latent syndrome

Chapter 199. 198. Quick Chasing

Chapter 199. 198. Quick Chasing
the next day.

After a group of three set off for a long time, the off-road jeep had already driven onto the Golden Gate Bridge and was about to enter downtown San Francisco.

Violet is like a normal person, using her mobile phone to browse the travel guide of San Francisco to see where there are delicious food, high-end consumption, and holiday destinations.

Colin sat in the back seat with a black line on his forehead, and he became a complete kid.

What puzzled him even more was that the blue-haired woman had become a driver, staring at him from the rearview mirror from time to time, as if she would kill him at any moment.

"What did you talk about last night?"

You must know that this crazy woman still had a lot of hostility towards her last night. Although she still has it now, she actually became a driver honestly.

"It's not something you can ask."

"Girl's talk."


Violet sat in the co-pilot, turned the seat back to the maximum and sat down.

"Is such that."

"Yesterday, this woman pretended to be a street girl, maybe she was planning to assassinate me or something."

"I still use you as a hostage, have you forgotten?"

"Now... it's as if she's joined in."

"This is not a play, she may be a killer from SCT."

Colin thought this was quite bad. Since last night, he had an intuition that he was being targeted by something, something extremely terrifying.

"It's not dead, dear."

"You are really annoying."

Violet spoke like a high school girl, which made Colin want to hit someone.

He has had enough of Violet. This woman does have a wonderful ability to communicate with the gods. She can accomplish all of this without her. Since SCT has controlled some of those scholars, then it is only necessary to completely eliminate SCT and get those people out. , As for Opal, without these complicated situations, it won't be long before he escapes.

At my current level, I can do it completely.

Colin opened his mouth to say something.

The mind was noticed by Violet.

"She is Johnny's younger sister. She was going to kill you to avenge Johnny."

"But I have already cast spells on her, and now she has become a puppet at the mercy of her. Without my instructions, she can't do anything."

"There is no longer any threat."

"The reason for keeping her is to find a way to pry her mouth open. Maybe she really knows the whereabouts of the original copy."

Violet said leisurely.

"Johnny's sister?"

Colin was a little surprised. When he used the evil eye field to investigate, he felt that this person was very similar to Johnny. Not only did the pickup truck have motorcycles and guns, but he also had tattoos on his neck, which were antlers carved with simple lines.


Violet didn't care, she and Johnny also fought, but let him escape on a bicycle.

Colin suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

It's not that he regretted killing Johnny, that kind of rotten person wouldn't be enough to die a thousand times.

Suddenly he didn't know how to respond, but he stomped on Johnny's head.

"Is there any more information about her?"

"For example, she is also a woman with a heart of snakes and scorpions."

As long as that is the case, Colin can send the siblings to hell together without any scruples.

"How do I know that kind of thing? I'm not God."

"Warlocks are not omnipotent, okay?"

Violet said angrily.

Maggie didn't say a word, she couldn't describe this feeling, like being pressed by a ghost, but her consciousness was more clear, she couldn't mobilize her body, she just followed Violet's instructions, her body was acting on its own, she just A...bystander.

"Then let's do it first."

Colin didn't know what to say.




Arrived in downtown San Francisco.

The person Violet wants to meet has already been waiting here.

This is inside a large rental warehouse under a flyover.

Maggie sat in the car and waited outside, and Violet didn't worry about anything, so she was alone there.

inside the warehouse.

There are a variety of weird props piled up on the iron shelf, and Colin feels like he has walked into some voodoo shops in South America, with shriveled toad carcasses, horns of various creatures, skins from snakes, and various glass jars There are a lot of bugs soaked, and the liquid has already turned a disgusting yellow-green color.

"Let me introduce, this is my husband, an agent of the First Section of the Countermeasures Bureau."

Violet leaned on Colin's shoulder familiarly, looking quite intimate.

And the people Violet met with have long been familiar with it.

Colin didn't take it seriously at all.

"Ah, yes yes yes."

The man replied perfunctorily, he was dressed quite plainly, wearing a star-patterned headscarf.

"I'm ready for the thing, take it away."

The man didn't want to have anything to do with Violet. No one who got close to this woman would end well. They would either die on the street or be cut into pieces.

He put a suitcase on the table and asked Violet to check it out.

"You seem to be old acquaintances, can you tell me about Violet's past?"

Colin was extremely curious, because this woman had always maintained an infinite sense of mystery, and he didn't know her past, where she came from, and what organization she belonged to.

"Her name is Violet now, isn't she?"

"Take it easy, buddy."

"I dare not say anything, or she will kill me."

The man shrugged.

"Don't be so mean."

"I'm your old buyer."

"It's fine if you don't give VIP treatment, and talk bad things about me everywhere."

After confirming that everything was fine, Violet closed the suitcase and pulled Colin to leave.

But Ke Lin didn't intend to leave. After finally getting some details about Violet, he couldn't let go of this opportunity.

"Don't be afraid of her, I'll cover you."

"Do you know Hugo, the man called the Pope?"

Colin began to pretend.

"Of course, wasn't he killed?"

The man is a little puzzled.

"I killed him."

Colin's tone was calm.

In an instant, the man's eyes widened with disbelief.

"You really are a couple."

"Get out of here quickly, I don't want to provoke SCT."

"Both of you are prime eradication targets of the SCT."

"The transaction is over, please leave."

The man packed up the things in the warehouse, and he was about to run away.

5 minute later.

The two sat in the car.

"What's in the suitcase?"

Ke Lin didn't expect that Violet is also the enemy of SCT, but she is not a member of the countermeasures bureau. Could it be... the so-called third-party organization when the third division fought against the front line of SCT.

"The people of the Way call it..."


"Warning you, this thing can't be messed with. This is not a joke. It has uncontrollable consequences. Even I have to use it according to strict operating procedures."

"Anyway... don't touch it."

Violet is extremely serious.

"Are you also the SCT's primary eradication target... What did you do?"

Colin didn't really believe in the witcher's theory. She vaguely remembered that she seemed to be fighting against SCT in Europe.

"None of that matters."

"Remember what I said?"

"Husband and wife robbers, desperate, BANG! BANG! BANG!"

"Now it's time to start saving the world."

(End of this chapter)

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