Chapter 166

Bao Riyu did not die immediately.

Laughing wildly, he walked out of the house and onto the street.

Many people were woken up, or opened the windows, or walked out of the house.

But when they saw Bao Riyu's appearance, they were all scared to death.

Some people were even scared to death on the spot.

With both arms broken and inserted into his chest, he can still laugh and go shopping?

"I'm a sinner, kill me, I'm guilty..." When Bao Riyu stopped smiling, he burst into tears again.

Those who are more courageous will look very confused.

Someone who was more daring stepped forward and asked if he wanted to send Bao Riyu to the pharmacy.

Bao Riyu turned to look at that person, smiled and said, "Huangquan Road is too lonely, how about walking with me?"

Upon hearing this, the kind-hearted man's expression changed drastically, and he turned and ran away.

But the arms inserted into Bao Riyu's chest flew out in a whirl, piercing through the man's body.

The onlookers were completely stunned by this scene and fled one after another.

Bao Riyu's arms kept flying in the air, killing people constantly.

It wasn't until the first crowing sound of the rooster came that Bao Riyu's arms returned to his body and he fell down.

A total of 32 people were killed by him.


The scene of Bao Riyu's arms killing people made Yang Jiu's heart shudder.

"Master Yang Jiu, lend me your body?" Bao Riyu's voice suddenly came from behind Yang Jiu.

The cold air fell to the back of the neck, itching.

Yang Jiu turned around slowly, and saw Bao Riyu who was wrapped in black air.

Bao Riyu's face is ferocious, and he only wants Yang Jiu's body.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "I'm right here, if you want, just come and get it."

Bao Riyu laughed, and slowly approached Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu raised his hand suddenly, and a ghost-detaining talisman shone with golden light, and patted Bao Riyu's forehead heavily.

"Ah..." Bao Riyu howled miserably, staggered back, and stretched out his hand to tear off the ghost arresting talisman.

But in the next moment, he was sealed into the ghost arresting talisman.

Damn dangerous.

Yang Jiu took the ghost arresting talisman, came to the candle and lit it.

Bao Riyu wailed again, and soon disappeared with the Ghost Detaining Talisman.

Pushing the coffin lid on, Yang Jiu walked out of the room.

[Stitching 120 five corpses, rewarding the host with hole-punching skills. 】

The dragon begets the dragon, the phoenix begets the phoenix, and the son of the mouse can make holes.

Yang Jiu thought to himself that he didn't want to rob tombs or steal people, so why would he need this hole punching technique?
Arriving at room No. 33 Xuanzi next door, Yang Jiu took a deep breath before pushing the door open.

There are still murderous corpses in this mysterious room.

"Jiu Ye, I have been waiting for you impatiently." A woman was sitting on the cold jade coffin.

The woman's legs were crossed, and the exposed part was white and tender.

Judging by her demeanor, she looks more like a brothel girl.

"Don't block it, I've seen it all." Yang Jiu saw the woman's hand covering her abdomen.

Her abdomen was cut open, and her intestines could be seen where it was not blocked by her hands.

"Jiuye is really good at joking. I didn't cover it up on purpose, but it will happen as soon as I let go." The woman said as she took her hand away, and all her intestines immediately fell out.

Yang Jiu felt disgusted, and urged: "You should block it."

The woman nodded with a smile, and moved her hands together, trying to stuff her intestines back.

Yang Jiu smiled, and came to the side to read the records of sewing the corpse.

The few corpse stitchers who died were all smothered to death.

"Jiuye don't look, I really didn't do it on purpose, if you want to blame it, blame them..." The woman pinched the wound with one hand to prevent her intestines from leaking out.

Then she told Yang Jiu resentfully that those who sewn the corpses were all accidentally smothered to death by her intestines.

She told them to be careful, but they just wouldn't listen, grabbed the intestines and stuffed them back, it was so rude.

When dealing with rude men, she always killed them, whether she herself was alive or dead.

"Then I should be gentle?" Yang Jiu asked with a smile.

The woman giggled and said, "As we all know, Master Jiu is the gentlest corpse stitcher in the world."

Yang Jiu thought that Lao Tzu was not gentle at all, so if he didn't believe it, he could ask Mr. Ri Donkey next door.

When the coffin lid was lifted, the female corpse did not respond.

Her stomach was cut open and her intestines pulled out.

When those sewers stuffed their intestines back, their faces were directly covered with intestines, and they suffocated to death.

"Jiuye, don't use that thing with my slave family." The woman was standing beside her, constantly winking at Yangjiu.

I can resist Wu Sanyue's charm and ecstasy, but I don't even want your beauty.

"Be prepared." Yang Jiu still stuck the corpse-suppressing talisman on the forehead of the female corpse.

Corpses like Liang Yundan who can swallow corpse charms are rare after all.

For the vast majority of corpses, the corpse-suppressing talisman is able to suppress them into immobility.

The woman wanted to control her own corpse, but found that it was not feasible, and her teeth itched with hatred.

Yang Jiu went to the side to light incense, and reminded by the way: "If you don't want to lose your soul, you'd better be honest, don't think you are an evil spirit, I will have nothing to do with you."

"What kind of evil spirit? Jiuye, don't speak so harshly..." the woman whispered.

Yang Jiu didn't bother to answer, came to the side of Hanyu's coffin, grabbed the woman's intestines and stuffed them back, and began to sew up the wound.

The woman tried her best to suffocate Yang Jiu with her intestines, but unfortunately all these methods failed.

That corpse talisman was the gap she couldn't cross.

In an instant, the wound was healed.

The woman let go of her hand, but the intestines in her stomach did not fall out.

"Book of Life and Death" now.

The woman's name was Qian Linglong, and she was sold to a brothel by her own father since she was a child.

Because of her young age, she was naturally unable to receive customers at the beginning, and only did some rough work in the brothel, such as sweeping the floor.

But in this place of fireworks, even a three-year-old child has to be touched frequently.

Those uncles who came to sell gold, as long as they passed by her, always liked to slap her ass hard.

Some people hit her so hard that with a single slap, she could be knocked to the ground.

Before going to bed at night, my butt hurts so much that I can't lie down, so I can only sleep on my stomach.

At this time, Qian Linglong was imagining that as long as she grew up quickly, she would be able to receive customers normally like other women, have her own income, and be able to buy nice clothes and nice-smelling rouge.

After growing up, Qian Linglong was born extremely beautiful, and the madam was very happy.

Qian Linglong sold for a terrifyingly high price on her first night.

In the days to come, Qian Linglong worked very hard, desperately earning money for the old bustard.

It didn't take long for Qian Linglong to become the top brand in the brothel, and her pockets were also very big.

My childhood wish has now come true easily.

When she was bored and panicked, she wanted to find a good husband and leave this place to live an ordinary life.

Mr. Ruyi hasn't been found yet, but his own father has found him.

After so many years, my father is still the same, lustful and gambler, and he often eats the last meal without the next meal.

When he was almost at a loss, he finally remembered that he still had a daughter in this world.

Although he cruelly sold his daughter to a brothel back then, he had no choice but to do so because of his reasons.

Just kneel down, beg hard, and believe that the girl will definitely give him money.

But he still thought everything was too good. After kneeling at the door of the brothel, before he saw Qian Linglong, he was beaten severely and almost lost his life.

"It's bad luck for a beggar to kneel at my mother's place." The old bustard was furious, and when she saw Qian Linglong's father fleeing, she was chased and beaten.

Qian Linglong could see it clearly from upstairs, and thought it was very funny.

When she was very young, selling her to this kind of place, let her be ridden by thousands of people, and now come here to kneel down and pretend to be pitiful, and imagine that she can forgive her, it is really ridiculous.

But for money, her father didn't give up so easily.

After being beaten violently, she also learned to be clever. She called Qian Linglong's name from a long distance away and scolded Qian Linglong for abandoning her parents.

The people who heard it didn't know why, so they naturally spoke ill of Qian Linglong behind her back.

Who would a serious woman do to make fun of her?
When Qian Linglong was picking up guests in the room at night, she could sometimes hear her father's yelling.

Qian Linglong found it annoying, but the benefactor became more and more excited.

Qian Linglong knew that it was time to end this matter.

From the moment she was sold to the brothel, her heart was full of resentment.

Compared with clothes and jewelry, the wish she most wants to realize is to kill her father with her own hands.

It was a cloudy day, she took the initiative to come to her father, and said that if she wanted money, she would come with her.

Her father's age is less than 40 years old, but he looks very old, with thinning hair and gray beard.

Seeing his appearance, Qian Linglong still felt very bitter.

If she hadn't been sold back then, but had held on a little longer, maybe the fate of their father and daughter would not have been like this.

It's a pity that there are no ifs in this world, only bloody reality, which is very cruel.

Qian Linglong brought her own father to a house where the two tortoises from the brothel had long been hiding.

Gui Gong loves money, but loves sex even more.

Especially for these two people, they often save money for a long time before they can get Qian Linglong once.

This time Qian Linglong promised them that as long as they do her a favor, they can enter her room as they please.

The two tortoises were naturally willing to help. After seeing Qian Linglong's gesture, they rushed out and tied up Qian Linglong's father in a hurry.

After Qian Linglong let the two turtles leave, she took out a dagger, gritted her teeth and said, "Father, I have killed you thousands of times in my dreams."

"Linglong, I'm your father..." Qian Linglong's father stared blankly at Qian Linglong, with tears in his eyes.

Qian Linglong laughed and said, "I know, I am your own daughter, but what about you?"

Her father knew he was wrong, so he couldn't quibble.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter what you say now, Dad, I want to be your father in the next life, so you can be my daughter, okay? Then I will sell you to a brothel, hehehe..." Qian Linglong became more and more excited as she spoke. .

She waited for this day, but waited for a long time.

Just when she gritted her teeth and stabbed her father's heart with a dagger, unexpectedly her father broke free from the restraints and knocked her down with one punch.

His head fell to the ground and he was knocked dizzy.

She saw her father picked up the dagger, squatted down cursingly, and stabbed it hard into her stomach.

Death is also good.

Qian Linglong has been very tired recently, and when she felt that death was coming, she was not afraid, but full of joy.

After reading Qian Linglong's life, Yang Jiu felt that this guy was really pitiful.

But in this world, there are many girls who have experienced the same experience as Qian Linglong.

Slowly closing the coffin lid, Yang Jiu looked at Qian Linglong who was standing beside her, and asked with a smile, "Do you have any unfulfilled wishes?"

[Sewing 120 six corpses, reward the host Xiongxin. 】

Bear Heart again?

Qian Linglong said blankly, "An unfulfilled wish?"

(End of this chapter)

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