Chapter 4 Entrance, Class Two and Three

Time passed by in a flash, and it has been more than a month since Ye Xuan's assessment ended.

And during this period of more than a month, Ye Xuan would enter it every day to check the gestation of the gods and demons. Although the creation of the gods and demons was already in the process of gestation, the time required for this was undoubtedly long.

Even if he adjusted the time ten thousand times faster in the world, after more than a month, it is equivalent to more than [-] years in the chaotic world, and it still hasn't conceived after such a long time.

One day in real time is equivalent to one year in the created world, and Chuangshishen can actively adjust the time flow rate ten thousand times, you can choose slow or fast, and if you master the legendary law of time, you can adjust it even higher. double speed.

And with his repeated use of the power of time and space, the creatures bred by the avenue of time and avenue of space have also increased a lot.

No matter what he does in the chaos, he will activate the corresponding avenue, which is the power of the Creation God, and among these avenues, the fastest-growing one is the creation god and demon next to the Creation Qinglian.

Next is the God of Destruction, which opposes the God of Creation, followed by the God of Time, the God of Space, and the God of Destiny.

Time is fleeting.

Soon, the summer vacation is over.

During this summer vacation, although Ye Xuan's chaotic world has not been able to truly give birth to life, he knows that this is only a matter of time, and all he needs to do is to endure.

Now the embryonic form of creating gods and demons has been conceived, and it is not very far from the complete realization.

He had a hunch that the first creature would be successfully conceived in less than a month.

And in the past two months, he didn't waste time, but continued to construct how his world should develop, and now he has planned the development route.

According to the legend of his previous life, although the chaotic world is extremely powerful, three thousand gods and demons of chaos were born, but after the opening of the sky, Honghuang became weaker and weaker. This is impossible in his plan. This happened.

He wants to create a perfect prehistoric, a supreme prehistoric, a prehistoric that everyone can prove!

But now, what needs to be waited for is the birth of creatures in the world, improving the quality of the world, and increasing the scope of the world.

Although his world is a chaotic world, in fact, the newly created area is only the size of a galaxy. It seems very big, but it is still too small for the world.

After the increase after the appearance of the Creation Green Lotus, it has only reached the scope of a star field, which is still too small compared to the entire world.

"Today is school day, and it's time to go to school!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Ye Xuan's mouth.

If his classmates knew that life could be bred in his abandoned world in the near future, their expressions would definitely be very good-looking.


Lintian No. [-] Middle School.

Second year of high school, third class of ordinary class.

This is Ye Xuan's class. Different from senior one with more than [-] classes, the ordinary class in senior two has only three classes, and the third class is also the worst. The people who come here basically have no potential Can give birth to creatures with extraordinary strength.

After a creature with extraordinary strength is born in the world, the Chuangshi God can extract divine power from the creature with extraordinary strength to bless himself. At this time, the Chuangshi God can be called an apprentice Chuangshi God.

And the world where the Chuangshi God is an apprentice is called the Kingdom of God. When the Chuangshi God's divine power is sufficient, he can ignite the divine fire in the center of his eyebrows, and then he will officially step into the first level of the Chuangshi God.

Once the Creator God steps into the first level of Creation God, he can become immortal himself. This kind of immortality refers to the immortality of lifespan. From then on, he will live forever and become a Creator God in the true sense!

There are ten classes in the second year of high school, three of which are ordinary classes with about [-] students, five key classes with about [-] students, and two gifted classes with [-] students. many people.

There are more than [-] classes in high school, more than [-] students, and only about [-] people stand out in the end to create the world. In fact, a considerable number of people in ordinary classes have stayed here for several years, even There are also a group of people in the key class who are repeat students, that is to say, the real ratio is even lower.

But in fact, among these people, there are very few who can promote the world to the kingdom of God. The students in the genius class can do it almost 100%, and the students in the key class have a high probability of being able to do it. Only this Ordinary class, the talent is extremely poor, and the hope of being promoted to the Kingdom of God is slim.

And Ye Xuan created the legendary waste world, so it is a bit of a shame to be assigned to the ordinary class. It would be a pity not to have another class dedicated to teaching him.

This kind of wizard should have a special class. The kind without a teacher doesn't even need to teach the class. Let him do whatever he should. Strictly speaking, creating a waste world is more difficult than creating a mythical kingdom!

Although the kingdom of mythology is rare, there are so many wizards on every planet, and even among the endless stars in the ruined world, how many people can create it in the past tens of millions of years?

After Ye Xuan came to the class, he found that none of the people here knew him. This means that those in his class who created the world successfully should have a high probability of not entering the ordinary class, which shows that their talents are relatively weak. good.

And he entered it, and found a seat in the lower leftmost corner on his own, and there was no one sitting in that seat, because although they were assigned to this class, they were still the relatively top students who stood out, They also want to promote their world to the Kingdom of God.

Once you enter the Kingdom of God, you will become an extraordinary person!

It can be said that it has completely changed the fate of a large family, so everyone wants to be closer to the teacher so as to listen to the teachings.

Only Ye Xuan, he sat in the corner nonchalantly, anyway, he basically knows what these teachers teach, and he has not been idle in the past two months, and he has already completed his world plan.

The most important thing in life is when the first year of high school creates the world, and the first year of high school is the most important time, and the second year of high school is actually the least important, because the teacher is only responsible for teaching some of the most basic world knowledge and providing the world-building experience. Just ideas.

For Ye Xuan, it is unnecessary.

And no one can teach him how to create chaos, because the chaotic world is a waste world here.

The third year of high school is more about showing one's talent, and then entering various colleges for further study. This is the third year of high school in this world.

Not long after, a beautiful teacher with a top and a shirt and a black skirt came in. She is a first-order creation god, and when she reaches the realm of a creation god, she will beautify herself and keep her youth forever.

In other words, almost all the creation gods are handsome men and beautiful women...

(End of this chapter)

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