My years as a corpse seamstress in the East Factory

Chapter 133 Wolf Heart Dog Lung Soup

Chapter 133 Wolf Heart Dog Lung Soup


The man smiled wryly to himself, with his appearance, he was not a beggar, but better than a beggar.

"He's still deaf, so pitiful." Gan Sisi took out some more money.

At this moment, the door of the corpse shop was opened.

Yang Jiu came out yawning, saw the man, and said in a daze, "Brother Huo, why are you here?"

"Ben Gong, I'm here to fulfill my promise." Huo Ligong stood up and saluted.

Yang Jiu sewed up his mother's body, gave him gold, and let his mother lie in the most luxurious and comfortable coffin. If he said that he sold his body to bury his mother, he had to keep his word.

Zhao Silan has done all the bad things, and she deserves to die.

On the contrary, her son Huo Ligong has a good character, promises a thousand gold, and is worthy of deep friendship.

Yang Jiu helped Huo Ligong up, not knowing how to persuade Huo Ligong to leave.

"Benefactor, Huo has always promised a lot of money. In this life, he must follow his benefactor and swear to protect him to the death." Huo Ligong once again expressed his loyalty.

Yang Jiu thought for a while and said, "I don't think Brother Huo has anywhere to go, so why not, settle down in my hot pot restaurant first, and then make plans."

"Okay." Huo Ligong said.

On the way to the hot pot restaurant, Gan Sisi told Yang Jiu about Ruanqing's investigation into Di Yong's death.

After hearing this, Yang Jiu smiled and didn't take it seriously.

When we arrived at the hot pot restaurant, Huo Ligong happened to live in Chu Liuchun's room.

There was a large bathtub in the room, and Huo Ligong carried hot water to take a bath by himself.

With his image, if he doesn't clean up properly, he will definitely be complained if he wanders around the hot pot restaurant.

When Huo Ligong came out of the room again, he looked completely new.

Even Gan Sisi was a little dazed and couldn't believe it.

Dressed in a black robe, with handsome features and eyes, the dirty Huo Ligong transformed himself into a suave and suave gentleman.

Yang Jiu smiled and praised: "Brother Huo is indeed a good-looking talent."

"Engong, what should I do?" Huo Ligong wanted to get into work right away.

If doing this would make Huo Ligong feel better, Yang Jiu would not insist any longer, and said with a smile: "You go to find the rice bucket, the fat man sitting at the door, let him take you."

Huo Ligong went over to explain the purpose of his visit, and Fan Tong regained his spirit immediately.

It's a great feeling to be a master.

He hasn't had a good rest for the past few days, and at night, Yang Jiu goes to bed early.

After recovering enough energy, tomorrow night I will fight another [-] rounds with the corpse beauty in Yan Luodian.


Six doors.

The sewer looked at the corpse on the sew-up table, feeling rather sad.

This was the prime minister's son, with dozens of servants, and he said he was killed, so he was killed.

The world is really chaotic.

Feelings are emotions, the body still needs to be sewn.

After cleaning his hands and burning incense, praying silently, this extremely ugly corpse-sewer just started to sew the corpse.

Di Yong was only stabbed in the throat, the wound was small and easy to sew.

As soon as his rough hand touched Di Yong's neck, Di Yong suddenly turned over and sat up, grabbed the corpse seamer's throat with both hands, and roared angrily: "You dare to kill me, you dare to kill me..."

"I, I, I..." The corpse stitcher wanted to say that I didn't kill you.

The strength of Di Yong's hands was extremely strong, and the corpse seamer didn't struggle for long before his eyes suddenly turned up.

After dawn, someone will come in to check.

After all, some corpse sewers like to study the corpse carefully, and wait until the last moment before burning incense and sewing the corpse.

Seeing the sewer being strangled to death by Di Yong, the clerks of the six gates smiled.

Di Yong doesn't seem to want to rest in peace.

All the blessings that should be enjoyed have been exhausted, and it is fine to die.

He was still making noise after death, obviously he didn't want to go to the ground to rest in peace.

They just like to see these noble young masters end up like this, not for anything else, it's comforting.

It's normal for sewers to die often.

After dark, arrange for strong body seamers to continue sewing.


"Lord Yang, the Duke is here to invite you." Wu Youdao's most trusted servant, who had been guarding the door of the corpse shop, immediately stepped forward when he saw Yang Jiu come out.

There are different opinions in the city about where Wu Youdao is.

It is said that Wu Youdao is still locked in the six-door prison.

It is also said that Wu Youdao returned to the Duke Huguo's mansion and continued to live a life of luxury.

Some people even said that Wu Youdao was currently in the palace because Empress Wu was worried that people in the world would assassinate Wu Youdao.

The most outrageous statement is that Wu Youdao has left Chang'an, went overseas and never returned.

300 taels Jin Yangjiu accepted it, but the whip hadn't been sent to Wu Youdao yet.

Perhaps Wu Youdao felt that his time was approaching, and wanted to win the magic whip and be happy again.

Yang Jiu went to the bun shop, took a bag of buns and got into the sedan chair.

The sedan chair went round and round, and instead of going to the Duke Huguo's mansion, he came to the prison with six doors.

Wu Youdao lived in prison.

A bed was set up in the cell, covered with brocade and jade satin, and beautiful bed curtains, which could ensure absolute privacy.

At this moment Wu Youdao was sitting on the bed with a scantily clad woman in his arms.

The woman was smeared with thick makeup and behaved frivolously, she looked like a brothel girl.

As long as Wu Youdao needs it, the six doors will try their best to meet it.

After Wu Youdao's body recovered, it can be said that there is never a shortage of women around him.

What the jailers couldn't understand was that Wu Youdao, who was rumored to be very capable, only hugged and touched these brothel women, and never did anything serious.

Wu Youdao also thought that he had just recovered from a serious illness and his body was too weak, so he was desperately trying to nourish himself.

After many days, the baby is limp, and there is no difference between whether it is present or not.

Wu Youdao couldn't bear it any longer, so he thought of inviting Yang Jiu over and showing him a good look.

"Meet the Duke." Yang Jiu saluted outside the cell.

Wu Youdao was overjoyed when he heard the sound, and urged: "Open the door, open the door quickly."

The jailer hurriedly opened the cell door.

"Those who don't know think that the Duke is here for vacation." Yang Jiu entered the cell, full of praise for the luxury of the cell.

Wu Youdao drove the woman away and let the jailer leave before he revealed his unspeakable secret.

My heart is itchy, but the baby is disobedient, so aggrieved.

Yang Jiu took Wu Youdao's pulse, and said seriously: "Master Guo, this is too much tonic. Next, we only need to eat light food, preferably only vegetables. After another ten and a half months, we will be able to recover."

"Ten days and a half?" Wu Youdao heard that it would take so long, and asked with a bitter face if he could take some medicine to speed up.

Yang Jiu shook his head.

Fortunately, it's only ten days and a half months. I have endured it for such a long time, so let's bear it again.

Before leaving, Yang Jiu gave Wu Youdao a booster injection.

In another ten days, another magic whip will be made.

After ten days, the body will recover, and with the help of the magic whip, this long cloudy day will finally clear up.

Walking out of the prison with six doors, Yang Jiu was in a happy mood.

On the first deer whip sold to Wu Youdao, he had a little bit of manipulation, which caused Wu Youdao's current pain.

What Wu Youdao didn't know was that his bastard would never be able to stand up in his life.

But his desire will only get stronger and stronger.

No lustful person can bear this kind of pain.

Before being beheaded, Wu Youdao was made to suffer in this pain.

"Master Yang stay here."

After leaving the prison, Zhuge Zhengxiong called Yang Jiu to stop.

Yang Jiu clasped his fists and saluted: "I have seen Mr. Zhuge."

"Let's talk while walking." Zhuge Zhengxiong said as he walked towards the main entrance of the six doors.

Yang Jiu knew that Zhuge Zhengxiong must be talking about Di Yong.

After investigation, Di Yong had offended many people, but none of them had the courage to kill Di Yong.

After hearing this, Yang Jiu laughed and said, "So Lord Zhuge thinks that I, Yang Jiu, have the courage?"

"That's not true." Zhuge Zhengxiong laughed.

In the past year, Di Yong acted cautiously and stopped causing trouble everywhere.

The only one who had conflicts with others was Yang Jiu.

Relying on his intuition, Zhuge Zhengxiong still felt that the possibility of Yang Jiu's murder was the greatest.

You can rely on intuition to handle a case, but you need evidence to convict.

Zhuge Zhengxiong felt that it was absolutely impossible to find evidence in this case.

Therefore, even if Yang Jiu admits it personally now, he can't help Yang Jiu.

The sedan chair of Duke Huguo's mansion was still waiting outside the six-door gate.

When entering the prison, Yang Jiu let them leave first.

But Wu Youdao had orders first, they didn't dare to leave rashly, they still wanted to ask again, but asked them to send Yang Jiu back to the East Factory.

"Your Majesty Yang is able to eat both left and right, and the future is boundless." Zhuge Zhengxiong obviously had something to say.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Lord Zhuge is too famous."

Yang Jiu didn't want to sit in the sedan chair, but in order to get rid of Zhuge Zhengxiong as soon as possible, he chose to get into the sedan chair.

However, he temporarily changed his destination, and the sedan chair finally stopped in front of Yunhe Restaurant.

Chu Liuchun saw that he had recruited many more employees.

As the saying goes, there are many people and strength, and the preparations that should be done are almost done.

It can be opened on another day.

The hot pot base of Maobuli Hot Pot Restaurant is prepared by Gan Sisi himself, and the recipe is kept secret.

Even if the recipe is leaked out, other cooks do not have Gan Sisi's culinary skills.

God-level cooking skills are not vegetarians.

After the opening of the branch, the most important thing is to use Gan Sisi to prepare the hot pot base. The taste is consistent with the hot pot in the main store, and the business will not be bad.

"Liu Xiang, I only have one request, no compensation." After the inspection was over, when he left, Yang Jiuyu instructed Chu Liuchun earnestly.

Full of fighting spirit, Chu Liuchun patted his chest and said, "Master Jiu, don't worry, business will surely be booming."

Maobuli hot pot is well-known in Chang'an, and people from Nanshi come here to taste it on weekdays.

Now the branch is opened in Nanshi, which can satisfy the people around Nanshi.

Chu Liuchun didn't believe that he could mess up the business.

It was dark in an instant, and Yang Jiu, who had regained his energy, was about to go to Yan Luodian, but the guards from the East Factory brought Di Yong's body over.

In order to sew up Di Yong's body, two sewers from the six doors died.

Zhuge Zhengxiong made a decisive decision, stopped struggling, and sent Di Yong to Yang Jiu to sew, which happened to be able to test Yang Jiu's bottom.

Yang Jiu was not guilty of being a villain, she closed the door of the body sewing shop, and looked at Di Yong's body with a smile.

"You can actually kill two corpse sewers, Di Yong, you were a waste before you were alive, but you have developed skills after death." Yang Jiu gave a thumbs up, praised, lit incense, and picked up the needle and thread.

When his hand touched Di Yong's neck, Di Yong rolled up like before, pinching Xiang Yangjiu's neck with both hands.

Yang Jiu was not like those corpse sewers of Six Doors, who let Di Yong be slaughtered, grabbed Di Yong's hand, and sneered, "You think I don't know that's how you strangled those sewers to death?"

"You dare to kill me, you dare to kill me..." Di Yong clenched his hands tightly, his voice hard and cold.

Yang Jiu pasted a corpse-preventing talisman on it, and Di Yong froze immediately, and fell backwards on the corpse-sewing table with a bang.

The wound was very small, but within a dozen breaths, it was already stitched up.

This time, Di Yong was completely dead.

"Book of Life and Death" appeared immediately, and began to record Di Yong's life.

Di Yong's life is also simple, he was born with a golden key in his mouth since he was a child.

When he was born, Di Juyi was already a third-rank official in the imperial court, and was highly valued by the emperor.

Since then, although Di Juyi's official career has not been smooth, it has not had too many ups and downs.

Di Yong also grew up under the careful care of his parents.

Di Yong was born intelligent, and he was excellent at reading and writing.

Not surprisingly, in the future he will also be able to gain fame and even become the prime minister of the Great Wei Dynasty.

Both father and son are prime ministers, just thinking about being able to leave such a good story, Di Juyi was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

After becoming prime minister, Di Juyi was busy with official duties, and Di Juyi didn't have the energy to discipline Di Yong anymore.

And when Di Yong's mother died of illness, Di Yong completely became wild.

Wild to wild, Di Yong still knows good and evil.

Di Juyi didn't bother to care about it, and turned a blind eye to many things.

Di Yong has no intention of career, but wants to become a wealthy businessman.

In his opinion, no matter how great an official is, it is better to be rich.

After pooling some gold with their friends, they were bound to win Yunhe Restaurant, but in the end they lost to Yang Jiu, and even died under Yang Jiu's sword.

The more people have, the less they know how to cherish.

Yang Jiu looked around, but didn't see Di Yong's soul.

Not all the souls of those who are unwilling to die will stay in this world temporarily.

Thinking of pulling the iron ring, opening the door, and watching the Dongchang guards carry Di Yong's body away.

[Sewing 86 corpses, the host will be rewarded with Langxingoufei Decoction. 】

Wolf Heart Dog Lung Soup?
Yang Jiu was taken aback.

After drinking this soup, even a well-recognized dutiful son will become a bastard for domestic violence and elderly parents.

The system can actually reward this kind of thing?

But thinking about it carefully, it is not an exaggeration to describe Di Yong as a wolf.

What business is about is fair competition. If the competition fails, accept it calmly and find other opportunities, instead of doing anything wrong just because of a father who has the power to rule the opposition.

It's still early, and it's no problem to sew a corpse in the Hall of Yama.

As soon as Yang Jiu went out, she saw Di Juyi standing not far away.

Di Juyi stood under the dim lantern, looking at Yang Jiu with cloudy eyes.

Apparently he was also suspecting that it was Yang Jiu who killed Di Yong.

Yang Jiu walked over, clasped her fists and saluted.

"It is said that Mr. Yang is very good at sewing corpses. We can see you tonight, and he really lives up to his reputation." Di Juyi seemed to be boasting, but his voice was cold and lifeless.

He just looked at the stitches on Di Yong's wound, like peach blossoms in full bloom, very beautiful.

The point is that the corpse stitchers of Six Doors couldn't sew up Aiko's body at all. Yang Jiu could sew Aiko's body up, and he could also let Aiko go to the ground as soon as possible.

But the corpse cannot be stitched up. Isn't the crux of the problem not that Aiko died with resignation?
"In Yang Jiu's view, all the corpses sent over are the same. No matter how much the price is paid, the corpses must be sewn up so that they can be buried in the ground." Yang Jiu said on the scene.

Di Juyi nodded, thanked him, and turned to leave.

His back is quite bleak.

Yang Jiu didn't regret beheading Di Yong.

Di Yong would not be grateful for leaving Di Yong alive, and would just make trouble day after day.

He is like this, if you don't offend me, I won't offend you, but if you offend me, I will kill you.

Adults should pay the due price for their actions.

After all, if not for his good martial arts, he would definitely be the one who died that night.

If he is killed by Di Yong, I believe that Di Yong will never feel uneasy conscience, on the contrary, he will be very happy, hug his sister to drink, and celebrate to his heart's content.

Arriving at Yan Luo Hall with strides, Yang Jiu pushed open the door of Huang Zi No. [-].

Candles illuminated the room very brightly.

Yang Jiu checked everywhere, and did not miss the roof beams and the bottom of the coffin, and found no evil spirits.

The corpse in the cold jade coffin had a feathered arrow stuck between its eyebrows. It looked like a general.

Before sewing up Xue Renzhan's body, he got to know Xue Xue.

However, this general's battle armor is obviously not Wei's, it should be the enemy's general.

In order to detect whether there are evil spirits, Yang Jiu lit a candle in the southeast corner of Hanyu's coffin this time.

The candle burns normally.

Yang Jiu lifted the lid of the coffin, grabbed the feather arrow with his probing hand, and pulled it out forcefully, but he couldn't pull it out.

With his 80 years of skill, he couldn't pull out the feather arrow stuck in the forehead of the corpse?
It feels like this feather arrow has grown together with the corpse.

After death, the body will still grow, but only nails and hair will grow, not the healing of flesh and blood.

"What do you want me to do so that Your Excellency will let go?" It's impossible to force it, Yang Jiu can only try to discuss it.

Xie Changyan and other evil spirits all said that in their circle of evil spirits, his Yang Jiu's name was like thunder.

Everything is easy to discuss, and it also saves each other from being violent and causing unpleasant troubles.

However, without the evil spirit, Yang Jiuye's reputation would be worthless.

Would a dead body be afraid of a living man?
Yang Jiu pasted the corpse-suppressing talisman on it again, but he still couldn't pull out the arrow.

It's evil.

Yang Jiu jumped onto the Hanyu coffin, stepped on the sides of the coffin with both feet, tried again, fuck it, it still didn't work.

"Let me tell you, I have a bad temper. If you don't let me pull out this arrow, I will cut off your head." Yang Jiu threatened again.

Cut off the head of the corpse, and then make a paper head, which can still be sewn.

As for how to deal with this head, Yang Jiu had no idea.

If it doesn't work, just bury the head in any place, or burn it directly.

If a horrible supernatural event really happened, wouldn't there be a master of the corpse department to wipe his ass?
After the threat passed, he drew the arrow again, but still failed.

Yang Jiu stretched out his hand and directly showed the Xuexue Knife, intending to chop off the head of the corpse.

"The original head is better." The voice came from the corpse's stomach.

Yang Jiu was not surprised at all, and asked with a smile, "May I sew it?"

"Master Yang Jiu is indeed fierce, I admire you." The voice came out again.

Yang Jiu smiled, and pulled out the feather arrow easily.

As long as the corpses are willing to cooperate, these weird corpses will become ordinary corpses, and sewing is easy and pleasant.

"Master Yang Jiu's ability, who did he learn from?" The voice seemed to want to chat with Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu washed his hands on one side, dried them, lit the incense again, and did not answer the question.

Then he came to the coffin and leaned forward to sew the corpse.

The wound of the arrow wound is smaller, but because it is on the head, it needs to be pinched together hard to suture.

But this is trivial to Yang Jiu.

The body was quickly sewn up.

"Yang Jiuye can't help guessing why I lie down in this Yan Luo Palace." The voice said with a smile.

Yang Jiu said: "I'm very busy, so I don't have time to play this kind of game."

"Yang Jiuye, there is a prize for guessing right." The voice said again.

Yang Jiu said contemptuously: "You are a dead body, what reward can you give me?"

"The reason why dead people die is because they know too much." There was a bit of sarcasm in that voice.

The implication is that the secrets he knows can bring great benefits to Yang Jiu.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "Okay, then let me think about it."

After seeing this guy's life, he might be able to deduce one or two things.

And "Book of Life and Death" has already appeared.

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(End of this chapter)

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