Chapter 248

More than half of the incense has been burned.

It would take a long time to clean up those maggots and then sew the paper back. If the control is not good, it is very likely that the corpse will not be able to be sewed up before the incense burns out.

Although Yang Jiu has always wanted to challenge, he is not stupid, and there is no need to seek his own death.

That kind of weird supernatural power, I'm afraid the indestructible body of King Kong can't resist it.

"I think this is very good. With these maggots filling it, you won't feel empty." Yang Jiu didn't respond, and continued to sew the corpse quickly under his hands.

After he entered the house, he checked it and found no evil spirit hiding.

In fact, many evil spirits encountered in Dizihaofang have all become very intelligent.

Before he entered the door, they had to hide in their corpses, so that even if Yang Jiu had super yin and yang eyes, he couldn't see them.

There were also some evil spirits who stayed outside first, and then approached quietly while Yang Jiu was sewing up the corpse, either speaking or making a surprise attack.

The soul of the male corpse stopped talking, but the corpse began to tremble slightly.

Yang Jiu chuckled lightly, "Do you want to rebel?"

"Didn't you force it?" The soul of the male corpse retorted.

Yang Jiu said contemptuously: "The ones with maggots are only your corpses, and there will never be any in your soul."

He said so, but Yang Jiu still took out the shovel and quickly cleaned up those maggots.

The soul of the male corpse then appeared and stood by and watched.

Seeing those maggots being cleaned out, at least his mood improved a lot.

When the incense was about to burn out, Yang Jiu just sewed up the corpse.

The incense used by the corpse stitchers was uniformly manufactured by the imperial court, with the same specifications, and the burning time of each incense stick was almost the same.

After the "Book of Life and Death" appeared, it began to record the life of the male corpse.

The male corpse was named Han Zhishun. He was born lonely and almost starved to death several times.

But he knew that he couldn't die. Once he died, the old lady lying on the sickbed would starve to death.

From a very young age, Han Zhishun has been working for others, and almost all the money he earns is spent on his mother.

Every day he would let his mother eat some meat, while he himself was only eating moldy hard steamed buns.

A little meat costs a lot of money, but buying a lot of moldy steamed buns costs only a few pennies.

Often eating this kind of steamed buns that are as hard as rocks and moldy will definitely do great harm to the body.

Fortunately, as long as you eat, you will feel full and you will not be starved to death.

In ten miles and eight townships, Han Zhishun was known as a dutiful son.

Normally, for a filial son like this, the matchmaker would definitely step through the threshold.

However, when Han Zhishun was over twenty years old, no matchmaker came to the door.

This is normal, who made his family so poor that they can't even eat, whose girl would be so stupid as to come to suffer this kind of suffering?
Han Zhishun never thought about getting married, he just wanted to earn more money, cure his mother's illness, and let her live a better life.

But born in this world where people eat people and don't spit out their bones, people living at the bottom want to live a good life, just like the emperor's fantasy of immortality and longevity, which is unrealistic.

By chance, Han Zhishun learned that as long as he joined the Walking Foot Gang, he would be able to have a full meal.

Pedestrians have a lot of work on weekdays, and the wages are also very good.

The best thing is that even if there is no work to do, the traveling gang will distribute money to ensure the daily expenses of the gang members.

Although the money is not much, it is more than enough to feed two people.

With money, you can buy the best medicine.

Seeing his mother's health getting better day by day, seeing the life at home getting more and more prosperous, and even having a matchmaker come to the door, Han Zhishun really felt that everything was like a dream, not real at all.

After Han Zhishun became the favorite in the eyes of the matchmaker, the people around him also had a great change in their opinion of Han Zhishun.

This made Han Zhishun understand, people, don't be short of money if you lack anything.

No money is worse than a dog.

Every day when he comes back from work, Han Zhishun and his mother will discuss whose girl is good and whose girl is not acceptable.

From my mother's point of view, as long as she is a girl, even if she has a bad temper and is very lazy, as long as she is willing to marry into their family, she is fine.

The premise is that this bad-tempered and lazy girl must be able to have children.

Having children and continuing the incense is undoubtedly the most important.

In fact, in Han Zhishun's heart, he already has a girl he likes.

The girl is not too far away from his home, and she is the only daughter in the family. If the two of them get married, they can take care of both ends, which is perfect.

But Han Zhishun didn't want to propose marriage for the time being, after all, he didn't have a lot of money on hand.

In another year or so, when he saves enough money, he will be able to welcome the girl into his home.

On this day, as usual, he came to the owner's house to help with loading.

There are also many members of the Traveling Gang, who are familiar with each other and take care of each other when they are working.

They all like loading and unloading, because no one will urge them, and they only need to load or unload the goods within the specified time.

"Don't look at the size of today's cargo boxes, they are actually very light." A partner said with a smile.

Han Zhishun tried it, and just as the guy said, the box was big, but not heavy at all.

What makes everyone very happy is today's work, the wages are very high, almost twice as high as usual.

The job is easy, and the money you get is so much, who doesn't like it?
It took less than half of the stipulated time, and they quickly packed all the goods.

"You say it's so light, what's in it?" A guy asked with a smile.

Everyone was chattering and guessing wildly.

Some guessed silk and satin, some guessed gold and silver jewelry, and some even guessed that it was a woman's hair, which made everyone turn pale with fright.

"I said let's stop guessing, just secretly open a corner and take a look, don't you know?" Another guy laughed.

They discussed this matter in full swing, but it aroused everyone's curiosity.

Seeing that they really planned to pry open the cargo box to check the goods inside, Han Zhishun stood up and said, "We did this, but it broke the rules, or..."

"Rules are dead, but people are alive. We just take a look and don't take anything away. Nothing will happen."

"Even if there are pearls in it, we don't take it, isn't that all right?"

Han Zhishun alone can't beat everyone.

Under the cover of everyone, they pried open a corner of the cargo box and saw that the goods inside were fox fur.

This fox fur has obviously been specially treated, it doesn't smell any strange smell, and its color is extremely beautiful.

"Is this one worth a lot of silver?"

"No matter how valuable it is, you can't take it."

Han Zhishun could tell that everyone was moved when they saw such a beautiful fox fur.

Anyway, no one was watching, so I secretly took one or two, and it would not be discovered by anyone.

Han Zhishun's objection had no effect.

Everyone acted immediately, prying open different cargo boxes, and took out two or three fox skins from inside.

Then they distributed these fox skins equally, two for each person, stuffed them all inside their clothes, and continued to work.

Han Zhishun didn't want it at first, but everyone said that if he didn't take it, they would be very disturbed.

There will be no whistleblowers if everyone benefits.

Although they usually have a good relationship, in the face of huge interests, those greedy eyes stared at Han Zhishun. If Han Zhishun didn't want the fox fur, he could only stay here with his life.

Han Zhishun definitely wanted to live, so he had to take the fox fur.

But in his heart, he always felt uneasy.

After finishing the work and taking the money, Han Zhishun went home.

The rest of them made an appointment to go to the wine shop to have a drink.

I earned a lot of money today, and got two valuable fox furs, how can I not have a good meal?
When Han Zhishun returned home, he hid the fox fur.

In a short time, these two fox skins must not be sold.

He didn't even think about selling the fox fur, so he buried it in the ground and let it rot slowly.

But that night he dreamed of the fox.

The fox in the dream is very fierce, baring its teeth and claws, extremely terrifying.

When I woke up from the dream, it was already daylight.

But when Han Zhishun went to see his old lady, he saw that his old lady had died tragically on the bed, and there was not a single part of her body that was intact.

Look at the scratches, it looks like a fox did it.

There was also a strong foxy smell in the room.

When the news spread, the people nearby were very nervous.

Rumor has it that if you offend the fox fairy, the fox fairy will take revenge to the death, and will also implicate the innocent people around.

Han Zhishun was rejected by everyone.

Then Han Zhishun found out that those who worked with him yesterday were all killed by the fox fairy.

Everyone who took the fox skin died, but Han Zhishun was still alive.

Han Zhishun didn't know why he was the only one alive, and it would be great if he could die with the rest of the people.

In that case, at least I can help my old lady on Huangquan Road.

But as long as a person is still alive, he has to look forward. My mother's funeral has to be taken care of, and the future has to be lived.

That night, Han Zhishun stayed in front of his old lady's spirit until the middle of the night, when he couldn't stand it any longer, he fell into a drowsy sleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but I was suddenly awakened by a strange noise.

Han Zhishun opened his eyes, and unexpectedly saw a nine-tailed white fox standing on the old lady's coffin, with fierce red eyes.

Han Zhishun was stunned, he never imagined that there really is a nine-tailed fox in this world.

Is the legend of the fox immortal's death also true?

"Han Zhishun, greedy people should not end well." The nine-tailed white fox actually spoke human words.

Han Zhishun hastily knelt down and kowtowed, bluntly saying that he was forced to do so, not out of his own heart.

But the nine-tailed white fox naturally ignored Han Zhishun's sophistry, and suddenly jumped up high, pounced on Han Zhishun, and scratched wildly with its claws.

Han Zhishun yelled, unable to resist at all.

Just after the fox's claws scratched his throat, he felt that everything around him was quiet.

"Master Zhang Yunshi, is it really necessary to kill this person?" Two people came in from the door. The person who spoke was wearing a black robe, with a dignified appearance, and his face was full of respect.

Next to him was a woman in a white dress, with a white veil covering her face, revealing only a pair of beautiful eyes.

The woman in the white skirt is the cloud master of Fengyun Dao who is extremely respected.

Zhang Yunshi said coldly: "This person is indeed not greedy, he is a rare good person, but this matter must not be leaked, only the dead can keep a secret."

"Yes." The man in black robe said respectfully.

The envoy Zhang Yun seemed to be still talking, but Han Zhishun died at this moment.

From Han Zhishun's life, at least one thing can be confirmed, that is, the fox murder case is actually related to Fengyundao.

Fengyun Dao is really mysterious, and it is not easy to uncover its veil.

Helpless, Yang Jiu closed the coffin lid slowly, turned to look at Han Zhishun, and asked, "After you died, two people appeared, do you remember what they said?"

[Sewing 180 nine corpses, rewarding the host for having a filial son in front of the bed for a long time. 】

Han Zhishun is indeed a rare filial son.

And this filial son in front of the long-term sickbed is a pill, no matter how unfilial a person is, as long as he takes it, he will transform into a big filial son.

"I was killed by a nine-tailed fox," Han Zhishun said.

This person had just died, Yang Jiu had no idea how his soul came out of his body.

But judging from Han Zhishun's reaction, he can remember that he was killed by the nine-tailed fox. It can only be that when he just died, his soul was still sealed in his body, and he had no memory of everything that happened around him.

Yang Jiu shook her head and said, "For the sake of being a good person, tell me if you have any unfulfilled wishes."

"I just want to burn more paper money for my mother." Han Zhishun had tears in his eyes.

Their mother and son have been poor all their lives, and finally managed to live a good life, but they ended up like this because those bastards were too greedy and used fox fur to cause trouble.

The matter has come to this point, it is useless to blame anyone, so the only thing he thinks is to burn more paper money for the old lady, so that the old lady will not be poor there.

Really poor.

After hearing this, Yang Jiu smiled and said, "It's simple. When I'm done, I'll help you burn more."

"Thank you." Han Zhishun said gratefully.

Yang Jiu nodded slightly, and walked into room No. 21 of Dizi.

The corpse in the cold jade coffin was beheaded, its eyes were wide open, and its face was ferocious.

Looking through the records of the sewing, only two of the sewing people died tragically because of this.

The death conditions of the two corpse sewers were exactly the same, their heads had been slapped flat, and their brains were splashed everywhere.

The strength of the two corpse stitchers is not weak, but they ended up like that, which proves the horror of this corpse.

For the current Yang Jiu, no matter how terrifying or powerful a corpse is, as long as it falls into his hands, there is no need to think too much, just open the seams.

Burning incense with clean hands, lifted the lid of the coffin, Yang Jiu put his head and body together with force.

There are tiny needle holes on the neck, which shows that the previous stitcher has already stitched it several times.

But after the corpse seamer was killed, the head of the corpse was torn off again, and the silk thread slipped out of the flesh and fell into the coffin.

The sky-sewing needle is used to sew the corpse. With this needle, many small problems of many corpses will disappear, making the sewing of the corpse easy and enjoyable.

However, in order to save time, every time he sewed up the corpse, Yang Jiu would first paste the corpse-resisting charm on the corpse.

At this moment, when the sewing needle pierced the flesh of the male corpse, the corpse trembled violently.

The dead are afraid of pain, so there must be weirdness.

Now Yang Jiu's sewing speed is getting faster and faster.

In the blink of an eye, several stitches can be sewn.

After dozens of stitches, the corpse almost jumped out of the coffin.

After sewing the front, Yang Jiu turned the body over and continued to sew the back.

"Look at me, look at me..." An ethereal and creepy voice suddenly came from the front.

As soon as Yang Jiu raised her head, she saw a huge moon-like eye.

That eye was surprisingly double-pupiled, with a faint red light shining.

Before Yang Jiu could react, everything around him changed.

The cold jade coffin and others all disappeared, replaced by an endless abyss.

In the abyss, occasionally magma erupted, illuminating the surroundings.

On the surrounding stone walls, there were all grimaces with different expressions, all staring at Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiuzheng was surprised, the environment changed again, and a bloody city gate passed by in a flash.

gate of hell?
Although the city gate moved quickly, Yang Jiu could still clearly see the writing on the plaque above the city gate.

 Thanks to Buzhou Sanren and Su Rui for their monthly support.

  Thanks to all fellow Taoists who subscribed to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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