National Investment: Start investing in Zhu Yuanzhang!

Chapter 11 Tutemur is such a good man

Chapter 11 Tutemur is such a good man

that day.

Another big thing happened.

The young Empress Babusha, the aunt of Emperor Yuanshun, was killed by gangsters.

The villain was executed by Dayuan warriors on the spot.

The young Emperor Yuan Shun not only experienced the pain of losing his father, but also the pain of losing his mother.

In order to protect the safety of his nephew, Tutemur secretly sent him to an island in the Yellow Sea.

And investigate the gangster who assassinated Empress Babusha of Mingzong.

For a moment, the whole Yuan Da was in a panic!

Tutiemuer kills people, and the heads of the people are rolling!
He wants to avenge his brother and his sister-in-law!

Another year.

Tutiemuer received a secret report from his subordinates.

My nephew actually wanted to rebel?

"Absurd! Really absurd! How could my nephew rebel! He was definitely coerced by the villain! Instigated by the villain!"

Tutiemuer was furious, and quickly sent people to the islands on the Yellow Sea to pick up the young Emperor Yuanshun.

He also secretly transferred and protected the young Emperor Yuanshun to Jingjiang, and dispatched Dayuan warriors to protect him secretly.

"This is brother's child! My nephew! Absolutely we can't let anything happen to him again!"

Tutemur muttered something, and there was a firm look in his eyes.

The young Emperor Yuan Shun lived in a temple called Dayuan Temple in Jingjiang.

The well-known elder Qiujiang of the temple was responsible for educating the young Emperor Yuanshun.

"Nonsense! What nonsense!"

Elder Qiu Jiang had just left for a while, and when he came back again, he saw the lively and active young Emperor Yuan Shun, who was actually playing with clay toys in class.

Seeing Elder Qiujiang come back with a carbine, the young Emperor Yuan Shun faltered in fright and couldn't speak.

"This this this..."

All of a sudden, the young Emperor Yuan Shun seemed to be stuttering.

"Reading makes people wise! If you don't read, how can you understand the truth in this world? Today, you are so stubborn, I will punish you to copy "The Analects" twice, so that you can calm down and stop being so impetuous! Do you have any objections? "

Elder Qiujiang said with a cold face.

"Teacher, the students have no objections."

The young Emperor Yuan Shun didn't dare to refute, he could only lower his head and grab the hem of his clothes with his small hands.

"What do you mean by never getting tired of learning and never getting tired of teaching?"

Elder Qiu Jiang conducted an investigation.

But the young Emperor Yuan Shun couldn't answer at all, moved his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Elder Qiujiang was full of disappointment.

"It means learning without being satisfied, and teaching without getting tired! Got it?"

"Students get it, students get it."

The young Emperor Yuan Shun nodded his head desperately, and prayed from the bottom of his heart that Elder Qiu Jiang would leave quickly. He still wanted to play with mud and make all kinds of toys out of mud.

Elder Qiujiang sighed and left silently.

Every day, the young Emperor Yuanshun was reading.

It's just that he is sneakily making toys out of mud.

Elder Qiu Jiang spoke out many times to stop him, and even used a ruler to teach the young Emperor Yuan Shun a lesson.

But the young Emperor Yuan Shun still did his own thing, like a naughty child, he didn't like reading at all.


One day, the young Emperor Yuan Shun heard the sound of a bird, and when he took a closer look, he saw a bird with snow-white feathers flying to the lotus leaves in the pond outside the house.

"Wow! What a beautiful bird, I want to catch it!"

The young Emperor Yuan Shun didn't even care to take off his boots, and he didn't even care to attend class, so he rushed directly into the pond to catch birds.

Seeing this, Elder Qiu Jiang was furious, blushing and thick necked.

"It's really rotten wood that can't be carved!"

After that, Elder Qiujiang continued to teach the young Emperor Yuanshun.

But the young Emperor Yuan Shun always looked like he was not enterprising.

Even Tutiemuer sent many officials to visit the young Emperor Yuanshun.

Facing these officials, the young Emperor Yuan Shun sat upright with a respectful attitude.

It seems that in the face of his uncle's concern, he dare not neglect.

It's just that the officials have just left.

The young Emperor Yuan Shun started to play, and led a large group of children near Dayuan Temple to play around, like a king of children!

The video plays here.

The audience was already dumbfounded.

"This Emperor Yuanshun is a living treasure. He really doesn't want to be an emperor, he only knows how to keep playing!"

"Emperor Yuan Shun's uncle Tutiemuer is really a good man!"

"Even though he is far away in Yuan Dadu, he still cares about Emperor Yuanshun. Look at Emperor Yuanshun's food and clothing, which are all the best prince specifications!"

"Uncle, good man! Elder Qiujiang is right, Emperor Yuanshun is a piece of rotten wood!"


The audience scolded Emperor Yuan Shun angrily. They were a little disappointed with Emperor Yuan Shun's performance.

But there are also a small number of viewers who think that Emperor Yuan Shun is just a child, and it is normal for children to show a playful nature!
Zhang Yuan, who invested in Yuan Shundi's investment stock, turned slightly pale.

The performance of Emperor Yuan Shun was simply too strong.

"Zhang Yuan, Emperor Yuan Shun's performance is not satisfactory."

Ye Tingting said something.

"No, no, no, Emperor Yuan Shun is definitely a potential stock. He is just restraining his edge and acting in a low-key manner now!"

Zhang Yuanxin was bleeding, and he also said some strong and unreasonable words.

Ye Xiao didn't speak, but showed a thoughtful expression.

Soon, the video continued playing.

this day.

Tutiemuer sent officials to Dayuan Temple again, not just to care for the young Emperor Yuanshun.

The official also entrusted him with an oral order from Tutiemuer, the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty.

"His Majesty's oral order: Nephew, you don't want to be the throne, but the uncle wants to make you the crown prince, you will always be willing?"

After the official finished speaking this sentence, he still felt thrilled in his heart.

His Majesty is even willing to give up the throne and the crown prince.


It is really incomprehensible and unimaginable.

"I don't want to, I don't want to be the crown prince."

The young Emperor Yuan Shun shook his head desperately like a rattle drum.

The official's expression was stiff and unbelievable.

It was also because of the rejection of the young Emperor Yuan Shun.

Tutemur can only canonize his son Alathenadala as the crown prince!
That guess.

The crown prince died within one month.

Tutemur was hit hard.

In particular, he has always believed in the karma of Buddhism.

Therefore, Tutiemuer moved the young Emperor Yuanshun to be the crown prince.

Zhishun three years, August.

Tutiemuer died.

However, he left a last word.

"Brother Huang, I have already avenged him. But every time I think about it, I regret it. Why didn't I remind Brother Huang to be careful? Why didn't I tell Brother Huang that there are so many thieves who want to usurp the throne. Especially Those cunning Han people have to guard against them!"

"But now, I'm about to die, and this throne should be returned to its original owner and my nephew. Even if my nephew doesn't want to be the emperor, this throne must be returned! Otherwise, if the next When we arrive in Huangquan, what face do I have to meet the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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