latent syndrome.

Chapter 161. 160. The Pioneer of the Fool

Chapter 161. 160. The Pioneer of the Fool

the next day.

He didn't even wear his khaki windbreaker, but a very formal black suit. His long hippie-like hair was styled sleek and smooth with hairspray, and he wore a dark red tie at the neckline, changing from the frivolity of the past , with an extremely solemn expression.

A function room of the Testicular Cancer Mutual Aid.

The cameraman adjusted the camera and shot towards Di Kuo. After completing this group of shots, only some scenes of military massacres are needed to complete the whole thing. As for the scene of Di Kuo's violent death in the resistance, it can be synthesized with CG.

There are hundreds of people sitting in the activity room, all fanatics of mutual aid associations, most of them are poor people, the various systems introduced by the city government, and the current situation of food shortage, the most terrifying thing is that there is also ideological surveillance by the army, making They completely collapsed, as long as they can leave Los Angeles, it doesn't matter what they do, they are already in a hurry to go to the doctor.

And this organization with an action plan, a soul, and a well-disciplined army has become their only reliance.

Everyone listened to Di Kuo's speech very carefully.

"Abyssalism, it's real."

"It is true to eliminate dissidents and spiritually castrate and massacre citizens."

"In order to keep you working and prevent the drain of population, they told a big lie and let everyone fall into this trap like a meat grinder."

Di Yu pretended to be extremely serious.

"Old clichés contain endless and profound thoughts, and they are holes dug by ants for generations, confining people's souls."

"Whether it's here or outside."

"As long as there is no standard for people to measure, people don't even realize that they are suffering."

"And once someone awakens, they will be branded as anti-society and anti-humanity, and be belittled as a failed product of low-level education."

"Many people have asked me why I did this. Those people are so cruel, evil, and castrate and enslave people like livestock."

"It makes everyone lose their wildness and become a coward."

Di Kuo pointed to the ceiling, referring to the official Liberty Alliance.

"As far as I'm concerned, a bullet can't kill a mind."

"I found out that I am a pioneer among the bottom people. I must think for those who cannot think! Fight for those who cannot fight!"

"Just as the strong must rule over the weak! The wise must fool the stupid."

"Let me say it! Now the fools are going to fight back!"

As Di Yu clenched his fists, his face was full of unyielding.

Everyone shouted.

The equipment that was transported by Ashura to bribe the customs army with immortality, all came to the activity room under the carrying of the SCT members, and lifted the canvas covering the top, which was densely packed with individual equipment, helmets, body armor, modern Carbines and various heavy fire weapons.

blah blah blah...

Di Yu picked up a gun and fired towards the ceiling. These fanatics no longer hesitated, and took out guns and ammunition from the armament box one after another, and armed themselves.

"Wait for my order, this important task is entrusted to you!"

Di Kuo handed over a phone to the person in charge of the activity room and continued to add.

"Right now, the citizens of Los Angeles are united as one. We just need to wait for those dog officials to appear, and we will come out in full force."

"United people will never be defeated!"

"When the time comes, we will leave together! Go home together!"

After Di Yu finished speaking, the crowd was excited.

After half an hour.

Inside the warehouse of an abandoned office building.

"How many shots are there?"

Di Yu pulled off his tie, he had already forgotten how many times he had given such speeches in the past few days, he was so frightened.

"It's almost finished. Next, I'll take some re-shoots of the resistance scenes. I don't need you anymore. As for the shots of your sudden death, you can use CG to synthesize them, because under normal circumstances, death is not so dramatic. What do you think?" How can I die?"

The cameraman checks the film.

"Can you die standing up? I think that's more handsome."

Di Yu nodded, thinking that this was an adage that a real man is a man who dies standing up.

"That's too fake, how about it, you will be stabbed to death in the end, I think this is the most dramatic way to die."

The photographer replied calmly.

"Fuck, do what you want."

Di Yu let out a sigh of relief, and finally finished his bad job of making a movie, but these are secondary.

The next step is to wait for the mayor to launch the press conference. In such a chaotic situation, he himself cannot sit still. He has to think of some words to stabilize people's hearts.

He immediately called the undercover agent who was placed in Section [-], an S-level infected person, to learn more about the specific news. Now the work on Yaxiu's side is also progressing smoothly, and the taboo has begun to take effect, and it will be available in a few days. Covers the entire city.

After a while the call was connected.

The voice of the S-level infected person came from the loudspeaker, saying that the residents of Los Angeles have stopped production and work, and there is no profit output. There will be a development conference in three days, and all the residents of Los Angeles will be evacuated.

Di Yu frowned.

Where is it exposed?Because the undercover S-level infected person did not speak a code word, he is now under control, and he is talking directly with the countermeasure bureau.

After thinking about it, he said so.

"very good."

"We will launch a general attack in three days, and fight to the death with the Countermeasure Bureau and the Liberty Alliance."

"At the same time, don't forget to remind the Countermeasure Bureau that something big is happening in St. George's District."

"But I don't have any hope anymore. Even if those rotten people watch the entire city die, they probably won't have the time to take care of it."

"So be it."

Di Yu hung up the phone, and had no intention of saving him at all. If he died, he would die.

After a while, he thought of another clever plan. Although Johnny was dead, the ten foreign condemnation personnel who were transferred with him at that time were still on standby, and there were several S-level infected people among them.

The original plan was to let Hugo attract the main force of the strategy bureau, and then lead these people to defeat the strategy bureau head-on, but now I have to change my mind.

He immediately called one of his men and asked him to hijack a train, preferably the Western Express to Las Vegas, and wait for him three days later.




Two hours later.

Gray came here after hearing the news. The situation in the entire city is quite bad now, and the infection rate of submerged disease is more than ten times the average value of other cities.

Paper wrapped fire.

More and more corpses who died of diseases and violent deaths were discovered by citizens, and more and more uncontrollable infected people violently killed people, thus entering a vicious circle, and the whole city was already on the verge of collapse.

Even if the regular army intervenes, they can't completely control it. The only way to cleanse and rebuild the SCT is after they are completely driven out of Los Angeles.

One of the Countermeasure Bureau's surface strongholds.

Seka and Mei had already controlled the traitor. The main reason why Colin got the important news from Hiss was because of him.

"Dick said on the phone that something big is happening in St. George, and we have sent some elite agents to check, but they have never returned."

"It's a well-located community with a fairly dense population, but the surrounding area is surrounded by fog. Once you enter, you can't come out again."

"It's somewhat similar to the situation in Baishi Town."

Seka said to Grey.

"In that case, ordinary infected people are useless. Once they enter, they will not be able to protect themselves. They must have a domain."

Liszt's eyes were extremely gloomy. He had seen this kind of battle before, maybe the community had become a scene similar to that terrifying forest.

Gray immediately judged that this might be the last weapon used by SCT to create panic and drive the entire city of Los Angeles to a dead end.

She immediately called the Countermeasure Bureau High Command for instructions.

"The alert level is now at the highest level. Please evacuate the entire city of Los Angeles. Not only are they useless in the city, they will only become SCT's accomplices."

Gray said forcefully.

However, as she expected, this request was rejected, and at the same time, another instruction was received. If necessary, the entire city can be cleaned with weapons of mass destruction.

"There is no time, kill him."

"May, you go to activate the secret weapon, go to St. George's District, and solve this matter."

"The pope must be waiting there, he is the biggest threat."

"Liszt, you and I dispatch personnel to prepare for the general attack of Di Kuo."

"Sekka, take this instrument to find Ke Lin, and decapitate Di Yu. If you fail, come back quickly to support."

after issuing the order.

Gray immediately sent a message to Colin. He had already penetrated into the enemy's belly, and he didn't know what the situation was.

(End of this chapter)

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