Chapter 265 Cats can save lives

The two villages are not far apart, and Tong Juanjuan only caught up with her when she was approaching her ex-husband's village.

Seeing Tong Juanjuan holding a kitchen knife in his hand, her ex-husband smiled wickedly and asked Tong Juanjuan if she came to kill him.

"Yes." Tong Juanjuan raised the kitchen knife and rushed towards her ex-husband.

The child is gone, and she doesn't want to live anymore.

Since he decided to die, he must drag this bastard to his back.

Tong Juanjuan felt severe pain in her abdomen after running a few steps, which directly caused her legs to become weak and unable to stand up.

She clutched her stomach and crouched on the ground, humming in pain.

The ex-husband was very happy. He came over and picked up the kitchen knife that fell on the ground, and said with a smirk, "I have a kind heart, so I didn't kill you, but you brought it to your door again, so you can't blame me for being ruthless."

Before he finished speaking, he had already slashed Tong Juanjuan's shoulder with a knife.

Blood splattered.

Tong Juanjuan screamed in pain.

The ex-husband was already red-eyed at this moment, and kept slashing at Tong Juanjuan's body with a knife.

Tong Juanjuan soon passed out from the pain.

That guy cut Tong Juanjuan's throat for the last time.

Tong Juanjuan's body was found by the villagers the next day. Seeing the tragic death, even the most courageous person dared not approach her.

After deliberation, the villagers decided to send Tong Juanjuan to the corpse maker in the town.

The corpse seamer looked at the messy corpse and felt very sad, but he still started to sew.

This corpse maker is an old widower, and he likes to go to the brothel to relax on weekdays.

When sewing corpses, he also loves to sew young and beautiful female corpses.

These little beauties were beautiful when they were alive, but they were all the same after death. Maybe for everyone, only death is fair.

The corpse sewer planned to sew Tong Juanjuan's chest wound first, but before he could start, Tong Juanjuan's corpse turned over and sat up.

This corpse sewer has sewed corpses for most of his life, and has never encountered such a situation.

The corpse maker stared blankly at Tong Juanjuan and asked, "Are you a human or a ghost?"

Tong Juanjuan turned her head slowly, and grinned at the corpse seamer with a very weird and creepy smile.

"The corpse is fraudulent..." the corpse stitcher yelled, trying to escape.

Tong Juanjuan pulled out the kitchen knife stuck in her throat, aimed at the stitcher's neck and chopped it down.

After hacking the body-sewing man to death, she inserted the kitchen knife back into her throat and lay back on the body-sewing table.

The corpse stitcher in the town died tragically, and Tong Juanjuan was sent to the county government urgently, but the corpse stitcher in the county government also ended up in the same end.

Later, Tong Juanjuan's body was sent to Chang'an, and the Ministry of Criminal Justice arranged for a body sewer to try to sew up the body, but Tong Juanjuan still killed the body sewer.

At this time, black gas was suspended on the surface of Tong Juanjuan's body.

The guards of the East Factory decided that it was a murderous corpse, so they stored Tong Juanjuan's body in the house of the landlord.

After that, Yang Jiu appeared and directly sewed up Tong Juanjuan's body.

After reading the biography, Yang Jiu closed the coffin lid and looked up at Tong Juanjuan.

[Sewing two hundred and six corpses, reward the host with a dog whip. 】

Yang Jiu doesn't know how to complain about the system. The girl's experience is so miserable, so what's the point of giving a dog whip?
"Master Jiu, please help me." Tong Juanjuan knelt on the ground and kowtowed repeatedly.

Although several years have passed, Tong Juanjuan knows that the two men are still alive.

Why can't she live in peace after death, but those two bastards can live a good life with peace of mind.

Revenge must be revenge.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will help you get revenge."

"Thank you Jiu Ye, thank you Jiu Ye..." Tong Juanjuan kowtowed again.

Yang Jiu wanted to pull her up, but couldn't, so he had to tie up a small paper doll to give her a place to stay temporarily.

When he walked out of the room, there was a person standing outside, a soul to be precise.

It's Liu Xiaofeng.

Liu Xiaofeng died aggrieved.

When the body was sewn up, his soul was not there. Yang Jiu thought he had been reincarnated, but unexpectedly he was still wandering around the world.

"Master Jiu, I..." Liu Xiaofeng followed Tong Juanjuan's example and knelt on the ground.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "I know, I'll make a paper man for you too, and I'll solve your problems when I'm free in the future."

Liu Xiaofeng's home is a little farther away, but it is more than 300 miles away from Chang'an.

If it wasn't for Wu Sanyue who was in danger, he would be able to go out of the city tomorrow to help them fulfill their last wish.

The two little paper figurines were placed at the door, and the souls of Liu Xiaofeng and Tong Juanjuan were attached to them, neither of them spoke to each other.

Yang Jiu entered the No. 13 room of the land character.

There are fewer and fewer corpses left in the Dizihao room, and Yang Jiu also wants to finish cleaning up quickly, and then get rid of the eight corpses in Tianzihao, so that he can see more powerful and interesting corpses.

Inside the cold jade coffin was the corpse of a woman who had been chopped up in half, about forty years old, her tongue was forcibly ripped out.

Looking at the sewing records, there are two sewing people who are very good sewing people, and they often sew some problematic corpses.

But when sewing this woman, both of them died strangely.

The higher the level of the corpse stitcher killed by the corpse, the stronger the corpse.

The most important reason for the bizarre death was that when the incense burnt out, the corpse could not be sewn properly, thus a strange incident occurred.

Light the incense, open the coffin and sew the corpse.

To Yang Jiu's surprise, when the body was sewn up, there was no abnormality in the body.

Perhaps because of the passage of time, the corpse returned to normal.

It is also possible that it was the soul of the woman who was manipulating the body at that time. Now that the soul no longer exists, the body has become an ordinary body.

When the last stitch was finished, the incense had only burned a small half, and the speed was so fast that Yang Jiu even admired himself.

Unexpectedly, before the "Book of Life and Death" appeared, the woman turned over and sat up, her eyes were closed tightly, her hands were stretched out to her stomach, and she started to undo the stitches very skillfully.

"Uh..." Yang Jiu's eyes widened, unable to understand.

It stands to reason that no matter what is wrong with the corpse, as long as it is sewn up, it will return to peace.

The woman was fine, she didn't move a single thread before she sewed.

After the stitches are finished, you sit up and start to remove the stitches. Do you think you are a surgeon?

Yang Jiu grabbed the woman's hand and persuaded: "I worked so hard to sew you up, it's too disrespectful for you to do so."

The woman didn't respond, and tried hard all over, trying to break free.

The corpse suppressing talisman attached to her body shook violently, but it was useless.

Faced with this unprecedented situation, Yang Jiu was also at a loss.

On second thought, maybe it wasn't the corpse trying to remove the stitches, but the woman's soul was trapped in the body and could not escape.

Perhaps for the soul, the fracture of the corpse is equivalent to a door.

When the corpse-sewer sewed up the corpse, he closed the door.

Since you can't understand this situation, you can only mess around.

Yang Jiu took out a ghost arresting talisman and patted the woman's forehead heavily.

With a howl of misery, the portrait of the woman appeared on the ghost arresting talisman.

The woman's body also fell limply and stopped moving.

Yang Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, and re-sewed the thread that the woman had untied.

This time the "Book of Life and Death" finally appeared and began to record the life of this woman.

The woman's name is Wang Yue, and she was born with an extraordinary nature, so she was recognized as the patron saint of the village.

At that time, there were [-] pregnant women in the whole village, all of whom were pregnant at about the same time, so they were expected to give birth at about the same time.

But the time when the children come out varies greatly from person to person.

July [-]th, Ghost Festival.

Only Wang Yue was born that night.

The rest of the children were either born a few days early or remained silent.

The birth of Wang Yue drove the villagers into madness.

Their biggest concern is that none of their children will be the Chosen One.

However, there should be only one true Chosen Son.

Wang Yue's parents lived in the village, and their life was relatively poor. As a result, because of Wang Yue's birth, they gained a lot of wealth and a very high status.

Those who looked down on them before have to respect them now.

Those who failed to give birth on the Ghost Festival felt disappointed but also very fortunate.

Everyone knows what the fate of the chosen child will be in the future.

Wang Yue's growth can be described as smooth sailing, without any serious illness or bumps.

But her childhood was undoubtedly lonely.

Other children can get together to play and have a good time every day.

She was the only one who stayed alone in the ancestral hall, sometimes without seeing anyone for several days.

She knew that this was a god's punishment, and if she gained something, she would definitely lose something.

Under the rolling gears of fate, no one's life will be perfect.

At least her birth has brought a better life to parents, siblings, and all relatives.

This is enough.

Wang Yue soon became an adult, and girls her age in the village were already married, and even had several children.

As a god, you definitely can't marry, and don't even think about having children.

There are many books in the ancestral hall, which can be regarded as her best companion.

There are some heartwarming stories about childbirth in the book, and she also likes it very much.

Although very curious and yearning, but not so strong desire.

Ever since she was able to take care of herself, Wang Yue has been living in the ancestral temple and worshiped as a god by the villagers.

Such days lasted for decades, until her parents passed away, she still lived in the ancestral hall.

The younger generation doesn't really believe what the older generation says.

In their view, Wang Yue is either a god or an old maid that no one wants.

Very young children would often come to the ancestral hall and shout such words to Wang Yue.

No matter how sunny and healthy a person is, if he is alone for a long time, he will have psychological problems.

Originally, Wang Yue also thought that she was great and was protecting the common people, but those children kept provoking her, and her words became more and more ugly, gradually putting Wang Yue on the verge of collapse.

When those children came to provoke again, Wang Yue didn't hold back, but started attacking those children with a self-made slingshot.

One child's eyes were even blinded by her with stones.

That child is the only male in their family, he is doted on, every time he comes to the ancestral hall, he is the one who shouts the most.

Blinding the child's eyes made Wang Yue feel unprecedented joy.

But the child's family members definitely didn't do it, they gathered together and went to the ancestral temple to ask Wang Yue for an explanation.

The child's parents can be Wang Yue's children at any age, and they are not so in awe of the older generation's gods.

No matter how much they yelled, their children's eyes could not recover.

What the child's parents mean is that Wang Yue not only has to lose money, but also has to blind one of her eyes, which is only fair.

The old people in the village came out and chose to stop it.

After a long time of peace, people will forget what disaster is and what fear is.

The old people are too old to control the young people of today.

As the ghost festival approached, things became more and more troublesome.

The child's matter has not been resolved, and another child's ear was knocked off.

As long as children come to the ancestral hall to make trouble, Wang Yue will fight back.

The most intuitive consequence of her doing so is that the retribution is on her younger siblings and other relatives.

It was because of her that the family lived a good life, but now it is also because of her that the whole family has fallen into hell.

Every year during the Zhongyuan Festival, the village will hold sacrifices to pray for good weather and a good harvest.

This year is no exception. The old people started preparations early, but the enthusiasm of the young people is generally not high.

When it was approaching Zhongyuan, young people even proposed that the ancestral hall should be destroyed and no sacrifices would be made in the future.

This kind of voice is getting louder and louder, because each family has to pay a lot of money and food to the ancestral hall every year, and if they want to sacrifice, they still have to pay.

If the ancestral hall is destroyed and these messy things are stopped in the future, I believe everyone's life will be better.

Old people can't beat young people. When young people decide to rebel, everything is like a scourge, destroying everything that exists in an instant.

The ancestral hall was burned down by a fire.

Wang Yue was also tied up.

The families of the children injured by Wang Yue want an explanation no matter what.

Since there is a sacrifice, it must be to sacrifice Wang Yue, which can better protect the safety and joy of the whole village.

Looking at those familiar faces, Wang Yue didn't feel sad at all, she just said: "I will curse you."

Everyone laughed, no one would take such words to heart.

The parents of those children joined hands, put Wang Yue on the guillotine, cut him in half, and then threw the body into the rushing river.

Wang Yue's luck was not bad, the body was not separated, and was washed to the downstream bank at the same time.

After the local people found out, they immediately reported to the officials. The two sewers arranged for her at the moment are both outstanding.

But they encountered the situation that Yang Jiu encountered just now, the corpse was easy to suture, but after the suture was finished, Wang Yue sat up and began to remove the stitches.

The two sewers couldn't cope with this situation at all. As a result, when the incense burned out, the candles in the sewer's shop suddenly went out and fell into darkness.

Wang Yue's life ended at this moment.

Yang Jiu was very speechless, the most critical part, actually gave me a black screen?

For a long time, Yang Jiu wanted to know what would happen if the corpse was not sewn up after the incense burnt out.

I thought it was an opportunity just now, but it turned out that Mao was not.

After closing the coffin lid and washing the hands, Yang Jiu decided to release Wang Yue's soul.

[Sewing two hundred and seven corpses, reward the patron saint of the host. 】

Wang Yue has been regarded as the patron saint of the whole village since she was born.

However, with the passage of time, people's cognitive ability is also improving, and finally various conflicts broke out, which directly killed her.

Perhaps for Wang Yue at that time, death was not a punishment, but a reward.

But the patron saint rewarded by the system can only guard one person, and only once.

For example, Yang Jiu can use the patron saint on Gan Sisi. When Gan Sisi is in danger, all the injuries will be passed on to Yang Jiu, and Yang Jiu will bear those injuries.

Wang Yue looked at her sewn body in Hanyu's coffin and clenched her fists tightly.

"Why did you do this?" Wang Yue turned around suddenly, looking at Yang Jiu with extremely fierce eyes.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "I'm a corpse stitcher, so naturally I have to sew up every damaged corpse I come across."

"But I don't want to..." Wang Yue wanted to say that as long as she persisted for a few more decades, she would definitely be able to cultivate into a very powerful ghost. At that time, she would be able to return to the village and punish those beasts.

But now all plans have been destroyed by Yang Jiu.

After hearing her plan, Yang Jiu laughed out loud and asked, "In a few decades, those who hurt you back then will have already been buried in the loess. Is your revenge meaningful?"

"You..." Although what Yang Jiu said was the truth, the truth was so cruel that Wang Yue never wanted to think about it.

Getting revenge for a big revenge is a very fun thing.

But if the former enemies are all dead, and only to torture their descendants, such revenge may have no comfort.

Yang Jiu smiled and said: "Actually, if you want to take revenge, you should come to me earlier. If you go now, you might meet some familiar faces."

"Are you really going to help me?" Wang Yue frowned slightly.

When Yang Jiu photographed her in the magic talisman just now, she felt that everything was over, but she didn't expect Yang Jiu to release her again.

Yang Jiu came outside, called Liu Xiaofeng and Tong Juanjuan over, and said with a smile, "They all died aggrievedly, and wanted revenge, because they are good people, but suffered injustice, so I decided to help them avenge."

Both Liu Xiaofeng and Tong Juanjuan have heard rumors about Yang Jiu, and they believe that Yang Jiu will definitely help them.

After all, besides Yang Jiu, who would help them?
Wang Yue bowed her head and thought for a while, and felt that what these two ghosts who were sick and sympathetic to each other was right.

Yang Jiu immediately made a paper figurine for Wang Yue.

When he came to the No. 12 room, Yang Jiu put three little paper figurines at the door.

Wang Yue is obviously a bit talkative, living alone for a long time, she is simply a chatterbox.

The three souls get together, tell their stories, and cherish each other.

Yang Jiu is not interested in the chat between them.

The corpse in room No. 12 was also a female corpse that had been cut in half, but it was at least 20 years younger than Wang Yue, and she looked very beautiful.

These days, I really don't treat women as human beings.

Now Wu Sanyue is sitting on the dragon chair, trying to find a way to change this situation, but it is not easy to achieve results.

But Wu Sanyue has this heart, Yang Jiu must help.

Even in modern times, the call for equal pay for equal work between men and women is very loud.

Yang Jiu has already put forward some suggestions, and he talked to Di Juyi before. Di Juyi appreciated it very much and promised to add it to the New Deal. I believe that in time, people's paranoid thinking will be changed.

Since it is a change, it is best to be bold and innovative, and to implement it boldly, in order to be effective.

According to the corpse sewing records, the three corpse stitchers who sewed up the woman's corpse all died laughing.

This kind of situation basically means that the corpse cannot be sewn up within the specified time. When the stitchers joked with each other, they called this phenomenon a comfortable death.

Yang Jiu cleans his hands and burns incense, opens the coffin and sews the corpse.

Just after a few stitches, the female corpse raised her hand, grasping the silk thread precisely, and wanted to tear it off.

This is completely opposite to Wang Yue's situation. One is to remove the stitches after sewing, and the other is to remove the stitches just before sewing.

There is no way to avenge justice if the body is stitched together. I don't know who spread this kind of knowledge. Anyway, almost everyone now believes in it.

When these people die in an accident, they will definitely try their best to prevent the seamstress from sewing their corpses.

This point also needs to be included in the New Deal, and I will have to talk to Di Juyi later.

But this female corpse obviously doesn't have Wang Yue's strength.

After Yang Jiu pasted two more corpse suppressing charms, the female corpse's hands were only trembling, but she couldn't lift them up again.

After Yang Jiu sewed up the corpse, she took off the corpse-suppressing talisman, to see if the female corpse would stand up and remove the stitches like Wang Yue did.

The corpse didn't move anymore, but "Book of Life and Death" appeared later.

This female corpse is named Li Jianan. From this name, it can be seen that her parents are patriarchal.

These days, many people favor sons over daughters, but the vast majority of them treat their daughters well. There are even many people who want sons in their bones, but when their wives give birth to daughters, they still love them very much.

Li Jianan's situation is very bad.

On the night of her birth, her father turned green when she found out that she was a girl, and drove Li Jia, her mother and daughter out that night.

What kind of despair would it be for a thin woman who had just given birth to hold a baby who was waiting to be fed, and was kicked out of the house on a winter night and wandered on the streets.

Li Jianan didn't know how his mother survived, no matter how difficult it was, she still brought her up alone.

It's just that every time he thinks of the night when their mother and daughter were abandoned, Li Jianan's heart is filled with hatred.

Mother gave her this name because she hoped that she would be as strong as a man.

Li Jianan jokingly asked whether his mother also wanted a son, but his mother did not deny it. Under such circumstances, who would not want to have a son so as to have a stable and beautiful future.

But the birth of a boy or a girl can only depend on God's will.

Li Jianan secretly made up his mind that when he grows up, he must marry a good family so that his mother can enjoy a few years of happiness.

It's just that before she grew up, her mother became seriously ill and passed away soon.

The mother's illness should have fallen on that winter night, and after that, she took care of her and grew up alone, and she passed away early because of excessive consumption.

Li Jianan was in pain, but even more angry.

She decided to take revenge.

After leaving her hometown, she worked everywhere, worked hard to earn money, and then dressed herself meticulously.

When she was sixteen years old, she returned to her hometown and found the son her father had with another woman.

That son is only one year younger than Li Jianan.

When he saw Li Jianan for the first time, he was deeply fascinated by Li Jianan.

In this remote village, there is no girl like Li Jianan at all.

Compared with Li Jianan, those girls on the street are simply dirtbags.

The boy was completely conquered by Li Jianan, but he tried his best, but he couldn't coax Li Jianan into his hand.

Li Jianan's meaning is very clear, she can give herself to the boy, but the premise is that the boy must marry her.

There are so many 15-year-old teenagers who marry wives, so when teenagers propose to get married, their parents are shocked.

But thinking that the child has grown up, he may need a woman by his side.

What's more, at such a young age, Aizi took it easy and planned to start a family. Everyone said that it was a good thing to start a family and start a business.

When seeing Li Jianan, the old couple also liked it very much.

They were not very happy to learn that Li Jianan was an orphan and came from another place.

The reason is very simple, I don't know the bottom line.

This girl has nothing to say about her appearance, and she looks very polite, but the ghost knows what she did before, what kind of things she has experienced, and how well-bred she is.

But they couldn't hold back Aiko, so they finally had to agree to let Aiko and Li Jianan get married as soon as possible.

The wedding was considered very grand in the local area, with many guests and great excitement.

But on the night of the bridal chamber, Li Jianan eunuched the boy.

The incident made a big fuss and alarmed the government.

Li Jianan was taken away, even if he was beheaded in the end, it would not be able to turn Aizi back into a real man.

The young man didn't blame Li Jianan, he just felt that he must be too impatient, since they are all married, they should take things slowly, don't be in a hurry.

Under his begging, his father and mother spent money to fish Li Jianan out of the prison.

Li Jianan knelt on the ground, crying very sadly, saying that she had never experienced that kind of thing, and she made a big mistake only when she was afraid for a while.

Now that the matter has come to this point, the boy's parents also have to think about the boy's future.

Surely no good girl will marry their son again, and after a hundred years, someone will have to take care of their son.

If Li Jianan missed because of fear, then keeping Li Jianan is undoubtedly the best choice.

It was this decision that caused the family to fall apart and go to ruin.

Li Jianan didn't take any action for the time being, just took care of the boy at home, and naturally got the approval of his in-laws.

In the past two years, Li Jianan has become more beautiful and charming.

For some reason, the boy's father saw a familiar figure on Li Jianan's body.

What happened that night more than ten years ago resurfaced again.

After so many years, he still can't forget that woman.

It can be said that the only woman he has ever liked in this life is Li Jianan's mother.

Li Jianan is very casual at home, especially when summer comes, he wears thin clothes, and his clothes are wet with sweat when working, making him even more charming.

The boy's father's body is no longer in good shape. Many years ago, he became like an old man in his [-]s and [-]s.

However, at this time, every time he saw Li Jianan working with his waist bowed, he would smile and feel excited.

It was a wonderful feeling, but it also tormented him deeply.

Finally, on a rainy night, when he got up at night, he saw Li Jianan, who was only covered with a layer of tulle, walking towards the hut with an oil-paper umbrella.

The backlog of the past few days finally exploded at this moment.

The boy's father forgot everything and quietly followed the hut, wanting to leave a queen for the family himself.

Li Jianan had already discovered what the old man was thinking, but she never thought that the old man could act so boldly.

However, the boy's father is old after all, and he can't beat Li Jianan no matter what.

Li Jianan is very calm, at this point, I believe everything will be settled.

The boy's father struggled for a long time, but finally got nothing. He calmed down and was quite scared. He told Li Jianan not to tell anyone about it.

But the young mother hadn't seen her husband come back for a long time, so out of concern, she came to the hut to look for him.

Seeing Li Jianan's miserable state, and looking at her panicked husband, I can imagine what happened just now.

"Ma'am, don't get me wrong, things are not what you think, ask Jia Nan if you don't believe me." The boy's father was very flustered.

Li Jianan shrank in the corner, sobbing in a low voice, and said, "You, you have to be responsible to me..."

The boy's father was completely stunned.

He really wanted to, but didn't it turn out to be unsuccessful? What did Li Jianan mean by that?
The boy's mother was about to burst into anger, angrily scolded: "She is our daughter-in-law."

"It's really nothing..." The boy's father wanted to explain, but he recited it all at once, and passed out immediately.

After this sleep, he never woke up again.

Knowing that his own father had actually done such a thing, the boy didn't shed a single tear when he was dealing with the funeral.

But after that, he lost any affection for Li Jianan, and felt dirty when he saw it.

It doesn't matter to Li Jianan, anyway, she is in this family now, although her status is very delicate, she has good food and drink, and she is having a good time.

She thought she would be like this for the rest of her life, but at this moment she met a man who moved her heart.

The man pursued her, and she soon fell for it.

The boy often drank flowers and wine outside, so as to forget those unpleasant experiences.

What can eunuchs do when they visit brothels?

Li Jianan invites his lover to his home.

At this time, Li Jianan naturally wanted to think about his own future. After revenge, life had to continue.

Teenagers often stay out at night, but on this night, they actually returned home in the middle of the night.

After the incident was revealed, Li Jianan's lover grabbed his clothes and fled.

Li Jianan was very confused, and at the same time knew that the man she fell in love with was not worth entrusting to her for life.

"What is that?" The boy was very calm.

But when he saw the bright red on the bed sheet, he was not calm.

It was only at this moment that the young man realized that he had wrongly blamed his father, and that everything was caused by Li Jianan.

"Who the hell are you?" The boy felt that Li Jianan approached him on purpose, probably for the purpose of ruining his family.

Li Jianan didn't say a word, he took out the scissors from the pillow, and stabbed the boy's heart hard.

Until the boy died, his eyes were wide open, unbelievable.

Li Jianan risked everything, found a better knife, went to the boy's mother's room, and cut off his neck with one knife.

After doing this, Li Jianan only felt extremely happy.

Originally, she wanted to go to the government to surrender, but suddenly it occurred to her that her lover couldn't let her go.

She knew the home of her lover, and went to find him with a bloody knife.

When the lover came out, he smiled awkwardly and stammered to explain.

Li Jianan's attack was extremely ruthless, without the slightest hesitation, he ended his lover's life with one knife.

Until now, Li Jianan felt that everything was perfect.

After surrendering, as expected, she was sentenced to death.

On the day of the execution, she realized that it was not the beheading, but the waist beheading.

Regardless of the method of execution, the end result is the same.

When the guillotine fell, her body was split in two.

That night, the corpse maker in the county government was going to sew her corpse.

Li Jianan didn't know what was going on, her consciousness was very clear, but she couldn't control her body.

She was yelling all the time, but no one answered her.

Strange to say, after the corpse seamer sewed up her body, she felt very uncomfortable and desperately wanted to tear off the silk thread sewn into her flesh.

Her hands obeyed her commands and tore off those silk threads, the suffocating oppressive feeling disappeared in an instant.

When the corpse stitcher saw that the corpse was removing the stitches by itself, he was almost frightened. When he turned around, he saw that there was not much incense left, so he hurriedly opened the stitches again.

As a result, before the sewing was finished, the incense had burned out, and the room was dark and then bright, and the corpse seamer fell to the ground and died with a smile on his face.

This was the case with the previous corpse stitchers, but after that Li Jianan became obviously stronger. She was already taking out the stitches while the corpse stitcher was still stitching.

The consequence of continuing to kill the corpse stitchers is that the corpses will be stored in the Hall of Yama.

After closing the coffin lid, Yang Jiu washed his hands first, and then took out the "Book of Life and Death", hoping that Li Jianan could be reincarnated into a good family.

Li Jianan is actually very pitiful, but when she kills someone, she has to pay the price, and the price is her life.

[Sewing two hundred and eight corpses, reward the host with a green hat. 】

Yep, another green hat.

It might come in handy if you keep this thing, see which man doesn't like it, just give him one.

When I closed the "Book of Life and Death", I didn't expect the "Book of Merit and Virtue" to appear immediately:

The host supersedes the undead and rewards fifty points of merit. Currently, the remaining merit points are 970.

Because he didn't see Li Jianan's soul, Yang Jiu wrote casually, just to send her to the underworld, but unexpectedly, he was judged by the system as saving the undead by the system, and directly obtained fifty points of merit. What a surprise.

Walking out of the room, taking the three little paper figurines with her, Yang Jiu went to the corpse shop first, put them down, and then went home to sleep.

It was late at night, and the zombie worms were wandering in the yard.

The orange cat was squatting on one side of the wall, staring at Zombie Worm in fear, its tail was raised high and its fur was standing on end.

But seeing Yang Jiu appear, the orange cat relaxes.

Zombie Xiaochong came over and circled Yang Jiu several times. He couldn't believe that Yang Jiu didn't bring him pig's blood today, so he ran into his room angrily and lay down in the coffin. How could he get so much strength if he didn't eat?

The orange cat jumped off the wall and ran to Yang Jiu, meowing non-stop.

Yang Jiu said speechlessly: "Didn't you marry into the Su family? Why are you coming back?"

"Meow..." The orange cat jumped up and down in the yard, making weird calls from time to time.

Yang Jiu could understand what the orange cat was saying, and asked with a frown, "You mean Su Jinyun was kidnapped?"

Seeing that Yang Jiu understood, the orange cat jumped onto the wall and led the way.

Wu Sanyue was assassinated and poisoned in his body, the future is unpredictable.

As the commander of Jinyiwei, Su Qingcang is under a lot of pressure, and has been living in the Zhenfu Division recently.

When Su Qingcang was not at home, the guards at home were even stronger.

Su Jinyun will be kidnapped, only outside the Su residence.

The orange cat was also guided by the big dog and the second dog on the way to lead the way.

The big dog and the second dog are the children of the orange cat, and now they have grown into big cats, often wandering outside and rarely going home.

Bai Yun followed the gangster all the time, saw the gangster enter a house, but couldn't wait for the orange cat.

It lay on the window sill, scratched the window paper, and was able to see the picture in the room clearly.

The person who captured Su Jinyun sent Su Jinyun here, and left quickly.

Soon another man appeared, with a very ugly appearance, but the clothes on his body were gorgeous.

"Miss Su, I want to marry you. It's your blessing. Don't be shameless." The man looked at Su Jinyun who was lying unconscious on the bed, and smiled wickedly.

Seeing that the man was about to make a move, Bai Yun knew that he had to get it, and he couldn't count on the orange cat.

Let the orange cat go to Yang Jiu to save his life, and the result?

Bai Yun jumped in from the window, speeded up, jumped up suddenly, and jumped onto the man's back, scratching with his claws.

"Ah..." Baiyun's claws were bloody, and the pain made the man howl like hell, scratching his back with both hands.

In the end, he couldn't get rid of Baiyun, so he backed heavily and hit the wall.

Bai Yun had no choice but to jump onto the table on one side and hummed at the man.

It was raised by Su Jinyun. Now that Su Jinyun is in danger, even if it sacrifices its own life, it must protect Su Jinyun.

"Where is the wild cat?" The man resisted the pain in his back and grabbed a bench.

He was originally in a good mood, and it was his dream to get Su Jinyun.

Originally, as long as he could marry Su Jinyun, he would definitely be able to enter an official career, with a bright future.

As it turned out, the Su family hadn't seriously considered this marriage at all, so he had no choice but to make a bad move and get the beauty first before talking about anything else.

The appearance of a cat really annoyed him, but fortunately, as long as he slapped the cat to death, he could enjoy it.

The man held up the stool to kill, Baiyun jumped around, narrowly dodged, had no choice but to escape from the house.

"You run fast." The man felt baffled, how could a cat have such courage?

Coming to the bed again, seeing Su Jinyun sleeping soundly, he couldn't hold back.

But Baiyun entered the house again at this time, intending to carry out a sneak attack.

But the man was obviously on guard, he grabbed the bench beside him and glared at Bai Yun.

This cat is not finished yet.

Although there is plenty of time tonight, Su Jinyun may wake up at any time.

Once she wakes up, she has to use force, the difficulty is too high, and it is difficult to succeed.

When he chased after him, Baiyun escaped again.

Baiyun just wanted to use this method to delay time, hoping to last until Orange Cat brought Yang Jiu.

"You dead cat, I have to..." After several times, the man couldn't bear it anymore, and chased out of the house with a bench.

As soon as he left the room, he saw Yang Jiu walking from the side.

"Who?" The man walked towards Yang Jiu with a bench in his hand.

Yang Jiu's face is very strange, she must not be a servant of the family.

The servants all know his hobby, and when he spends the night with girls, no one in this yard will come near him.

Bai Yun jumped out from one side and stood in front of Yang Jiu, looking very anxious.

Orange Cat came from behind Yang Jiu with two children and joined Bai Yun.

Originally, Baiyun was very dissatisfied with the orange cat, but seeing that the orange cat finally arrived in time with Yang Jiu, he was not angry anymore.

"Who the hell are you, how dare you touch the daughter of the commander of Jin Yiwei?" Yang Jiu frowned.

The man would like to know, the guards in the house are also very strict, why did this guy come to this small courtyard without saying a word?
"Forget it, I'm not interested in you, you're dead anyway." Yang Jiu said and walked into the house.

The man picked up the bench and smashed it down on Yang Jiu's head.

Yang Jiu swung out his fist, and with a click, his fist smashed through the solid bench and hit the man's face.

The man wailed and fell back to the ground, the bridge of his nose was smashed and his face was covered with blood.

After Wu Sanyue was assassinated, Yang Jiu was not in a good mood. Anyone who dared to provoke him at this time would be in bad luck.

When he came to the room, he saw Su Jinyun lying on the bed, unconscious.

Fortunately, the clothes on her body were intact. Obviously, Su Jinyun was able to maintain his innocence, thanks to Baiyun's great contribution.

The man was naked to the waist, and his back was covered with scratches from cat's claws.

Bai Yun tried his best to delay the time, just waiting for support.

Without this group of cats, even though Su Jinyun is the only daughter of Su Qingcang, his innocence would be ruined, and his life would be over.

Yang Jiu picked up Su Jinyun, left the place quickly, sneaked into Su's mansion quietly, and sent her back to her bed.

"Baiyun, watch her carefully." Yang Jiu said with a yawn.

Baiyun called out.

Yang Jiu returned home and fell asleep.

What happened to Su Jinyun must be resolved.

The next day, Yang Jiu was still sleeping, and Su Jinyun had already paid a visit.

 Thanks for the support of Hanmaijin 1500 coins.

  Thanks to Hanmaijin, Pie Xiandao, Wuhen, Don't Force Me, Kuanglong Yingdong, Feeling, Lonely for their support.

  Thanks to all fellow Taoists who subscribed to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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