really like to chat with a kind person like you. Now I have to go, please tell me your contact information!"

Contact information...the ever-burning torch, the protector of all those who resist fate, the prisoner of chaos and death, the curse...Richard subconsciously began to read his honorable name in his mind, and then quickly interrupted his thoughts, Quickly took out Garland De's business card and handed it over: "What a coincidence, I'm going to sea soon, maybe I won't be back until a long time later. This is my work address, if you are willing to write to me, I will be very happy of."

"You want to go to sea..."

Frank calmed down a bit, made a gesture of holding a baby, and said with a pious expression; "Although I don't know what your beliefs are, I hope the kind mother blesses you to return safely."

"Shouldn't we pray to the Lord of Storms at sea?" Richard said half-jokingly, "Thank you, Mr. Frank."

15 Minsk Street, Jorwood District.

After returning home, Klein rested for a while, and went above the gray fog, intending to divination about Will Auceptin.

He let the Thousand Paper Crane fly out from the pile of debris in the corner, and landed on the long bronze table in front of him, and then took off the citrine pendant wrapped around his cuff.While holding the pendulum in his left hand, Klein adjusted his state through meditation, recalling the scenes he saw in the woods outside the cemetery.

He may not have noticed some details, but his spirituality will definitely not be neglected. This time the divination mainly uses this point and relies on the gray fog to eliminate interference.

After finishing the preparations, Klein manifested a new parchment and wrote down the "divination statement": "Will Auceptin is completely dead."

Immediately afterwards, he pressed the thousand paper cranes next to the divination words, so that the citrine pendant almost touched those words.

After entering the meditation state and completing all the steps of the "Pendulum Method", Klein opened his eyes and looked at the result:
The citrine pendant was turning counterclockwise, the speed was quite fast, and the range was not small.This means no.

This means that Will Auceptin is not completely dead!

This... Klein was stunned and felt that this seemed to be expected. He thought for a while, and changed the divination sentence again:

"That body belonged to Will Auceptin."

This time, the pendulum gave a positive revelation.

That body really belonged to Will Auceptin!

Klein vaguely had an idea, and wrote a new divination statement: "Will Auceptin's body will be resurrected."

After calmly busying himself, Klein saw the revelation: it was spinning counterclockwise at an extremely fast speed.This shows that Will Auceptin's corpse will not be resurrected, that is, it will not change into a dead body!
It seems that Will Auceptin actively or passively abandoned his previous body and survived in another way... Is this matter related to the "Mercury Snake"?Klein tried divination on other content, but all failed results, including "Will Auceptin's current state".

However, he used the "dream divination method" to repeat the previous divination, and when he asked "Will Auceptin's current location", he still got a similar picture: a dark room, the sound of running water.

But this seems to feel a little different.

Forget it, there's no need to waste time, and I'm not going to mix it up... Klein put away his pendulum and prepared to return to the real world.Through the divination just now and all the previous events, he had a vague guess about Will Auceptin, but he couldn't confirm it.

Will Auceptin is another "mercury snake"!
As Sequence 1, the "Mercury Snake" is not the only one, there can be up to three "snakes" existing at the same time!
The "Mercury Snake" who is in charge of fate can naturally locate the position of Allen's astral body through the thousand paper cranes, create false revelations to the other party, and undoubtedly have the ability to change someone's fate with a single word.Will Auceptin became weak for some reason. Combined with the scene that appeared in Allen's dream, he may be under the threat of the second "Mercury Snake". Everything he did was to get rid of the other party.

However, there is no longer a silver and red-eyed giant snake in Allen's dream now. It can be understood that Will Auceptin successfully escaped the other party's pursuit, and took this opportunity to quickly abandon his body and transfer himself.

As for the reasons for their conflict, the answer is simple:
When there is no sequence 0, three sequence 1 can exist at the same time, and once there is sequence 0, there will be no sequence 1!

For this sentence, the formula of the "Dark Emperor" potion explained the true meaning.

One of the main ingredients of that formula is: the extraordinary characteristics of the two "Princes of Order"!
"Prince Killing Order" is exactly Sequence 1 of the "Dark Emperor" pathway!As a Sequence 1, if you want to advance to Sequence 0, you must obtain all the Extraordinary characteristics of the other two Sequence 1s in the same path!
It was because of such speculation that Klein became more and more afraid to interfere with Will Auceptin's matter.

If my deduction is correct, it is a genuine "fighting of gods", which cannot be provoked... Klein's spirituality sank, and he disappeared into the ancient palace above the gray mist.

"He has been summoned by Origin Castle too many times."

Amon couldn't help but said: "After returning home from the cemetery where Will, the mercury snake, was buried, he seemed to go to Origin Castle immediately. I confirmed it, because his spirit body was not in the material world during that time, yes The outside world didn't perceive it. Then it came back a few minutes later, and there was no difference except that the aura of Origin Castle was a little stronger, and the aura also dissipated in a short period of time, unbelievable, really unbelievable."

Edward stared ahead, and asked for a while, "How did he get to Origin Castle?"

"I saw him take a strange step, then immediately sat down on the chair, and then the spirit disappeared."

Amon hesitated and said: "My spiritual intuition says that this must be a mysterious ritual that has a connection with Origin Castle, but I can't confirm it."

"Try it and you'll know."

Edward threw out a Sequence 7 clone of Amon. Under the watchful eyes of the stronger clone and the outer gods, the clone followed the instructions with a smile on his face, imitating Klein's pace and walking four steps backwards, but nothing happened.Under the scrutiny, he walked a few more times, but still nothing happened.

"It appears that some necessary steps are missing."

"But I can't get too close, or he will find out."

Edward took back the low-sequence Amon avatar, and thought for a while: "There is no reason for the holder of Origin Castle to be so open-minded to Klein, to respond frequently, and to let him go up as a guest every three days. Besides, that magical honorable name , is there a possibility that the "fool" is Klein? "

"..." Amon rubbed his eyes, and smiled after a long time, "As an Amon, a king of angels, I am very reluctant to admit that I am not as good as a Sequence 7 fortune-teller in terms of sensitivity to source quality what."

"But as far as I'm concerned, I think it's possible."

"Then go and try to recite the honorable name of the fool."

Edward Ping thought for a while, and said calmly: "Klein is a human being with the morals of the old era. In short, he is educated and has his own persistence and code of ethics, so he is easier to shake. At that time, I will just find a few Hundreds of people line up in a row, and each person recites the fool's honorable name ten times. If there is no response, then the one above is Tianzun. Since he has morality, it is impossible to refuse to save these people, unless he is not kind. "

"If he is kind, but chooses not to respond for his own benefit...heh... then this matter will shake his principles because he violates his own principles, and death and loss of control are inevitable."

"It's a good idea." Amon admired, "If it's me, maybe I can only think of defrauding him and letting him tell the truth."

"With all kinds of schemes, attacking the heart is the best." Edward replied, "This is the way the devil behaves in the world. What you have to learn is how to observe words and actions."

Amon shrugged: "This is too difficult for me."

"Human beings observe words and emotions in order to obtain higher status or benefits, and we have been the highest configuration from the beginning. Even with the blood emperor, cooperation is greater than that of monarchs and ministers. There is no room for observing words and emotions."

"Nevertheless," he said, "I thought it was an interesting experience."

"To understand human nature, you have to play human, right?"


"The everlasting fire
Protector of all those who rebel against fate

Creator of the Damned City,
Prisoners of chaos and deathmatch.

— the great Temperance Angel,

Richard Ernst with us"

Everyone should be able to understand the deep meaning of this name

"Fire" not only refers to the ideas and rebellious spirit spread by Richard, but also the "passing on the torch" of the old civilization.

A person who rebels against fate—Richard first rebelled against his own destiny, as a child of a colony, as a slave, as a cultist...not to be a servant of God, not to be a tool of an Outer God, He wants to be a human leader.Not only to resist their own fate, but also to enable all awakened people to resist the unfair world.

The city of the curse—this is what Sharon called "the blood debts in the southern continent". Richard used the method of making military officers pay blood debts in the colonies to show his prestige to the countries in the northern continent. "Only when you frighten them, can you finally have the qualifications for dialogue." It is also considered by the temperance faction as "breaking the harmony between the north and south continents", "not thinking carefully enough", "if we lose the assistance of the seven gods, we will be even more helpless." Confronting Sierra” is another focus of the impeachment of the Angel of Temperance besides refusing to save Reinette.

Prisoner of chaos and death--Richard doesn't want to get involved in war, but the path he chooses is destined to face wars on all fronts.

Such was his fate as a prisoner.

(End of this chapter)

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