Chapter 384
The leader of the murderer took off his face scarf when using the ghost arresting talisman. As long as he can see his face clearly, he can be found with the paper piercing technique.

After tying up the little paper figurine, Yang Jiu just opened the door and went out.

As soon as Yang Jiu waved his hand, he could see Lu Dong Qingya following behind Yang Jiu.

Unfeelingly greeted Ludong Qingya, Ludong Qingya just smiled.

"How?" Jueqing then asked.

Yang Jiudao: "It's hard to catch the rest of them, but their leader is in Chang'an City. If you catch him, you can find the rest of them."

In fact, when he saw the little paper figurine in Yang Jiu's hand, Jueqing knew that at least one of the murderers could be caught, but he didn't expect that this person would be their leader.

It is unreasonable for the leader to personally drive the car into Chang'an City.

Under the guidance of the little paper figurine, they soon came to an inn.

Not surprisingly, this inn was run by criminals.

Both Yang Jiu and Jueqing suspected that this group of criminals were most likely sent by the organization.

The organization has formulated a huge plan and made all kinds of things, just to overthrow the Great Xia Empire.

If Tubo is merged into Daxia, it will only make the Daxia Empire stronger.

When the people of the world live and work in peace and contentment, if the organization tries to overthrow the imperial court, it will be regarded as a terrorist by the people.

Only when the emperor is fatuous and the people are in dire straits, if someone rises up at this time, can they gain the support of the people all over the world.

It was in this situation that the change of dynasty took place.

Now that the imperial court is implementing a new policy to make people's lives better, it is extremely difficult for the organization to overthrow the Great Xia Empire at this time, and it is absolutely impossible to do so.

For this reason, the organization will continue to create all kinds of chaos, in order to defeat the status of the court in the hearts of the people.

Winning the hearts of the people and winning the world has been like this since ancient times.

"Sanggong, don't you want to bring more people?" Ruoqing asked in a low voice.

Yang Jiu said: "As long as the leader is caught, the rest will not be able to escape."

While speaking, Yang Jiu already kicked open the door of the inn.

Although the night is already very deep, there are always many places in Chang'an City that are open all night, such as brothels, such as inns.

But this inn locked the door early.

The inn lobby was empty, and the lights were not lit, so it was pitch black.

Yang Jiu rushed up to the second floor and directly smashed into a room.

The moment the door was knocked open, Yang Jiu saw a black shadow and jumped out of the window to escape.

Lu Dong Qingya was the fastest in pursuit, and tried to hold that person several times, but it was useless.

That person has good lightness kungfu, he can jump over walls and jump over ridges, and his movements are flexible.

Naihe Yangjiu and Rueqing's lightness skills are all far superior to him.

When blocked by Yang Jiu and Jueqing, the man stopped and sneered.

"As expected of Master Yang Jiu, he found me so quickly." The man was full of praise for Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu said coldly, "Why did you kill the Tubo mission?"

"Of course it is to prevent your great cause of annexing the country." That humanity.

Ruthlessly asked: "Who are you?"

"Master Yang Jiu is also one of us." The man looked at Yang Jiu with a smile.

Saying this, it is undoubtedly admitted that he is a member of the organization.

But now, neither Yang Jiu nor Jueqing will believe what he said, unless he is captured alive and rewarded with a drop of truth before questioning, or killed directly, Yang Jiu will know the answer after sewing up the corpse.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "You may prove yourself?"

"Master Jiu, I advise you not to do unnecessary things. The medicine for the coming year is in my hands." The man felt that saying this was enough to prove his identity.

But of course he couldn't explain his true identity to Yang Jiu.

Even if the tasks assigned by the organization can be completed time and time again, the organization will not trust Yang Jiu too much.

Although Yang Jiu also took the holy medicine, they all know that Yang Jiu's medical skills are also very good, and they can cure the poison of impermanence poisonous insects, and maybe there is a way to cure the properties of the holy medicine.

For the organization, Yang Jiu is at best a valuable pawn.

As long as this chess piece has not become a discarded piece, it has to be kept, maybe one day it will come in handy.

"Master Yang Jiu found me with that little paper doll?" The man cast his eyes on the little paper doll in Yang Jiu's hand, and found that the face of the little paper doll was very similar to him.

Yang Jiu crushed the little paper figurine and said, "This is called tracing people with paper."

"Sure enough, there are two brushes." The man smiled.

Naturally, the organization has investigated Yang Jiu carefully and knows that he has many magical abilities. It is for this reason that the organization selected him and worked hard to win him over.

No matter how many talents there are in an organization, as long as they are talents, there will always be a shortage.

"How to deal with this guy?" Rueqing asked again.

Yang Jiu smiled and said: "I feel that his status in the organization is not low, so it's better to make him one of our own."

Just got a Loyalty Pill, so I rewarded this person generously.

"Jiuye is wrong. We have long been our own people. Why should our own people embarrass our own people? I still have important things to do, so I will leave first. Jiuye just do his own thing." The man jumped up as he said that down the roof.

But Yang Jiu made a move at this moment.

The man's body was still in mid-air, suddenly turned over, and shot a hidden weapon at Yang Jiu.

Clang clang.

The hidden weapon hit Yang Jiu, but it couldn't hurt Yang Jiu at all.

But without the man noticing, the long sword in Jueqing's hand was already pressed against his neck.

"I didn't expect Madam Yang's martial arts to be so superb." The man's voice was still calm.

He always felt that Yang Jiu was also a member of the organization now, so he shouldn't make things difficult for him.

Yang Jiu sealed his acupuncture points, and quickly stuffed the loyal Dan Geng Geng into his mouth.

He swallowed the pill without any reaction.

"Jiu Ye wanted to use poison to control me, did he make a mistake in his wishful thinking?" The man smiled.

Yang Jiu said coldly: "You should be glad that you are still alive just because you didn't do that to Qingya."

"It's so ugly, and there are only those..." The man felt very exciting when he recalled the process of killing Lu Dong Qingya.

At that time, he also wanted to enjoy it, but it was a pity that Lu Dong's elegant face was really hard to swallow.

But when he suddenly saw Ludong Qingya standing in front of him, he was really frightened.

"Qingya, I want to keep him alive, what do you think?" Yang Jiu asked, just to make Ludong Qingya feel better.

All the loyal and loyal pills have been eaten by this guy, so he must not be killed casually.

Even if this guy's status in the organization is not high, but no matter how small a chess piece is, it will come in handy one day.

If you want to play a game of chess well, the first thing you need to understand is this truth.

Sometimes the sacrifice of a small pawn can revitalize the whole game.

"Okay." Lu Dong Qingya smiled.

The man couldn't believe his eyes, he just felt that this was too nonsense.

At this moment, Yang Jiu stretched out his hand and unlocked his acupuncture points.

Seeing this, Ruanqing gripped the long sword even tighter.

The moment the acupoints were unlocked, the man wanted to slash Xiang Yangjiu with his palm, but his reason did not let him do so.

Yang Jiu looked at him with a smile, and asked, "What's your name?"

"Zhu Ruyi." The man replied.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "This name is very special."

Zhu Ruyi showed embarrassment, because of his name, he was often ridiculed since childhood.

But the surname belongs to father, and the name is also given by father, so what can he do?
Seeing the huge contrast between Zhu Ruyi's before and after, Lu Dong Qingya admired Yang Jiu even more.

Yang Jiu seems to know some kind of magical magic that can make people willingly obey his words.

Ludong Qingya is extremely reluctant now. Originally, if she was alive, she could still do many things for Yang Jiu.

After death, he can only go to another world, and can no longer help Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu asked, "Are you really a member of the organization?"

"The task I took over this time is to eradicate the Tubo Mission." Zhu Ruyi nodded.

Yang Jiudao: "Now I also give you a task to find those brothers you dismissed and kill them all."

"Yes." Zhu Ruyi agreed without any hesitation.

Just now, he put on a high-ranking posture, but now he obeys Yang Jiuyan, which is really outrageous.

Although Zhu Ruyi felt incredible, she was still very happy.

I have never been so happy when working for an organization before.

Yang Jiu suddenly remembered something, and asked, "What do you want to do when you stay in Chang'an?"

"My mission is to destroy the annexation of Tubo." Zhu Ruyi said truthfully.

Just killing the Tubo mission may not stop the annexation of the country.

Zhu Ruyi stayed in Chang'an just to play by ear and be ready to sabotage at any time.

No matter how many missions Tubo sends to Chang'an, the organization will intercept and kill them on the way.

Yang Jiu said: "You should know what to do in the future, right?"

"I know." Zhu Ruyi nodded.

The organization wants to destroy the merger of the country, but Yang Jiu wants to promote the merger of the country. As the executor of the organization's sabotage plan, he has no choice but to not implement it.

Watching Zhu Ruyi leave, Yang Jiu turned to look at Ludong Qingya, and said, "Qingya, it's getting late, you should be on your way."

"Okay." Lu Dong Qingya had a lot of things on her mind, but when she got to her mouth, she felt that those words were boring, so she didn't need to say them.

After Ludong Qingya left, Yang Jiu chose to save her soul.

Although Ludong Qingya did a lot of wrong things, in the end she also did a lot of right things under the influence of the white paper.

Even if he can't succeed, his merit points will be deducted by the system, Yang Jiu doesn't care.

The result was a super success, and the system directly rewarded one hundred merit points.

The case of the murder of the Tibetan mission was solved in this way.

Jueqing feels more and more that no matter how difficult the case is, as long as Yang Jiu handles it, it will become easy.

It seems that everything is like this, Yang Jiu can always do things that seem impossible.

Back home, Aunt Mei had put Yang Yun to sleep.

Yang Wu also went to bed early, only Gan Sisi sat in the living room waiting for them.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Yang Jiu asked with a smile.

Looking at Gan Sisi's eyes, Jueqing knew what Gan Sisi was thinking, and said with a smile: "I'm tired, go to sleep first."

Gan Sisi also didn't say anything, and directly took Yang Jiu to her yard.

The next day, Wu Sanyue was quite furious when she learned that that organization was doing something again.

But because the organization is too mysterious and powerful, it is hopeless to eradicate it.

"Jiu'er, I remember you said before that Fengyun Dao seems to be the property of this organization?" Wu Sanyue felt that since Yang Jiu had figured out the details of Fengyun Dao, he could completely eradicate Fengyun Dao first, so as to give the organization Liliwei.

Yang Jiudao: "Now Fengyun Dao is our industry."

"I still think we have to give our opponent some color." Wu San thought that he couldn't continue to be beaten passively.

The organization must know that provoking the court will have serious consequences.

Yang Jiu said: "We can't be in a hurry to deal with such an organization."

Yang Jiu still hopes that Wu Sanyue can hold her breath.

Now that organizations start to move more frequently, the likelihood that they will make mistakes increases.

What's more, Yang Jiu can continue to turn the backbone of the organization into his own when the organization is attacking.

Over time, organizations will face a point where no one is available.

As long as enough backbones of the organization are subdued, it will be a matter of time before the organization is completely destroyed.

"My temper is much better now." Wu Sanyue smiled.

In the past, even if she killed [-] people by mistake, she would order to wipe out the organization with all her strength.

It was Yang Jiu's appearance that slowly changed her temperament.

Now her temperament is more suitable to be a ruler.

Yang Jiudao: "In March, since the organization will intercept and kill the Tubo mission, no matter how secretive the Tubo mission is, I am afraid they will not be able to escape the black hands of the organization. Why don't I take the imperial decree and go to Tubo to enshrine Ludong Heya."

"Going on a long trip again." Wu Sanyue was full of reluctance.

Yang Jiu smiled lightly: "For the sake of the country, there is no other way."

"Then find someone else," Wu Sanyue said.

Yang Jiu's proposal is indeed feasible, but Yang Jiu doesn't necessarily have to do it himself.

Sending others to go, Yang Jiu worried that they would be intercepted and killed by the organization on the way.

And if he went in person, at least he would be guaranteed to reach Jiqu City alive and deliver the canonized imperial decree to Ludong Heya.

This is only the first step. After receiving the title, Ludong Heya and others must do their best to lead the people of Tubo to live a better life.

Only in this way can Tubo truly become a part of the Great Xia Empire.

As long as the imperial court is always kind to the people of Tubo, I believe that after a long time of comfortable life, no one will be willing to live a hard life again.

"I see, it looks like it's up to you." Wu Sanyue sighed.

From a long time ago, Wu Sanyue thought about what would happen if there was no Yang Jiu by her side?

Maybe her situation will be very bad, or maybe she has been driven off the dragon chair long ago, or even her life may be lost.

The seventh nine corpses have just appeared, and it is estimated that it will take some time for the eighth corpse to appear. Yang Jiu plans to go to Tubo to complete the matter first.

If Wu Sanyue gave the order, as a Daxia official, he must obey it.

At that time, the organization will definitely give him an order to destroy the canonization.

Due to the particularity of Yang Jiu's identity, it is very difficult to realize the plan to personally break into the organization.

Now Yang Jiu has also looked away, and feels that the only way to destroy the organization is to continuously win over the backbone of the organization.

The more large-scale operations the organization conducts, the more backbones it will send out.

Now that I have blank paper and merit points, I can tie up a large number of people.

No matter how swift and violent the organization's offensive is, Yang Jiu will not be afraid.

After staying in the palace until evening, Yang Jiu just left.

When I came to the corpse sewing shop, Dongchang hadn't started distributing the corpses yet.

Many of the sewers stayed outside, chatting very enthusiastically.

"Master, I don't feel well today." Guo Qiniang originally wanted to ask the manager of the East Factory to ask for leave, but when she saw Yang Jiu coming, she felt that it would be safer to talk to Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu said with a smile: "Then go back and rest, I will sew up your corpse tonight."

Originally, Yang Jiu came here to take a look. When he was upset, he could calm down as long as he came to Sewing Corpse Street.

"Thank you, master." Guo Qiniang wanted to give Yang Jiu a hug, but seeing that there were still a lot of corpse stitchers around, she had to give up.

Then Yang Jiu told the Dongchang guards that Guo Qiniang had two corpses tonight, so he obeyed Yang Jiu's words and sent them all to Yang Jiu's body sewing shop.

Opening the door of the mortuary shop, I saw the orange cat lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.

Yang Jiu grabbed it and asked, "Why the hell are you always sleeping here?"

Previously, Orange Cat brought Bai Yun and other family members to live in the corpse shop, but later the family of four returned to Su Mansion.

On the contrary, it has been hit by Yang Jiu several times, and the orange cat lives here with the little bitch Die.

The life of the orange cat is very unrestrained. Although he is accompanied by his wife and children, he still has to raise a mistress outside. Life is beautiful.

"Meow..." The orange cat reluctantly opened its eyes.

Yang Jiu said: "Go take care of my wife and children, I'm going to start sewing the corpse."

The orange cat stared, and reluctantly left the mortuary shop.

It seems that orange cats are like many normal men. When they don’t have a partner, they long for a partner. When they don’t have a family, they want to have a family. Once these are realized, they probably want to be free and to be alone.

Orange cat is like this recently. It seems that it likes to stay alone in the mortuary shop and enjoy the celibate life.

After a long while, the East Factory guards brought the first corpse.

This is a death row prisoner who has just been beheaded, a man in his early thirties.

Although he looks timid, he is actually a perverted murderer.

This person doesn't know martial arts, so naturally he only dares to bully the weak.

The old, the weak, women and children are exactly his targets.

More than twenty innocents died at his hands.

If he hadn't been caught during a murder, it would have been difficult for him to be exposed with his perfect disguise.

During the official investigation, he was never suspected.

After being caught, he also confessed to all the crimes and was sentenced to death.

During the execution, there were not many people onlookers.

The guy's body was quickly sewn up, and the reward he got was Bigu Pill.

Yang Jiu used the "Book of Life and Death" to completely destroy his soul, but he got fifty points of merit, which is not bad.

The second corpse sent was also a death row prisoner, but he lost his life in the prison before being sent to the guillotine.

He was beaten to pieces, and there was no good place on his body.

Seeing that the left hand of the condemned prisoner was cut off, it shows that the jailer's attack was ruthless.

After the hand was chopped off, the bleeding obviously didn't stop, so it's no wonder he didn't die.

After sewing up his body, he got a Dali Pill.

Because this person also killed several innocent people, Yang Jiu destroyed his soul again and got fifty points of merit.

After the two corpses were sewn, the sewers were still fighting in the rest of the sewers.

After nightfall, the bustle of Sewing Corpse Street can be compared to brothels.

The next day, the Supervisor of Rituals sent someone to deliver the canonization edict to Tubo.

With this edict, Yang Jiu can go on the road whenever he wants.

"Jiulang, I found that you seem to like to run out now?" Gan Sisi pouted, obviously expressing dissatisfaction.

Yang Jiu has only just returned to Chang'an, and even though she has helped her practice the "Magic Skill of Lingering", it always feels that their time together is very short.

"Sisi, why don't you go with your husband this time?" Jueqing said proactively.

Gan Sisi wanted to go very much, but was very reluctant to part with Yangwu.

"Don't worry, the nanny I found for Yun'er before is very reliable, and Wu'er will definitely not be hungry by then." He said with a heartless smile.

Yang Yun is younger, so she can leave with peace of mind.

"That, that's fine." Gan Sisi nodded in agreement.

Going to Tubo this time will take two months at least.

During these two months, it is undoubtedly very important for her to be able to spend time with Yang Jiu.

You can't ignore Yang Jiu after you have a child, and you have to ignore yourself.

 Thank you for my Ziyunchang monthly ticket support.

  Thanks to all fellow Taoists who subscribed to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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