
Chapter 791 Hao Ling

Chapter 791 Hao Ling

The casting of the divine sword Haoling was inseparable from the efforts of the "Tongtian Feng Clan".

Therefore, the descendants of the Feng family have an advantage over others in obtaining "Haoling's approval".

According to Feng Xuanjing's knowledge, the history of the four eras (Chiting, Huntian, Yuxian, and Longju). Except for a Heavenly Book monk from the Huntian Era, the other holders of the Hao Ling Sword are all descendants of the swordsmith.

"The soul of the Haoling Sword is tangible and insubstantial, and it is extremely difficult to gain recognition. We, the Feng family, still rely on the blood seal of the sword maker to reluctantly obtain the sword soul's promise to control this sword."

He stared at the girl on the sword altar.

On the sword altar, Dongfang Yunqi was stunned when she looked at the stone sword in her hand.

The eyes of the sword masters behind them were like sharp blades. Even Yin Yanqing and the onlookers under the sword altar were dumbfounded.

"How...how could it be her?" Yin Yanqing murmured to himself, "Shouldn't this be Heng Hua drawing his sword?"

"What do you mean by this?" Fu Tongjun was displeased, "Why can't Dongfang draw his sword? Are you still planning to make an internal decision?"

"No, no, no... the Haoling Divine Sword is special and more in line with the Fu family's bloodline - and the sword's essential attribute is 'Heaven', which is more in line with your brother's path."

"Excalibur Haoling."

When he was in charge of this sword, he felt the change in the "sword soul".

The Haoling Sword Soul was forged from the Law of the Underworld and blessed with three brands.

Dongfang Yunqi smiled bitterly in her heart.

Although Dongfang is one of the twelve divine bloodlines of Longju, he is the inheritor of Longju civilization. But so did Brother Yin Shi, but he couldn't get recognition. Looking at it this way, is it the Eastern "ambition" that has worked?

Dongfang Yunqi's ambitions for mortals are in line with humanity and the holy way, and are conducive to the evolution of civilization.

Feng Xuanjing silently stared at the "Haoling Sword Soul".

There are countless magic weapons passed down by ancient civilizations. But the Haoling Divine Sword is already a civilized weapon unique to Donglai Divine Continent. We have the responsibility to protect the civilization of this continent and maintain the civilization of this continent.

She came here with no intention of obtaining the Haoling Divine Sword.

He understood that this "civilized weapon that suppressed the Divine Continent had long been separated from the other three continents."

One is blood, the second is heaven, and the third is civilization.

The Haoling Divine Sword is not a simple fairy sword, but a "collection of laws" formed by tempering the "laws of Tongtianzhou".

She felt that the power of the Haoling Divine Sword extended from the shadow of the sword, and at the same time, there was also a great blessing of cause and effect.

Zhong Lihan, Taoist Long and others appeared near the sword altar one after another.

Why has the Haoling Divine Sword been missing for many years and has never been found?

Facing the sword shadow emerging in the air, Dongfang Yunqi struggled to compete with her own power. The stone sword in his hand gradually showed traces of silver patterns as it was infused with Taiyin's immortal energy.

The divine sword has a spirit, so she naturally hopes that Dongfang Yunqi will complete the progress of civilization in this era and provide strength for her ambition.

The shadow of the sword flows, and every stream of light and mysterious energy contains the supreme power of heaven.

The dynasty was unified.

Henghua looked on with cold eyes and thought to himself: She was recognized not because her Dao Fruit and path were close to the Haoling Divine Sword, but because there was something in her that made the civilization brand blessed by the "Sword Soul" recognized.

"The seniors of Donglai are really capable."



He understood that as long as someone in this era followed the example of their predecessors and re-forged the "Hao Ling Divine Sword" and added the brand of this era, they could push the "Hao Ling Sword Soul" to the door of enlightenment and take the final step.

They looked at Dongfang Yunqi, who was holding a stone sword.

"Those who can create the Jade Immortal Civilization after the Demon God's disaster are naturally not weak," Feng Xuanjing said calmly, "Perhaps this sword was once respected by all four continents, and they are all qualified to inherit it. But with the development of the Jade Immortal Civilization The seniors carefully blessed the 'Sword Soul' with all the incantations of the entire civilization. This sword belongs exclusively to Donglai."

Henghua's thoughts were racing.

"Any existence that can guide the development of this continent's civilization and maintain the continuation of this continent's civilization can be recognized by the sword soul. Is this girl recognized by the brand of civilization? Is she the inheritor of Longju Civilization, or does her holdings fit with today's civilization? Evolutionary ambition?”

"It turns out that the sword held by the owners of the Hao Ling Sword in the past generations was just a remote control and a key to sense the 'sword soul'?"

The magnificent atmosphere enveloped the "ancestral tree", and the "Lord of Ten Thousand Trees" simulated by Fu Henghua kept shaking its branches, trying to compete with the power of heaven escaping in the air.

After the Longju Civilization was destroyed, the treasures of this civilization were also stored in a treasure house, with the "Sword Soul" as the key.

At this moment, everyone suddenly understood.

Blood is the blood of the sword-maker, and the original Hao Ling Sword was forged with blood. Feng Xuanjing and others were recognized back then because of this blood seal. This brand can stabilize the "shape of the sword soul" and ensure the long-term existence of the sword soul. The Feng family sword masters in the past were not so much sword masters as they were caregivers who maintained the operation of the "Sword Soul System".

The brand of heaven is the essence and core of the sword soul. All existences that conform to Tongtianzhou's laws of heaven can be recognized by this brand. But Tongtianzhou has been destroyed, how can today's monks still get the recognition of this brand?

The imprint of civilization is blessed by the masters of four cultivation civilizations from generation to generation, recording the inheritance of five ancient civilizations. The restriction of this brand means that the future approvers of the Hao Ling Sword Soul must come from the Donglai Divine Continent.

After five epochs of imprinting the law, the power of the sword soul is almost comparable to that of a master-level true immortal.

They took out this sword because they were extremely confident that Fu Henghua was the "Lord of Hao Ling". Where did Dongfang Yunqi come from?

At the same time, at the end of the Jade Immortal Civilization, that civilization also built a treasure house, and used the "Haoling Sword Soul" as the key to open it.

The Holy Emperor felt bitter in his mouth when he saw the sword shadow.

Other staff members of the Zhugu Museum also showed solemn expressions.

The light shone, and the shadow of a thousand-foot giant sword appeared in the sky, slowly locking on Dongfang Yunqi.

Dongfang Yunqi looked at Fu Henghua awkwardly.

Soon, soon. One of the three immortals created by the second civilization, there will eventually be a magic weapon that will move towards the level of "immortality".

She is not stupid. Any ancient book about the divine sword indicates that the properties of this sword are related to the "way of heaven". Plus I don’t like swords, so what do I do with this sword?

But now, what should we do?

Fu Henghua laughed: "Since it is approved by Divine Sword, then this is your destiny. Just take it with peace of mind!"

"How about you still hold this sword?" Dongfang Yunqi could feel the power of the holy way blessing her. She believed that Fu Henghua should also be recognized by this sword.

But when she handed over the sword, Heng Hua dodged slightly.

Isn’t it clear to me: I have no ambitions for humanity and have no intention of establishing them.

Fu Henghua chose the Heavenly Book Avenue because he intended to walk in the destiny, but he did not intend to shoulder the important responsibility of cause and effect in the evolution of Donglai civilization.

"You have great ambitions, so you'd better hold this sword. It will come in handy in the future."

Watching the shadow of the sword soul gradually fade away, Heng Hua also gave up his thoughts on using the "Haoling Divine Sword" as a sword.

The cause and effect is too great.

It can only be used to prop up the facade a few times, so why bother?

"Henghua, you really should give it a try," Mu Shansheng said suddenly, "Now the sword recognizes Dongfang Yunqi, why can't it recognize you? It's a good talk for the two of you to share the same sword."

Henghua was speechless: "Serving both with one sword? Does this seem to go against the sincerity of the sword?"

"The sword is a ritual weapon and a thing of inheritance. Who stipulates that the Haoling Sword can only be wielded by one person at the same time?"

Henghua looked at Mu Shansheng with a puzzled expression, but saw Mu Shansheng turning his eyes to Wanxiang Sword Master and Yuming Sword Master. The two sword masters also spoke one after another and persuaded Fu Henghua to try the sword.

After thinking about it for a while, he understood the thoughts of the Three Sword Saints and quietly sent a message to Dongfang Yunqi: "Have you ever told anyone about your great ambitions?"

"Except for you, an outsider, how have I ever talked about this kind of thing with anyone else?"

That means someone figured it out or felt something?

He looked at the girl holding the sword again, and his Taoist heart was touched.

Rivers of blood and mountains of corpses appeared before his eyes, evil spirits surged into the sky, and the souls of countless monks returned to the underworld.

"Henghua, go and give it a try." Taoist Erlong suddenly sent a message.

"Fellow Daoist Fu, try your sword." The Lord of Five Thunders sent a message.

Then Duan Sijing, the owner of Tongtian Tower and others sent messages one after another.

They didn't hear anything from Dongfang Yunqi.

But now, they sensed the secret from heaven and discovered something bad.

Dongfang Yunqi holds the sword, and there will be killings and calamities in Donglai in the future.


"This girl is in charge of the Hao Ling Sword. It will be a bit troublesome to maintain the sword soul in the future."

Feng Xuanjing thought to herself, twitching her fingers, quietly activating the secrets of heaven, inducing the Tribulation Immortals to see some "future", and thereby persuading Fu Henghua to hold the sword.

The Haoling Sword is not taboo against multiple masters.

When Taoist Hunyuan of Huntian Civilization was in charge of the Haoling Sword, Feng's contemporaries were also recognized by the sword spirit.

All Feng Shi wants is to maintain the operation of the sword soul. As for what the sword soul does, they don't care.

Anyway, this sword will not harm Dongnai, it will only protect and promote the development of Dongnai civilization. "Fu Henghua doesn't need to hold this sword every day, but it must be recognized. First get the permission to maintain it - only in this way can it be convenient to operate and add the brand of this civilization to the sword soul."


Many experts tried to persuade him, and even Fu Danwei asked Fu Henghua to give it a try.

"Why don't you give it a try? The worst thing is that she can control this sword - compared to you, I think this girl's temperament is more suitable for controlling it. At least she won't cause trouble with the sword every day."


It sounds like I am the one who is going to bring about the transformation.

Fu Henghua was speechless.

But looking at the stone sword in front of me, I did feel a little thoughtful.

He thought about the "Haoling Divine Sword" for some years.

Ever since Fu Xuanxing got the scabbard, Fu Henghua had started this "sword hunting mission" within the clan. Later, the Fu family gathered divination experts many times to make calculations, but to no avail.

"Forget it, let me try the Hao Lingjian too."

Upon hearing this, Dongfang Yunqi quickly handed over the hot potato.

Henghua waved his hand: "No, no, no. This is just a 'sword', and I have recognized you as my master. I will just make a sword of my own."

With that said, he ordered Xiaoyu to come.

Soon, Xiaoyu came holding a piece of "Golden Light Mysterious Alloy".

Henghua caressed the golden spirit and felt very curious: "Is this a man-made thing?"

Gold is extremely pure and has almost no impurities.

"It's a congratulatory gift from Ume Nakata."

Henghua understood: "It's difficult for him to have intentions."

Brushing the gold essence with your hand, the remaining impurities are also peeled off.

The golden essence turned into a ball of spiritual liquid and condensed into the shape of a sword according to Fu Henghua's mind.

It is slightly wider and longer than Dongfang Yunqi's Silver Moon Stone Sword. It is wrapped with golden patterns and is dazzlingly colorful.

The sword is completed, the light is shining, and the energy moves the clouds.

"Here comes the sword!"

Henghua shouted in the air and waved the Heavenly Sword with all his strength.


The "Haoling Divine Sword" that had just disappeared appeared again.

Really come out?

Henghua was surprised.

He thought it would be more difficult, but unexpectedly——


The Holy Emperor was speechless and looked at Feng Xuanjing who was holding the seal.

This ancestor has a very biased mind.


The sword soul comes out again, and the blood brand is directly felt, triggering the mighty divine wind to inject a portion of divine energy into the "golden sword".

At the same time, Fu Henghua vaguely sensed the second brand.

Zuzhou Tiandao?

Henghua secretly operated the Scroll of the Gods to transform the information about Tongtian Continent obtained from Nanzhou into an ancient divine continent.

Upon noticing the homologous brand surging on Henghua's body, the Haoling Divine Sword immediately shook, and the second brand was also activated, injecting another divine energy into the golden sword.

Soon, the sword was completed.

As Fu Henghua swung his sword, heavy golden light shook the area for thousands of miles.

Seeing the golden sword shining brightly, the whistling fish joined in time.

"Master, what is the name of this sword?"

"Just call me Jin Li Fei Guang."

Henghua heard a voice congratulating him, and he touched Dongfang Yunqi's stone sword with his golden sword.

"You said, if we don't hide our own Taoism and experience in the sword, wait until the destined person holds our sword, the two swords collide, and the sword body breaks, can we inherit our inheritance?"


Dongfang Yunqi smiled and cursed, then put away the stone sword.

Fu Henghua made another sword, which helped her share the pressure.

The eyes of those Tribulation Immortal seniors will not all fall on me.

"Don't worry, we can discuss it. For example, you can turn the Taiyin Immortal Technique into a "Taiyin Manual", and I will turn the Xuan Gong of Creation into a palm technique. Well, the heart technique can also be used. "Hui Ri Tian Shu" "How about it? Anyway, I know a lot more, and I can also incorporate the secret skills of medicine, divination, horoscopes, etc... into military strategy, too."

"The more you say it, the more outrageous it becomes."

Dongfang Yunqi didn't want to stay in front of others, she sheathed her sword and left.

"Henghua, congratulations."

Zhong Lihan and others gathered around and looked at the sword on Fu Henghua's waist.

He can integrate the sword spirit of Haoling with the sword he refined.

This is more than just the wonder of nature.

After Yin Yanqing looked at the golden sword carefully, he suddenly asked: "Where did you learn about the 'Haoling Sword Refining Method'? Did Ouyang teach you?"

Not just any sword can be transformed into the carrier of the Haoling Divine Sword.

They made swords according to the ancient methods left by the Chiting civilization, and it took them forty-nine years to make a fake sword.

But Fu Henghua actually made a sword in front of everyone, saving countless hours.

Apart from Fu Henghua's improvement of ancient methods, he could not think of anything else.

"No. I just tried to imitate the 'Stone Sword'. It's difficult to make something out of nothing, but imitating it with a physical object, isn't that simple?"

Henghua snapped his fingers, and a ball of good fortune suddenly floated in front of him, with a hazy sword shadow gradually appearing inside.

Soon, another Jin Li Fei lightsaber appeared in front of everyone.

Low grade spiritual weapon.

Everyone opened their mouths.

Is this all okay?

Henghua wrote lightly: "Creation, good fortune... If you just fabricate utensils, it would be too simple."

Unfortunately, the true path of creation is all-encompassing. Simply relying on "creation" cannot touch the true meaning of creation.


Mu Shansheng looked at the interaction between the young people, his eyes dull.

Suddenly, it took a while. Zhugu Guan came over to clean up the sword altar and woke him up.

Without saying a word, Mu Shansheng turned around and ran towards his sword-making studio.

Zhao Ziming was guarding the sword-making hall when he suddenly saw his master returning. Before he could salute, Mu Shansheng said: "Go and get my sword tomb, I want to make a sword!"

The Haoling Divine Sword is the sword of heaven!

And the Heavenly Sword is the sword of enlightenment that Mu Shansheng built for himself!

As Dongfang Yunqi and Fu Henghua sacrificed and refined swords one after another, he also understood how the heavenly sword under the Sword Immortal Continent would take shape.

(End of this chapter)

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