Chapter 206

"Did General Rena ignore it? Did he also give up on Aldera?"

The moment Javier heard these words, there was a rumble in Javier's mind, as if all the blood in his body was rushing up.He stood up directly from the bench with an extremely ugly face, which startled the middle-aged man on the bench.

But as a Storm Path demigod known for his irascibility, he is already quite calm and rational, and being able to be a general as a half-breed is enough to prove his ability and self-control.

Javier took a deep breath, and the silver-white lightning flashed in his eyes. He tried hard to suppress the almost bursting emotions in his heart, and asked in a suppressed voice:
"Where did this... come from?"

What he asked was the false information "General Rena has resigned and returned to Loen".

At this critical moment, such false information appears among ordinary people, but it is a fatal danger!

The middle-aged man straightened his glasses frame fearfully, and said in a low voice: "I heard someone discuss it when I was shopping for food, saying that the former governor and general had already left. Isn't that true? There are such things in many mutual aid associations." information……"

"If General Rena didn't come back, why didn't he show up again?"

Javier frowned: "Perhaps he just had to disappear temporarily because of his affairs."

The middle-aged man stared at Javier, his fearful expression disappeared, and he smiled, and asked pointedly: "What difficulties will a general encounter? Could it be that there are not enough troops to take these terrifying members of the cult? Drive away?"

Javier smiled mockingly. He felt that he shouldn't go on talking, but he had already had enough discrimination, indifference and depression. Following the anger in his heart, he said happily:

"of course not!"

"The garrison in Aldera City is still capable of a battle, the general is still stationed, the army is waiting for orders, and the storm is here!"

His voice was loud: "Instead, those cultists, the rats in the gutter! They used human rights as a cover and relied on sneak attacks to occupy the city! They were afraid, so they asked for peace talks, and they secretly had other ideas!"

The soldiers patrolling around heard the familiar voice, turned their heads in astonishment, and saw their general standing on the side of the street making a speech.

They pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

The middle-aged man nodded with deep sympathy: "Indeed, we can see from the situation in the city..." Seeing that the Spiritual Cult's stamina is insufficient and the hearts of the people are not in harmony, otherwise he would not have invited himself, and quickly killed Alder in one fell swoop. Pull down.

After saying this, he changed the subject: "Then, respected general, who stopped your counterattack?"

This title made Javier raise his eyebrows, realizing that his identity had been discovered by others.

But this is not surprising. Many people in Aldera have seen him with their own eyes, and even if they haven’t seen him, they have more or less seen his photos and listened to his voice broadcast.

Javier didn't take it seriously. He saw the soldiers approaching and the windows opening one after another on the upper floors of the residents. He quickly realized that this was an excellent opportunity. He immediately looked around and said loudly:
"It will never be the enemy who stops me, but the new Governor-General who wants to protect the people!"

"Aldera is devastated, and His Excellency the Governor wants to end all of this."

Even though he was dissatisfied, he still saved some face for General Negan. Instead of directly saying that he wanted to add gold to his resume, he blamed the reason on the new governor who wanted to restore peace.

But even though he was more tactful, he finally said what he wanted to say. In the Governor's Mansion, Mr. Thomas, who had already packed up his family property and prepared to flee with his family, didn't want to hear these words. The superior General Negan would not waste his time listening to the humble ones People from the southern continent explained the situation, but the new governor was just a mayor before he came. He knew how to develop people's livelihood, protect the weak, and advance education, but he didn't know when to advance and when to retreat on the battlefield.

The governor is just clumsily balancing the tense relationship between the two generals, trying to make things even.

The sound of windows opening constantly came from overhead, facing the eyes of the soldiers and the people who stopped on the road, Javier felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and at the same time, these expressions of expectation also aroused the courage in his heart that had been silent for a long time .

His voice lowered:

"I am Aldera's General, Javier Reina. I am with you in this terrorist attack."

"My fellow citizens, something has troubled me for days."

"Dear people, people from the Northern Continent or the Southern Continent, the people of Aldera, how do you feel now?"

He scanned the crowd majestically, and there was silence all around.

In terms of momentum, the battle-tested Javier Reina is confident that he is better than General Negan of the "Judger" path.

In terms of people's hearts, Javier also felt that he should not be compared to General Negan.

As if a key had been opened, he suddenly had doubts—in this case, why was I suppressed by General Negan in all directions?
But now is not the time to think, JaVale knew he should speak immediately.The man sitting on the bench picked up the newspaper, put the scarf on his arms, walked leisurely to the side of the street, stood not far from Javier, and watched quietly.

"Thank you, Your Excellency General." Edward raised his lips, "With this speech, history will record you as a hero."

And beside the bench, Javier spoke again:
"My compatriots, you may not know the details of this peace talk."

He reported the few treaties he knew by heart:

"Aldera will compensate part of the losses of the Balam Restoration Congress."

After this sentence fell, the people around had changed their faces and started whispering.

And Javier knew that this treaty was actually a word game. The "Pale Queen" criticized the old governor, so it was Aldera who made the compensation, and Ruen pushed the responsibility out. The compensation and embarrassment had nothing to do with him.

But he knows that he cannot explain this clearly now, because he needs the support of the people.

"At the same time, during the tenure of the new governor, the Balam Restoration Council is qualified to supervise. If they feel that the governor has done a bad job, the Restoration Council may make a comeback at any time!"

"That's the details of this negotiation."

"If we admit this peace negotiation, it means that we admit that it is our own fault that Aldera suffered such a disaster."

He said lightly.

A discussion broke out among the crowd.

There are more and more people on the street, even the beggars by the wall turned their heads this way, Javier raised his head, and saw heads protruding from the windows of the residential buildings, pale faces Face towards him, like a sunflower chasing a light source.

"It's a pity, Your Excellency, it's really Aldela's own fault." The demon shrugged, "If the old governor hadn't indulged the human traffickers to smuggle people to make money, how could Shia Eggers have a legitimate reason to attack the city, and even What about Ruen's terms?"

"Of course, people who did not participate in human trafficking are innocent, you might say so." He raised his top hat with one hand, straightened his hair, and continued to listen to his speech, "Then treat this attack as a natural disaster, as a disaster." Revenge for the souls of kidnapped and dead innocent slaves."

He tilted his head slightly, listening to the conversations of the people around him.

"My husband and children were killed by people from the Zionist Council." The first voice was a female voice full of fear, "Never, I will never admit that this is our fault, then my husband and children's Doesn't death deserve it?!"

It was followed by a panicked man's voice: "Damn it, but what does it matter to me? Let the big shots and the natives worry about it. As soon as the things here are over, I will return to the Northern Continent immediately and never stay again." In this damn place!"

Soldiers are conscientious of their duties and cannot participate in discussions, but they are also communicating with their teammates to a small extent.

These two voices were the main theme in the crowd, but as time went by, the first voice gradually became the upper hand——

Because 90.00% of Alderari is now aboriginal, mixed race, and foreigners who have money to leave have all left. In terms of numbers, their voices are gradually overshadowed by the locals.

That's what JaVale wants.

If it were in the prosperous Aldera, his words would definitely not have such influence.

"Listen to me, my countrymen."

"I want to know if the worst happens...if the cunning cultists don't retreat as promised, even such humiliating regulations can't fill their ambitions, if the enemy appears here, in the streets, in the city ​​center……"

He looked around at the gathered people, and the emotions of the crowd became oppressive and heavy with his voice:
"Then what should we do?"

A voice sounded immediately: "Fight them!"

People observed each other, looking for the source of the voice, and someone answered quickly from the other direction:
"No peace talks! Our family and friends cannot die in vain! Fight them! Knives, sticks, brooms!"

"Hit with whatever you have in hand!"

"Pray to the gods! God will punish these disgusting cultists!"

Those who had a premonition that something was wrong had left quietly, and those who were still listening to the general's speech shouted the honorable name of the gods and never negotiated.Voices came from the front, back and above, and the voices of hundreds of people gathered into a huge sound wave.

"Yes! Never talk about peace!" Facing the angry eyes of the people in front of him, Javier shouted:

"Never talk about peace!"

"We should drive the enemy out of Aldera! We are capable of protecting our homeland!"

"Talk about peace after driving the Zionist Council away! Let them admit that the fiasco is their own fault!!"

There was a lot of response, and the crowd was excited.The decadent Javier finally swept away all the negative emotions in his body at this moment, and his unprecedented courage and joy pushed him forward and fought.

In the frenzied atmosphere, the demon applauded.


After reassuring the agitated crowd, Javier ordered soldiers to evacuate the crowd.

He looked energetic and energetic, and he was completely gone from the embarrassed and anxious look he had been more than an hour ago.

He searched back and forth among the crowd, and found the brown-haired man wearing glasses. He greeted him very happily, and opened his arms to give him a hug.But thinking of Ruen's implicit etiquette, he drew a circle in the air with his arms, and finally turned into a handshake.

"Thank you very much, sir." Javier's eyes were bright, and he held Edward's hand vigorously, "If you hadn't talked to me and talked to me, I probably still don't know what to do now."

"It's a pleasure to be of help to you, Your Excellency."

Edward smiled back, then let go: "It seems that you already have an idea."

Javier nodded: "I know what I should do now."

There is no need to waste time arguing with General Negan, and there is no need to be obsessed with convincing the governor.

He is the general of Aldera, grew up here, joined the army, and has been stationed for more than ten years. No one knows and loves this city better than him.He is fully capable of uniting people, creating public opinion, forcing the governor to open his eyes, and can no longer ignore the wishes of the people and the general!

"Then, I wish you success."

"I will." Javier turned around and was about to leave, then turned around and turned back, "Tell me your name, if you want to go back to the Northern Continent, I can make it easier for you."

"My pleasure," said Edward, "but please leave that until after your victory has been won."

Javier looked at him very unexpectedly, and nodded earnestly, taking this as some kind of agreement and encouragement.

He strode away, finally showing some impatience like the storm approach.

Javier ran to the governor's mansion in a hurry.

He called the adjutant and asked eagerly, "Where is the governor?"

The adjutant, who was relaxing in the corridor, was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the general. He was surprised that the general had completely recovered after going out for a trip. At the same time, the adjutant replied with strong professional ability:

"General, it's already 35:[-]. Your Excellency the Governor has gone to the military port to pick up Admiral Leavitt."

How long have I been out?Javier was startled: "Then when will he come back?"

"The Governor's second agenda today is to take General Leavitt to inspect the Aldera garrison at 10:30." The adjutant said quickly, "Then you should be back before ten o'clock."

"Okay, then I'll wait."

Waiting and waiting, Javier returned to his room, stood up after sitting for a while, and stood by the bed to observe the aisle outside the Governor's Mansion.

After waiting until [-]:[-], he finally saw a carriage with the governor's logo appear at the end of the aisle.Javier quickly jumped out of the window, ran directly to the gate of the Governor's Mansion and waited.

Not long after, the carriage arrived at the big iron gate, and several people got out of the carriage slowly. Besides the new governor and General Negan whom they were familiar with, there was also a man with black hair and blue eyes who looked very rigid and serious.

Presumably this was Amyrius Leavitt.

He looked somewhere between youth and middle age, younger than JaVale.

Amyrius Leavitt noticed the man standing at the gate of the Governor's Mansion from a distance, and asked with a blank expression:

"Who is that?"

The young General Negan snorted disdainfully: "Native General."

Amyrius said: "I remember his nationality is Loen."

"That can't change the fact that he has low-level native blood." General Negan said with contempt, "Loen's etiquette education can only restrain his appearance and behavior, and can't change the stupidity and impulsiveness in his blood."

"Please don't say that, Mr. Negan."

At this time, the new governor spoke to restore Javier's image: "General Rena just cares about the people."

Negan didn't pay much attention to the governor who came from a baronial family, but he didn't retort out of face, and just sneered.

Now that the situation is more urgent, the three big shots are traveling a little faster, and they arrived at the gate of the Governor's Mansion in a few minutes.

After they entered the mansion, Javier quickly greeted them.

Under the suggestion of the new governor's eyes, he greeted General Negan first, and got a reluctant look.Javier had fully understood General Negan's temperament, and he was not angry, and then greeted the new governor.

Finally, he looked at the strange guest and held out his hand hesitantly:
"I have long admired your name, General Amyrius Leavitt."

Amyrius didn't have the deep-rooted discrimination of Duke Negan, but he didn't have much kindness towards the Southern Continent either. He politely extended his hand and shook Javier's hand: "Nice meeting, General Rena."

The governor breathed a sigh of relief, and took the initiative to speak, enlivening the atmosphere.

The four chatted while walking, and soon came to a fork in the road. The governor arranged for the servants in the mansion to take Amyrius down to rest.

Seeing the outsider leave, Javier immediately said:
"Your Excellency, I went to inspect the city this morning, and people generally have opinions on the peace talks."

"Maybe we need to re--"

Before he finished speaking, General Negan said in disgust: "What do you want to say? You don't want to say, I hope we postpone the discussion and explain it to the citizens of the city?"

Javier was choked, and his anger suddenly surged: "Isn't this what it should be?"

General Negan snorted: "Most of the people are stupid, they don't even know a few words, and their thinking is so simple that they can be influenced by a few words. The food bill that is beneficial to the economy, the employee bill and environmental protection When the law is advanced, there are also people who oppose it, and even the machines are smashed by stupid unemployed workers. Instead of wasting time on them, it is better to finish the matter directly and let time explain to them slowly.”

The governor said: "Two..."

General Negan pretended that the governor did not exist, and said bluntly: "Your Excellency Rena, or do you want to disobey the order? The negotiation is a request issued by the Loen Council, and the Zhongsunya Company has filed for it, and the request will be within this month." Done, do you want to procrastinate? Procrastination is of no benefit to Aldera, I have to guess the motive of your unreasonable behavior, are you collaborating with the enemy?"

"How is it possible!" JaVale was horrified and furious on the spot when such a collaborating and treasonous hat was buckled, "Please take back your nonsense, General Negan! I am loyal to Loen and Aldera. Never do such a thing!"

"Then why did you stop it?" General Negan sneered and turned his head, "What do you think, Your Excellency the Governor?"

The Governor glanced awkwardly at the enraged Javier, then at the disapproving Negan, and finally smoothed things over:
"Both of you have reason to say."

"I think this matter is worth observing. How about it, I will send someone to investigate the wishes of the masses."

"General Negan is also correct. This is an order from the Kingdom. It does not depend on our will. It is our task to complete the negotiation. It just so happens that Your Excellency Amyrius has already arrived. If the two of you still have something to discuss, may be carried out under his witness."

He cleverly pushed the point of contradiction to General Amyrius who had just arrived.

Discuss the wishes of the people of the Southern Continent with a Loenian?What a joke!Javier's face changed. As expected, the governor seemed to be comforting the two, but actually stood by Negan's side again.

The victorious General Negan walked away from him with a sarcastic smile on his face, and the governor left after a few words of relief, leaving Javier standing alone in the empty corridor of the governor's mansion like an out-of-date decoration, surrounded by The servants all seemed to be whispering.



Javier's eyes turned red, and anger grew wildly in his heart.

General Negan's dismissive words and contemptuous expression remained in front of his eyes, and he thought of those people who were as angry as him, his subordinates who died tragically, the corpses he was familiar with, and the idea of ​​having to kill the controlled people with his own hands. The soldier's pain... blood seeped from the fingers of his clenched fist, and his expression became more ferocious.

He knew what he had to do.


The double shift is over.

He is warm, and the number of subscriptions has dropped to half of the original. It is really impossible to live this day.

Some readers noticed in the last chapter, yes, it is a tribute to "Darkest Hour"!
(End of this chapter)

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