Chapter 1060 The Emperor

Yelu Qingde, the son of the former lord of Dongyi, asked Da Cang to send troops to help Dongyi put down Yelu Abaoji and others who rebelled. After that, Dongyi would like to worship Da Cang as the suzerain and pay tribute every year.

At the time when Dongyi repeatedly invaded the border of Yanbei, the people of Yanbei were miserable.

Therefore, even though this moment is the time of the mourning of the Great Cang Kingdom, for the sake of righteousness and for the people of the Northland, Wang Yu, the great general of the town, agreed to Yelu Qingde's request on behalf of the Great Cang Court, which survived in name only.

Even, for the consideration of the people who are suffering from Dongyi, Wang Yu specially wrote a letter of guilt to the "Mantang Gongqing", insisting that he should put aside the previous affairs with the Zhendong Army for the time being and join forces with the outside world.

Even though the Zhendong Army committed heinous crimes, facing foreign enemies, Wang Yu strongly advocated that brothers fight against the wall to defend against their insults.

As soon as this incident happened, it caused an uproar in the entire Great Cang. Except for Xuanyuan Huang of the Heavenly Master Dao, the remaining forces either chose to stand on the sidelines for the time being, or they opened their mouths and wanted to take advantage of it. This opportunity severely hit Zhendong Mansion and Wang Yu, trying to use this opportunity to damage the reputation and prestige of these two parties.

If your reputation is ruined, after that, how can those who are a little bit more normal people come to seek refuge with you?

It is very typical that in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, after Lu Bu, a house slave with three surnames, became a prince, who else joined besides the original team?

In contrast, what about Uncle Liu Huang, who is famous for his benevolence and righteousness?Although Uncle Liu Huang didn't have a solid base in the early stage, the talents under his hands have snowballed a little bit.

There is no need to actually send out troops, just a slap in the face, one enemy, or even two enemies can be knocked down into the abyss, and other forces in Dacang are naturally very happy.

There is only one Xuanyuan Huang. At present, he is temporarily standing on Wang Yu's side, and launching a public opinion counterattack from Wang Yu's perspective.

The forces that criticized Wang Yu naturally grasped Zhong's angle, and held Wang Yu's cooperation with the Zhendong Army that killed Huangfu Mingze.As for Wang Yu and Xuanyuan Huang, they are naturally based on the common people and righteousness.

Xuanyuan Huang didn't really have a good relationship with Wang Yu, so at this moment, from Wang Yu's point of view, he chose to help Wang Yu.

It was purely because Xuanyuan Huang wanted to pay off the debt. The reason why he wanted to help Wang Yu this time was essentially to repay a favor he owed before.

Relatively speaking, Xuanyuan Huang was more than happy to just help out with some talk, without paying any practical benefits.

In the previous battles, Xuanyuan Huang obtained so many weapons and equipments. This was secretly fueled by Wang Yu, and it was all because these two people reached some deals in private.In the final analysis, it is because there are some interests between them.

Wang Yu's territory is on the north side of the Great Cang, while Xuanyuan Huang's territory is on the southeast side of the Great Cang. The territory between the two of them is separated by the territory between the three kings.

Therefore, no matter how much the two parties are afraid of each other, it is impossible to regard each other as their own goals. At least this will be a matter of a long time in the future.Therefore, this is the basis for the cooperation between the two parties, and the basis for the mutual benefit relationship.

Therefore, during the previous battle, Wang Yu didn't mind secretly fueling the flames, and gave Xuanyuan Huang some more weapons and equipment among the spoils he got.Even if Tianshidao had these weapons and equipment, their first target would only be the Three Kings or the Zhennan Army, and it would never be his turn to Wang Yu.

For this reason, Xuanyuan Huang naturally had to help Wang Yu with some small favors when necessary.

Yelu Qingde, this person is indeed the son of the former Dongyi King.

Back then, after Wang Yu broke through Shangjing City, he did indeed capture quite a few captives. Among these captives, some died in various accidents during their escape, and some, and quite a few, It was redeemed in the next few transactions.

Of course, of course it will, and the remaining part is in Wang Yu's hands.

Wang Yu kept these people because he thought he could use them when they were useful.And now Yelu Qingde, isn't it time to use it?
If the Cang people ruled Dongyi from the beginning, the backlash would naturally be greater.But if the barbarians are used to rule the barbarians, it will be relatively easier for some Dongyi people to accept, which is equivalent to the role of the puppet Manchukuo regime in modern times.

Even, what Wang Yu wanted was not just to establish such a Dongyi regime, he even wanted to set up this regime, and then set up a Yixie army in Dongyi, and let the Yixie army assist him Further plans for Dongyi.

After all, if Dongyi's territory is really laid down in the future, you can't completely abandon Dongyi people, don't you?That's a waste of resources!And after laying down the entire territory of Dongyi, it is obviously an effective way to further slowly plan the entire Dongyi and obtain the support of some Dongyi people.

If he really wins over a group of "barbarian traitors", then Wang Yu may be able to take a big step forward.Often the more these people are, the more they know how to deal with them.

At the end, when the time is right, just tear off this layer of coat.But now, when there is a need, when it is time to put on such a coat, I have to put on such a coat!

Therefore, under this situation, a brand new Dongyi regime was established in Dacang, and this new Dongyi regime also requested Dacang's army to help Dongyi quell the civil strife.

To be honest, Yelu Qingde is really not a powerful person despite being in the emperor's family.In other words, it would be more appropriate to describe him with high eyesight and low abilities, with a hint of ambition, but lack of courage and will.

This one can even be said to be a typical Liu Adou.Or even Liu Adou is not counted, and it can only be said to be a low-profile version of Liu Adou.

When I heard that Wang Yu was going to smash such a big pie on his head, and when I heard that Wang Yu was going to support him to become the lord of Dongyi, I was so happy that I simply called myself the son emperor. The deceased Huangfu Mingze was the father, and Wang Yu, the great general of Zunzheng, was the second father.

Yelu Qingde's performance was almost like hugging Wang Yu's thigh and calling him daddy!
Of course, if you can get an emperor in exchange for calling him dad, how many people can refuse?

(End of this chapter)

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