Chapter 127 The Ferocious Highness

The blood is tense.

About to explode.

But, it didn't blow up after all.

Kong Jiaxi came back to his senses, took off his coat and covered the girl.

The girl wanted to die, but Kong Jiaxi saved her every time.

Kong Jiaxi took her to roam the rivers and lakes, hoping that the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers could heal the wound in the girl's heart.

Getting along day and night, love is self-sufficient.

There is no way to repay the kindness of life-saving, but to promise each other with one's body.

The girl entered Kong Jiaxi's room, her coat slipped off, and she was not wearing anything underneath.

Kong Jiaxi was very excited, but it still didn't work.

The girl's self-esteem was greatly stimulated, she thought it was Kong Jiaxi who disliked her being dirty, so she ran out naked.

When Kong Jiaxi calmed down, he went outside the girl's room to apologize.

As a result, the girl was no longer in the room.

Kong Jiaxi frantically looked for it, but he couldn't find it.

A few months later, the girl took the initiative to appear in front of him, kissed and gnawed at him, expressing her lovesickness.

Kong Jia was as happy as a knife, and confessed his unspeakable secrets.

The girl didn't care, and took him everywhere to seek medical advice.

Kong Jiaxi's heart was completely conquered.

When the time was right, the girl revealed that she wanted to avenge her parents, and Kong Jiaxi naturally gave her full support.

From then on, he hit wherever the girl pointed.

Kong Daxia, who used to be a chivalrous hero, became disregarding right from wrong, killing innocent people indiscriminately.

The girl's purpose is very simple, that is to let Kong Jiaxi set off a bloody storm in the rivers and lakes.

Naturally, Jianghu Zhengdao will not sit idly by.

They took the initiative to engage in a fight.

Kong Jiaxi didn't want to go, but under the instigation of the girl, he went to the appointment one by one.

Facing the gang fights of many masters, Kong Jiaxi was defeated without persisting in a few moves.

Before he died, he saw the girl standing not far away, nestled in the arms of a burly man, with a sneer all over her face.

The strong man hugged the girl tightly with his right arm, and stretched his hand through the girl's collar with a look of enjoyment.

Why exactly?
Kong Jiaxi wanted to rush over to ask the girl clearly.

They were clearly in love with each other and vowed to grow old together.

Why betray him?
Too bad Kong Jiaxi will never know the answer.

The spear pierced through the back of the head, and the tip of the spear pierced through the forehead.

After turning into an evil spirit, he kept thinking, is the matter between men and women really that important?

But he never thought about it the other way around, if he is normal but marries an abnormal woman and cannot have the reality of husband and wife, how long can he last like this?
Yang Jiu felt that Kong Jiaxi was an idiot, so he closed the coffin lid forcefully.

[Eighty corpses sewn together, the host will be rewarded with the Severe Emotion Absolute Love Pill. 】

The Duanqing Juaiai Pill should be used on Kong Jiaxi, so that the tragedy in his life can be avoided.

This thing may come in handy in the future.

Yang Jiu looked at the ghost arresting talisman on the side, and sighed: "Kong Jiaxi, your experience is indeed very sympathetic, but with a knife on the head of Sezi, you have to think twice before acting."

Kong Jiaxi's face on the ghost arresting talisman became more and more gloomy.

"I can let you out, but you have to promise that it won't harm anyone." Yang Jiu saw Kong Jiaxi's head lightly tapped, and with a wave of his hand, the ghost-holding talisman was blasted into powder by the strong internal force.

Kong Jiaxi gently floated down to the ground, his body was enveloped by a faint black air, and there seemed to be anger burning in his eyes.

The ghost arresting talisman is called ghost arresting, but it can actually kill ghosts.

All evil spirits can be killed by the ghost arresting talisman.

Seeing that Kong Jiaxi was full of malice, Yang Jiuyi raised his hand, holding a ghost arresting talisman in his hand.

Kong Jiaxi had just learned how powerful the ghost-holding talisman is, so he didn't dare to act rashly.

Yang Jiu said: "If you have an unfulfilled wish, maybe I can help you."

Kong Jiaxi has such a strong resentment, if he can help him fulfill his last wish, he will definitely gain a lot of merit points.

"I want you to die." Kong Jiaxi said and threw himself at Yang Jiu again.

The black air surged, and the cold wind was like a knife.

Yang Jiu sighed, raised his hand, and the ghost-holding talisman easily sealed Kong Jiaxi.

When he came to the candlestick, Yang Jiu lit the ghost arresting talisman and strode away.

The ghost arresting talisman landed behind him, and was quickly burned to ashes.

When the night wind blows outside, Yang Jiu feels drowsy, so Yang Jiu goes back to the corpse shop to rest.

When I walked to the door, I saw the orange cat's head hanging on the door opening, its eyes were wide open, and it looked very innocent.

Yang Jiu found it funny and asked, "Are you stuck?"

The orange cat is very reluctant to admit it, but the fact is that it is stuck.

If its distressed appearance is seen by its subjects at this moment, where will the king's face be saved?

Yang Jiu gave up after trying for a while, found a short knife, and slowly cut the door wider.

After the orange cat got out of trouble, it jumped onto Yang Jiu's shoulder and rubbed its head against Yang Jiu's face vigorously.

"Rolling, it smells like a little bitch." Yang Jiu scolded.

The orange cat jumped to the ground, thought for a while, and then rubbed Yang Jiu's feet before jumping up the wall and leaving.

The next day.

The business of hot pot restaurants is booming.

After Gan Sisi sold the buns, she delivered the buns to Yang Jiu, and hurried over to help.

The new way of eating hot pot was quickly accepted by the people of Chang'an.

Those who run restaurants, restaurants, and even brothels all come to Maobuli Hot Pot Restaurant to learn from it.

They want to learn how to make hot pot, and then introduce it to their own store, which will definitely bring their business to a higher level.

Hot pot looks very simple, just boil water and throw various ingredients into it.

But to make a unique taste, you need the formula of the base material.

After those people ate a meal, they went back to study on their own, and the taste of what they made was hard to describe.

Chu Liuchun and Fan Tong were in charge of purchasing ingredients. They were so busy from morning to night that they almost died of exhaustion.

Yang Jiu gave them an idea, whoever's ingredients are good, let them deliver the goods to their door.

Maobuli Hot Pot Restaurant has a huge demand for ingredients, and I believe many people are willing to cooperate with them.

"It's still Master Jiu." The two drank bowls of water and went to do it excitedly.

Sitting behind the counter, Gan Sisi looked like the proprietress.

In the evening, Xiao Xuanzi brought Wei Zhongxian's order.

Tonight, Rang Yang Jiu must sew up the body in Room No. [-] of Huang Zi.

Yang Jiu wanted to laugh when he heard that, after nightfall, the place he was going to was originally Room No. [-] of Huang Zi.

Inside the cold jade coffin lay a little boy about twelve or thirteen years old.

The little boy was stabbed in the left shoulder, and half of his body was split open.

Yang Jiu lifted the lid of the coffin, and everything was as usual.

For this little boy to be stored in Room No. [-] of the Yellow Character, the strangeness of the corpse must be extraordinary.

"Are you here to be buried with the king?" Yang Jiu was staring at the little boy's body, but he suddenly opened his eyes with a sly smile on his lips.

The king?

Yang Jiu's face remained unchanged, she cupped her fists and said, "The corpse can only be buried in the ground after it's sewn up, please cooperate with me."

"This king loves the people like a son, and never makes trouble for anyone. Go ahead and sew it up." The little boy closed his eyes as he said.

Seeing his smile just now, Yang Jiu knew that this guy was definitely not a kind person.

It is said that still water is dangerous, and there is no doubt that hypocrites are also dangerous.

Yang Jiu burnt incense, took out a needle and thread, and said, "A corpse can't feel pain, if you feel pain, it's because of your psychology."

The little boy didn't move.

After Yang Jiu bent down and approached, the little boy grabbed Yang Jiu's shoulder with his right hand and bit Xiang Yang Jiu's neck with his mouth.

This is the blood sucking action of zombies.

Yang Jiu clenched his fist and smashed it down, hitting the little boy's forehead.


The back of the boy's head hit the coffin's floor hard, and the hand holding Yang Jiu's shoulder was also loosened.

"Do you dare to hit me? Believe it or not..." The little boy struggled to get up, threatening angrily.

A corpse talisman was pasted on the forehead, and the world immediately became quiet.

Yang Jiu followed the needle and quickly sewed up the corpse.

The little boy's body was trembling all the time, as if he wanted to get rid of the control of the corpse talisman.

The quivering didn't end until the last stitch.

I can deal with Kong Jiaxi's evil spirits, but you are a bastard with no hair, what's wrong with you?

I have sewn the emperor's corpse, so what kind of onion is a prince?
When Yang Jiu was complaining in his heart, "Book of Life and Death" had already begun to record the little boy's life.

The little boy is called Li Xingchen, the son of the first emperor, older than Li Xinghe, and has been dead for more than ten years.

Born in the royal family, if you want to live a long life, even a prince has to be cautious and careful every step of the way.

However, relying on his father's favor, Li Xingchen has become extremely cruel since he was six years old.

The sun was scorching hot, he liked to call the maids who disliked him to the bedroom, let them take off their clothes, and then carved letters on them with a short knife.

Anyone who dared to make a miserable cry would be stabbed to death immediately.

In just one month, more than one hundred court ladies died at the hands of Li Xingchen.

This matter was spread in the palace, and his mother and concubine paid a high price to suppress it, so that it did not reach the ears of the first emperor.

After being criticized by his mother and concubine, Li Xingchen felt that women were too fragile and not fun at all, so he stretched out his poisonous hand to the eunuch again.

But eunuchs are also human beings, they are also afraid of pain, and they will die...

The mother and concubine discovered that her son was a pervert who loved to kill people by nature.

If the emperor knew, their mother and son would definitely die.

In the year when Li Xingchen was 12 years old, the mother concubine asked the emperor for permission to send Li Xingchen out of the palace to practice.

To put it bluntly, it is experience, but to put it bluntly, it is the mother concubine who wants to get rid of Li Xingchen.

Counting on a devil like Li Xingchen, it is better to go to Ninggu Pagoda to eat fast and chant Buddha.

Li Xingchen was taken to a temple, and his mother and concubine also had good intentions, hoping that the eminent monks in the temple could use Buddhism to influence Li Xingchen.

The sea of ​​bitterness is boundless.

However, after arriving at the temple, Li Xingchen relied on his status as the prince to force the little monks in the temple to take off their clothes and carved letters on them very seriously.

This is Li Xingchen's only hobby. No matter how big an obstacle he encounters, he will try his best to persevere.

The monks in the temple kept disappearing, which naturally attracted the attention of the abbot.

What Li Xingchen did was not too secretive, the abbot found Li Xingchen when he checked.

Facing the abbot's questioning, Li Xingchen admitted frankly, and threatened to kill all the monks in the temple, leaving no one behind.

Although Li Xingchen is young, he is already a prince who has been crowned king. Even if he knows the truth, what can the abbot do?

You can't kill Li Xingchen, can you?

Now that the matter came to light, Li Xingchen no longer covered it up, but came to the Daxiong Hall, and when all the monks were doing morning classes, he carved a letter on the body of a young novice in public.

There was silence in the hall.

A knife was carved on the little novice, and the little novice clenched his teeth, sweating profusely from the pain, and never made a sound from his mouth.

Li Xingchen said that anyone who dares to scream will be dealt with immediately.

The little novice wanted to live more than the pain his body endured.

The abbot sat on the futon, put his palms together, and quickly said "Amitabha".

The huge statue of Amitabha on the altar did not protect the little novice.


The little novice endured it for a long time, but he couldn't bear it to the end.

Seeing that the little novice could bear it so much, Li Xingchen used all his energy when he used the knife again.

The sharp short knife cut through the little novice monk's flesh and penetrated into the bone.

How many people in the world can bear this kind of pain?

"This king has said it, if you dare to speak out, you will die." Li Xingchen grinned grimly, raised his dagger, and pointed it at the little novice's heart.

The little monk knelt on the ground, raised his head slightly, his eyes were full of horror.

Li Xingchen swung the knife violently. Although it was not as good as lettering, he also liked the feeling of the knife piercing his heart.

The abbot, who was originally meditating, suddenly pulled out a steel knife from under the altar, jumped up and struck Li Xingchen's shoulder.

The abbot woke up in time and quickly recovered his strength.

However, the knife was so sharp that it had split half of Li Xingchen's body.

Li Xingchen died on the spot.

Yang Jiu couldn't help but applaud. If a demon like Li Xingchen is still alive, who knows how many innocent people will die in his hands.

The abbot pulled out his knife angrily, and sliced ​​Li Xingchen open with a single blow, which was a joy to everyone's heart.

Looking at Li Xingchen in the coffin again, Yang Jiu's face was full of disgust.

At a young age, he has done all kinds of evil things, and he deserves to die.

If Li Xingchen is still alive now, neither Li Xingjiang nor Li Xinghe is this guy's opponent.

Compared with Li Xingchen, Li Xinghe is obviously not cruel enough.

Yang Jiu sighed and closed the coffin lid.

[Sewing 81 corpses, rewarding the host with super yin and yang eyes. 】

The yin and yang eyes obtained by Yang Jiu before had to be used actively in order to see some dirty things.

Moreover, there are some powerful evil spirits that cannot be seen no matter how hard they try.

Super Yin-Yang Eye is an upgrade of Yin-Yang Eye, just like the Iron Bone and Reinforcement Bar is an upgrade of Iron Cloth Shirt.

With this super yin and yang eye, there is no need to actively use it anymore, as long as there is something dirty around him, Yang Jiu can see it.

Even some very fierce or powerful souls can see it.

For example, at this moment, Yang Jiu saw Li Xingchen's evil spirit.

I couldn't see it with the yin and yang eyes just now, but now I got the super yin and yang eyes, and immediately discovered Li Xingchen's evil spirit.

Li Xingchen's evil spirit is hidden in the cold jade coffin.

"Can you see me?" Li Xingchen put his eyes on the coffin lid and stared at Yang Jiu.

Holding the ghost arresting talisman in hand, Yang Jiu lifted the coffin lid again and threw the ghost arresting talisman inside.

The dazed Li Xingchen was taken into the talisman before he had time to react.

Without even thinking about it, Yang Jiu directly burned the ghost arresting talisman.

A scum like Li Xingchen should disappear completely from the world.

It was past midnight, Yang Jiu wanted to go back to the mortuary and go to bed.

When he walked out of Yan Luo Hall, he saw Xiao Xuanzi waiting outside.

"Brother Nine, has the body in Room [-] of Huang Zi been sewn up?" Xiao Xuanzi's face was full of worry.

It wasn't until he saw Yang Jiu nodding that he breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved.

"Little Xuanzi, why did the governor ask me to sew up that corpse?" Yang Jiu asked knowingly.

Xiao Xuanzi looked at both sides, and said in a low voice: "That is His Highness Fifth, I heard that Tianhou dreamed of him last night, and when he found out that His Highness's body was still lying in the Hall of Yama, he told the governor to definitely We must sew up the corpse as soon as possible so that His Highness can be buried in the ground as soon as possible."

Yang Jiu smiled, and said, "I think the Governor should also wait, go and report."

Xiao Xuanzi nodded and left quickly.

Yang Jiu yawned and went back to the corpse shop.

In the past two days, I only sewed one corpse, and I feel exhausted, obviously weak.

Although the corpse beauty is good, it will take a lot of damage to the body if it is conquered continuously.

Sure enough, the slogan of combining work and rest is right.

Only by saving for two days can you have more inventory and be more energetic in fighting.

When he woke up, he saw the orange cat standing on his stomach, staring straight at Yang Jiu with his sneaky eyes.

Yang Jiu frowned, and asked, "Daju, don't you fucking want to plot against me?"

The orange cat jumped onto the corpse sewing table beside it, with its front paws in the air, its body upright, twisting and turning.

It's not dancing, it's parodying.

Yang Jiu got up and watched seriously, and after the orange cat imitated, she asked, "Did you see someone get killed?"

The orange cat nodded.

"Has the head been pierced?" Yang Jiu asked again.

The orange cat nodded again.

After eating Kaihui Dan, the dead cat was much smarter.

Yang Jiu was quite relieved, and said: "Daju, if you encounter such a dangerous thing in the future, just pretend you didn't see it, and just slip away, understand?"

The orange cat's half-closed eyes widened suddenly, and its head was raised high, as if it wanted to ask why it was slipping away.

Too young and crazy, the crematorium in the future.

Orange cat is still too young.

Wait for it to experience some more things, I believe it will understand.

Yang Jiu got out of bed, grabbed the orange cat, wiped it, at least twenty catties.

"Don't be greedy anymore, I have to remove the door before you can come in." Yang Jiu said and let go of his hand.

The orange cat fell to the ground, turned its buttocks and walked to the door, looked back at Yang Jiu again, then jumped up and got out of the enlarged door opening.

Yang Jiu washed her face, opened the door, the sun was shining brightly.

The smell of meat buns wafts in the wind.

Gan Sisi asked Wei Yuyan to sell buns, and she came over with the buns prepared for Yang Jiu.

It's been a long time since I sat with Yang Jiu in front of the corpse shop to bask in the sun, I really miss it.

Making money is important, but company is undoubtedly more important.

"Brother Jiu, I think hot pot restaurants are more profitable, why don't I close the bun shop?" Gan Sisi had this idea long ago, but she was reluctant to part with the bun shop.

Yang Jiu smiled and said, "There's Aunt Mei at the hot pot restaurant, you don't need to worry about it, if they are too busy, you can recruit more people."

The implication is that the Maobuli bun shop cannot be closed.

Gan Sisi nodded, since Ninth Brother refused, then listen to Ninth Brother.

After eating the buns, Wei Yuyan over there has already sold out today's meat buns.

After tidying up a bit, Wei Yuyan ran to the hot pot restaurant excitedly.

Working two jobs feels super cool.

There is money to take here, and silver to collect there, the money bag is getting more and more swollen, and I am happy.

"Sisi, Chang'an City is so big, I decided to open a few more branches to make the brand of Maobuli hotpot restaurant bigger and stronger." Yang Jiu said what was in his heart, and Gan Sisi was stunned.

One store is too busy, how can I survive if I open a few more?
Gan Si thought about it and persuaded: "Ninth brother, as long as you have enough money, you really can't risk your life just to make money."

"We don't need to do it ourselves, just hire someone to look at the store." Yang Jiu said.

Gan Sisi knew she couldn't speak to Yang Jiu.

Since Yang Jiu wants to do this, then she will accompany her. At worst, she will sleep less and work more in the future.

"Ninth brother, the Governor is here to invite you." Little Xuanzi trotted over.

Yang Jiu was quite speechless, and said: "Sisi, look around, and if you find a suitable store, write it down. When we are free, we will buy it and open a branch."

"En." Gan Sisi nodded.

Xiao Xuanzi didn't know why Wei Zhongxian wanted to meet Yang Jiu this time, he guessed it might be because of the corpse of Li Xingchen he sewed last night.

Li Xingchen's body was stitched up. This is a great achievement and deserves a reward.

 Thank you for the 500 coins of the baby pig from the mother of the baby mouse, the 500 coins of the spring breeze that is not as good as you, the 500 coins of Ningzhi's love, and the 100 coins of the wild cat in the alley.

  Thank you for the support of the monthly ticket of the confetti in the wind and fire, and the song of paper dots.

  Thanks to all fellow Taoists who subscribed to vote.

  Catch up with the end of today, four more [-] words are completed.

(End of this chapter)

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