With the help of conch to open the way, the fleet sailed very smoothly.

When the Japanese heard the news, they were very frightened.

But their imperial court quickly put up notices to tell the common people not to be nervous. There have been many dynasties in history who wanted to cross the ocean and annex Japan.

The results of it?
The navies of those dynasties were capsized at sea, and no one ever succeeded.

Today's Great Xia Empire is indeed very powerful, but it is also a dream to conquer the sea.

And the reason why their army was able to reach the Great Xia Empire was because they were an island country and had been dealing with the sea all year round, so they naturally knew the sea better.

Compared with the calmness of the Dongying people, Yang Jiu's state of mind is actually more peaceful.

Wa Kingdom seems to be small, but in fact it is not too small. It will definitely take time to completely take it down.

Therefore, Yang Jiu's plan is to drive the army straight into the capital of the Wa Kingdom. Only in this way can the war end as soon as possible.

But if he wants to rule this land for a long time in the future, he must station a large number of soldiers.

However, Yang Jiu hasn't considered these issues yet, first win the Wa country, and then talk about other things.

With the conch, it seems that the storms on the ocean have disappeared.

As long as the conch swims quickly under the water, it can make the fleet sail quickly in one direction.

Not surprisingly, in three more days, you will be able to arrive at Wa Kingdom.

The soldiers of the Great Xia Empire are very excited now, sharpening their knives every day.

But ordinary soldiers talk more about Japanese women.

In the brothels of the Great Xia Empire, there are also some women from Dongying, and the taste is really good.

But these Japanese women are actually veterans.

If you can find women at will in the land of Wa country, just thinking about it will make you feel very happy.

Yang Jiu heard all these voices. From a humanitarian point of view, he should stand up and strictly prohibit this kind of behavior.

But he didn't do anything in the end, he just wanted to wait until he was in Wa country.

There is a kind of evil in the bones of Japanese people.

When they are strong enough, they will unleash this evil completely.

In less than three days, they were able to see the coastline of Wa country.

But in front of the coastline, the warships of the Wa Kingdom are even more spectacular.

Hundreds of warships lined up neatly, with battle flags flying above them. It was obvious that the Japanese kingdom had already made preparations.

On the warship in the middle, Mizuhara Taro stood on the deck, seeing the mighty Xia Kingdom Navy, his heart beat wildly.

A few days ago, he had already received a message from Yang Jiu.

Knowing that Xia Jun is coming, Taro Suwon follows Yang Jiu's instructions in the letter.

It's just that some things are really difficult to do.

Mizuhara Taro also tried his best, and finally got something.

If there is no achievement, maybe once Xia Jun arrives, Yang Jiu will not spare his life.

After returning home, looking at his wife, children and parents, Taro Mizuhara suddenly lost the courage to have a section.

In fact, as long as Yang Jiu can win in the end, he can still live.

"My lord, give the order quickly." The general beside him said anxiously.

To fight the enemy, it is best to be on the sea, and the flames of war must not spread to land.

The emperor had always been sure before that, no matter what, it was impossible for Xia Jun to appear in the sight of the people of Dongying.

But at this moment, there are many people standing on the coastline, all stunned and swallowed by fear.

Mizuhara Taro said: "We are definitely not opponents of Xia Jun, we should surrender."

"What?" The generals around were completely stunned.

They never expected that Mizuhara Taro would say such a thing.

Previously, Mizuhara Taro led an army of tens of thousands to attack Xia Guo, and there were hundreds of warships, but the result was a crushing defeat.

It stands to reason that after this kind of defeat, it would be good if Mizuhara Taro was not beheaded. Who would have thought that the emperor still trusted Mizuhara Taro so much that he still made Mizuhara Taro the commander-in-chief of the Dongying army.

This made Mizuhara Taro's opponents full of anger.

It's just that there is the support of the emperor, no matter how much they oppose it, it is useless.

Mizuhara Taro is still the commander-in-chief, but they are just generals, and they still have to obey Mizuhara Taro's orders.

Mizuhara Taro said coldly: "This is the emperor's intention, are you going to resist the order?"

Those generals were very surprised. They only felt that this was probably Mizuhara Taro's own decision, and it must have nothing to do with the emperor.

The emperor would rather die in battle than surrender.

"Mizuhara Taro, let's go to the emperor now..." a general said angrily.

Mizuhara Taro chuckled, and said, "I did this just to reduce our casualties as much as possible, but if you don't believe me, you can try it and go to war."

"What do you mean by that?" Another general felt strange in his heart, always feeling that Mizuhara Taro was weird and something was wrong.

Mizuhara Taro said: "The sea monster was subdued by Emperor Xia."

The generals were stunned again, only thinking that Taro Mizuhara was talking nonsense, how could the powerful sea monster be subdued by mortals?
You must know that the sea monster was willing to help them before, all because they were very lucky, and they happened to have the opportunity to save the sea monster's life.

But the sea monster will only help them for a while, and will never help them forever.

Mizuhara Taro knew that these guys would not believe it, so he immediately said: "The reason why I was defeated was because Emperor Xia captured the sea monster and subdued it, no matter how strong our warship is, it cannot withstand the impact of the sea monster. "

If the enemy army really has sea monsters helping them, then the outcome of this battle is really hard to predict.

In fact, these generals knew in their hearts that victory or defeat was not unpredictable, but predestined, visible to the naked eye.

It's just that they still don't believe Mizuhara Taro's words.

Mizuhara Taro ordered again: "Let's attack."

Two generals immediately boarded the warships beside them, and led a dozen warships to meet the incoming Xia army.

Unexpectedly, before they got close to Xia Jun, there was a loud noise under the sea.

The conch that turned into a sea monster jumped into the air, and a dozen warships disintegrated in an instant.

Most of the soldiers on board were killed or injured, and those who survived also fell into the sea and were directly swept away by the huge waves.

Mizuhara Taro said to the generals who were still standing beside him: "See? There are sea monsters, how can we be their opponents? Besides, Emperor Xia has the strength to subdue the sea monsters. Only surrender is our way out. .”

Those generals stopped talking, they knew best how powerful the Kraken was.

Even if all the warships are dispatched, they are no match for a Kraken.

Besides, there were hundreds of larger warships on Xia's side, and the result of this battle was already obvious.

They then chose to surrender under the leadership of Mizuhara Taro.

This made the soldiers of the Xia Kingdom quite confused. They wanted to kill the land of the Wa Kingdom, and then burn, kill, loot and enjoy it.

But he didn't expect to encounter such a scene after coming to Wa country.

Wa country actually surrendered?
The Japanese surrendered before the real fight started?

Simply incredible.

"Congratulations, Your Majesty." Mizuhara Taro took the lead in kneeling to welcome Yang Jiu.

Xia Jun then landed, and the people of the Wa Kingdom fled back home one after another.

"Your Majesty, the Emperor is waiting for you over there." Mizuhara Taro said respectfully.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Suyuan, you did a good job this time."

Under the leadership of Mizuhara Taro, he came to the place where the emperor temporarily stayed, but the emperor was not there.

After asking, I found out that when he saw the conch make a move, the emperor suddenly changed his mind, thinking that he should not surrender, but resisted to the death.

No matter how powerful the Xia Kingdom is, it would never be possible to destroy the stubborn Dongying.

As long as Xia's invaders don't leave for a day, the people of Dongying will continue to resist.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Shuiyuan, this seems to be different from what you said."

"Your Majesty, I didn't expect the Emperor to change his mind suddenly." Mizuhara Taro was sweating profusely, feeling terrified inside.

After receiving Yang Jiu's letter, Mizuhara Taro tried his best to persuade the emperor.

After weighing the pros and cons, the emperor also felt that only surrender could give the people of Japan a way out.

It stands to reason that after seeing the power of the conch, the emperor should be more determined to surrender, but why did he suddenly change his mind?
Mizuhara Taro couldn't figure it out.

"Your Majesty, everything has been going well so far. Even if the emperor temporarily changes his mind, it will not change our pace of annexing Dongpu."

Yang Jiu said with a smile: "If the emperor wants to fight, I think our soldiers will be very excited."

When they first arrived in Dongying, if Dongying really surrendered, all the soldiers had fantasized about it, and there was no way to do it.

But if you want to go to war, you can undoubtedly do what you want to do.

Yang Jiu wants to give Dongying people a better way to go.

But if the emperor wanted to cut off this road, then Yang Jiu had no choice.

With Mizuhara Taro leading the way and Xue Xue leading the army, they were so powerful that they defeated the emperor's army.

This war, which lasted less than a month, is over.

When the army reached the emperor's palace, the desperate emperor chose to hang himself.

There is no doubt that the emperor also wanted to keep a whole body for himself.

After that, all those who resisted were slaughtered, and those who surrendered were well arranged.

After winning the overall victory, Yang Jiu turned Dongying into a province of the Great Xia Empire.

The person who served as the governor was Taro Mizuhara.

Even if Yang Jiu hadn't left, those who opposed Mizuhara Taro were still rampant.

However, under the suppression of Xue Xue, the voice of opposition became smaller and smaller.

This is Yang Jiu's plan. Toast and free throws are offered at the same time. I believe that the people of Dongying are very smart and will definitely choose a better way to go.

"I didn't expect this battle to be much smoother than expected." Ruanqing looked at the scenery of Dongpu, feeling extremely happy.

It's a pity that Gan Sisi and Wu Sanyue didn't come.

The customs here in Japan are completely different from those in Daxia.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "With Mizuhara Taro around, this battle won't be too difficult."

"Sir, shall we go back?" Ruanqing asked.

Yang Jiu said: "Stay for a while longer, lest there be any trouble again."

Ruexin nodded, just in time to go to other places to have a look, and he could tell Gan Sisi and Wu Sanyue after returning.

Even after a while, there will still be many rebels in Japan.

Naturally, there is only one way to deal with these rebels, and that is to kill them.

The population of Dongpu is not large, and the rebels are a minority among the minority. No matter how careful they are, there will always be a day when they will be killed.

It was almost another month before Yang Jiu decided to return.

Xue Xue still had to stay and continue to assist Mizuhara Taro against those rebels.

Mizuhara Taro treated his compatriots even more cruelly than Xue Xue.

Just because he knew that if he didn't do this, the rebels would be like leeks that were cut off. Just after one stubble was cut, another stubble would grow again.

The only way to save people is to act ruthlessly and uproot them.

When returning to the voyage, there are only Yang Jiu and Jueqing.

They stood right on top of the conch, which shuttled through the sea at a terrifying speed.

After landing, Yang Jiu told Hai Luo a few words, then shrunk the ground to an inch, and returned to Chang'an City in the blink of an eye.

Gan Sisi and Wu Sanyue were playing with their three children, when they suddenly saw Yang Jiu and Jueqing come back, they were a little confused.

According to their estimates, it will take at least three months before Yang Jiu can turn around.

"It must be a complete victory, right?" Wu Sanyue asked with a smile.

Only by winning quickly can we return quickly.

Rueqing told the two daughters the details of the expedition, and then talked about the customs of Dongying. Wu Sanyue and Gan Sisi listened with great interest and were fascinated.

During these days, Chang'an City was very peaceful, and the Great Xia Empire was also very peaceful, with no strange things happening.

In the past, huge monsters occasionally appeared to cause harm to the people, but now there is nothing, and the people can enjoy peace.

"Jiu'er, it may not be easy to rule the Wa Kingdom for a long time." Wu Sanyue was still very worried about this.

To occupy a country, the culture of the country must first be destroyed.

But culture is actually the most difficult thing to eliminate.

After all, it has been passed down from generation to generation, and it is not by intimidation that the locals can completely forget it.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "I trust Xue Xue and Mizuhara Taro."

In fact, if there is no way to rule the Wa country in the end, it’s okay, at least this time, the people of the Wa country have tasted the pain that the coastal people of the Great Xia Empire have endured.

The behavior of the Japanese pirates is outrageous, and this time it is to teach the Japanese people some lessons.

After nightfall, Yang Jiu didn't go to sew the corpse. After all, Gan Sisi and Wu Sanyue had endured it for a long time and urgently needed to vent.

Rueqing stayed with the child and went to bed early.

Being able to accompany Yang Jiu to go out will certainly not be a disadvantage in that matter.

In the early morning of the next day, all the officials heard that the expedition had won a great victory, and they all shouted "Your Majesty is holy".

Yang Jiu looked at them with a smile. When the expedition was decided earlier, more than half of these guys opposed it.

Now that the expedition has won, they are like grass on the wall, and immediately start to flatter their horses.

Just after the morning court, they received another message from Wei Xiaobao.

This time Wei Xiaobao asked Yang Jiu if he was good at sewing corpses.

Yang Jiu gave an affirmative answer.

In terms of sewing corpses, Yang Jiu dares to be called the best in the world.

"I have a corpse here, I will send it down to you immediately, and let me know after sewing it up and putting it on a high place." Wei Xiaobao quickly replied.

Yang Jiu replied, "Why should I sew the corpse for you?"

"As long as you can sew up this corpse, I will definitely send you more demon corpses, fairy corpses, demon corpses, etc. in the future." Wei Xiaobao clearly knew what Yang Jiu wanted more.

After all, Yang Jiu had been pestering Wei Xiaobao for these things before.

Therefore, Wei Xiaobao believes that as long as he uses the corpse to tempt Yang Jiu, Yang Jiu will definitely agree.

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