Chapter 65 Fan Tong
"Xiaguan pays respects to the fourth prince!" Inside the palace, the governor of Yannan Road and the marching general of Yannan Road respectfully bowed to the fourth prince, Huangfuming.

Among the eighteen Da Cang Dao, each has a prefect and a marching general, who are divided into civil and military affairs.Among them, the prefects are the main ones, and the marching generals are the deputy.In terms of rank, Dao Inspector is half a rank higher than Dao Marching General.

The remaining broods of bandits in Hebei Province are not worth mentioning at all. How could they stop the [-] well-equipped Imperial Army? It only took a few days to deal with them all.

And Wang Yu also gained 40 summoning points again, and now the number of summoning points has risen to 99 again.Among the three mountain bandits, apart from Li Que at the beginning, none of them reached the super-first-class level, and at most they were only first-class, with more than 80 points of force, not worth mentioning.

After killing the bandits a few times, Quan Dang first let the fourth prince practice his skills, and also let those academy students see blood. Everyone did not waste any more time, and drove day and night towards Yannan Road.

This is also a troop carrier. It uses mechanical power and can drive day and night.It only needs to change the operator of the mechanical beast at the right time.

"The two adults are exempt from the ceremony!" The fourth prince stretched out his hand to caress.

"His Royal Highness, Your Highness has prepared the carriage for His Highness, please move your Highness!" Fan Tong, the prefect of Yannan Road, said.

"Don't be in a hurry, I don't know if Inspector Fan can prepare his troops and horses. This time the bandit suppression is ordered by His Majesty, and there must be no mistakes!" The fourth prince, Huangfu Mingfeng, said solemnly.

For the fourth prince, a mere yard is nothing more than a trivial matter. Anyway, he won't be able to stay here for a few days, even if the governor of Yannan Road built a palace for him.

Besides, this guy is also a prince after all. Although his previous position was a bit embarrassing, he has never seen such a luxurious place!
Compared with a row, the fourth prince, Huangfu Mingfeng, is more concerned about the bandit suppression this time.Ten thousand bandit troops, and they also occupy natural danger, this is not a trivial matter, and it must be done with caution.

If he screwed up the first time he worked, why would he turn around in the future?Otherwise, why would the Fourth Prince follow the advice of a friend or foe on the way, and find a few broods of small-scale bandits to practice his skills on the way.After all, this is the first time to lead the army in person, and he himself is not so well-known in his heart!
Moreover, a few of those academy students had done it themselves before, and they didn't find a bunch of little bandits to let them see the blood in advance. What if they lost their chains when they fought against the Liangshan bandits again?
It was precisely because the fourth prince, Huangfu Mingfeng, was extremely concerned about the bandit suppression this time, that he took the initiative to ask about the soldiers and horses.

There are more than 1 bandits in Liangshan. Of course, it is impossible to rely on only [-] forbidden troops. This time, in addition to the [-] Jin troops brought by Huangfu Mingfeng, Yannan Road still needs to mobilize [-] soldiers. The horse went to his account.

"This..." Fan Tong didn't even think that this was the prince's question about the soldiers and horses as soon as he came up. After being stunned for a while, he extended his hand to salute and said slowly, "Your Highness, all matters concerning the soldiers and horses are handled by Chen Xuanbao Chen. The general is in charge, and the lower official has prepared food, grass, weapons and other supplies for His Highness!"

Chen Xuanbao, he is the marching general of this Yannan Road.Wang Yu glanced at it casually. With a commander value of 94, plus a force value of 90, it's okay, and he can be regarded as a talent.

After hearing what Fan Tong said, the fourth prince, Huangfu Mingfeng, did not keep chasing after him, but focused his gaze on Chen Xuanbao who was on the side.

"His Royal Highness, [-] soldiers have been prepared for His Highness, all of them are soldiers in the army!" Chen Xuanbao said without delay with a solemn expression.

On this point, neither Fan Tong nor Chen Xuanbao will cheat here. After all, even His Majesty the Emperor may be concerned about this matter. At least on the bright side, they have to arrange it properly. The slightest error occurs.

"Hahaha, well, if the bandit suppression this time is kung fu, there will be no less than two people in the credit book!" The fourth prince Huangfu Mingfeng said with a smile.

At the same time, do not forget to appease the two.It is difficult for a strong dragon to overwhelm the local snake. After all, these two people have been operating in Yannan Road for many years, and their strength in Yannan Road is not weak. I am afraid that there will be trouble with these two people. Many things will require the help of nearly two people. Row.

"The fourth prince is joking, the suppression of the bandits is the responsibility of the officials of the Great Cang, so how dare you take credit?" The two looked righteous.

No matter what you think in your heart, there is nothing less on the surface.At least, the superficial appearance has to be made.

"I have one more thing to ask the two adults. I wonder if the two adults can enlighten me!" The fourth prince nodded slightly and said again.

"His Royal Highness said it bluntly, as long as I wait for the two of you to know, you must know everything!" Fan Tong took the initiative to step forward.

No matter how the other party is said to be a prince, but they belong to the ministers of the Great Cang, the prince asked the ministers a few questions, if they knew, would they dare not answer?

"The two adults have lived in Yannan Road for many years, and I don't know how much they know about the Liangshan bandit!" The fourth prince said immediately.

If you know yourself and your enemy, you can be victorious in a hundred battles. The prince still understands this truth.Therefore, before the official action, there is nothing wrong with knowing more about the other party's information.The more he understands the opponent, the more likely he will win.

It is precisely because of these considerations that after inquiring about the preparations of the soldiers and horses, the fourth prince Huangfu Mingfeng immediately learned the information about Liangshan that they had learned.

After all, these two people have been operating in Yannan Road for many years, and they should know a lot of things.

"His Royal Highness, there are mainly two thieves in this Liangshan, one of them is Chao Gai, this person was originally a village guarantor, and he is considered a small wealth, and once took over the bluestone pagoda in a temple. And put it down in its village, so it is called the King of Tota."

"Heavenly King, it's really a big tone!" Earlier, although the fourth prince knew Chao Gai's name, he really didn't know that the other party actually had such a nickname?Dare to call themselves kings, or kings of heaven, even the children of the royal family do not have this qualification for the time being.

"The other leader in Liangshan is named Song Jiang. He was a clerk in the county government under the jurisdiction of Yannan Dao. He is dark-faced and short in stature. "Fan Tong continued.

(End of this chapter)

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