Chapter 445

Without Wu Sanyue's support, Yang Jiu would not be able to sew the corpse with peace of mind.

Jueqing and Gan Sisi took good care of the three children.

Yang Jiu had nothing to worry about, so he could naturally devote all his energy to sewing the corpse.

There are monsters appearing all over the place. Fortunately, there are people from the monster town to eradicate those monsters and keep the people safe.

"Sanggong, can we talk about it now?" Jueqing found that her temper has become very anxious now.

Back then when she was working in Six Doors, she was the most calm. After all, she must not be in a hurry to solve the case.

If you are always restless, it is difficult to find those clues that are always ignored.

Yang Jiu asked with a smile, "Do you want to become immortals?"

"Cheng Xian?" Jueqing was surprised.

After the monkey demon died, Wei Xiaobao just waved his hand and sent the monkey demon's body away.

Rao Yangjiu sewed up the corpse very quickly, and it took a long time to sew up the monkey demon's corpse.

The most important thing is that each wound is very long, and it will be very troublesome to sew.

As long as that thing flares up, life is worse than death.

Many elders in the demon world were dissatisfied with the demon king.

The three children are still very young, and there will be plenty of opportunities in the future, so they are not in a hurry.

Seeing the system prompt, Yang Jiu heaved a sigh of relief.

Yang Jiu then gave the pills to Jueqing and Wu Sanyue.

The system prompts came one after another, and Yang Jiu heaved a sigh of relief.

The fairy world originally had protective barriers, but because the demon world had already corrupted some gods, the inside and the outside cooperated, setting off a bloody storm in the fairy world.

The life of the monkey monster in the demon world was very unsatisfactory.

How heavy such a gigantic monkey monster is, I would like to know, but Yang Jiu can not only lift it with one hand, but also perform advanced lightness kung fu, which can be seen from the depth of the kung fu.

But compared to the cow monster killed by Tian Lingling, this monkey monster is not too big.

The wounds on the monkey monster were all cut by branches in the blink of an eye.

Yang Jiudao: "Although there is no direct evidence, it is very likely that she will not be able to have children after being demonized."

"Your Majesty, Jin Yun already exists." Xue Xue said.

The Demon Realm was completely defeated, and was squeezed by the Immortal Realm to survive in name only.

At the same time, some monsters who entered the demon world were all firmly controlled by Wei Xiaobao.

The monkey demon knew that Wei Xiaobao was very powerful, and had planted strange things on him.

It seems that in a few years, the monkey demon will be able to cultivate human form and officially become a fairy.

The corpse of the monkey monster was also covered by a shed.

At this moment, there are a large number of soldiers guarding around the monkey monster's body.

Animals in the fairy world, as long as they practice hard, given time, it may take hundreds or thousands of years, and they will eventually become immortals.

No matter how advanced the lightness kung fu in this world is, it is not as good as this one.

Although the internal turmoil in the demon world has greatly weakened the strength of the demon world, if the demon world joins forces with the demon world, it will still form a very powerful force, enough to shake the heavens.

But the water in the demon world is very deep, and with the strength of the monkey monster, it is impossible to quell the civil strife in the demon world.

The reason is also very simple, the monkey monster is very big and has many wounds.

Since there is such a good thing, normal people will be eager to move.

Now that Yang Jiu possesses immortal power, he will be able to do it easily.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Now you, like me, have thousands of years of longevity."

Gan Sisi smiled and said, "I think it's becoming a demon."

"Your Majesty, is this all right?" Xue Xue asked out of breath.

After a while, even this feeling disappeared.

It's just that if Baiguan wants to demonize, he needs Yang Jiu's consent.

After arriving in the demon world, the monkey demon immediately felt that this demon world was its real destination.

This monkey monster was not born in the demon world, but was born in the fairy world.

The demon king voluntarily withdrew, just wanting to quell the commotion.

Yang Jiu smiled and congratulated, and then asked: "Then what kind of monster do you want to become?"

Since ancient times, there are many emperors who have pursued longevity. If they can really live for thousands of years, it will be almost the same as longevity.

[Using ten thousand years of immortal power relentlessly, I already have the body of an immortal, and currently have 5000 years of remaining lifespan. 】

The four fairy corpses gave them a lifespan of 5000 years.

Seeing Gan Sisi open her eyes, Yang Jiu asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

But at this juncture, the demon world invaded the fairy world.

However, under the leadership of the Demon King, the Demon Realm fought against the Immortal Realm arbitrarily, causing heavy losses and greatly weakening its strength.

When the monkey monster was cornered, it wanted to expose Wei Xiaobao's crimes, but unfortunately, when Wei Xiaobao made a move, it had no power to fight back.

Gan Sisi was very obedient, she closed her eyes before swallowing the pill.

"That's it." Gan Sisi said.

[Sewing [-] corpses, reward the host for sewing needles. 】

[Wu Sanyue uses the ten-thousand-year immortal power, and already has the body of an immortal, and currently has 5000 years of life remaining. 】

After the three women tried it, they were all shocked.

And in a place far away from here, according to Yang Jiu's instructions, the officers and soldiers had already dug a grave to bury the monkey demon.

When Suan Shixian first started, he didn't want to be the palm print envoy of Zhenyaosi at all, but now he firmly holds this position, which makes all the civil and military envy of the court.

However, Yang Jiu had sewed many monkey monsters before, and there were indeed many monkey demon pills.

According to the system's instructions on ground-sewing needles, even two mountain peaks can be sewn together with ground-sewing needles.

Judging from the wounds on the monkey monster, this guy had experienced a very tragic battle before his death.

But Wei Xiaobao didn't send it to the demon world to enjoy the blessings.

Besides, Xue Xue was there too.

Yang Jiu selected the best white monkey demon pill and gave it to Xue Xue.

Normally, immortals are definitely immortal.

A thousand years is very long for mortals, but it is actually very short for gods.

"Monkey demon." Xue Xue said.

All the monsters who didn't listen to the demon king died tragically in Wei Xiaobao's hands.

The monkey monster doesn't care, Wei Xiaobao is the devil king, he can only mess up the demon world behind his back, he can't be the master of the whole demon world.

What was placed in front of him at this moment was the corpse of a monkey monster.

With the system's urgency, if the total number of stitched corpses reaches a thousand, the rewards given will be different.

Just when the monkey monster was disheartened, Wei Xiaobao appeared.

Xue Xue has always been very serious and intimidating, so it is hard for them to imagine what Xue Xue will look like when he becomes a monkey monster.

The monkey monster works honestly in the demon world.

Now that the general environment has changed, if there is another war, with Xue Xue's strength, it is impossible to lead the army to victory.

"Jiu'er, how is it?" Wu Sanyue asked with a smile.

This monkey monster is very big, it was found outside Chang'an City, it is comparable to a palace.

Their lifespans are definitely different, but after receiving the Ten Thousand Years Immortal Power, the lifespan is set at 5000 years.

After getting rid of the monkey demon, the entire demon world will return to the rule of the demon king.

No one can resist this temptation.

The monkey monster started not to listen to Wei Xiaobao's words, and pretended not to know many of Wei Xiaobao's instructions.

Unexpectedly, the demon king's retreat made this civil war even more tragic.

Yang Jiu then explained to them how to use some simple immortal methods.

Yang Jiudao: "In fact, it can't be said to be a fairy, at most it's a matter of living a few thousand years longer."

Wei Xiaobao used tree branches as swords, and with incomparably exquisite swordsmanship, he killed the monkey demon in an instant.

Throwing the monkey demon's body into the dug pit, Yang Jiu just waved a few palms, and then moved the soil piled on the side to the monkey demon's body.

Yang Jiu handed the pill to Gan Sisi and said, "After swallowing, remember to close your eyes and feel silently."

When Wu Sanyue and the others heard this, they couldn't help laughing.

Now, under the instigation of a large group of monsters, a rebellion against the monster king broke out.

On the other hand, the Demon King who had quit earlier couldn't bear to watch the civil strife continue in the demon world, so he went directly to Wei Xiaobao, hoping that Wei Xiaobao would come forward in person to help the demon world survive this disaster.

Hitting a wall everywhere, the monkey monster began to feel that maybe he shouldn't exist in the world.

The reward for the monkey demon sewed just now is the ground needle.

At the critical moment of his cultivation, the monkey monster was tragically affected, and fell directly into the devil's way.

After Wei Xiaobao entered the demon world, the methods he used were extremely cruel.

Things like longevity are illusory and unpredictable.

Within a few days, the total number of corpses he sewed was approaching the [-] mark.

This ground-sewing needle is the opposite of the sky-sewing needle, but it has a wide range of uses.

Looking at the demon world, there is no big monster who can be Wei Xiaobao's opponent.

And those old people who survived by chance in the Demon Realm supported Wei Xiaobao very much. Even if they fought to the last one soldier, the Demon Realm would never surrender and vowed to fight the Immortal Realm to the end.

But they didn't know about each other, they were just thinking of ways to do things well, trying to complete the task assigned by Wei Xiaobao as soon as possible, so as to get relief as soon as possible.

The elder supported by the monkey demon has a good influence in the demon world, but was greatly weakened during the civil strife.

Yang Jiu was still frantically stitching demon corpses. After all, the more demon pills he could accumulate, the better.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, I have three ten thousand year immortal powers here, after using them on you, you will become very powerful, and you can also gain thousands of years of lifespan."

After that, I received a message from Ludong Heya, saying that one month after the death of the bull demon, the body of the bull demon was shrinking rapidly.

Seeing his own appearance in the mirror, Xue Xue was really frightened, but after mastering the skills, he can freely switch between humans and monkeys.

The corpse of the monkey monster couldn't be transported into the city, so Yang Jiu went outside the city to sew up the corpse.

Wei Xiaobao has a handsome appearance and a contagious smile, and he easily gained the trust of the monkey monster.

Unexpectedly, Wei Xiaobao didn't support it as the demon king at all.

Regardless of the process of absorbing Xianli, as long as the result is this.

As for the three children, there will be plenty of opportunities in the future.

This is what Su Jinyun said, Xue Xue only felt that it made sense.

The demon world has always been attached to the fairy world, fighting against the demon world everywhere.

Now the strength of the town demon division is very strong.

Originally, he could live for decades, but after eating the demon pill, he could live for hundreds of years.

Even with the most common thread, as long as it is passed through with a sewing needle, the earth can be sewn together.

Seeing that the total number of corpses to be sewn would reach [-], Yang Jiu purposely kept this monkey monster until now, and this monkey monster happened to be the [-]th corpse.

When the bodies were sewn up last night, the total came to exactly 99.

The monkey monster just arrived in the Demon Realm, which happened to be the end of the war between immortals and demons.

Since the world is undergoing tremendous changes, they must also make changes, otherwise they will definitely not be able to keep up with the development of the world.

Wu Sanyue smiled and said, "Go and look in the mirror first."

As the new devil king, Wei Xiaobao has always wanted to conquer the fairy world.

Yang Jiu walked out of the shed and asked someone to remove the shed, then raised the monkey demon's body with one hand, stepped forward, and disappeared from the sight of the soldiers.

Back in the palace, Wu Sanyue and others were in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The second daughter's feeling is actually similar to Gan Sisi's, she just feels a heat flow in her stomach, that's all.

At this time, it was the end of the civil war in the demon world.

As the Demon King, Wei Xiaobao has completely controlled the demon world.

Especially shrinking the ground into an inch, it's not too fun.

Yang Jiu said: "If you don't believe me, you can try it and you will know."

It did so, and it also told Wei Xiaobao that way.

"Is there such a good thing?" Wu Sanyue asked with a smile.

In the eyes of the monkey demon, even if he can't become a fairy, it's not bad to become a demon.

Baiguan had only contacted Immortal Suansi in private, but he didn't dare to mention it to Yang Jiu in court.

In less than a hundred years, they succeeded.

The Demon King naturally listened to Wei Xiaobao.

It was originally a flat land, but now there is an extra mound, and when vegetation grows on it, people will never imagine that there is a huge monkey corpse buried in it.

There is no particular reason, just because the monkey monster's physical body is too huge.

But this monkey demon fell from the demon world, and the size of the corpse should not change in any way.

For example, if there is a crack or a ravine in the ground, it can be sewn up with sewing needles.

"Well, then don't call it..." Wu Sanyue only finished half of the sentence.

Although you don't have to follow too many rules for sewing monster corpses, for safety, you still have to try to avoid intrusion.

The mission of the monkey monster in the demon world is to collect information, find opportunities to sow discord, and cause civil war to break out in the demon world.

He only achieved a little bit of achievement, but the monkey monster is gone, and he wants to win this civil war and become the new monster king.

And under Wei Xiaobao's hint, the monkey monster escaped from the evil way smoothly, but it is impossible to become a fairy, and can only enter the demon world.

Xue Xue swallowed it directly, and the next moment, he rolled on the ground in pain.

She didn't know what Yang Jiu wanted to make her feel, but she felt that there seemed to be a heat in her body, spreading from her abdomen to her whole body.

Xue Xuekui entered the palace at night, just to ask Yang Jiu for the demon pill.

Because of this, after discussing with Su Jinyun, he decided to eat the demon pill to become stronger.

The "Book of Life and Death" then appeared to record the life of the monkey demon.

[Gan Sisi has used the ten thousand year immortal power, and already possesses the body of an immortal, and currently has 5000 years of remaining lifespan. 】

In an instant, long white hairs grew out of his exposed skin, and his face turned into a monkey face.

They all know that after eating the hundred-year-old demon pill and being demonized, not only will their strength increase greatly, but their lifespan will also increase accordingly.

Just imagine, if the distance of thousands of miles is directly converted into an inch, one step can reach thousands of miles away.

The monkey monster saw the opportunity and directly got rid of the elder and replaced him.

Besides, now that Su Jinyun is pregnant, Xue Xue can only deal with any emergencies if he becomes stronger.

Without the demon king, all monsters with a little bit of strength want to be the demon king, and no one agrees with the other, which makes the scale of this war even bigger.

Tonight, Yang Jiu planned to sew only the monkey demon's body.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

"Then I'll come first." Gan Sisi said.

Yang Jiu gave him two more demon pills, and after exhorting Xue Xue to leave the palace.

"Sir, this is what we received just now." Rueqing handed a letter to Yang Jiu.

 Thanks to Hanmaijin, Honghuang Boy Konstantin~ for their monthly support.

  Thanks to all fellow Taoists who subscribed to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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