Chapter 401
A few days later, someone came to the inn to take Yang Jiu to the assessment.

It's just that the name Yang Jiu uses now is Yin Jiu.

When I came to a ruined temple, there were already many people inside.

Most of them are corpse stitchers who came to participate in the recruitment.

Most of these people probably haven't sewn a corpse, just want to try their luck.

After all the people arrived, a red-faced strong man cleared his throat and said, "I don't think any of you have sewn corpses before. After all, there are not so many corpse stitchers on Alcatraz Island."

Everyone lowered their heads and remained silent, because what the red-faced strong man said was the truth.

Everyone in the world knows that as long as they have a normal mind, anyone can become a corpse stitcher.

"But it doesn't matter. Sewing corpses is actually very simple. As long as you know how to do needlework, it doesn't matter if you don't. A fool can sew things up randomly." laugh.

But no one followed suit.

The reason why everyone is willing to sign up is nothing more than to build a good relationship with the island owner. If they can get the support of the island owner, they will be able to show off their power on Alcatraz Island in the future and have no worries about eating and drinking.

Showing off one's might is second, the key is not to worry about eating and drinking.

"Then can we help the island owner sew the corpse now?" Someone couldn't help asking, with excitement in his voice.

The red-faced strong man smiled and said: "Don't worry, everyone, the island owner naturally doesn't need so many corpse sewers, just because there is a corpse that is extremely difficult to sew, that's why he will recruit corpse sewers. Before going up the mountain, naturally, you have to test everyone The ability to sew corpses."

"Then hurry up, don't waste everyone's time." The person who spoke this time was obviously impatient.

Standing here all the time and listening to the red-faced strong man chatter non-stop, it is really noisy and annoying.

The red-faced strong man raised his hand and pointed to the side, saying: "There are so many people here, it is unrealistic to try to sew up the corpse one by one. Okay, stay here, and leave if you don’t feel like it.”

Before the words fell, several people rushed to the room.

But blocked by the red-faced strong man, they still lined up.

The person who went in first looked very strong, but he vomited wildly.

The people who go in behind are basically like this.

Dozens of people went in to have a look, but only three people remained in the end.

Yang Jiu was last in line, walked into the room, and saw the corpse inside, it turned out to be that Yumianluo.

Yumianluo died under the smile of Jiuquan, at least the whole body was preserved.

But the Yumianluo lying on the table at the moment is in pieces, broken into pieces, and the intestines are hanging from the table to the ground.

Even if many people in Jianghu had killed many people, they would still feel nauseated when they suddenly saw such a corpse.

If someone had never sewn a corpse before, facing such a corpse, he really couldn't do anything.

It was beyond the expectation of the red-faced strong man that four people could stay.

"There is only one corpse. You decide who comes first, but I'm ugly. There are rules for sewing corpses. If you don't follow the rules, you will lose your life." The red-faced strong man sneered, and then He added that if anyone doesn't know the rules, there is a handbook for sewing corpses in the house, you can read it first.

Yang Jiu didn't fight for it, but let the others try first.

If among those three people, someone can really sew up Yumianluo's broken body, then think of another way.

If that happens, it is very likely that there will be a second corpse.

But it's a pity that the three people who rushed to go in front soon came out lying down.

In the end, only Yang Jiu was left, and the red-faced strong man looked at Yang Jiu helplessly, and asked, "Do you want to try, Your Excellency?"

It wasn't that Yumianluo's corpse was difficult to sew, but because it was so badly broken, those people had never sewed the corpse, so it was naturally difficult to handle.

Yang Jiu used the disguise technique to slightly change his appearance, making him look more mature and uglier.

The red-faced strong man naturally didn't like Yang Jiu at all, so he just asked casually.

"As the so-called seeking wealth and wealth, I still want to try." Yang Jiu said with a smile.

The red-faced strong man smiled and said, "Then please."

After Yang Jiu went in, he really wanted to laugh when he saw the corpse sewn by the three.

For the broken arm, just a few stitches were randomly stitched, and it was barely able to keep the arm from falling off.

But this is not considered to have been stitched.

Yang Jiu didn't use the peach blossom stitching method, but sewed up at random, calculated the time on purpose, but before the incense burnt out, he sewed up the corpse just in time.

After the sewing is finished, looking at Yumianluo's life, it can be said to be full of evil.

It is such a demon, but it can live to half a century, which just corresponds to a saying that although the sky has eyes, it always makes the bad guys live longer.

Yang Jiu eradicated his soul, got fifty points of merit, and then walked out of the room.

Seeing Yang Jiu come out alive, the red-faced brawny man was a little taken aback, and asked, "Isn't it that you don't have any incense?"

Just burn the incense and sew the corpse, if you fail to sew the corpse before the incense burns out, you will surely die.

If Yang Jiu hadn't burned incense, then naturally he wouldn't have stitched up Yumianluo's body.

"The body has been sewn up. Although it is a bit rough and the time is short, the body was barely sewn up before the incense burnt out." Yang Jiu reached out to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead.

In fact, it was not cold sweat, but saliva.

The red-faced burly man couldn't believe it, and when he entered the room, he was shocked when he saw the stitched corpse.

Just as Yang Jiu said, the stitches are very ugly, but they are stitched very firmly, and Yumianluo's broken body was really stitched together, looking very complete and much more pleasing to the eye.

"Very powerful." The red-faced strong man came out of the room, and Chaoyang Jiu gave a thumbs up.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Thank you for the compliment."

"Although you have sewed the jade mask, you may not be able to sew the corpse." The red-faced man just muttered.

There is no doubt that Yang Jiu is the only one who passed the customs among the many applicants.

The red-faced brawny man was actually relieved. If no one can be found, the island owner will not be able to explain it.

"Then go back and wait for the news." The red-faced man then waved his hand.

Yang Jiu nodded, turned and left.

The red-faced burly man then came to the side room and said in a low voice, "This Yin Jiu sewed up Yumianluo's body."

"We are also hiding dragons and crouching tigers on Devil's Island. Let's investigate his background carefully. If there is no problem, we will take him up the mountain tomorrow night." An extremely cold female voice came from that room.

The red-faced strong man nodded yes.

The investigation of Yang Jiu must be launched now.

It's just that the people who came to this Alcatraz Island all had a past they couldn't bear to look back on.

What the superiors asked to investigate was not what Yang Jiu had done before, but his identity.

Over the years, the imperial court has continuously sent people to sneak into Alcatraz, and like Dongying, they also want to conquer Alcatraz.

Those court hawks and dogs can be said to be pervasive.

This time, the island owner's search for a corpse sewer must be an opportunity for the imperial court.

Just find out that Yang Jiu is not from the imperial court.


Back at the inn, Yang Jiu soaked her feet and drank a bowl of hot tea, still feeling inappropriate.

"Sanggong, is everything going well?" He asked unfeelingly.

Gan Sisi said with a smile: "Jiulang will go out in person, he will definitely not fail."

Yang Jiu said: "I have passed the customs, but they asked me to go back to the inn to wait for news. I reckon that they will still investigate my identity, so I can no longer live here."

This inn is the property of Wanjian Villa. Although the old hunchback is careful, after all, there is no airtight wall in this world. Maybe the owner of the island has already known this.

"It should be fine to live here, right?" Gan Sisi looked at Rueqing when she said this.

Unfeelingly said: "I also think it's nothing, even if the owner of the island knows that this inn belongs to Wanjian Villa, but this is an inn after all, and you can stay if you have money."

Yang Jiu knew that what they said was reasonable, but she finally found a breakthrough, so she had to be more cautious in her actions.

Just to receive them, there are no other guests in this inn.

That is, after nightfall, Mo Wu, Yin Lian and others will come back to sleep.

It's not right to live here.

Yang Jiu insisted on leaving, and the second daughter had no choice.

After leaving, I randomly found an inn.

After dawn, the red-faced strong man really came to the door.

After Yang Jiu changed his appearance again, he deliberately appeared in a crowded place, which also attracted the attention of the innkeeper and the staff, so that the red-faced strong man could easily find him.

"Yin Jiu, this is Alcatraz Island, and we can't thoroughly investigate your true identity, so we can only do a simple test." The red-faced burly man smiled happily.

Yang Jiu nodded and said, "I'm just an ordinary tailor."

"It's okay, we'll find out soon." The red-faced man smiled slightly and led Yang Jiu to the backyard.

On the tree in the backyard, three people were tied up, all of them were beaten to pieces, and they were dying.

The red-faced burly man didn't give a shit, and said with a smile, "They are court eagle dogs. They were caught by us not long ago. It is said that they are going to help that woman Wu Sanyue take Alcatraz."

Yang Jiudao: "Alcatraz is a land of freedom and cannot belong to any country."

"It's right for you to have this awareness. Now as long as you kill them, you can prove that you have nothing to do with the court." The red-faced strong man said.

If only one person is allowed to be killed, maybe for the sake of the overall plan of the imperial court, he gritted his teeth and killed him.

But if it is necessary to kill three people at once, it is not so easy for any lackey of the imperial court to do so.

The red-faced burly man tried his best, but he couldn't find out Yang Jiu's identity. That's why the superior came up with such an idea.

Yang Jiu looked at the three of them, and said in a trembling voice, "I, I am a tailor. I heard that this time I can get a great reward for sewing the island owner's corpse, so I came here to try it. It can kill people..."

"They are the ones who deserve to die. Even if you don't kill them now, I will kill them later. In fact, killing people is very easy, just like killing pigs. You just need to pick up the knife and gently send the knife into their hearts , that feeling, Baozhun will give you endless aftertaste." When the red-faced strong man said this, his face was full of excitement.

It is said that killing is indeed addictive.

Facing the current situation, it is difficult to guess the real intention of the enemy.

To kill, or not to kill, doesn't feel right.

But one thing, Yang Jiu was sure, the three people tied to the tree were definitely not members of the court.

"Yin Jiu, don't you dare?" The red-faced strong man asked with a smile.

Yang Jiu quacked and asked, "If you kill them, will you give me money?"

"No." The red-faced man frowned.

If Yang Jiu can successfully pass the test and finally sew up the corpse that the island owner got, he will be prosperous from now on, rich in clothes and good food, and have money that he can't spend in several lifetimes.

Compared with those, even if the money will be given for killing these three people, it is a drop in the bucket, not worth mentioning.

The words of the red-faced strong man seemed to give Yang Jiu a lot of confidence.

Yang Jiu's eyes became resolute, and said: "If I can help the island owner sew up the body, I will definitely get a lot of money, and I will share more with you at that time."

"Haha, it's good to be brave." The red-faced strong man laughed.

Yang Jiu grabbed the knife that was on the side, looked at the three people and said, "We have never met before, but for my future, I have to sacrifice you."

While speaking, Yang Jiu stabbed one of them in the stomach.

After pulling out the knife, he cut the throat of another person.

As soon as the third person raised his head, Yang Jiu stabbed the long knife into his throat.

After killing three people in a row, Yang Jiu dropped the knife, hunched over, and gasped for breath.

"Not bad." The red-faced strong man didn't expect that Yang Jiu, who was hesitant, would actually kill those three people in the end.

In fact, these three people were not court lackeys at all, but traitors they captured.

When dealing with traitors, the island owner has always tortured them to death slowly.

This time, in order to test Yang Jiu, these three people took advantage of it.

If not, they would still be subjected to extremely horrific torture, life would be worse than death.

"I think the time is just right. Follow me up the mountain now. You can sew up the corpse after nightfall. Whether you can seize this wealth depends on your luck." The red-faced man hoped that Yang Jiu could sew up the corpse, after all Yang Jiu promised that he would share half of the benefits with him, which is very important.

Yang Jiu's face showed joy, that kind of joy was not feigned.

The road up the mountain was not as rough as imagined.

But when it comes to rough and difficult places, the red-faced strong man will first perform light work to go up, and then put down a rope and let Yang Jiu pull the rope up.

Not long after walking, Yang Jiu was already sweating profusely and panting like a cow.

The red-faced burly man has been observing Yang Jiu's state. Up to this moment, he is sure that Yang Jiu is really an ordinary tailor who doesn't know martial arts.

When approaching the top of the mountain, Yang Jiu found that the defense was extremely tight.

Even if you have thousands of troops, don't try to reach the top of the mountain.

On the top of the mountain, a very grand palace was built.

"We're not going there. That's where the island owner lives. The corpse to be sewn is here. It's still early. You can have some wine first, rest well, and recharge your spirits before you can sew up that horrible corpse." Red faced In the words of the strong man, he was very concerned about Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu came to the room arranged by the red-faced strong man. There was a small bed, wine and food in it.

Yang Jiu ate some casually, but drank a lot of wine.

After dark, no one came to inform him to sew the body.

But Yang Jiu knew that at this time, he had to hold his breath.

After the red-faced strong man appeared, Yang Jiu was relieved.

"Are you ready?" the red-faced man asked.

Yang Jiu took a deep breath and asked in a trembling voice, "Is the corpse to be stitched up now more terrifying than the one from last night?"

"Almost." The red-faced burly man naturally wouldn't tell the truth.

Yang Jiu took another sip of wine before following the red-faced brawny man outside.

There were a lot of people outside, all of them were wearing red cloth shirts, with solemn faces.

Not far away, there was a new shed.

This shed was built temporarily and used as Yang Jiu's body-sewing shed tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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