do you accept?

...There is no other choice but to accept this reality.

Ourolius knew clearly what he was disappointed in, but he also knew clearly that his idea could not be realized.

However, what makes him feel the most delicate is that he doesn't feel much sad now.

He had probably seen his friend die twice, and the pain after the wound was opened again would definitely not be the same as the first time. Even those who couldn't help but feel loss and sadness were much calmer than Ourolius expected.

Because in a sense, the current ending is simply too good, far better than Ourolius himself imagined,

"Destiny" has told him that this is the best ending. The soul contaminated by the source of matter cannot be recovered. From the moment the City of Disaster swallowed him up, the Medici he is familiar with will never be able to survive. The land is back.

The current one—let’s call him Medici, after all, that’s what he calls himself. He would also call Ouroleus by the nickname he gave himself, and he still remembered the past, and it seemed that there was no change from before. However, when it came to the things that the original Medici would value, He There was no special fluctuation in his eyes. The "War Reds" may be considered one of the more elite troops inside the earth, but to the "Destroying Scourge" that is about to go to the stars, these elites on a planet are nothing.

He has plenty of time and opportunity to gather his new army from countless places.

In the past, the reason why Medici's temperament did not change drastically was because the contact was not deep enough. Just trying had left a mark of contamination.

But at that time, he felt that he still had enough time and countless opportunities, so there was no need to worry. He could slowly try to get along well with this equally active and extremely aggressive source in the future. However, he did not expect that things would change after that. .

"...How long will you serve as the natural disaster of destruction?"

Ouroleus finally couldn't help but ask: "A hundred years, two hundred years, a thousand years, or longer?"

Medici smacked his lips and said in a very nonchalant tone:

"Who knows."

"The natural disaster of destruction will only be done by the strongest person. If I lose to someone with stronger power and planning than me, then he will be the one to do it, and I will become a member of his army."

Having said this, Medici showed off his power. He looked at the ring behind Urolius, causing the symbol of the Ring of Fate to gradually shrink and become transparent, just like when he faced Source Castle just now. The breath slowly retreated.

The two paths of "destiny" are almost the same. When faced with uncertain opponents and dangers, you first choose to avoid them.

"However, compared to the earth, it is difficult to fight in the stars."

"Because the starry sky is boundless, even the concept of time disappears in the endless space. Under normal circumstances, if you don't rely on extraordinary abilities to search or gather, it sometimes takes anywhere from tens to tens of thousands of years to meet other gods. Whether they can start a fight is another matter. The greater possibility is that I saw their planet of believers and went there to cause trouble."

Medici said something that he should have no idea about at all, with a familiar tone, as if he had experienced it countless times.

"In the past, I fought for the Lord and robbed believers and territory. Now I have no believers and no one to be loyal to. I no longer have a goal to fight for... In other words, I don't need a reason to attack others!"

"Orochi, don't worry. I have obtained two paths: the witch and the hunter. The City of Disaster can also be taken away at any time. It is completely in its heyday. There is no need to fear any gods in the starry sky. No matter who comes, I am sure to let you go. They cannot eat and carry around.”

Seeing the Ring of Fate retreat, Medici smiled with satisfaction.

His tone was relaxed and quite proud, as if beating other gods was already a familiar task and there was basically nothing difficult about it.

These words made Urolius finally regain some familiar feeling.

He suddenly understood where his heart was stuck - the rise in strength and life level would bring about various changes in vision and concepts. This is normal. After all, things that were once unavailable are now within reach, and anyone's heart Alienation will occur. And if Medici left the earth to go to a wider world because he became a dual-path true god or the Old One, and gradually became belligerent, crazy, and even actively challenged in the future, then Ourowelius and everyone familiar with Him should find it acceptable.

But Medici’s current changes are too sudden! It was like he suddenly turned into a natural disaster of destruction one day. Although his overall personality had not changed, his ideas were completely different. When he mentioned the things he once valued again, he no longer cared about them at all.

This period of time was directly cut off, and such a big change occurred in a short period of time without any transition or adaptation. The various sense of inconsistency caused by this made him look like another creature wearing Medici's skin, which was why Ourolius found it difficult to accept it.

Ourolius is not a philosopher, and he will not try to prove how much of the original proportions the current Medici still has.

No matter what he thought in his heart, fate told him that this was the best outcome.

Medici's consciousness still exists, and he feels that he has become the natural disaster of destruction... Yes, there is no better result than this.

"...I will do my best to help you..."

You can no longer chase the past, and no one knows what will happen in the future. If defeat will cause others to become a natural disaster of destruction, then I will use all means to keep you as you are now... Ourolius calmed down, looked into those eyes, and said slowly and softly:

"Fate will always be by your side, Medici."

I really don’t know if this is a mockery of fate or an inevitable result of various coincidences - it’s like returning to the Fourth Age. The kingdom of heaven was destroyed, and the enemies seized the Lord's authority and became gods. The Lord and the Black Emperor cooperated to protect themselves... During that time, the two of them hugged each other for warmth and relied on each other. Ouroleus felt extremely bitter. For a moment, he I almost wanted to laugh.

Medici, you actually only have now left.


Intis, Trier, the Kingdom of the Sun.

Irena turned her head, frowned slightly, and asked Audrey:

"Audrey, today, I suddenly had the idea of ​​believing in the Creator."

Hearing this, Audrey, who had been looking out the window at the busy street, turned her head and showed an attitude of listening carefully.

"I am sure that I have never had similar thoughts before. I do not believe in a specific existence. For me, belief is a bargaining chip for promotion and performance. It has always been like this since I was a child... But today I saw Whenever I see the Holy Symbol of the Creator, I feel the urge to kneel down and pray to Him, and I want to go to extra worship services or even confession after the normal daily classes.”

"I think this is the atmosphere within the church and the impact of today's miracle on me. As an audience, what do you think?"

Audrey pondered for a moment, recalling Irena's words and deeds all the time, as well as all the great changes that had taken place today, and finally said softly in a soothing tone:

"Perhaps you are indeed affected by the atmosphere. Under the influence of the group, a voice will be infinitely amplified, drowning out a slightly weaker voice, making everyone who hears the voice think it is their own idea."

"His Royal Highness also said that from today onwards there will be no more coldness and pain. You are a kind person and you should be attracted by this atmosphere."

"Maybe." Irena's brows were still frowning, and she seemed a little repelled by the idea of ​​"wanting to believe in the Creator."

"People's concepts will change. Even if you choose to believe in Him one day in the future, it may be a normal development."

"Yes. I never thought that I would be a nonbeliever."

Audrey thought for a while and expressed her confusion: "Speaking of this, please allow me to ask you a question."


"I want to know, Miss Irena, why can you separate faith and gods?" Audrey was really curious. She herself had hesitated many times because of faith and belonging, so she felt that Irena's ideas might be able to Solve some of your own problems, "The ocean and wind contain the will of the Lord of Storms, thunder is his divine punishment and wrath, the night is the mercy and embrace of the goddess of night, and peace is the veil he bestows on every dead and sleeping person... Just like this, everything in the world is closely related to the gods. When you see the night, you will think of the goddess of the night, and when you see the sun, you will think of the eternal flame. How do you separate your beliefs from specific gods?"

"Logically speaking, you, who was born into a noble family, should be the most loyal supporter of this system even if you don't believe in it."

Hearing these words, Irena, who had no expression at all, suddenly smiled. She nodded repeatedly in agreement with Audrey's last somewhat sharp words. She smiled and pressed her arms on the railing of the corridor, looking outside. world.

"This is the Cathedral of Light, the most sacred place in the world." "Our god is the sun, and the sun's eyes cannot tolerate any dirt, darkness and corruption."

"I am the daughter of a hereditary marquis family. When I was born, I was baptized here by the then officiant."

"I originally respected him very much, and I also believed in the Holy Book of the Sun..."

Irena sighed deeply, and Audrey knew that she was about to say something related to the generation of her idea.

"Our parliament is controlled by the nobility and the church, and my brothers will definitely enter politics. Therefore, my father planned to increase my status and make me a helper for my elder brother and younger brother in the church, so he regarded me as a virgin who devoutly serves the sun. I was raised by a girl. Before I was nine years old, I received education and study in a monastery in the mountains. After completing my studies of scriptures and sacred scriptures, I gradually became associated with my family."

A completely unimaginable life experience... Audrey listened very seriously.

The power of the Church of the Burning Sun in Intis is far greater than that of the Church of Night and Storm in Loen, so it was also the first time for Audrey to see a noble woman who "entered the monastery in order to gain power" from somewhere other than rumors.

"But the monastery is really a dirty place. The administrator of the monastery is an incompetent guy, but he has some power. This power is not so big that it makes him arrogant, but it is small enough that he can live in the land of fish and meat. I am the daughter of a marquis. , he wanted to take advantage of me, but only when my housekeeper and brother came to see me, he apologized and asked me to say a few nice words to him. I lived in the best room in the monastery, and I could hear different voices every night. People are crying, and I always see strange young men and women appearing in this monastery where there should be no outsiders."

"He made them dress up as monks and nuns, and drove them away when they lost interest. There was always that dirty sound coming from his bedroom. I hate the night and love the day, because every night... Haha, I I had to look at the ceiling and recite sacred texts.”

"I vaguely mentioned to the steward that I didn't like it here, but the steward said that the founder of this monastery was a saint who entered the Kingdom of God."

"There are many nuns and noble girls waiting. If my father hadn't operated it, I would not have been able to enter a place like this when I was only four or five years old."

"Would a saint be happy for his monastery to become a place like this? So I prayed to the saint for a long time, asking him to find ways to rectify the situation here. One year has passed, and more and more men and women have been robbed by him in the monastery. He became more and more courageous, so much so that I wondered if the gods and the saint not only spared him punishment but also praised him. Once I saw him dragging a girl about my age into the monastery with my own eyes. The next day, I saw the child’s tattered body dumped on the garbage heap.”

"I have been praying to the gods for several years, but the gods have not given me any enlightenment."

"The way he looked at me made me feel more and more disgusted, so working hard to complete my studies became my only thought. The schoolwork that could only be completed when I was fourteen ended when I was nine."

Audrey listened to her quietly and then asked:

"and then?"

Then... Irena exhaled. She had never told anyone about this experience, but if she wanted to discuss her mental state with a psychiatrist, she had to start from the root cause. Audrey's reaction was in line with her expectations, and there was no indignation. , no indifference, no subjective evaluation. Irena did not need the audience to make any subjective evaluations. Audrey saw her needs perfectly - just like a doctor, after listening to the patient's feelings, he recorded these useful cases of psychological changes, and then calmly returned Ask professionally:

"and then?"

"Then... I returned home and spent a year observing my brother's attitude. Finally, we hit it off and used some means to gather the victims, family members and illegitimate children, and sent the dean to hanging. shelf."

"When he was hanged, I attended in person, dressed in the costume of Sister of the Sun, and tearfully accused him of what he had done. Then I suppressed my nausea and made a show of forgiveness, and recited the requiem for him. Prayers.”

"In this way, I became a virgin monk who endured humiliation and persevered in fighting against filth and evil under the guidance of the sun. I gained the attention of the church. My brother obtained the management rights of the monastery and began to use it to cultivate his own talents. subordinate."

As Irena spoke, she turned around and leaned against the railing casually, her movements relaxed and bold, while Audrey stood up straight, even the folds on her skirt were meticulous. Irena raised her head, squinted her eyes and looked at the "Holy City" Levished floating in the sky, and said:

"The sun is a good thing, symbolizing the growth of life and a collection of warmth and light. But believers in the sun and God himself may not be good things. If God is a good God, then He should punish such believers. If He shields believers , then my brother and I should have been punished when he was hanged, but in fact nothing happened. Nothing happened is more disappointing than him being an evil god."

"My faith in the Eternal Sun and all the gods disappeared, leaving only awe. When I prayed, I just pretended to be pious, disdained and questioned them in my heart, but nothing happened - —I’m completely disappointed.”

"So, when the church was about to ask me to stop at Sequence 7 and either get married or go to a certain monastery to make exquisite religious artworks, I accepted the olive branch from the Aurora Society - it was pretty much the same anyway, the evil god would at least Speaks to believers, doesn’t it.”

After she said the last sentence, Audrey did not respond.

The wind roared from the heights of the Cathedral of Light. After a long time, Audrey tentatively said:

"If you analyze it in the simplest way, the incident that happened in your childhood made you extremely distrustful of God, and therefore you refused to believe in any gods. And now the Creator, or God, has made you distrustful of God through actions. He generates trust.”

"Hmm." Irena looked at the mural on the top of the corridor, noncommittal.

"And there may be some explanations involving extraordinary abilities... In fact, the belief in God also appeared in my heart, and it just appeared today. However, this idea has been forgotten by me." Audrey smiled, her face But there was no smile at all, "The latest report from the Psychological Alchemy Society shows that they observed the appearance of a star that can be identified as the 'sun' in the subconscious ocean."

“The subconscious ocean is where the deep consciousnesses of countless creatures work together to construct existence, and ideas and thoughts are transmitted to all.”

Audrey felt a little sad and helpless.

Although the goal and purpose of her mission was indeed to let more people believe in the sun, become His believers and be protected by God, she did not feel very happy when Hermes praised her for completing the mission and doing a good job. .

"What you mean is that the appearance of the sun there means that the sun will become the consensus of every life, even newborn children." Irena pursed her lips and sighed, "Run's side There is indeed news of a nationwide conversion... Even if we are shocked by the power of God and the apocalyptic terror, it is impossible for the whole country to convert so neatly."

"Human beings cannot escape the faith given by God after all."

"We will all become His followers..."


If the calculation is correct, then God will start a war with Mystery within the next minute, with the spiritual world as the main battlefield - the outer god is preparing to leave, but sees a loophole in the star world, causing the death of the symbols of the red moon and the sun. Deadly entangled.

An existence that can be regarded as the divine avatar of the fallen Mother Goddess is maliciously guided to God. Although the former is not protected by the power of the Mother's Nest, it can still make God feel troublesome - this kind of purely disgusting behavior of the God can be seen at a glance. Who could have done it? If Ourolius hadn't prayed to someone just now and confirmed his identity, the Outer God would almost have thought that it must be the Lord of Mysteries who was having fun.

He thought of something and stopped leaving.

"I got the mark of death and saw the depths of the River of Eternal Darkness."

"I established a weak initial connection with this tributary."

"I have accomplished my mission exceedingly well. If I continue to act, there will be dangers, but they are too busy taking care of themselves now. I would be sorry for myself if I don't take action at this opportunity...Then the question is, how should I take away the eternal people here? A tributary of the Dark River?"

After a while, He said to himself.

"……you're right."

"Compared with trying to cut off a part of the source of matter, the incarnation of the will of the tributary is a more specific goal. After all, none of us have the ability to tear the source of matter, or seal the tributary to another space and carry it."

"Originally I didn't plan to help you too much to prevent Klein from coming back to his senses and targeting me again, but now..."

"If he can get the incarnation of a tributary, Klein probably won't do anything. Let the process gain a focus, which is a qualitative change for our symbol... Even if we go crazy on the spot or even collapse, it won't be a big loss, right?"

"Who can resist the temptation to complete themselves..."

He whispered to himself, always with a smile that seemed to come from the bottom of his heart. The world around him quickly became decadent and decayed. It seemed that there was another ruin superimposed on the almost completely destroyed Calderon.



The physical examination came back and everything was normal! I write, write, write!

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