Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 638 Talking about Nanyang Luzon, looking at the northwest pier

Hao Guangming said: "Although the Dutch East India Company is a company, it is owned by the United Provinces of the Netherlands. It is actually similar to the Daming Sugar Company, and it is definitely controlled by its country.

Dongfan Island is an important colony of the Dutch in East Asia, and you, Ming, want them to cede land and pay compensation. I am afraid that the company's Batavia headquarters cannot decide on such a big matter.

Whether it reports to the company headquarters or asks its country to intervene, it needs to pass the news back to the Netherlands.

The Netherlands is thousands of miles away from the South Pacific Ocean. With all the coming and going, coupled with the time for local decision makers in the Netherlands to think and negotiate, it may take a year or two before there is a result. "

"It's been so long?" Auntie Zhu frowned when she heard this, and couldn't help saying, "I can't wait to help the Dutch install the telegraph."

Hao Guangming said with a smile: "Even if there is a telegram, which saves the time for information transmission, this kind of national game-level negotiation cannot be completed in a short time, so you still have to be patient.

Anyway, now that Dongfan Island has just been taken back, it may take several years to carry out the most basic development and construction.

The Daming Navy has not completely changed their ships and outfits, and it is still too early to go to the ocean to compete with the Europeans. "

Speaking of this, Auntie Zhu suddenly remembered something that Hao Guangming had mentioned, so she asked: "My lord, I remember you said that among the European colonists, the Spaniards were the most brutal, followed by the British.

He also said that in our Ming Dynasty, Spain massacred Chinese overseas Chinese in Luzon three times.Judging from the current point of time, has the Tu Hua incident already happened? "

As a history buff of the late Ming Dynasty, Hao Guangming probably remembered such shameful and important information, and he didn't need to search for information on the Internet.

He heard the words: "The first time it happened was in 1603, when the Spaniards massacred 2.5 Chinese at one time.

The second time occurred in 1639, when the Spaniards massacred 2.1 Chinese at one time.

As for the third time, according to the historical development of later generations, it will happen in 1662, and another 2.5 Chinese died under the knife of the Spaniards.

At that time, Zheng Chenggong was very angry after learning about the Tu Hua incident. He was planning to lead an expedition to the Philippines, but unfortunately he died of illness before leaving the army. "

There is a reason why Zheng Chenggong was evaluated as a national hero, not only because he took back Dongfan Island from the Dutch, but also because of his strong and persistent patriotism.

From the perspective of modern people, Zheng Chenggong was probably an angry youth when he was young.

Although he is the son of Zheng Zhilong, the One Piece King, he has been deeply influenced by Confucian culture since he was a child, and later he studied in Nanjing Guozijian, which is equivalent to modern college students and graduate students.

He also worshiped Qian Qianyi as his teacher-Qian Qianyi could become Wenzong at that time. Before the Hongguang Dynasty took refuge in Ruan Dacheng and later surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, his reputation was still very good. He must teach students to be loyal to the emperor, patriotism and Confucianism.

Therefore, regardless of Zheng Chenggong's personal ability and the results of the Northern Expedition after several births, his patriotic feelings should not be questioned.

After listening to Hao Guangming's words, Auntie Zhu couldn't help saying firmly: "In this time and space, no matter what, I will not let the Spaniards massacre my Ming people for the third time!"

Speaking of it, Zhu Yuxi couldn't remember the exact time of the three massacre incidents in Manila on Luzon Island, but she was deeply impressed by the historical materials given by Hao Guangming.

After the Spaniards slaughtered China for the first time, they heard about the strength of Ming Dynasty, and they were afraid of offending Ming, causing a trade blockade or even war, so they sent a letter of explanation to the Ming court.

It was not until more than a year later that I received a reply from Daming.

The letter said: "The culprit is unknown in overseas battles. Among the four peoples in China, merchants are the most humble. How can they use untouchables to start wars. Merchants abandon their homes and travel to the sea, and they will not return in winter. Fathers, brothers and relatives are all despised and abandoned. There is nothing to be sorry for, and the soldiers will work against the teachers."

In some crude historical articles, this passage is directly regarded as the personal reply of Emperor Wanli.

Although Aimi Zhu knew it was impossible, she was still ashamed and angry.

According to Hao Guangming's explanation, the letter from the Spaniards should have reached the Fujian government at that time, and then the Fujian officials reported the matter to the court to know.

As for the Spanish letters, most of them will not be sent there.After all, at that time, he was only the governor of the Spanish Luzon colony, not the Spanish state or even the king.

Therefore, it is only matched with the local government of Ming Dynasty.

According to the "Records of Ming Shenzong", Emperor Wanli's attitude after learning about this incident was: "Lu Song also issued a strict order: don't listen to the incitement of traitors and harass business people."

The reason for this reply is that the Spaniards said in the letter of explanation that there were rumors spread by the Chinese that there were trees that could grow gold on Luzon Island. earth.

The Spaniards had no choice but to massacre the local Ming people under panic.

In the first massacre of Chinese in Manila, the Chinese almost died out. This one-sided statement from the Spanish colonists is of course not credible.

As for the reply that regards overseas Chinese as merchants and abandoned citizens, it was actually the Fujian government’s reply to the governor of Fujian at the time, Xu Xueju.

And there is actually a sentence before the official reply-"The emperor used Lu Song to meet merchants for a long time, and he was not different from our people, so he couldn't bear to punish him."

What does this sentence mean?

That is to say, the emperor believes that Luzon is a place where people of Ming Dynasty often go to do business, so the people there are not much different from people of Ming Dynasty, and they are also people of Ming Dynasty.

From this point of view, although the Ming court and the government considered the overseas Chinese in Luzon to be merchants and deserted citizens, they still recognized their status as Ming citizens in the final analysis, and they also implied a warning to the Spaniards.

However, Daming's overall response and response to the Spaniard's first massacre of China still chilled Auntie Zhu, who was already deeply influenced by modern thinking.

Therefore, she has secretly made up her mind that she will never allow the Spaniards to slaughter China for the third time in Luzon, and at the same time, she must reverse the imperial court's view that people who do business and wander abroad are abandoned.

But this is not something that can be done in a short period of time, it also needs a certain opportunity...
The time came to September of the third year of Zhaowu.

Autumn tall grass and yellow horses are fat.

Gansu, more than [-] miles away from the Great Wall of Zhenyi, Maomu Toudun.

This is the farthest side pier that the Ming army has set up in the north of Zhenyisuo.

In order to guard against the enemy's invasion, the Ming Dynasty set up piers all over the border to spread the beacon fire.

The so-called piers refer to mounds and beacon towers.

Generally, it is three miles and one pier, and five miles and one set. If it is an urgent place, it will even be one mile and one pier.The pier is called Huolu pier inside the side wall (Great Wall), and it is called side pier outside the side wall.

Normally, each pier will be guarded by five to seven soldiers.In the event of a large group of enemies attacking, it is necessary to ignite beacon fires and smoke to convey the enemy's information, and then retreat to the beacon tower or a higher-level fort depending on the situation.

Because Maomutou Pier is located at a diversion point of Zhangye River (Weak Water), the geographical location is quite important, so the Pier was built a little bigger. After Li Guo and others stationed troops in Gansu, they took turns to garrison this Pier. .

In order to facilitate the observation of the enemy's situation, the piers are all high platforms built with soil, and then small fortresses are built on the high platforms.

For example, Maomutou Pier, the pier is three feet high, and the fortress on the platform is as high as four feet.

The settings inside mainly include basic facilities such as beacons, kitchens, dormitories, armored rooms, and ammunition rooms.

In the past, all the generals of the Ming army came here to garrison, and they changed every March.Since Li Guo waited for the new army of Ming Dynasty to take over, the defense was changed every month.

In addition, the equipment and weapons of the frontier soldiers guarding the pier have also been replaced with new ones, and the quality of food has also improved a lot compared to before.

Zhang Erquan was born in a military household in the Gansu Guards. Ten years ago, his elder brother followed a general from Gansu to Shaanxi to quell the peasant army.

In the spring of this year, Li Guo and other new troops came to Gansu Province to take over the frontier defense. People from the Recruitment Division and Military Training Division selected, reorganized, and trained the former Gansu officers and soldiers. Zhang Erquan successfully passed all the assessments and became an honorable soldier. The Gansu Provincial Garrison.

Why do you say honor?

Because in the new army, even the lowest-level guards received treatment that Zhang Erquan didn't even dare to think about before.

Second more.

Good night~

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