latent syndrome.

Chapter 229 228. Magic

Chapter 229 228. Magic
Harris asked knowingly.

Because of this fast-rising cold drink shop, the CEO of the group company to which it belongs is McConaughey.

The magical powers of the countermeasure bureau far exceeded his imagination.

Under the precipitation of public surveillance and long-term influence, coupled with the modern manipulation under the research of wise scholars, even if there is a slight disturbance, whether an otaku locks the door behind his back and looks like an pornographic self-vent, there is nowhere to hide.

Such a situation has long been foreseen.

"But... what can you do with me?"

"If you bring someone directly to deal with me without going through any procedures, then maybe you still have the power to fight."

"The problem is that now you are in a tight siege, and you are the one who threw yourself into the trap."

"As you said, you can kill without any scruples... the son-in-law who can provide an astronomical sum of money to the senator."

"The capitulators within you... have been on the verge of making a move for a long time, so aren't you afraid that they will completely counterattack?"

Although McConaughey himself is only an A-level infected person, he doesn't look down on people from Section [-] at all. The summit is well aware that what happened here in Liberty City has a far-reaching impact and will play a decisive role. The thugs it sends are all fierce man, not to mention...

The ninth place on the list is right here, no one can kill such a heaven-defying man.

As for the seventh person who will come soon, McConaughey does not know what to say. If he participated in the last world war, there would only be one color on the world map. If there are other colors, it will only be the area under his jurisdiction. That's all.

"I didn't mean to pour cold water on it."

"You've done it quite cleverly."

"Even in the official world, your current status is not much worse than mine, or even worse."

"I have had all sensitive records erased so that you will not be noticed."

"I deliberately came here to inform you, in case you are too nervous and do some stupid things when you are dancing on the tip of the knife."

Harris washed the foam off his hands and spoke calmly.

"What the hell are you trying to do?"

"I'll kill you, no joke."

McConaughey's tone was nonchalant.

"Didn't I tell you a long time ago, it's not that I want to do this, but fate... reveals the rest of my life."

"Di an idealist."

"His approach is too unrealistic and full of absurdity, like a wonderful fairy tale for terrorists."

"You are different, you know a little bit, just like what is said in cartoons, only magic... can defeat magic."

"The so-called symbolic world is like a jigsaw puzzle. All the angular people are pieced together in a certain way, and those that are too abnormal are cut to make it a stable whole."

"Obviously, Di Yu is an indiscriminate person, but he doesn't bother to use indiscriminate methods. He just breaks through head-on, trying to smash this indestructible whole."

"This is so naive. It's just a fool's dream, hitting a stone with an egg. Once you fall into the world where people laugh and scold you, your mighty and powerful wings will be difficult to move."

Harris looked at the watch time with deep eyes. There was still a while before the wedding ceremony, enough to finish the matter.

McConaughey is noncommittal, even though he has known Di Yu for many years, he does not know his intentions, but this is beyond doubt, and he does not know whether he is pure or pure absurdity.

"Your approach... is the most brilliant."

"Destroying this stable structure requires a lot of power if you only rely on external forces. There is no one... who can possess that kind of god-like power."

"The best way is to make these puzzle pieces fit together, and go one step further when they are deeply rooted."

"Let the symbolic world... destroy the symbolic world by itself."

"It's like... semantic generalization."

Harris said so.

"Sorry? Semantic generalization?"

McConaughey is puzzled by these overly technical terms, although he does think so.

"um, yes."

"For example, people use the word goddess so often that it has a broad meaning."

"In the beginning, there were only Victoria's Secret supermodels, world movie stars, or Nightingale. With overuse, the slightly beautiful ones were called goddesses, and the kind-hearted ones were also called goddesses. In the end, together with call girls , can be called a goddess.”

"There are also various swear words. When widely used, it will lead to a decrease in intensity and make people more insensitive."

"The generalization of semantics leads to the dilution of the meaning of the vocabulary itself, and finally it is completely shattered, affecting things and subtly changing people's brain cognition."

Harris said seriously.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

McConaughey looked at the time, the ceremony was almost here.

"Recently I read a rather esoteric book about psychiatry."

"The author is a psychiatrist named Anderson."

"In the book, he even refuted Kant."

"In Kant's view, freedom and morality are one and the same thing. All actions of the will are its own laws. Pain and hunger, that's why today's civilization has been created, so free will and the will to obey moral laws are completely the same thing."

"This is the symbolic world now."

"Language is the bedrock of thought, and in terms of semantic generalization, Mr. Anderson is right."

"When Kant defines morality as eternal, absolute, universal, pure form."

"It actually hollows out all the specific content of morality and denies all goals other than rationality."

"I began to understand this person. Compared with his surname, his first name is better known. He is called Hugo, which is what everyone often calls the Pope."

"What he said is completely consistent with today's society, where everyone is opposed to each other and is forced to integrate under an extremely stable framework, creating an endless spiritual purgatory."

"So now, we need to re-empower the language, the so-called enhanced TAG."

"He wrote it in the book."

"A benign civilization is not built by machines."

"It's thought."

"Do you agree?"

Harris saw that the time had come, and stopped talking nonsense.

"Excuse me."

McConaughey was noncommittal, but what he said already expressed his certain position.

The gloomy sky, the feast by the river, and the wedding scene built with huge sums of money.

The priest is saying the oath.

"Would you like to marry this woman and live with him in a holy marriage, love her, respect her, accept her, and always Be faithful to her till the end of my life?"

the priest asked.

McConaughey looked very gloomy, and Harris sat in the audience, staring at him playfully.


McConaughey was a little furious, and his eyes were slightly bloodshot. He didn't know if he was still a thug, or if he became a person like them.

(End of this chapter)

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