Call of the Heroes of Chaos in Another World

Chapter 1020 Zhuge seeks Dongyi

"Ding, once the effect of Zhuge Liang's Zhisheng skill is activated, when making a plan, his own intelligence will increase by 1~3 points, the basic intelligence will be 101, and the intelligence will be +2. Zhuge Liang's current intelligence will rise to 103."

"My lord, Dongyi is staring at me, and wants to offend me again. When other barbarians come to attack, I hope that my lord will ignore the previous suspicions and retreat to the foreign barbarians first!" Zhuge Liang suddenly knelt on his knees and said.

"Impossible! The traitors and traitors of the Zhendong army, the slayers of the king, my king Yusheng is the minister of the big blue, and death is the ghost of the big blue. I swear to avenge your majesty!" Wang Yu showed a hint of bewilderment, followed by a His face was determined and extremely sad and indignant.

"My lord, it's a big deal for foreigners, I hope you think twice!" Yao Guangxiao knelt down in grief and indignation.

Although they didn't say it clearly, when Zhuge Liang kicked his butt, Wang Yu and Yao Guangxiao already knew what Zhuge Liang was doing.Therefore, Zhuge Liang immediately cooperated.

"My lord, I'm admonishing you to death!" Du Ruhui was even more resolute, as if he would sacrifice himself if he didn't agree.

Everyone present knew what Zhuge Liang was planning.

First, transfer the contradiction.

Second, expand your strength.

What is to transfer the conflict? This is Zhuge Liang's prescribing the right medicine for the problems they are facing this time.

The death of Huangfu Mingze, and his death at the hands of Zhendong Army, was a contradiction to Wang Yu, and it was the biggest problem that Wang Chang threw to Wang Yu.

When Wang Yu started to take the step of coercing the emperor to make the princes, no matter what the inner core was, at least on the surface he wanted to regard himself as a loyal minister of the great Cang.At least on the surface, Wang Yu wanted to be loyal to Huangfu Mingze.

However, Huangfu Mingze died at the hands of Zhendong Army. As Da Cang's loyal minister, does Wang Yu want to avenge the emperor?Just such a contradiction blocked all Wang Yu's previous ideas of peacefully accepting the Zhendong Army.

Between fame and fortune, Wang Yu was forced into a dilemma of choice.

Second, don't forget that the master of Zhendong Army is Wang Chang, Wang Yu's father.For Wang Yu, this is also a choice between loyalty and filial piety. Since ancient times, loyalty and filial piety have been a dilemma. No matter which side he chooses, he will inevitably be criticized!

For one of the princes, if the reputation is ruined, the subsequent impact will be great!
Therefore, Zhuge Liang's method is to transfer contradictions and use external problems to transfer contradictions.

When Sei invades, it shouldn't be a problem for everyone to temporarily turn their guns and unanimously attack the outside world, right?

Dawu and Dawu, these two families are almost becoming a laughing stock now, each family has lost a lot of land to foreigners!The foundation that the ancestors worked so hard to build was given to foreign barbarians cheaply. Maybe they will be laughed at in the remaining dynasties.

Although it is impossible for Zhuge Liang to transfer the conflict, it is impossible to completely solve the problem, but at least it can let everyone put this matter to the past on the surface.Moreover, it can also ease out for a long time.

After a period of relaxation, with so many of them, there are naturally ways to operate slowly, and really downplay the impact of this incident on Wang Yu.In matters such as public opinion, everyone's own means are extremely important.

As for the expansion of strength, Wang Yu and the others were not prepared to make another move so soon!

The previous Yannan Dao was only partly in their hands, but after what happened to Xue Rengui, the entire Yannan Dao was waiting for them to send someone to take over. The most important thing for them next was to sort out the entire Yannan Dao Hebei Road, to bring out the potential value of these two roads.

Furthermore, after such a big battle, their original strength was not small, and so many captives still needed to be transformed into their real strength.After all, in terms of the overall quality of the Forbidden Army, it must be absorbed internally, and it would be a pity to disband them.

Among the big Cang, these forbidden soldiers are the first-rate sources of soldiers.

And it takes time to do it all!

Furthermore, Henan Road will be the busiest period of time, wouldn't it be nice for Wang Yu to watch a play here?Why do you have to go in and intervene?
Next, it has become their consensus to temporarily farm for a period of time and completely transform the internal background into strength!
But since such a thing has come, the plan will naturally have to be changed!Now that it is time to decide to divert the conflict, it is natural not to do thunderstorms or rain, but to do it thoroughly.

In addition, the current Dongyi is indeed in a state of splitting, which happens to be a good opportunity to attack them.

In particular, Beidi's Dongyi tribe, which is next to Dongyi, has internal problems at this time. Not to mention whether it can interfere with Dongyi's affairs, even if Beidi's Dongyi tribe can interfere with Dongyi, then how strong it is It is also extremely limited!
Therefore, once you want to attack Dongyi, this is the best time!

Otherwise, once this period has passed, whether it is the internal reunification of Dongyi, or the resolving of internal problems by the Beidi tribe, Dongyi will become a hard bone for them.

If this opportunity is missed, no matter how weak the whole Dongyi is, it will not be possible for Wang Yu to add the strength of the Zhendong Army to deal with them!

"Send down the order and tell Zhao Gao that no matter what method he uses, the news that the Dongyi soldiers have invaded Da Cang must spread throughout Dongyi and Da Cang within ten days!" Wang Yu said with a firm face.

In fact, Wang Yu was already prepared to let the people in the trap pretend to be Dongyi cavalry troops to loot the border between Dongyi and Dacang. As long as this matter is done, even if it is just a few small-scale The army looted, but with the overwhelming public opinion, the fake will become true!
In the future, even if someone talks about it, could it be that he, Wang Yu, was also deceived?No matter what happens, it can't change the fact that Yanbei is Wang Yu's hometown. Is there any problem with Wang Yu caring about it?This is the true temperament of a passionate man. Who wouldn't worry when they heard that the old man in his hometown was ransacked by foreigners?
"The order will go on, that Guan Zhong will be the governor of Hebei Province, Xun Yu will be the farewell driver of Hebei Province, and Han Xin will be the marching general of Hebei Province! Changsun Sheng will be the Sima of Hebei Province and the general of Tuntian Zhonglang of Hebei Province."

"Gao Jiong is the governor of Yannan Road, Zhuge Liang is Yannan Road's farewell driver, Wen Zhong is Yannan Road's marching general! Yu Qian is Yannan Road Sima and Yannan Road Tuntian Zhonglang General."

In a few words, Wang Yu made a decision on the leadership of Hebei Road and Yannan Road.Of course, although Wang Yu only used a few words when he said it now, he must have thought it over for a long time before.

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