Chapter 48

Taking his family's carriage all the way to the outskirts of Queens, Edward arrived at his destination on time 5 minutes after eight o'clock.

This is the mansion purchased by Mr. Miller Carter, a businessman new to Backlund, but it is not the place where he lives.Although he has already settled down in Backlund, his new house is being repaired, and now it is a dinner party for showing his face in front of the upper-middle class in Backlund.I invited friends I know well, and asked friends to introduce new people to expand my network.There will be a grander banquet when the new home is redecorated.

After confirming His invitation, the manservant in the red vest took the gift from the coachman and led Him through the front courtyard with garden and pool to the main entrance of the house.

The coachman, who kept his head down, drove the carriage to a hidden place in the street. The smoke filled the air, and he disappeared with the carriage.

Edward Vaughan put the small glass bottle that appeared in his hand into his sleeves. He stroked the tip of the gold-encrusted cane, admiring the garden of the mansion, and walking slowly beside the servant.As soon as he entered the gate, he saw a gentleman in a formal dress, with slightly white temples, deep nasolabial folds but a pair of sharp blue eyes, who greeted him proactively.

Presumably this is the initiator of tonight's banquet, Mr. Miller Carter.Edward took the East Chestershire specialty wine he had brought from the manservant, handed it to the gentleman, and saluted with a smile on his chest:

"Sorry, I'm a little late."

The serious old gentleman, Mr. Carter, took the red wine and replied with a smile, "It's okay, the banquet hasn't started yet."

"Your operas are all high-quality goods. I have admired them for a long time. I never thought I could invite you to a banquet."

"You are too much." Edward responded skillfully. In Loen, implicit compliments to the master are important social etiquette, and they are slightly different from Intis's relatively straightforward compliments. You become friends with me, and I am very yearning for the scenery there."

Hearing this, Mr. Miller Carter was obviously very happy. The two chatted about the local conditions and customs of Jianhai County, and they seemed to enjoy themselves with each other.Walking through the corridor about ten meters away is the hall, and the banquet is about to begin.Mr. Carter had other people to greet, so he sent it to the place where he said goodbye and left. Edward scanned the ballroom, took a glass of light brown pre-dinner champagne from the passing waiter's tray, and slowly sipped it against the wall. .

Soon Mr. Carter returned to the hall and the banquet began and the band played the first dance number.He was not in a hurry to find a dance partner, but slowly looked at the long dining table, trying to find some food that he was interested in.At this moment, he felt some subtle breath coming from behind.

"Good evening, Mr. Vaughan, when did you come?"

The energetic young man who often talked to him at the Craig Club——Edward quickly flashed the string of adjectives in his mind, pointing to a specific noun—Talim.

Edward turned around slowly, feeling the cold breath coming towards his face. He saw Talim with a smile on his face, and he also saw the ferocious black cobra that wrapped Talim tightly and hissed and spit out a letter.The snake tail pierced through his clothes and was embedded in his left chest, as if it had come out of Talim's heart.

The demon and the giant snake looked at each other for half a second.

"I just came here not long ago." He replied, and asked a question very abruptly, "You seem to have a lot of luck recently?"

Have you messed with a witch?He didn't look at the cobra with its fangs and claws, and speculated with great interest in his heart: This curse is not difficult to remove, but it is very interesting to go deeper.Talim is a young man with a good style. As a descendant of aristocrats, he is well received in the middle and upper classes. Recently, he works normally in the club, and there is no rumor that he is in love with a certain woman.But this curse actually appeared on him, and it was a curse that could take his life at any time without causing any damage to his body. He would suddenly fall down according to the wish of the caster, like a heart attack sudden death.

Why would a very normal noble youth be targeted like this by the witch?Edward took another look at the cobra.

"Peach Blossom Luck? It seems to be a word invented by Emperor Roselle?"

"Yes, it means that the opposite sex is very good." Edward took a sip of champagne unhurriedly, looked at the black giant snake for another second and then looked away, "How is your life recently, Mr. Talim ?”

Talim was stunned for a moment, and then became a little vigilant, as if thinking of something, thinking about when he leaked the news.But he didn't see the clue from Edward's face, so he was slightly relieved, and laughed at himself: "I don't have any luck, I don't know where you got it from, if it's really like what you said, how many beautiful and caring people are there?" It’s fine to be accompanied by a beautiful lady.... Well, if you want to talk about a beautiful lady, I do often meet one recently, but I’m also very troubled by her.”

"It seems that you haven't enjoyed the beauty of love."

"Love? Stop talking nonsense!" Talim said hastily, and the cobra wrapped around him lowered its head slightly, baring its fangs, as if looking for a place to bite.As long as it opens its mouth, it can swallow Talim whole, "That girl has nothing to do with me. She is in love with a friend of mine. On the contrary, I sincerely wish her a smooth relationship. The two can live in harmony."

Edward shook the goblet in his hand very slightly, and the meaningful expression on his face made Talim feel a little guilty.

"Hey, I see—" He figured out the joint, and teased in a low voice, "It's the one you mentioned before, and my suggestion is still to elope."

Talim's eyes widened suddenly.

"No, don't mention it!" He hastily leaned forward and lowered his voice, "I, I heard that you have been busy with the opera commission at the end of the year recently, can you tell me about the current work progress? Yes, yes, I have I would like to chat with you about some interesting rumors. Yes, the last time I talked to you about Mr. Miller Carter's mansion, I wanted to introduce you to the excellent detective Sherlock Murray who helped him solve the housing incident. Mr Artie."

"The editorial department did not allow me to announce the progress. However, the script adaptation has been completed, and the progress of the soundtrack is steadily improving."

He tried his best to change the topic, and after talking for a while, he finally found a suitable topic, and the content and voice became normal.Edward didn't plan to dance the first dance, but it was too conspicuous to stand in a daze, so he simply followed the other party's wishes and asked kindly: "I did establish some friendship with Mr. Moriarty, but I haven't listened to it yet. He said about it, do you know the details?"

"...Mr. Moriarty is an experienced and excellent detective. He first inspected the basement of my house, found a large number of snakes gathered, and came to drive the snakes with his well-trained assistants. As a result, the basement collapsed in the process, but luckily they all survived."

Klein left a great impression on Mr. Carter. When he came to chat with the guests, he found that Talim and Edward were talking about this, and immediately joined in, hoping to add some connections to this outstanding Mr. Detective.When mentioning these things, he was a little bit embarrassed and thankful: "Fortunately, I chose him, otherwise other people may encounter misfortune."

"It's really amazing." Talim admired, "I knew he must be a very powerful person, he is very skilled!"

"You actually have a large basement under your house..."

Unlike Talim, Edward whispered to himself in a puzzled tone. Mr. Carter heard it, but he didn't show surprise. It should be a playwright's surprise at something wonderful and mysterious.

So he nodded and added: "Yes, Baron Pound didn't tell me when he bought this house, it was a surprise."

"Mr. Carter, I would like to take the liberty to ask you a question." Edward thought about why a basement that he had no impression of appeared on that street several times, but failed, so he asked Mr. Carter, "That is to say, in Moriarty After the detective found the snake, you didn't go in and take a look until the snake drive was over. And it collapsed at the end, didn't you?"

He originally wanted to say, "You didn't go in and take a look until it just collapsed in the end?" But after thinking about it, he chose a more euphemistic, gentler, and non-implicit rhetorical question.

After all, he has a high opinion of Klein, and doubting it would be counterproductive.

"Yes." Miller Carter did not doubt him, and even agreed very much, "Mr. Moriarty immediately reminded me when he found a snake below, and I stopped sending servants to clean it up, reducing the possibility of their casualties Sex. I later inspected the basement, and there is no doubt that it has been in disrepair for a long time, and it has indeed fallen into disrepair, and Mr. Moriarty's appearance at that time is definitely not a fake, but a real disaster."

"So that's the case." A smile appeared on the corner of Edward's mouth, and he turned his head and forgot about this worthless answer.

Talim was still enthusiastically exchanging more details about Mr. Moriarty with Miller Carter. Edward squinted his eyes and glanced up. The dark cobra was suddenly enraged by the disdainful eyes, and opened enough to swallow Talim's head was swallowed whole.The demon bared its teeth slightly, revealing a half-crazy and filthy breath, and the mighty cobra was suddenly frightened, and shrank back to Talim's heart.

Talim's expression froze immediately, the champagne slipped from his hand, rolled over the hem of Edward who was closest to him, and fell to pieces on the ground.He clutched his heart in pain, unable to straighten up for several seconds.

The instigator stared blankly at his pained back.

The sound of glass shattering caught everyone's attention, and Mr. Carter was taken aback, but only five seconds later, Talim stood upright tremblingly.His face was slightly pale, and he forced a smile: "Sorry, Mr. Carter, I suddenly felt unwell just now, but I'm better now. Haha, maybe I should really take a good rest recently."

Seeing that he was fine, the old gentleman breathed a sigh of relief and asked his servant to clean up the broken glass on the ground.

Later, Edward made a timely request to go to the dressing room to change a piece of clothing, and Mr. Carter called another servant and asked him to take Edward to the rest area to take off the dirty coat and send it to be cleaned.After entering the single room, he picked out a bottle labeled "Secret Religion - Secret Puppet Master - Entity" from his collection cabinet, and threw it on the ground.

When the glass bottle fell to the ground, it turned into a puff of white smoke and dispersed, and a middle-aged man in ragged clothes suddenly appeared in the single room.He trembled for a moment, bowed his head and stood up, his flesh and blood squirmed, and in a blink of an eye he turned into another Edward Vaughan who was exactly the same.

"You know what to do."

"...Yes, Master."

The demon ignored him, grabbed another bottle of "Abraham-Traveler-Soul", opened a door, and disappeared into the room.

Williams Street, No. 8 is the mansion bought by Miller Carter.

Through the door, Edward arrived here in an instant.The owner of the house went to a banquet. The unfinished house was guarded only by a few servants, and building materials were piled up in the messy garden.He walked into the garden as if no one was there, pushed open the door, and walked silently past the male servant who was dozing on a chair. Finally, in the corner of the first floor, he saw a handrail that had just been erected and had not yet been painted. completely dry.

Edward stood at the entrance leading to the underground and looked down. He clearly saw a not-so-narrow area inside, but within the scope of his spiritual intuition, this underground space did not exist.


Can it block the spirituality of an angel?Can only be discovered by physical means?

The seal of the true god?
What's down there?Even if it is a sealed item with strong side effects, it is impossible for the church to place it where ordinary people may encounter it.

With such doubts in mind, Edward quietly walked down the stairs step by step.Without lights and candles, He saw that the basement had undergone preliminary renovations, installed a few gas lamps, and the foothold was considered clean, but there were still some gravel and sand that had not been cleaned up a few meters away.

He walked in along the gravel.Behind the gravel is a new wall.

"Behind this is the real sealed place."

"Klein discovered this place, but he chose to blow it up instead of telling others. Does it prove that he thinks this matter has been completely resolved and does not need the help of others? Did he discover it by himself, or is it the mysterious organization he belongs to? Let him come and keep it secret?"

Edward said to himself, and once again used the power of the traveler to open a door here. When he walked in, the large and small gravels piled up inside flew up one after another, avoiding to both sides, leaving a passage enough for one person to walk.

"There are a lot of candlesticks..."

"One Iron Throne? Not even this...wrong, two? Holding the authoritative hand and the black crown, Tudor and Trunsost—ah, this is not Solomon's ruins, but the last United Nations that I descended from .”

Edward immediately saw the era when these historical relics were born, and was a little disappointed. He has been very interested in the mausoleums where the dark emperors slept and resurrected, but he has never been to any of them.Solomon's tomb had been found and destroyed long ago, but Roselle refused to let him go.

He kept walking, and continued to walk, and came to the gates at the end, all of which were half-closed, and inside were the statues of the six gods.It had been shaken down in the explosion that covered it all, and it was all incomplete.

And this last one, the only room that was still closed, actually had something behind it.Dark red blood seeped out from the crack of the door below, and a gloomy atmosphere enveloped it.Edward glanced at it, stepped on it directly, walked to the door a few steps, and tapped lightly with his fingers together.

Blood flowed from above the crack of the door again—Edward felt a little aesthetically fatigued, as if watching a bad horror movie.But in fact, only he thinks so. The gloomy atmosphere, unknown creatures, and blood all over the place are enough to scare any newcomers—a line of blood stagnates in violation of the laws of physics at the level of his line of sight, and then gathers together. A scarlet eye opened in this fist-sized blood clot.

He and this big eye looked at each other, not knowing what the other was trying to do.Just when he was about to speak, there was a voice from inside the door that made one's fist harden suddenly:

"Demon? A alive and kicking Sequence 2 demon?"

"There is still the breath of a prisoner, you are still a prisoner of Sequence 2, heck, you can't be Fabuti who was maimed by me, right?"

Edward's expression, which was not smiling, was even more terrifying under the gloomy light. Without changing his face, he gently squeezed the fist-sized eye and drew an inverted cross on the door.

"I'm sorry, you're so good at talking, you must be a war angel. Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. You really have a lot of tongues."

His expression became subtle, implying three points of indifference, three points of alienation, four points of confusion and "Why do I always encounter these unplanned things", "The real demand is really troublesome and I won't do it later" He wiped his hands He threw the handkerchief directly into the pool of blood, turned around and left.


If you don't save it this time, your ability is insufficient.

much later:

Medici: Yo, isn't this the great master of our back garden?

Medici: Why don't you speak?It's not boring to dig the soil here.

Decline: I don't understand why you dare to provoke me when you can't beat me.

*According to readers' feedback, I found that if I wrote some light-hearted little theater like ↑ at the end, it would be easy to be misunderstood, so I decided not to write in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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