latent syndrome.

Chapter 248 247. A Role Model

Chapter 248 247. A Role Model
late at night.

Because Liberty City's power system encountered an unknown fault and was paralyzed, only some important industrial facilities had the ability to provide emergency power supply.

And because of Colin's blind pursuit, serious damage was done to the main roads in Brooklyn and Queens, and Liberty City will be in a situation where it will not be open to traffic for a long time.

These strange emergencies made all service catering establishments closed, and most people went home and waited for the notice from the city government.

And people who have been infiltrated by various information channels from SCT or the underground world are already planning how to survive in the coming chaotic world.

Perhaps inspired by zombie-themed movies, the panic buying and hoarding of supplies have already begun. Although the city government is regulating and controlling, no one cares anymore.

The events that happened in Los Angeles are well known. A terrifying disease with a very high fatality rate and an unknown transmission method is spreading in Los Angeles. What the officials have done is to isolate them like livestock and let them fend for themselves.

And up to now, there is still no news from Los Angeles, and it has never been seen on the news, as if it has been crossed out from the map of the Freedom Alliance.

This made them more convinced.

Although in terms of objective facts, this behavior is a bad decision due to the lack of relevant medical means.

Man is a rational animal.

But when rationally demanded of them, they only get angry.

Just like there is no truth, only explanation.

"People are always attracted to things that are like themselves."

"The so-called TAG, strengthening."

"It doesn't matter what group you belong to. Whether it's sexual orientation or entertainment tendencies, they are all external labels."

"It's not digging deep enough."

"A lover...shows the essence."

"Rough or smooth, clean or dirty, weak or strong."

McConaughey sat on the edge of the flower bed in the park. It was hard to say whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. Because the road was blocked, the traffic was not as good as it was 300 years ago, and even horse-drawn carriages could not pass over those rubble piles.

Due to the blackout, McConaughey's company was not spared, so they had to meet with their confidants outdoors.

"Is it really okay?"

"Your ability...seems a little dangerous."

"Those people affected by you, after suffering from submerged disease, are all hints of demons without exception, but they are somewhat different from normal demons...just."

"Ugly lump of meat."

Tank didn't know what to say, because the number of infected people has been increasing recently, and more and more people have died. There are also many people who have connected with McConaughey, and many of them have been infected. He heard The people below said that something was wrong, and immediately ran over to check. A male waiter in a cold drink shop turned into...

Tanks are indescribable, like all the mountain-dwelling, kin-created misshapen animals of all road horror movies, cysts and pus, nothing but ugliness.

"As I said before, people are only attracted to things that are essentially the same as themselves."

"They all became, what they dreamed of."

McConaughey doesn't understand this situation very well, and his ability is also quite uncontrollable.

"Maybe it has something to do with their liking for pornographic movies, some monsters and monsters, animation lovers, etc. I don't know this kind of people very well."

McConaughey added.


"No one would dream of it."

Tank clicked his tongue, his stomach was churning faintly, recalling that scene is really disgusting.

"That means this is a phenomenon produced by the essence, and the essence is like this."

"Different spiritual drives constitute different visions, and their spiritual drives are somewhat mysterious."

At this time, McConaughey has no time to care about the lives of those disabled people.

Colin helped him hard.

It's hard to say how much economic loss Colin has caused, but the damage to roads and vehicles is okay, but considering the subsequent impact, he is even more successful than himself. With this achievement alone, Colin can become an SCT top cadres.

But this also disrupted McConaughey's layout. The taxi company that acts as an eyeliner, eyes, eyes, and mouthpiece has no other way but to go bankrupt, and cannot understand people's real-time dynamics.

He didn't even know what to do next. The damage Colin had caused was already large enough to make everyone tremble with fear. There was no doubt that Abyssal Syndrome... would spread even faster.

No matter how you must master the right to issue currency, only by mastering the right to issue currency can you grasp the core interests.

Such a situation has long been expected. The manufacturing factories he owns and the materials he hoards have reached a terrifying level. Although it is not yet a monopoly, it is coming soon.

The next thing to do is to confront the fourth section. The alliance currency will be inflated to a daunting level. In the process of this confrontation, the credibility of the alliance currency will be gradually weakened, so that everyone will no longer use it for settlement Union currency.

At the beginning, it only appeared in the form of food coupons, and then gradually formalized and seized the status of alliance currency. When the big liquidation of SCT comes, it will completely occupy North America.



Rocket didn't participate in the conversation, but just jumped up and down on the hill built of rocks on the road, amazed, is this the power of K, to change the whole city, I am afraid that such a trash fish like myself will be killed directly with just one thought.


Tank was speechless looking at Rocket, who had no nerve in his head. Ordinary people have many emotions, such as joy, anger, sorrow, and joy. He only has four kinds, awesome, not awesome, happy, and unhappy.

Tank was jealous of his purity.

"Then what are you going to do next?"

Tank was at a loss, thinking he was from Liberty City to be a terrorist, but all terrorists were taken by others, and it was hard to find a terrorist more terrifying than K.


"You have been doing serious business for too long, and you have forgotten your original professional skills."

"The current Liberty City is not completely chaotic, just like... traffic lights."

"The city government, the fourth division, is the red light."

"Usually, no one would break into it. Not only would they be run over by a car, but it would also be against their own morality."

"Even if they are eager to reach the opposite side, they will not act without authorization, but once there is a leader, it will be different. The number of people will increase. Even if it is a red light, the traffic flow will be stopped."

"The isolated individual knows well that, alone, he cannot burn palaces or loot shops, and is easily resisted if tempted. But when he is part of a group, he realizes the power that numbers give him, which is enough Let him have the idea of ​​killing and looting, and will immediately succumb to this temptation."

"Once an individual becomes a member of a group, he will no longer take responsibility for his actions. At this time, everyone will expose his unconstrained side. What the group pursues and believes is never truth and reason, but blind obedience , cruelty, bigotry and fanaticism, knowing only simple and extreme feelings."


"You can become a..."

"A good role model?"

(End of this chapter)

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