Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 581 Choice?I want it!Great Steelmaking Order!

Chapter 581 Choice?I want it!Great Steelmaking Order!

The other ministers understood as soon as they heard that Ma Shiying was fighting for the opportunity to make meritorious service for the Ministry of Finance and himself.

The three prefectures of Susong and Changzhou, and even the whole of Nanzhili belonged to the financial and taxation center of the Ming Dynasty.As Ma Shiying said, if there is the convenience of the railway, it is almost inevitable that Jiangnan's fiscal and taxation will be increased again.

In that way, Ma Shiying, who is the minister of the Ministry of Finance, will naturally have credit and face.

Ordinary gentry, scholars, and ordinary people may not know how much convenience and development opportunities the railway can bring to the local area, but these cabinet ministers and ministers do.

Ma Shiying was the first to fight for it, and immediately led the ministers of other ministries, and even the ministers, to fight for their respective departments or hometowns.

Liu Linchang, the servant of the Ministry of Industry, could be regarded as Zhu Yuxi's old minister from Yuan Cong, knowing that now was not the time to be reserved, so he followed Ma Shiying to speak.

"Your Majesty, I thought that the second railway should be built in Chengdu - now most of the important military factories of our Ming Dynasty are still in Chengdu, and the surrounding area of ​​Chengdu is also rich in minerals.

If there is the convenience of the railway, the development of Chengdu's military power will inevitably be more rapid. In this way, not only Chengdu can benefit, but our Ming Dynasty's military strength will also be stronger. "

Liu Linchang is not fighting for Chengdu, but for the Ministry of Industry.

One of the major responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry is to be responsible for the development and production of the military industry. Chengdu’s military achievements are indeed ahead of Nanjing’s military industry. It is also a fact that it needs to rely on railways to speed up its development.

Lu Zhenfei, Shangshu of the Ministry of Communications, said: "Your Majesty, I believe that the second railway should be built in Beizhili, a fortress from the capital to a certain military town in northern Xinjiang. This way, the Beijing-Tianjin railway can be continued to further reduce the distance between our Ming Dynasty and the north. The cost of transporting military supplies to the border town of Zhili is for the benefit of border defense!"

Lu Zhenfei's words were mostly out of public interest, so there were quite a few supporters.

Afterwards, the chief assistant Yuan Jixian said: "Your Majesty, Guanzhong is now in ruins, and the people are suffering, and they have to shoulder the important task of defending the northwest frontier.

The old minister believed that the second railway should be built in Shaanxi. It can use the railway employees to help the people. After the railway is completed, it will also benefit the people's livelihood and economic recovery in Shaanxi, and it will also benefit the northwest frontier defense. It can be said to kill three birds with one stone. "

"Where can one kill three birds with one stone? I think it kills two birds with one stone at most." It was Shen Youlong, the left servant of the Ministry of Communications who refuted what Yuan Jixian said, "It's not like using work to help the people, and using the railway to speed up the economic recovery of the people's livelihood in Shaanxi. Is it the same thing?
What's more, even if the people's livelihood and economy in Shaanxi recover, the tax provided may be comparable to that of a prefecture in Susong Changzhong?

Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, the land of Kansai has been in decline for a long time, and the lack of products is really difficult to solve.Therefore, I thought that instead of putting this second railway in Shaanxi, it would be better to put it in Susong Changsanfu. "

Yuan Jixian frowned, and said: "Shen Yunsheng, as a native of Songjiang Mansion and the minister of the Ministry of Communications, don't you suspect that you are using the public to seek personal gain by making such a suggestion?"

Yuan Jixian was obviously angry when he called Shen Youlong directly.

Shen Youlong said without changing his face: "People say that virtuous people don't avoid relatives. I, Shen Youlong, devote myself to the country, so how can I be afraid of mere slander?"

Afterwards, other cabinet ministers and ministers also spoke up almost all of them, either holding their own opinions or supporting someone, and there was a faint tendency to quarrel.

This was the first time Aimi Zhu had seen courtiers arguing so fiercely in front of her since she came to the throne.

But she wasn't very angry.

Because this scene shows that these important court officials have clearly realized the importance of the railway, so they will strive for it.

Of course, this kind of dispute should be controlled to a certain extent, and it cannot become a personal attack, let alone a party dispute.

So, seeing that it was almost done, Auntie Zhu coughed lightly, and the eunuch Han Zanzhou immediately shouted loudly: "Be quiet!"

In fact, there should be an envoy at this time to stand up and scold the courtiers for their disrespectful behavior, but it is a pity that there is no envoy present at this meeting.

However, Yuan Jixian and the others were actually in control, and when they heard Han Zan and Zhou Gao shouting, they immediately fell silent.

Aimee Zhu saw that all the ministers were looking forward to her, obviously hoping that she would accept his suggestion, which made her laugh secretly, and at the same time remembered a catchphrase on the Internet from Hao Guangming.

"Children make choices, you can have them all."

In the Bluetooth headset, Hao Guangming said this sentence with a smile.

So, under the watchful eyes of all the ministers, Zhu Wei said in a clear and clear voice: "Everything you say is reasonable, since it is so..."

Aimee Zhu deliberately paused as she spoke, and slightly whetted the appetite of the ministers, before she smiled and said, "Why do we only build one railway? Now there are four railway construction groups under the Ministry of Railways, and we can completely start building four railways at the same time. "

After hearing this, all the ministers couldn't help being slightly stunned, and actually took a deep breath.

Having attended this meeting, they certainly knew that there were already four railway construction groups.The question is, the construction of railways is very costly in terms of money, steel and other resources. Is it possible to build four railways at the same time?
Yuan Jixian thought so, and he said: "Your Majesty, although railway construction is an important task for the country, the consumption of silver, steel and other materials for a Beijing-Tianjin railway is extremely staggering, and even occupies part of the share of military production.

If four railways are to be built at the same time, not to mention silver and other materials, but iron and steel may not be in sufficient supply. "

He Yingrui, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, also said: "Your Majesty, based on the current steel output of our Ming Dynasty, combined with the reorganization of the old army and the equipment update plan of the new army in the past two years, if the imperial court starts to build four railways at the same time, it will be like Beijing and Tianjin. The railway is generally relatively short, and the current steel production is probably at least half short.”

Just now, when I heard that Zhu Yuji was going to build four railways at the same time, in fact, a small number of ministers were moved.

But after listening to Shoufu and Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry reasoning about this matter and presenting the facts, this small group of people immediately calmed down.

Huang Daozhou also stood up at this time to advise, "Your Majesty's ambitious ministers in building railways can understand, but any major construction needs to be based on the Great Wall built in the Qin Dynasty and the Grand Canal opened in the Sui Dynasty.

The old minister thought that it is better to build one or two first and take your time, after all, His Majesty is still very young. "

The other ministers didn't continue to persuade, they just waited for Aimee Zhu to make a decision.

Under the watchful eyes of all the officials, Zhu Wei shook her head decisively.

"I can wait, but Daming can't wait, and I shouldn't wait." She swept her eyes sharply at the ministers, "Don't worry about money and money. If the treasury is not enough, you can borrow money from me. There is a magic way to solve the lack.

As for the shortage of steel—the steel industry is the cornerstone of our Ming Dynasty’s industrial development. Not only does railway construction require steel, but armaments, shipbuilding, and other active industries will also increase the demand for steel in the future.

That being the case, my Ming Dynasty should not retreat because of the difficulty of steel shortage, but should face up to the difficulties and make steel!
After this meeting, I will issue an imperial decree with the cabinet to call on the provinces of Ming Dynasty to make steel.

Even if the folks are unable to make steel due to technical limitations, they can still smelt iron.No matter how much is refined, the imperial court will buy it at the market price.

In addition, all steel mills, iron factories, iron mines and other government-private related factories and mines are ordered to increase the treatment of steel workers and related miners again, so as to encourage the common people to participate in large-scale steel smelting! "

Auntie Zhu's words were very firm.

As the high-ranking officials and ministers of the Ming Dynasty, they also know that according to the development layout of the Ming Dynasty, the demand for steel will indeed increase in the future.

As Aimee Zhu said, if the production of steel is insufficient, the company will retreat. Will it be necessary to develop at such a slow pace in the future?

That being the case, it is better to overcome difficulties and make steel!
Therefore, at this "Railway Construction" special meeting, a group of cabinet ministers and ministers were persuaded by Auntie Zhu and agreed to issue an imperial edict called "Great Iron and Steel Smelting Order" to spread the world!
And ordered the Ministry of Railways to set up four major railway construction groups to start construction of four important railways at the same time: Ninghu, Jingzhang, Xinyang, and Xigu!
 Second more.

  Correct the typo later.

(End of this chapter)

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