My years as a corpse seamstress in the East Factory

Chapter 398 Arriving at Alcatraz Island

Chapter 398 Arriving at Alcatraz Island

This night, Yang Jiu sewed up nearly twenty more corpses, and the reward he was most satisfied with was the inner strength pill.

A total of four have been obtained, some are 20 years old, some are 30 years old, and two are Jiazi.

Just these four pills of internal strength made tonight's harvest quite fruitful.

Besides, there are hundreds of merit points.

Most of the ancient corpses in the back are people from the rivers and lakes, there are good and evil, but regardless of good or evil, Yang Jiu may obtain merit points from them.

Now he has accumulated more than [-] merit points.

Yang Jiu planned to save these merit points first, and if he didn't need to exchange them for items, when he saved up to [-] points, he would directly exchange them for four unkillable points, which could be used by the four adults.

A few days later, there was no news from Ah San.

Wei Zhongxian started to worry, and kept sending Xiao Xuanzi to inquire, wondering when Yang Jiu planned to leave.

Although Wei Zhongxian didn't urge him, but Xiao Xuanzi asked him so frequently, one can imagine the anxiety in his heart.

Yang Jiu was not in a hurry, even if the eighth corpse fell into the hands of others temporarily, they could snatch it back from that person when they passed by.

The reason why Wei Zhongxian was so anxious was because he was worried that the nine corpses would fall into the hands of Dongpu people. If they were brought to Dongpu, the possibility of getting them back would be very slim.

Now that corpse is on the island not far from Dongpu.

That island is not big, and it doesn't belong to any country, and a group of vicious people gathered on it.

No matter which country the wanted criminal is, as long as he escapes to this island, he can get away with it and live a good life.

Everyone in the rivers and lakes knows this island and calls it Alcatraz Island.

Yang Jiu would like to know if there are also ten villains and a little fish on this Alcatraz island?
When Ah San appeared, he brought news of the president of the organization, saying that Yang Jiu could go to Alcatraz first, and it would not be too late to take the throne when he came back. After all, the nine corpses are also very important, and the nine corpses must not fall into the hands of the Dongying people.

For Yang Jiu's safety, the president asked Ah San, the scholar in white, Meng Yanyan and others to go with Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu directly chose to refuse, and took them along, which was too inconvenient.

The imperial court had already made arrangements for this matter. Wu Sanyue sent an order to go to Yelang Pass, and asked Xue Xue to secretly lead troops to follow him, so as to ensure the safety of Yang Jiu and others no matter what.

Alcatraz Island is full of demons, Wu Sanyue is not at ease without a large army.

No woman wants to lose her father before the child in her womb is born.

Before going on the road, Yang Jiu exchanged two unkillables for Gan Sisi and Rueqing to take.

This should have been done in the first place, there is no need to wait for four people to use it.

This trip is bound to be dangerous, even if the two of them have high martial arts skills, Yang Jiu can't feel at ease.

Now that they are incarnations, Yang Jiu feels at ease, and just wants to enjoy this journey.

If Yang Jiu persisted, the organization would have no choice.

When they left Chang'an, the three of them looked back, and their hearts were still not at ease.

Fortunately, Wu Sanyue is still here, so the children will definitely not suffer.

It was Wu Sanyue who was pregnant, which made them worry.

After driving the luxury carriage out of the city gate, head east all the way.

Originally riding a horse would be faster, but Yang Jiu finally decided to take a carriage.

The advantage of the carriage is that even if you go to the barren mountains and mountains, you can have a place to rest.

Besides, in a place with good road conditions, there will be a car shock, which is Yang Jiu's beautiful fantasy.

After a few days, the three of them got used to it, and their moods were getting better. They talked and laughed, feeling that life was the best, and that was it.

At the very beginning, the three of them practiced together on the carriage, which made Jueqing and Gan Sisi feel more shy.

There is a first time for everything, as the so-called first time is born, second time is familiar, if the number of times is too many, you can lose all your shyness, let go completely, and enter another realm, floating like a fairy.

The people's sentiments seen along the way are all filled with bright smiles on people's faces.

In most places, now with the support of the imperial court, everyone lives and works in peace and contentment, and the quality of life has been greatly improved.

When Wu Sanyue ascended the throne earlier, the common people still complained, thinking that a woman becoming emperor would only push them into the flames.

The final facts prove that women can also do great things, and they can even do better than men.

Of course, there will be some corrupt officials, even if the court cracks down hard, but this world is so big, there will always be moths.

As long as they are allowed to come across, those moths can be quickly removed.

Yang Jiu has many medicines and items on hand, which can make evil people change from evil to righteousness.

Anyone who has used these things will think about the people in this life, and will not rest until death.

Only those officials with minor crimes are eligible to enjoy these.

And those who committed serious crimes were directly beheaded, so that the local people would be happy first, and then find a replacement, give them medicine, and let them serve the people wholeheartedly.

Yang Jiu sewed too many corpses, and the things with similar effects were also very rich, so he didn't worry about not having enough.

When we arrived at the beach, the big boat prepared by the local officials was already ready.

There are also many crew members, all pretending to be military masters.

Xue Xue arrived here first, and naturally made all preparations.

After the big ship on which Yang Jiu and the others were sailing away, Xue Xue would lead the army to follow closely.

However, all the soldiers were pretending to be fishermen, and the boats they took were also very strong fishing boats.

The real warship followed further behind.

Xue Xue did this to prevent the enemy from detecting their reality.

Xue Xue had been in the navy for several years and was very familiar with water warfare.

Seeing that Xue Xue was so fully prepared also dispelled the last doubts in Jueqing and Gan Sisi's hearts.

Even sitting on a boat, looking at the boundless sea will always give people an extreme sense of insecurity.

If the ship sinks, or if there is a storm, it feels certain death.

Yang Jiu felt that there was no need to worry too much. The sailors on board were all masters of the Great Xia Navy, and staying on board all year round was enough to deal with all kinds of emergencies.

Besides, they are just a merchant ship now, and they may encounter bandits, but are they really afraid of bandits?

The days on board are too leisurely.

Such a day, although it is a day that Ruanqing and Gan Sisi yearn for, but if they really live this kind of life, it feels okay for a month or two, if it is like this for a year or 20, I am afraid they will not be able to bear it.

The reason why many people are nostalgic for the rivers and lakes is precisely because of the colorful rivers and lakes.

It's really not easy to get used to that kind of happy life and want to change the way of life.

"How long will it be?" Gan Sisi felt that she had sailed on the sea for too long.

Unfeelingly said: "According to the estimate, it should be a few more days."

Compared with the previous days, a few days will pass soon.

After being quiet for too long, Gan Sisi is now interested in Alcatraz.

This island is very famous in the rivers and lakes. When she was traveling in the rivers and lakes before, she also thought about going there to learn a lot, but because she didn't know how to swim, she didn't have the courage to challenge the sea.

Many people go to Alcatraz every year, and many people die in the sea.

Back and forth, I don't know how many people were buried in the sea.

Even so, there are still many people traveling to and from Alcatraz.

As long as people with a little business sense can sell things to Alcatraz Island, they can make huge profits.

In the early morning of the next day, the three of them, who were soundly asleep, were awakened by the noise outside.

When Yang Jiu came to the deck, someone immediately came over to report the situation.

Just now, they found floating corpses on the sea surface, and there was more than one corpse. Four corpses have been salvaged, and there are still many floating corpses ahead.

These corpses were all killed, some were hacked to death with a knife, and some were stabbed several times.

Looking at their costumes, it is impossible to tell the specific camp.

After Jueqing and Gan Sisi came out, they were shocked to see so many dead bodies.

It was still far away from Alcatraz Island, so many corpses suddenly appeared on the sea surface, it could only be due to a fight on the boat.

Yang Jiu instructed: "Everyone, be careful, don't let someone scuttle the boat."

The enemy is attacking openly and brightly, and Yang Jiu has no fear at all, but if the enemy comes from Yin, it will be very difficult.

After sailing until nightfall, more than a dozen corpses were recovered.

In order to know the truth, Yang Jiu decided to sew up all these corpses.

After sewing up the first corpse, Yang Jiu already knew what happened to these people.

But idleness is idleness, coupled with itchy hands, Yang Jiu sewed up the remaining corpses.

The stitching of these corpses is very easy, it does not take time at all, all of them are stitched up, and the time has just come to the beginning of the day.

By sewing these corpses together, I got some things that were just consumed before, such as the heart of a Bodhisattva and so on.

The most wonderful thing is to supersede or eradicate their souls, which can get a lot of merit points.

After exchanging two unkillable kills just now, only [-] merit points are left, and this time I got a thousand points.

If you want to earn merit points, you need to sew more corpses.

Under normal circumstances, as long as the souls of the corpses do not appear, they can choose whether to save them or eradicate them according to their good and evil in life, so as to obtain more merit points.

"Sanggong, who killed these people?" Seeing Yang Jiu come out, Juqing asked hastily.

Yang Jiudao: "Among them, there are good and evil. They took the same boat to go to Alcatraz Island. As a result, when they were approaching Alcatraz Island, internal strife suddenly broke out and they almost died. The few remaining people probably died. We're almost at Alcatraz."

Situations like what Yang Jiu said happen all the time in the Jianghu.

Human nature is like this, even if it is a peaceful and prosperous age, there will always be people who cannot resist all kinds of temptations.

"Jiulang, I'm actually quite curious, what did you feed Jueqing and me before?" Gan Sisi suddenly thought of this.

Unfeelingly said: "Sanggong seems to say that that thing is called immortal, just like what Wu'er and Yun'er eat."

"Yes, that's it. I'm curious, will you really not be killed if you eat that?" Gan Sisi still felt that Yang Jiu was talking nonsense.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Even if you are cut in half with one knife, you can still get back together. Shall we try?"

"How to try? Are you really going to cut us in half?" Gan Sisi stared, wondering if Yang Jiu could be so cruel to them.

Unfeelingly said: "If you just want to test, in fact, you only need to cut off a finger."

This is true in theory, even if a finger is cut off, it can grow back and remain intact.

"Unfeeling, you don't really want to cut off a finger, do you?" Gan Sisi's expression turned ugly.

Even if the finger does grow back eventually, it doesn't mean it won't hurt.

He said with a heartless smile: "I'm just talking, but I'm not that stupid. Anyway, we walk in the rivers and lakes, and there are many chances of getting injured. There will always be chances."

"Although not being killed can protect you from being killed and heal your wounds, you still can't be careless, after all, the pain will not be relieved." Yang Jiu reminded with a smile.

Looking unfeelingly at the distant sea, he said faintly: "I hope to have the opportunity to experience the power of invincibility on Alcatraz Island."

"I'll forget it, I don't want to see anything." Gan Sisi shook her head lightly.

Previously when Gan Sisi was alone, she did many things to death.

Back then, she went alone to assassinate Wu Youdao, and even wanted to kill Wei Zhongxian. It is undoubtedly a miracle that she can survive till now.

But since falling in love with Yang Jiu and having Yang Wu, she has become more life-threatening.

If you have a concern that you can't let go of, you will cherish your life very much.

A few days later, when they saw Alcatraz, no one was very happy.

On the contrary, all of them looked dignified, as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

The ship docked smoothly at the pier. Several of the masters in the navy had been to Alcatraz Island many times, and they knew the rules of Alcatraz Island very well.

When they were on the boat, they had already made it very clear to Yang Jiu and the others.

On Alcatraz, you must not be timid, but must be very strong.

Here, in fact, there is only one rule, that is, the strong are respected.

As long as you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want here.

For example, if you fall in love with a married woman, as long as you can beat her husband to the ground, even if you do mediocre things in front of her husband, not only can her husband not get angry, but she has to applaud and applaud beside her.

Dignity always belongs to the strong, and the weak can only linger on if they want to survive here.

Alcatraz is not big, but it is also big.

Twenty Alcatraz islands are almost as big as a Chang'an city.

There is a high mountain in the middle of Alcatraz, and then it is relatively flat around it.

But houses for people are basically built halfway up the mountain.

Although the beach is beautiful, when the tide is high, the houses will be washed away.

Of course, the safest place is the top of the mountain, but ordinary people are not qualified to go there.

The person who lives on the top of the mountain is the owner of Alcatraz Island.

Many people who have lived on the island for a long time do not know who the owner of the island is, let alone have the opportunity to meet the owner of the island.

Yang Jiu is not interested in who the owner of Alcatraz is. After all, their mission this time is to find the eighth corpse of Nine and bring it back.

If the island owner of Alcatraz will jump out to stop it then, that's another matter.

It may take a while to find the corpse, so they need to find a place to live on the island first.

On Alcatraz Island, there are quite a few inns, but these inns are all dirty and dilapidated.

When some wealthy people come to the island, they will choose to rent a house.

Yang Jiu also wanted to rent a house, but it was a bit high-profile to do so.

It is said that those who rented the house also had to spend a lot of money to hire bodyguards.

In fact, ever since they set foot on Alcatraz, they couldn't keep a low profile.

Just because Rueqing and Gan Sisi are too dazzling.

Even if they just stand there, they can attract the attention of many people.

 Thanks to The Only Survivor, Calling for Monthly Pass support.

  Thanks to all fellow Taoists who subscribed to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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