latent syndrome.

Chapter 203 202. The Bloodshed Council

Chapter 203 202. The Bloodshed Council
"Boss, the money is already too much to use up, what should I do?"

The accountants in the finance department were in a state of desperation. Looking at the piles of money that were as high as hills in the bank's anti-theft vault, they didn't know what to do. Every week, people brought in the cash by truck by truck, and soon the entire warehouse was put away. No more.

The time when McConaughey came from Liberty City was a little later than when Di Kuo arrived in Los Angeles, but it has been nearly half a year.

He was not in the taxi business at the very beginning, but swallowed up the hallucinogenic business of the entire American continent with SCT infected people. Whether in North America or South America, all young people are taking McConaughey's goods, which are widely popular. Praise, his pharmacist was kidnapped, a doctor-level chemistry expert, who has found the most wonderful balance point from biology and chemistry, in every sense of heaven, this hallucinogen is extremely harmful.

"Give headquarters a little support."

"The rest of the money... make friends with those guys in Las Vegas, invest in a few casinos or something, and launder the money."

"This kind of money can only be spent on the table."

With a big smile on his face, McConaughey adjusted his cuffs and tie.


"Let's invest in some more animation games, it seems to be this one, I forgot the name."

McConaughey went to an exhibition yesterday, and he felt very good. After calculating the profit, it was not much worse than hallucinogenic substances.

Because the power of SCT is too astonishing, after McConaughey released such a news, it was in full swing in an instant.

"What way is more romantic? The kind that can make girls happy."

It’s not enough for McConaughey to just wear perfume. He also put on some hairspray in front of the mirror, and even wore a pair of black-rimmed glasses to look like an intellectual.

The news he released is that all distributors can only accept his goods in the future, otherwise, McConaughey will find someone to kill his whole family.

The accountant can't figure it out. I have always been forced to do it, so I don't have the mood to think about those problems.

"I have some fascination water here."

The accountant replied.

McConaughey's hand, which was arranging the cufflinks, stopped suddenly.

half an hour.

"Keep it for yourself."

McConaughey closed the door and left, and came to the parking lot.

The eighth-floor parking building was full of blue taxis, and McConaughey also drove one away to the place of the date, a well-known sushi restaurant in Liberty City.




Just when we were about to get to the sushi restaurant.

McConaughey was extremely unlucky. Although he obeyed all traffic rules, he was still stopped by the traffic police.

He rolled the window and showed a very warm smile.

"Is there anything I can do to help you?"

McConaughey tried his best to look sincere, and the situation was quite bad, because no one was stopped on this road, only his own taxi was stopped, which involved something terrible.

"Please get out of the car and put your hands on the hood."

The policeman was a middle-aged man, accompanied by several big men in police uniforms.

McConaughey frowned, but quickly returned to his original state. If he publicly killed people on the street, then he wouldn't have to mess around. Traffic police... How strange.

He is very clear that he has not done anything illegal, at least everything he has done in the Liberty League is tight and there is no trace.

McConaughey didn't say anything, got out of the car, and put his hands on the hood as requested.

Immediately afterwards, the traffic policeman opened the car door and was about to go in and search for something.


Like a flash of lightning running through his mind, McConaughey remembered something. In the secret warehouse on the outskirts of the city, there were many U disks storing prohibited materials. He asked his drivers to spread the word. Could it be that something went wrong?
Those drivers were all very smart, or... which driver just happened to pick up the ununiformed policeman?
It is very likely that this is the case, as long as one or two are caught, the police will notice, and even pretend to be passengers to fish for law enforcement.

It is a trivial matter for those drivers to be caught, and it will be very bad if they take the company with them.

I always think about maximizing my profits. It seems that in the future, I will have to assign someone to take care of these things. The drivers in the company will also have to be replaced, and these drivers will only be used to quickly spread news and collect action feedback.

The most important thing now is to resolve this catastrophe.

Because McConaughey drove one casually, he was not sure if there was a USB flash drive in the storage box of this car. Seeing that the traffic police wanted to search the car, he opened it and came.

"Under the Fourth Amendment, to search a vehicle, you must have a court-signed warrant for that vehicle alone."

He said expressionlessly.

The middle-aged traffic policeman sneered.

"Unless there are exceptional circumstances, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the vehicle was engaged in criminal work."

He directly asked people to go in and search.

"Then please show relevant evidence sufficient to constitute a reason. In fact, I am the CEO of this taxi company, and I know quite a few people. If you find something, it's okay to say, if you can't find it."

"I want you guys..."

"You're ruined, you're counting on this job to support your family, right?"

"I can sue you, even the police department."

"After eating the judgment, you will be fired, and a record will be left, and you will not be able to find any jobs."

"Any job, except as a serving guy at a fried chicken shop, but you're a little too old for a serving guy."

McConaughey threatened, he never broke his word, if he killed the whole family, he would kill the whole family.

The traffic policeman who had already opened the car door and was about to enter the car to search suddenly stopped, not daring to take any further steps, a little frightened by McConaughey.

The middle-aged traffic policeman was also in a daze, a little undecided.

"very good."

"Is there anything else?"

"If not, then we'll be fine."

McConaughey left the hood with both hands, and returned to the driver's seat of the taxi without slowing down. After a cold look at the traffic policemen, he walked away.

5 minutes passed.

He opened the storage box of the taxi, and there were indeed more than a dozen USB flash drives inside, but he didn't take it seriously, even if they really dared to enter the car to search.

McCanna also has a backhand.

submerged disease.


Hints of lovers.

To a certain extent, McConaughey can control people's hearts, not creating illusions like the Pope, although he has no field, and his combat power cannot be put on the table.

But he can put TAGs on people and plant seeds. Although it is useless for A-level and above infected people, it is enough to deal with 90.00% of the nine point nine people in this world.

It won't be long before the entire Liberty City is in the bag, ascend to the pinnacle of power, and use the purest capital to give the world a resounding slap in the face.

He called the administration department to make all the arrangements he had just made go through, and then he went to the flower shop to buy a trunk of flowers, preparing to surprise the state congressman's daughter.

Not just the money, but the sheer power behind it.

If everyone regards money as something else, this fragile system will soon collapse.

The unsolvable thing is that if you want to get rid of the shackles of this power, you can only climb up the system, but the more you support it, the more you will be bound by it.

What drives it is no longer human beings themselves, but the universe.

Just marry that bitch, plant seeds for her and her father, promote yourself as a member of parliament, use your ability to control the entire parliament, and finally...

elect a president.

(End of this chapter)

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