Chapter 5 Watching Aurora Play Cards

"You lost." Mr. A said sullenly.

As if echoing his words, the right arm of a person sitting on the other side of the round table exploded suddenly, and the scattered flesh and blood slid down, wriggling stickily on the ground, making the bloody smell permeating here even more intense.

"Ah, damn it." The shepherd muttered unhappily, and conceded the bet, tore off the broken bone and rotten flesh from his shoulder, and let the whole right arm slap on the ground.Now he only has his left hand left, "Ah, why are you so lucky all of a sudden?"

"All fortune and misfortune are gifts from the Lord, praise the Lord."

Mr. A snorted twice proudly, took away the blood-stained banknotes in front of the other party, and tightly covered the evil-fighting deck in his hand, avoiding the sight of the other loser with only one head left, This guy was trying to peek with his eyeballs that rolled down to the ground.

"It's not fair." The head, which moved "separately" from the body and dragged a section of its own vocal organ, danced and protested twice on the table, and accidentally lost its balance and rolled off the edge of the table.Then a fleshy tentacle quickly drilled out of the slit in his neck, firmly stuck to the edge of the table, the falling head swung slightly, and returned to the table with force.

"Not only do you have to lose a part every time you lose, but you also have to give you the money I have saved so hard. This is so unfair!"

"I don't need money." A smiled coldly, his gorgeous face under the red hood twisted slightly, "As long as you want me to help me do those voluntary labors, how about losing for two hours at a time?"

"Volunteer labor? Is it difficult?" The shepherd who lost an arm and a leg was stunned for a moment. "I haven't participated in it yet, but I was born in a slum and I am familiar with workhouses and charities."

"It's not a question of whether it's difficult or not!" Mr. A growled in a low voice, his expression contorted indescribably, "Those children, the little ones, the tallest ones don't reach my waist, and their arms are as soft as cotton. What should I do if I can’t control the strength and tear them apart?! And their eyes are all shining, all kinds of colors, dark blue, light brown, black, in case I can’t help it What if I pick out their eyes as gems?! They don’t understand anything, they just laugh around me and learn the name of the Lord from me. The sound is like a bird singing. If I can’t control it, I will What if their throats are ripped out and made into musical instruments?! It’s too difficult, this is simply the greatest test the Lord has given me!”

"You don't understand anything at all! That's hell!"

He said a lot in one breath, and the other two shepherds opened their mouths agape when they heard it. They stopped playing cards, and their eyeballs were so wide that they came out of their sockets, and they slammed on the table. Mr. A was still muttering non-stop, and the two looked at each other, the dullness and hesitation on their faces were exactly the same.

"A." The head stopped rolling, and he put himself on the table seriously, and said in a suspicious tone, "You actually like those children very much, don't you?"

Mr. A raised his eyebrows: "What are you talking about—"

"Since it's hell, don't go there." Another shepherd took the opportunity to shoot his eyeballs in the direction of Mr. A, trying to read the cards, but was grabbed by Mr. A, "It hurts! Exploded! Ah!!"

"That was the test the Lord gave me!" he said, "I won't give up easily!"

"...Unexpectedly, Mr. A has such a big opinion on voluntary labor, so when the next shift is transferred, let other people do it for him?"

"No need!" Mr. A shouted without hesitation, and the two shepherds showed the same expressions of "it's true" and "this A is duplicity".Then the three of them were silent for a moment, and looked at the door of the lounge at the same time.I saw the dark sage Kesma standing there expressionless, still keeping a movement of pushing the door.The ally of the Lord, the angel of the abyss, stood beside him with a joking smile on his face, and it was He who made the inquiry just now.Seeing the three people looking over, he walked slowly to the table, approaching silently like a black shadow.

"You actually like those children, don't you?" Edward's voice was filled with a slight smirk. "Those lovely little lambs, those lovely children bathed in the eyes of allies."

"..." Under the gaze of the angel on the ground, Mr. A didn't dare to do it again. He avoided the other's sight, bit his lips tightly, and after a long time he murmured, "...Yes, because they are the lamb of the Lord. "

Edward chuckled and nodded: "I understand. You are still arranged to go to the charity school for this month's voluntary labor. You have also gained a lot of experience." Kesma looked at her toes without saying a word: "Can you?"

"...Yes." Kesma finally forced a forced smile on her face, and then quickly restrained herself, "What are you still doing here? Is today's mass over, and you actually play cards here for fun? Hurry up and leave , to reflect and pray, and there are tasks to do afterwards.”

The three shepherds stood up quickly, but the flesh and blood magic was suppressed in front of the strong men of the same sequence. They had to frantically distinguish from the ground which piece of meat belonged to them and which bone belonged to which part, and then looked like three children Put yourself together into a complete human body like an inappropriate three-dimensional jigsaw puzzle.

"You're joking, Your Highness Vaughn." Kesma came and lowered her head slightly, "Is your ceremony this year also scheduled on that day?"

Edward nodded: "Yes, business as usual."

"The sacrifice has been prepared, and you can check it at any time." Kesma took a deep breath, with sweat dripping from his head, "But regarding the blood sacrifice dedicated to you, we haven't caught enough blood sacrifices this year."

"Well, it's like this again this year." Angel of the Abyss didn't show any displeasure, "I can understand that the church and the military won't always allow you to arrest people, even death row prisoners. What are you going to do?"

"...We have decided to intensify our efforts to search for sacrifices that satisfy you. If we really can't gather them all, we will choose to arrest people from the Eastern District." Kesma has already handled it with ease, "But those sacrifices are often just murder, arson, thieves and thieves. The degree of touch, the quality does not meet your requirements, it can only be compensated by quantity, and you do not accept pure souls."

"Excessive vitality will make my stomach sick, and a soul as white as paper can only make me sick." Edward sighed regretfully, "I have no luck to enjoy it, give it to my dear allies, I prefer it Heinous souls and human beings who have fallen to the point of no moral bottom line."

"Follow your wishes." The dark sage had the bottom line in his heart, and whispered a few words to the three shepherds who were still making up their own flesh and blood on the ground, telling them to clean up the place and leave quickly.

"The host of this sacrifice, do you have someone in mind?"

"The host..." Edward Vaughan showed a thoughtful expression, and said calmly, "Li Li found an excuse to stay in Intis, and he doesn't plan to manage the sacrifices that Aurora will give me this year, he just wants to be in charge of the sacrifices within the sect .Last time you arranged for the Black Saint, so let’s do it as usual.”

"The Saint of Black is responsible for leading the pilgrimage in the second half of this year. It has been more than half a month since he left, and he probably won't be able to make it back." Kesma reported truthfully, "The person in charge should be the Saint of Secrets or me. I will report in time."

After discussing the relevant matters, the dark saint politely retired.The three shepherds had already packed up and left quietly. The small living room was silent and dim, and even the sound of breathing could be heard clearly.The tall square window cast a bunch of pale sunlight, and the same hazy and dark sky was faintly visible, and an unknown bird called from a distance.

Edward stood quietly for a few seconds, then dragged a chair to sit down, put the cane on the table, and silently recited the honorable name of the real creator.

"The creator of all, the master behind the shadow curtain."

"The fallen nature of all living beings."

Then a certain kind of breath descended silently, dark red blood spread from the deep black corner, like deformed hands, bypassing the chair Edward was sitting on, and then devoured the wall and the table as it advanced. Chairs, turning this not-so-spacious lounge into something alive made of squirming flesh and blood.Big mouths dripping with blood split open on the ground, uttering tempting and depraved ravings one after another.

Flesh and blood slid on the wall, and suddenly opened a blood-red vertical eye.

"Good evening, ally, good to see you who can think."

Edward broke away from the state of prayer and sat there in a comfortable posture. He looked at the huge eye that occupied the entire wall, as if he was not facing an indescribable horror, but was sitting leisurely in the square at night. On the break: "I expect to be promoted to Sequence One this year. Have you found the Sequence One characteristic that was left out?"

The blood-red eyes rolled, and the opposite wall turned into a bloody mouth.


"The moon? Believers of the original moon? Those defeated soldiers still have the ability to store a copy of the devil's Sequence One." Edward pondered for a moment, "I need you to cover it for me at that time, in case there is an emergency."

Xuehong blinked his eyes vertically, and opened his mouth: "Ritual?"

"That's right, nine massacres and blood sacrifices to an angel, I completed five, and also devoured the angel of the Church of the Eternal Sun, my dear friend Roselle has made a great contribution to my digestion progress, thank him. It's a pity Now He blocks my prayers and cannot hear my praise." He said, "Although I have no chance to digest the potion since then, it has been in a stable state for more than 100 years, and I am more than [-]% sure of my promotion success."

"Okay." The True Creator responded.

"I have a hunch that my promotion will not be silent." Edward said again, "After the promotion is successful, I plan to go back to Intis to see what my maverick believer is doing again. When the time comes , the schools and hospitals here in Ruen will be entrusted to your subordinates to take care of them."

"it is good."

"Remember to arrange more people to help. The shepherds are all free volunteer laborers and doctors." Edward thought for a while, and couldn't help reminding, "When the time comes, prepare the oracle first, and don't start the process as soon as you arrive at the place." It is a trivial matter to preach and attract followers of righteous gods, but it is a major matter to destroy facilities and buildings, don't worry about it! Otherwise, I will sacrifice the account book to you."

The true Creator was silent for a moment, the flesh and shadows receded in a blink of an eye, and He left the small lounge quickly.


*A transitional chapter of a harmonious and beautiful daily life within the Aurora Club

*The ritual of ascending to the first level of the devil path is fabricated by me based on the original work
*Ding, human design update——Edward's definition of "friend" is: people who help each other with him, kill each other, trust each other, and suspect each other, move forward together, and finally use death to please him.

(End of this chapter)

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