My years as a corpse seamstress in the East Factory

Chapter 229 The Fox Demon Murder Case

Chapter 229 The Fox Demon Murder Case
When the goods fell, Ye Zhenshan happened to be standing beside him and almost hit him.

The seemingly solid cargo box fell to pieces after landing, and the goods inside also rolled out.

Ye Zhenshan was surprised to find that the goods in the box were all fox fur.

These fox furs are all red and of high quality.

How much would it cost to hunt and kill so many red foxes?
The rest of the people gathered around, looking at the red fox skins, they were all amazed.

But they still have to clean up quickly. If the boss sees this scene, they may have to deduct their wages again.

They quickly repaired the box and packed the red fox fur.

Out of curiosity, they secretly looked at several boxes. Some boxes contained black fox fur, some boxes contained gray fox fur, and the most beautiful box was white fox fur.

That white fox fur was as snowy as jade, and everyone even wanted to secretly take one away.

But they dare not do so.

Regardless of the absence of the host family, there is no guarantee that someone will be watching in the dark.

After a day's work, Ye Zhenshan took the money and returned home.

As he lay in bed, all he could think about were those fox skins.

If you can secretly get one, you will definitely be able to sell it for a lot of money, especially the white fox fur, the lady of the noble family will definitely like it.

This opportunity has been missed, if there is such a good opportunity next time, he wants to try again.

However, this opportunity will never come again.

That night, while he was sleeping soundly, he suddenly heard movement outside.

When I opened my eyes, I saw a huge shadow cast by the moonlight on the window.

It's a fox.

Ye Zhenshan was shocked, and sat up from the bed, staring blankly at the shadow of the fox, full of fear.

"Ye Zhenshan, you have killed my race, and now the time has come." A sharp and ethereal voice came from outside the window.

The voice was jerky when speaking, as if an animal was imitating human speech.

Fox Fairy?

Ye Zhenshan instantly thought of the legend of the fox fairy, jumped off the bed and begged for mercy on his knees.

But after thinking about it, this is wrong, he just carried the box of fox fur during the day, when did he kill the fox?

If you really have the ability to hunt foxes, do you still need to do the hard work on the go?
Just as I was thinking, I heard a click, the window broke open, and a snow-white fox jumped in.

The white fox has bright red eyes, impressively dragging nine tails, and its posture is extremely elegant.

"Ye Zhenshan, are you convicted?" the nine-tailed white fox asked coldly.

Ye Zhenshan hurriedly kowtowed and argued: "Fox Immortal, I have never killed a fox..."

"Ye Zhenshan, are you convicted?" the nine-tailed white fox asked again.

Ye Zhenshan defended desperately, but the nine-tailed white fox could only ask this question.

Ye Zhenshan knew that if he wanted to survive, he had to stand up and resist.

There was a kitchen knife hidden by the bedside.

As a pedestrian to help the public, this is something that must be done.

It's just that before Ye Zhenshan got the kitchen knife, he was rushed by the nine-tailed white fox and knocked down to the ground.

Just as Ye Zhenshan was about to get up, the nine-tailed white fox jumped on him again, waving its claws, leaving many scratches on his body.

Ye Zhenshan wanted to die. He heard that if he was bitten by a fox, he would suffer from dog barking disease, and then he would be tortured so that his life would be worse than death.

But the nine-tailed white fox didn't give him too much pain, and struck out again, scratching his throat with one claw.

Blood splashed out, and Ye Zhenshan fell powerlessly to the ground, panting heavily, and the endless chill gradually swallowed him up.

When the "Book of Life and Death" disappeared, Yang Jiu was quite puzzled.

This is the life recorded in the "Book of Life and Death". No matter what method the murderer uses, the truth will be recorded.

Could it be that Ye Zhenshan was really killed by a fox?

Fortunately, there is still a body outside the fox demon murder case. If you sew it up again, you may be able to know more.

Pull the iron ring and let the six-door policeman carry Ye Zhenshan's body out.

[Stitch 170 five corpses, reward the host for being as cunning as a fox. 】

Even an idiot, as long as he eats the cunning like a fox, he will become very shrewd.

Like those who are naturally stupid, no matter what medicine they use, it is useless, and being as cunning as a fox can save them.

"Master Yang, how are you?" Rueqing stepped forward and asked.

Yang Jiu shook her head and said, "Let's sew the second one first and then look at it."

The second body has been brought into the sewing shop.

Yang Jiu closed the door, burned incense and sewed up the corpse.

The scars on the two corpses looked similar.

As long as the corpse is honest, it will be sewn up soon.

The "Book of Life and Death" appeared immediately, and began to record the life of the corpse.

This person was named Liu Yinong, who was born in a relatively wealthy family. As the only child in the family, he was naturally doted on.

However, after both father and mother died of illness, the uncles in the family began to rob the family property frantically.

Liu Yinong, who was still young, would definitely not be able to grab it, and eventually fell into the street and became a beggar.

He grew up begging for food by himself, and when he grew up with strength, he lived by working hard.

The relationship between Liu Yinong and Ye Zhenshan is very good. If they know where there is work, they will notify each other.

It was Liu Yinong who introduced those fox fur boxes to Ye Zhenshan for a good salary.

When Liu Yinong saw the white fox fur, he became greedy, and used extremely clever techniques to hide two of them.

After Ye Zhenshan returned home at night, he regretted not taking a fox skin.

Luckily, Liu Yinong did it himself and had ample food and clothing.

In the evening, Liu Yinong washed his feet and went straight to bed. The two stolen fox skins were placed by the bedside.

After sleeping until midnight, he was awakened by an unpleasant smell. When he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful woman lying beside him.

The woman's eyes were closed tightly, her breath was weak, and she was in a deep sleep.

Liu Yinong was completely dumbfounded.

He turned his head to look, this is his room, yes, but where is the woman next to him?

There was a weird and unpleasant smell on the woman's body, Liu Yinong was scared out of her wits when she woke up a little bit, that was exactly the smell of a fox.

Could this woman be transformed from a fox's fur?

Liu Yinong wanted to escape, but found that he couldn't move at all.

At this moment, the woman slowly turned over and sat up, turned her head slowly, opened her eyes slightly, and revealed an extremely strange smile at the corners of her mouth.

Liu Yinong's heart was beating wildly, his lips were trembling, but he couldn't make any sound.

"Master, am I beautiful?" The woman suddenly opened her mouth and made a voice like a silver bell.

Liu Yinong couldn't make a sound, so he could only nod slightly.

After getting an affirmative answer, the woman covered her mouth and giggled, her laughter was cold and creepy.

"My lord, am I beautiful?" The woman rolled over and sat up, with a sly smile on her face, and slowly approached Liu Yinong's face.

Although the smell was pungent, Liu Yinong was shamefully hardened.

It's just that before Liu Yinong could answer, his neck was bitten off by that woman.

This time it was no longer the fox that killed Liu Yinong, but a human.

The fox scratches on Liu Yinong's body should have been forged after his death.

After seeing the woman's appearance clearly, he could find her with the paper piercing technique.

Yang Jiu opened the door and asked someone to carry away the body.

[Sewing 170 six corpses, rewarding the host for being as cunning as a fox. 】

I got two cunning like foxes at once, and I have to find a chance to try later.

There are many idiots in Chang'an City.

But this thing does not necessarily have to be used on fools, even normal people, as long as they eat one, they will become extremely smart and benefit endlessly.

Jueqing didn't ask this time, but was full of anticipation, hoping that Yang Jiu could provide useful clues.

Ye Zhenshan's life is worthless.

At least there was a woman in Liu Yinong's life, but it's hard to say whether he will be able to find that woman.

Yang Jiu took out the ghost paper, slowly stabbed the woman, and asked the victims of the fox murder case what they had in common.

Jueqing thought for a while and said, "The dead are all ordinary people doing coolies."

"That's all?" Yang Jiu frowned.

It is impossible for a fox demon to kill ordinary people who only do coolies.

Although those people are a little greedy, most of them are kind.

This fox demon, who only picks on kind people, is really hateful.

Frowning heartlessly, he tried hard to think.

After thinking for a while, I really couldn't think of any connection between the victims.

Yang Jiu asked, "Who is the leader of the Pedestrian Gang now?"

When sewing the corpse earlier, I learned that Shen Changxing, the leader of the forward foot gang, was the culprit who killed the leader Cao, and was later killed by the descendants of the Cao family.

But the Pedestrian Gang cannot be destroyed by the death of a gang leader.

Today's Pedestrian Gang must still be a powerful force that cannot be ignored in the arena.

Like the girls in the brothel, the gang members of the Walking Foot Gang are excellent candidates for spying on news.

Looking around the rivers and lakes, only Yunyulou and Xingjiao Gang are the most well-informed.

"Han Sixi." Unfeeling without hesitation.

Yang Jiudao: "Go and check all the dead with the Pedestrians."

"You mean that all the dead are members of the Pedestrian Gang?" Unfeelingly surprised.

Yang Jiu nodded. If nothing else happened, the deaths of the traveling gang members were all related to that boatload of fox fur.

At that time, the laborers responsible for carrying the goods were all traveling to help the masses.

Some people kill people under the guise of fox demons, it can only be that among those hard workers, some people have discovered a terrible secret.

But the murderer didn't know who was the insider, so he chose to kill everyone.

If the crime is committed under the guise of the fox demon, at least the government will not be able to find out the truth as soon as possible.

Jueqing was confused by the fox demon, so he took many detours in solving the case.

There are many murder cases of fox demons, and the time span is very long. There may be victims who have not been found.

At that time, the hard workers who carried the fox skins may have all been killed.

Yang Jiu asked Jueqing to go on a trip to help investigate first, and then send some corpses of the victims over tomorrow night.

Only with more seams can it be possible to know the truth.

After the little paper man was tied up, Yang Jiu fixed his eyes, but the little paper man did not come back to life.

This at least shows that killing Liu Yinong's woman is actually easy.

Rueqing left with the two corpses, planning to investigate the Pedestrian Gang at dawn.

Han Sixi, the leader of the Pilgrim Gang, is hard to find because he is elusive.

But in Chang'an City, there are many members of the Pedestrian Gang, so it's okay to ask them.


The next day.

Gan Sisi woke up Yang Jiu early and went to the three elders to pay respects to the concubine.

Yang Jiu always felt that the concept of the three elders was a bit weird.

On the second day of the new year, I arrived early, and there was still a long queue in front of the palace of sending off the children.

Yang Jiu even suspected that these people queuing up were babysitters.

Only in this way can the people who come here admiringly see the Empress Dowager is really very effective.

But if it is really entrusted, it is too much to arrange.

After all, if the line is too long, it will still scare away many believers who want to pay homage to the Empress.

Gan Sisi bought Gao Xiang for two taels of silver.

Years ago, this kind of high incense was still a tael of silver, and the price of high incense has risen even more after the year.

Today Gan Sisi is determined, and she will also enter the Palace of Sending the Son off.

Yang Jiu roughly counted, and there were at least more than 90 people in front of them.

Some people just went in and came out soon.

Some people went in and didn't come out for a long time.

It will take a long time to get them.

Just hearing the voice of Suan Shixian, Yang Jiu asked Gan Sisi to line up first, and he went to Suan Shixian to make a fortune.

"The girl has a bad omen on her head. Be careful of bloody disasters in the near future."

"Young man has a crush on his face, and soon there will be a beauty to promise him with his body."

"The old man is always strong and strong, so it's no problem to sing and sing every night."

Immortal Suansi set up a stall under a plum tree, and kept waving hello to passers-by.

But there are so many believers in the Temple of the Three Elders, and it may not be a long time for one person to come and count a divination.

Immortal Counting Death has a heavy heart, these days, it is getting more and more difficult to rely on divination to fill his stomach.

Yang Jiu went to sit down, and he was very happy to be dead, but when he saw that it was Yang Jiu, he waved his hand quickly and said: "Master Yang, why do you come to entertain the poor?"

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "I'm here for fortune-telling."

"What is it?" Immortal Suansi's eyes lit up.

Yang Jiu thought for a while and said, "Even if you count the fox murder case that has been raging in Chang'an recently, I want to know who the real culprit is."

"Could it be that Mr. Yang really regards Pindao as a god?" Immortal Suansi said with a stare.

Yang Jiudao: "You can count death even to a god, but you are only a murderer, why is it so difficult?"

Immortal Suansi stared at Yang Jiu for a while, and finally chose to obey.

Yang Jiu grabbed the copper coin handed over by Immortal Suansi and threw it casually.

When he saw the result, the Immortal of Death was stupefied.

"Master Yang, this case is serious, it cannot be investigated, it cannot be investigated." The Immortal of Death repeatedly shook his head.

Yang Jiu asked, "Why?"

"The poor Taoist said, this case is a serious crime." That's all the Immortal Suansi could say, called not to reveal the secrets of the heavens, otherwise he would be punished by the heavens.

Even if the Immortal of Death knows what he said, Yang Jiu will definitely not let it go.

Immortal Suansi looked around and found that no one was paying attention to them, so he whispered immediately: "Master Yang, there really are fox demons in this world, and Pindao has seen it with his own eyes, so it is definitely not fake."

"Master, please do the math for my son to see when he can marry a wife." A fat woman came suddenly, followed by an eight or nine-year-old boy.

Immortal Suan Shi glanced at it, and knew that tonight was bad enough, if he had known this, he shouldn't have left the stall.

The Immortal Counting Death thought about counting with his fingers, and said: "If the poor Taoist calculation is correct, your son will never be able to marry a daughter-in-law."

"You are looking for death, you..." The woman was very gentle at first, but after hearing the words of the death fairy, she immediately became furious, and her voice was like a bell, which attracted the attention of many people.

Immortal Suan Shi was not flustered at all, and said with a smile: "The hexagrams of poor Taoists are always accurate."

But he said in his heart, look at your son is so stupid, dressed in rags, whose blind girl will marry your son?

The woman was agitated, if she hadn't seen other guests there, she would have been violent to the dead fairy.

The young man beside the woman stuffed a thumb into his mouth and sucked it with great relish.

Yang Jiu suddenly thought of being as cunning as a fox, so she interjected and asked, "Ma'am, I can cure your son, do you wish?"

 Thanks to Su Rui, book friends 20170601025232887, Volcano in the Glacier, and Yu Hongyi for their monthly support.

  Thanks to all fellow Taoists who subscribed to vote.

(End of this chapter)

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