Chapter 139 The Devil Gets Out of Prison
The dusk in Backlund will always be replaced by dim clouds and light rain. Klein, who is physically and mentally exhausted, puts on his half-height silk top hat, buries his body slightly, and quickly walks through the wet street. Back to No. 15 Minsk Street under the light of gas lamps.

After a short rest, taking advantage of the dim environment, he took four steps backwards and entered above the gray mist.

After being promoted to Sequence 6 "Faceless Man", he has been wanting to check whether there is any change in that mysterious space, but because he was too tired last night, he couldn't wake up in the middle of the night, and he was "busy" outside during the day, so he could only wait until now.

In addition, Klein has to eliminate interference and divination one thing.

That is, after this promotion, when his spirituality was not stable, he did not hear the illusory ravings of "Honakis...Freguera...Honakis...Freguera"!

He wanted to figure out whether this was a natural change after being promoted to Sequence 6, or there were other reasons.

In the majestic and magnificent palace, the mottled bronze long table and 22 high-backed chairs with different symbols on the back stand quietly, as if they have not changed since ancient times.

The same is true for the gray mist under them and the endless emptiness around them.

But as soon as Klein entered here, his spiritual intuition keenly discovered that the mysterious space was a little different from before.

He was not in a hurry to explore and try, he calmed down, sat at the top, took out a pen and paper, and wrote a divination sentence:
"The reason why I didn't hear the ravings after I was promoted."

Holding the paper in his hand and reciting the sentence in a low voice, Klein leaned against the back of the chair and quickly entered the dreamland with the help of meditation.

In the gray sky and the earth, pictures flashed one after another, and finally fixed on a scene.

That was Klein when his face and body were still covered with light-colored granulation, and his surroundings were filled with an illusory, thin, gray-white mist that others could not detect.

The dream was shattered, Klein opened his eyes, and roughly understood the reason:

"The gray mist intertwined with reality, helping me to block out the ravings that came from nowhere...

"After being promoted to Sequence 6, my connection with this mysterious space above the gray mist has become closer, so it has brought about certain changes, and I can naturally borrow a little power?
"At present, it should be like this."

"Well, try to explore the surroundings and see what has changed."

Klein slowly got up, followed his inspiration, and walked in a certain direction outside the ancient palace. There was a gray mist spreading out like sea water under his feet.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, when he wanted to stop and give up exploring, a light flickered at the end of the front.

Joyful in his heart, Klein quickened his pace and moved closer.

Seven or eight seconds later, he saw a staircase leading to heaven!

The ladder is condensed by pure light, sacred, transparent, clear, and can shock everyone's heart.

The stairs extend to the void above, and there are only four floors, each of which is quite high, as if prepared for creatures larger than giants.

Klein looked up in its direction and saw a layer of gray-white mist. They were condensed in mid-air, as if they were holding something, and there was still a certain distance between the staircase of light and there.

Four steps, it means that I have finished drinking the potions of Sequence 9, Sequence 8, Sequence 7 and Sequence 6?What is there on top of that layer of mist?Klein proceeded cautiously, came to the Stairway of Light, and stepped on the steps.

The steps are not weird, solid as if made of stone.

Klein climbed up the stairs to reach the fourth floor, and then tried to look above the gray-white mist, but unfortunately, his sight couldn't penetrate it at all.

He thought for a while, took two steps forward, and jumped up hard.

However, as soon as he left the ladder of light, he lost his upward momentum and the instinct to fly as a spirit body, and fell straight down, stepping on the gray mist as the bottom layer.

It seems that two or three sequences need to be upgraded. If Sequence 4 is indeed a qualitative change, then I should be able to do it after being a demigod... Klein looked up and made a judgment.


In St. Samuel's Church.

Daly entered the base of the Nighthawks unhurriedly, where Soest was already waiting for him.

"The archbishop is looking for me, what's the matter?"

When she was walking in the cemetery managed by the Church of Evernight, feeling the resonance and communication of spirits, Leonard actually rushed to find her.It was said that Archbishop St. Anthony wanted them to go to Soest together, but he left without waiting for himself or explaining what was going on.The way he looked worried made Daly very curious.

The church bells struck eleven just after she entered the room.Before Soster spoke, Daly noticed a small glass bottle placed on the desk.

The eyes of the necromancer, who often dealt with spirit bodies, lit up, and he immediately walked up to the table and looked at the thing carefully:
"Is such a convenient spirit body storage container the latest sealing item?"

"Substances like glass should be restricted by some kind of rules? Isolate observation, and my little ones can't spy on them, but it won't affect the surrounding things, and it can even greatly isolate the extraordinary characteristics from surrounding objects. This is really a genius design, is it a new product of the Church of Steam or developed by the geniuses of our church?"

Soest had a strange expression on his face, he hesitated to speak, and he hesitated to speak.

"Souster, can I pick it up and have a look?"

"...Of course, we've confirmed that it's safe, and, that's why we asked you to come."

Seeing Lie Xinxi, Dai Li immediately picked up the bottle and looked at it carefully. The necromancer who is proficient in spiritual vision soon discovered that there was indeed a soul imprisoned in it. She tried to let a little bit of her own spirituality penetrate into it, but unexpectedly felt something inside the bottle. 's soul is now in the "no contract object" state.

"It's really's really good."

Daly admired sincerely, unable to put it down.She didn't try to communicate with the spirit inside, nor did she intend to wake him up: "This technology can capture and place the spirit more easily. I have long felt uncomfortable with the nightmares of the church who sealed the spirit on their teeth. You have to grin your teeth when fighting, no wonder His Excellency Sesima always likes to wear high collars, unexpectedly Leonard also started to learn from him... And I bet, they will definitely not tell their own kisses about this kind of thing object."

Soest hesitated to speak again, and pursed his lips.

"You are also very strange today, and Leonard is also very strange. You must be hiding something from me."

Daly laughed a few times, put the bottle back on the table reluctantly, pressed the table with one hand, and leaned forward: "Souster, can you talk now, what do you want me to do?"

The requiem coughed twice, and finally found his own rhythm. He reached out and took the bottle, held it up to the two of them, and said solemnly:
"The spirit body in this is a person who accidentally survived a very dangerous extraordinary event. According to various records, he has already died, but just the day before yesterday, this bottle was stuffed into our mailbox anonymously .”

"He?" Daly said with great interest, "I didn't expect him to be a lucky man."

Soest's expression became more and more weird, but he still tensed up: "I hope you can understand. Your Excellency the archbishop and the red gloves spent a day studying this bottle and trying to talk to the spirits in it. But they can The information obtained is limited, so after confirming that he will not cause danger, His Excellency the archbishop decided to inform you to continue communicating with the spirit body in the bottle."

Daly nodded, not surprised by this request.But she found something odd: "Hope I understand? Hope I understand what?"


Soest was about to lose his temper: "The spirit in this bottle is a Nighthawk."


"His name is Dunne Smith."

"On December 12, play cards with Zaratul."

"On December 12st, play cards with Zaratul, and organically integrate fighting evil with the board games of the old era, creating a new gameplay."

"On December 12, play cards with Zaratul."

"December 12rd, Edward, Edward, is the card so fun? You have been in for three days, it's time to think about going out!"

"On December 12, play cards with Zaratul."

"December 12th, I don't want to play cards anymore, and chat with Zaratul about history to pass the time."


The Hidden Church was silent.Behind the statue of the Mother of Heaven is a small space with only about two large floor tiles. It is already difficult to squeeze in two adults of normal stature, but it is even more difficult to squeeze in two angels with a card table and dozens of board game pieces. It's difficult.

Zaratul moved his feet in one direction, retracted his legs, and tilted his knees against the Monopoly boxes piled aside.The handwritten title deed and the colored stones used as pawns for the characters fell to one side.The soothsayer reached out to snap them back into place, then leaned back against the statue of the Celestial Mother with folded arms, the brim of the hood covering his eyes, the whiskers under his nose fluttering in the faint draft.

Edward sat on the other side, raised his face, and looked at the secret puppet above.

The marionettes moved without wind, swaying, and the marionettes that were damaged in the melee before still maintained a damaged appearance, with missing arms and legs, or half of the skull missing.It looks like a broken and defective product in the window of a toy store, mixed in out of place.

The delirious Antigonus is like a nostalgic human being, as long as the toy is not damaged to the point of being completely unusable, he will never throw it away.

During his days in prison, apart from playing cards, sleeping, dazed, and making jokes with Zaratul, he just stared at the secret puppet on the roof to pass the time.Edward has already counted how many secret puppets there are, and how many men and women there are.During the period, he also discussed the history of the kingdom of night with Zaratul, and made an in-depth study of the causes and treatments of Antigonus and the Mother of Heaven, two born mythical creatures who acquired humanity.

The atmosphere of the seminar was harmonious, and both parties had a high degree of participation, and jointly improved the relevant research.In the end, Zaratul traded a piece of insignificant information and a piece of lobster pasta in exchange for Edward's deciphered language of the Kingdom of the Night, preparing to try to light up the fragments of the historical fog of this hidden place in the future.

So Edward used this to confirm that Zaratul did have a chance to go out in the future, which was much more important than the black history between the churches.

Escaping after being imprisoned for 6 days, I feel a little testing the bottom line of the night, but after all, I have lost a copy of Sequence One, and 6 days is enough time for me to heal my injuries and leave, not to mention that there is Zaratul here...

It's almost time to go.Thinking of this, Edward moved.

He stood up, took a long leg, and stepped in front of Zaratul.

Zaratul turned his head slightly, and said vaguely as if he couldn't open his mouth: "Are you leaving?"


Zaratul muttered something, as if he was talking to himself, and finally he shook his head and lay back without saying a word.

Edward squinted at him as a riddler, and felt like returning to the time when he was working together.In all fairness, he didn't dislike Zaratul very much, although Roselle couldn't get angry when he saw this guy pretending to be profound.But fate is indeed something worthy of awe. In the oriental fables, one who knows too much will be condemned by God, let alone tell these "heavenly secrets"?
He walked around the base of the wall a few times, and his eyes locked on the wall not far behind the stone statue.

The candlesticks on the wall were not drawn, but there happened to be a hollow skylight on the dome of the church. The red moonlight slanted in, brushed over the bowed head of the statue of the Mother of Heaven, and happened to shine on this wall. Added more horror movie atmosphere.

There are short and clumsy symbols engraved one after another, but there is an empty piece in the middle, which cannot be connected to form.

The blank area was the size of two palms, and it was obviously sunken inward, as if someone had dug away the stone bricks on the surface.

"The corresponding piece of obsidian is in the church. No one has taken it away yet. Putting it here can make this wall get rid of the 'hidden' state and take on an illusory color."

Zaratul changed his posture and turned his side face to Edward's direction: "However, the key to open the door is very special, you have to draw the relevant symbols of the Evernight Goddess."

Edward touched his chin: "It's about the same as I thought. I thought you would cheat me again at this time,"

"After all, if you successfully trap me here, the Evernight Goddess will most likely be willing to let you out. You've already cooperated with that guy once, and it's okay to do it again."

Zaratul chuckled in a low voice: "If you draw the symbol wrong, you will at best only see that half-fool who got out of control."

"But Antigonus did not become a true god after all, and you said that you are already a Sequence One, so looking directly at him can only bring you some troubles. Then when you get upset, come back and kill my weak projection , I’m at a big loss.”

"Correct decision." The devil smiled, "And it was impossible to trap me here."

Edward also intends to continue to passionately stage a drama about the pious patron of the Mother Tree of Desire, but then feels that it is unnecessary, and it will be false if he plays too much.He stopped talking, and quickly found the obsidian that was missing on the wall from under the seat.

Then, he took a few steps forward and put the obsidian slab into the depression.

The two fit together seamlessly, nothing superfluous.

The wall quickly glowed and gradually became transparent, and one could see the stone slabs outside, the wall with holes, and the clouds floating in mid-air.

After reconfirming safety, Edward raised his hand, and drew a sign of the Path of the Night, which was slightly different from the holy emblem of the Goddess of the Night.

Suddenly, the scene behind the transparent door swayed like water waves and changed.

Behind the gate, there are cliffs with no bottom, jagged stones, clouds floating in mid-air, and bright sunlight that can't be seen in Backlund at all, just like a part of a certain mountain top!In an extremely distant place, there are dilapidated and mysterious palaces and faintly visible churches.

Artists are bold.Edward stretched out his hand, pressed on the illusory door, and pushed it away.

His figure disappeared from the hidden town in an instant.

At this moment, Zaratul also moved.He sat up straight. Although he couldn't see his face clearly, his body movements showed hesitation.One second, two seconds... Tens of seconds later, he lay back slowly, and used his arms to move the surrounding debris into the open space.

"not the right time yet……"

The fortuneteller sighed, "Not now..."

In the outside world, as soon as Edward's back foot left the scope of the hidden town, his front foot immediately stepped into the spirit world.He wandered rapidly through the spirit world, and noticed that the world beneath his feet was a bright, chaotic blue.

Thinking of the too bright sunshine just now, Edward's heart suddenly moved.After wandering for another distance, he left the spirit world, and the moment he got down to earth, he arrived at a noisy place.

The sea breeze with a fishy smell was blowing in, and the cries and shouts were mixed together. As soon as he came out of the extremely quiet and hidden town, Edward immediately felt that his hearing was a little challenged.Considering that it is not convenient for him to appear in a crowded place, as soon as he landed, he immediately moved to a relatively dark and inconspicuous alley.

Just when he was about to take a good look at the surrounding situation and confirm his current location, a hand suddenly stretched out from the dark alley, and a cold dagger was placed on his neck, slightly sunken into the skin.


Edward turned his head in doubt, and unexpectedly found that there were quite a lot of people in this alley, some with knives, some vicious, and some tied up as if they were about to be silenced.These people looked at him vigilantly, and when they saw the blood on their bodies, their vigilance turned into contempt.

If you take a closer look, they are all dark souls, and their crimes are at least at the level of dark chocolate.

The dagger has added some strength, and the words of ordinary people may have cut open the carotid artery, but Edward stretched out his hand and flicked it lightly, and the dagger was instantly released from his hand, flying upside down and directly hitting the part above the eyebrows of the pirate holding the dagger. Cut it all off.

Plasma splashed, as if a red coconut had been cut open.The pirate kept a ferocious smile and fell down slowly.

After two seconds of silence, three people exploded with bang bang bang bang. Fear and panic tore their bodies apart, leaving only the heart falling into a pile of shredded meat.

Edward took off his glasses, bent down and wiped off the blood splattered with the corner of the corpse's clothes, and put them on meticulously again.

"Thank you, I'm just hungry." He said with a smile.


To get out of prison is actually to push the door open and walk out.

The double shift is over.

(End of this chapter)

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