My years as a corpse seamstress in the East Factory

Chapter 342 The Story of the Corpse Keeper

Muma City is not like Chang'an City, the city gates are wide open at night.

But it was very easy for Yang Jiu to leave the city.

But on the way out of the city, Yang Jiu found a warehouse and entered it immediately.

The warehouse was well cleaned, but nothing was stored in it.

The skin wound on Xiaoxuanzi's body looked painful, but it was not fatal. He just needed to apply some medicine, and he would be fine in a few days.

It's just an internal injury.

After Xiaoxuanzi practiced the "Sunflower Treasure", his skill increased greatly. When he came to the horse herding city in Tubo, how could he be beaten internally?

"Ninth brother, the owner of this horse-wrangling city is a monster." Xiao Xuanzi felt much better now.


"He has three heads and six arms, his mouth can breathe fire, and he can release lightning when he raises his hand..." Little Xuanzi's eyes showed fear.

If there is such a person, it is really a monster.

Yang Jiu felt that it was more likely for Xiao Xuanzi to enter the illusion.

"Brother Jiu, is there anything to eat?" Xiao Xuanzi could endure the pain in his body, but he couldn't bear the hunger in his stomach.

Yang Jiu took out a bigu pill and handed it over.

Xiao Xuanzi thought it was a healing elixir, and swallowed it in one gulp.

After taking the elixir, the hunger disappeared immediately.

Yang Jiu took out some pills to treat internal injuries and asked Xiao Xuanzi to take them.

Since Xiao Xuanzi was active in the vicinity of Muma City, it meant that the Nine Corpses were probably near Muma City.

Yang Jiu thought of the female corpse.

"Ninth brother, the corpse that the Governor wants should be in the City Lord's Mansion." Xiao Xuanzi's situation is improving rapidly.

Yang Jiu nodded and asked, "What about the rest?"

"They're all dead." Xiao Xuanzi lowered his head.

Obviously, after Yang Jiu entered Muma City, he was already being watched by the enemy.

If you are too famous, you will be targeted everywhere.

There is no need to ask too much, I know that the people sent by Wei Zhongxian have exposed themselves in the action.

The previous news was that someone in Tubo was looking for the nine corpses, just to sell them for a good price.

It now appears that those news are groundless.

Tubo has dug a big hole in this matter, and is waiting for someone to jump in.

Xiao Xuanzi jumped in, almost dying.

"Ninth brother, what should we do next?" Xiao Xuanzi lowered his head, his voice was low.

If this matter goes wrong, he may be killed when he returns to Chang'an.

When Wei Zhongxian decided to send him to Tubo, he originally thought it was a great opportunity, as long as he could successfully complete the task, he would surely be promoted.

Xiao Xuanzi never mentioned it to anyone. As Wei Zhongxian got older, all Xiao Xuanzi thought about was to succeed Wei Zhongxian.

He may have thought it was a fantasy before, but since he learned the "Sunflower Book", he is determined to turn the fantasy into reality.

Yang Jiu didn't answer, but asked, "You've been here for so long, you really haven't found anything?"

For Wei Zhongxian, no matter where news about the Nine Corpses spread, he had to send someone to investigate.

Better to be wrong than to miss out.

"There are many mummified corpses in this city, and they only appeared recently..." As soon as Xiao Xuanzi opened his mouth, Yang Jiu knew that it was impossible to count on this guy.

Yang Jiu patted Xiao Xuanzi on the shoulder, said with a smile, "Take a good rest."

Although this place is not very good, at least I can lie down and sleep for a while without having to endure the cold wind outside.

Yang Jiu made the fire bigger.

Little Xuanzi was lying beside the fire, and fell into a drowsy sleep.

The owner of Muma City obviously has a big problem.

Before dawn, Yang Jiu went out of the city again and came to Yizhuang.

The corpse guard was sitting in the yard, holding a wine gourd in his hand, as if the cold night had nothing to do with him.

"I knew you would come again." If the corpse guard didn't speak, Yang Jiu would have thought that the corpse guard had turned into a corpse.

Yang Jiu walked over, clasped her fists and said with a smile, "Your Excellency knew I would come?"

"You can sew up such a weird corpse. This matter has caused a sensation in Muma City. I think you can't leave anymore. You may only find the answer to the many doubts in your heart." I didn't even move my mouth, I didn't feel it moved much.

Yang Jiudao: "Please give me your advice, senior."

"I can't talk about advice, but I have a story. I have no one to tell. If you have time, you might as well listen to it." The corpse guard raised his head slightly and poured the strong wine from the gourd into his mouth .

Yang Jiu didn't speak, knowing that after drinking the wine, the corpse guard should tell a story.

"This story is actually very simple. It's about a fox in human skin..." The corpse keeper is very good at telling stories.

It is said that there is a fox who has been cultivating in the deep mountains, only drinks dew, and never kills.

This fox lived for a very long time, hundreds of years, even thousands of years, and gradually took the shape of a human.

In folklore, such a kind-hearted fox will eventually become a fox fairy.

But this fox later went astray.

Some people say that the fox has encountered a bottleneck in his practice and must eat people to break through the bottleneck.

Some people also say that the fox simply wants to taste the taste of human flesh, and the more it eats, the more addicted it becomes.

There are many theories, but the final result is the same, that is, the fox finally killed a beautiful woman, peeled off the skin and put it on himself, and went out to seduce young men everywhere.

Once these young men can't hold back, they will be sucked dry by the fox and turned into mummies.

The fox kept killing people because it wanted to become a fairy, but it didn't know what it was doing, and it was quickly moving away from the road of becoming a fairy.

The corpse guard spoke quickly, and when he finished speaking, he looked up at Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu just smiled, and asked, "Senior, do you think foxes are capable?"

"Otherwise?" the corpse guard asked back.

Yang Jiu felt that if a vixen wanted to suck people's essence, he didn't need to lie in a coffin and use illusion to catch people to enjoy.

But Yang Jiu didn't argue, but asked, "Senior, do you know where that vixen is?"

"So, you came here just for that vixen?" the corpse guard asked again.

Yang Jiu neither admitted nor denied it.

"I'll take it as if you're here to eliminate harm for the people," said the corpse guard.

This vixen has already killed many people, and will continue to kill.

Although the corpse guard knew some truths, he could not stop them due to his limited strength.

Yang Jiu was able to sew up all those mummies, which shows that he is very capable.

Yang Jiu smiled and said nothing.

"Now that vixen is hiding in the city lord's mansion, I'm afraid the city lord..." said the corpse guard and quickly shut his mouth.

In this horse-wrangling city, it is a capital offense to make false comments on the city lord.

The corpse guard said a lot, but to Yang Jiu, it was not much useful.

The legend of the vixen can only be heard as a story.

As for the city owner's problem, Yang Jiu knew it without needing to be told by the corpse guard.

Little Xuanzi was imprisoned in the dungeon of the City Lord's Mansion, and there were serious problems in the City Lord's Mansion.

"Your Excellency, is Master Yang Jiu?" Seeing that Yang Jiu was about to leave, the corpse guard suddenly asked.

Yang Jiu asked with a smile: "How does senior know?"

"There are countless corpse sewers in the world, but there is probably only Yang Jiuye who has that level of corpse sewing skills." The corpse guard seemed to be praising, but in fact he was just guessing wildly.

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If you guess right, you are a bull, and it doesn't matter if you guess wrong.

Yang Jiu cupped her fists and said, "I can't afford it."

The corpse guard stopped talking and continued to drink.

Yang Jiu left Yizhuang and went back to the warehouse.

Xiao Xuanzi slept like a dead pig, with thunderous snoring from his throat.

When she came back just now, Yang Jiu saw that the whole Muma City was very lively.

Soldiers and yamen are on the street, looking for people everywhere.

Little Xuanzi suddenly disappeared, the city lord must be very anxious.

After nightfall, Muma City will be sealed off, and it will be very difficult for Xiao Xuanzi to escape.

If Xiaoxuanzi hadn't been injured, with his skill, he could get out.

The point is that Xiao Xuanzi was seriously injured, and he was able to disappear from the dungeon without anyone noticing, so there must be a master to rescue him.

On the next day, when Xiao Xuanzi woke up, he felt refreshed.

The medicine Yang Jiu gave him is very effective, and he feels that going out to fight with people is not a problem now.

"You are recuperating here, I will meet the city lord." Yang Jiu ordered.

Xiao Xuanzi suddenly became anxious, and said: "Ninth brother, that city lord is really a monster..."

With a mission, even if you encounter a real monster, you have to go head-on.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "It's okay, you take care of your injuries."

But before leaving, Yang Jiu used silver needles to change Xiaoxuanzi's face.

The handsome little Xuanzi turned into an ugly man with crooked mouth after a few injections.

Watching Yang Jiu leave, Xiao Xuanzi had mixed feelings in his heart.

If Yang Jiu goes back and reports his behavior to Wei Zhongxian truthfully, then his future will be ruined.

However, Xiao Xuanzi saw clearly that instead of following Wei Zhongxian, he might as well follow Yang Jiu.

Wei Zhongxian is old and an eunuch, Yang Jiu is still young and is very close to a saint, whoever he follows has a better future, even a fool can tell.

During the day, Muma City is very lively.

Especially in the several markets in Muma City, businessmen from many countries gather here to exchange what they need.

These businessmen transported the most common and cheapest things in their own country to the Tubo horse-grazing city for thousands of miles, in exchange for items that were very common in Tubo, and then brought them back to their own country to make huge profits.

Of course, despite the considerable profits, the risks taken on the way are also great.

Some people are lucky and become wealthy within a few years.

But more people are unlucky, not to mention losing everything, and possibly losing their lives.

Even if they passed by those yamen, those yamen did not respond.

The people in the City Lord's Mansion only knew that Xiao Xuanzi had disappeared, but they didn't know who rescued Xiao Xuanzi.

When chatting with the corpse guard last night, the corpse guard did not mention that people from the government had looked for him.

It stands to reason that those mummified corpses were stitched up overnight, and this matter has spread widely in the city. Normally, the City Lord's Mansion would find someone to paint Yang Jiu's portrait.

No matter what the purpose of Yang Jiu's body sewing is, if there is such an outstanding body sewing person in Muma City, as the city lord, he should come forward to thank him and try his best to keep him.

Corpse sewers are very lowly, but top sewers can still be enjoyed in all countries.

It's a skill that can be eaten all over the world with one trick.

After the disguise, Yang Jiufang arrived at the City Lord's Mansion.

The guards at the gate refused to let Yang Jiu in, even if Yang Jiu said he knew who rescued Xiao Xuanzi.

It was just a small official who was about to enter the mansion, and his heart shuddered when he heard Yang Jiu's words.

A murderer escaped from the City Lord's Mansion. This matter is still kept secret, and it is impossible for outsiders to know.

The little official thought for a while, and came to the conclusion that Yang Jiu must be related to the murderer who saved people.

The little official personally guaranteed and brought Yang Jiu into the city lord's mansion.

Yang Jiu naturally knew the little Jiujiu in this little official's heart.

The little official just wanted to bring Yang Jiu into the city lord's mansion, and then thought that Yang Jiu would become a turtle in a urn and could not escape.

"What's your name?" The little official walked in front and asked in a low voice.

Yang Jiu said: "Yin Ten."

You can name it casually, and you can do it in the lake.

Even if he told his real name, this little official would not believe it.

"How do you know that a murderer escaped from the City Lord's Mansion?" the little official asked again.

Since he wanted to make a contribution in front of the city lord, he must ask everything clearly first.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "I saw it last night."

"Did you see it?" The little official stopped and turned around slowly, with a look of surprise on his face.

The little official did not expect that there were witnesses to this incident.

It's just that he expressed doubts about Yang Jiu's words. After all, the government has not posted any reward notices, and the awareness of the people in the city is not high enough to come to provide clues.

Yang Jiu nodded and said: "You can see it clearly, my lord can find the best painter to draw the murderer's face."

This matter was no small matter, and the petty official could not make his own opinion. After thinking about it, he decided to take Yang Jiu to see the city lord, and the city lord decided everything.

The owner of Muma City is called Cai Rang, who came from Jiqu. He has been the owner of the city for more than ten years, and his roots are deeply rooted.

Cai Rang has a very tall body, wears a mink fur Tibetan robe, and has a very red face. He is a typical plateau man.

When he saw Yang Jiu, Cai Rang's eyes were very calm.

"You said you were a witness?" Cai Rang's voice was also very calm.

Yang Jiu nodded, looking terrified.

"Even if you saw it, how can you be sure it's the murderer?" Cai Rang asked again.

Yang Jiudao: "Two people escaped from the city lord's mansion last night, and one of them was covered with scars. It should be..."

Only then did he nod his head.

Injured like that, if it is a person from the city lord's mansion, he can receive treatment in the mansion, so why sneak out in the middle of the night?
Cai Rang still didn't quite believe Yang Jiu, and asked about the appearance of the seriously injured murderer again.

Yang Jiu roughly described it, but anyone who has seen Xiao Xuanzi can think of it as Xiao Xuanzi.

"Okay, what about the other person?" Only then did the corner of his mouth smile.

Yang Jiu is describing himself this time.

The painter next to him moved very quickly. According to Yang Jiu's description, he had already drawn the portrait.

Yang Jiu glanced at it, pointed to the portrait and said, "That's him."

This painter's skill is quite good, and he painted Yang Jiu vividly.

Cai Rang glanced at the portrait and said, "I think the person who robbed the murderer is you. This person was just fabricated by you out of thin air."

"Go back to the city lord, I have seen this person before, at the Jiacuo Inn." Yang Jiu took his time.

Cai Rang was not in a hurry to attack Yang Jiu, but sent someone to Jiacuo Inn to inquire.

If the person in the portrait really appeared, it means what Yang Jiu said is true.

"City Master, why does this person look so familiar to me?" The little official felt that he had seen the person in the portrait before somewhere.

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