Daming: I help my wife be the empress

Chapter 554 Bian Yujing's Tribulation!

Like other primary schools, Meigang Elementary School is divided into male and female sections.Because there were only more than 100 girls, they were only divided into three classes, each with about 50 students.

Because Bian Yujing was rated first in all aspects of the interview, she was first appointed as the class teacher of the third class of the year by Meigang Elementary School, and became a full-time teacher one month later.

There are only three female teachers in the entire Meigang Primary School. Besides her and her younger sister, the other is Mei Zhaodi, a widow from a small businessman.

Mei Zhaodi is good at mathematics, and has also passed the accounting certificate, but unfortunately, no one except her natal family is willing to use her as a female accountant.But her natal family said that since she was married as a woman, it was not suitable for her to intervene in her natal family's business.

Mei Zhaodi has to raise a pair of children and take care of her parents-in-law. The family has some difficulties. Seeing an opportunity, she came to pass the interview and become a female husband. After all, this job is more decent than the accountant. Makes people gossip.

Because of the lack of teachers in Meigang Elementary School, Mei Zhaodi took the math class of three classes in the female section.

There is also a young man named Xu Sheng, who is said to have failed the child's entrance examination three times, and he also took three classes of nature classes with one person.

Bian Yulou is also in charge of Sanmenkou, the Chinese class of the second class, and the art class of the first class and the second class.

Bian Yujing is acting as a substitute for the Chinese class and art class of the third class.

Just as she thought, there were not many really good teachers assigned by Xian Xuean to Meigang Primary School. Therefore, with her ability, in the first month's monthly exam, she actually made the Chinese scores of the third class of the girls' department fall. Ranked first in the school!

It should be noted that the men's department can have seven classes, but now the female department has three classes a year, which makes many class teachers and Chinese teachers look bad.

But Bian Yujing didn't care - the first place in the school in the monthly exam was nothing to her. What she wanted was to make her class rank at least in the top ten of all classes in Jiangning County in Chinese in the final exam. No. [-]!

Therefore, in the second month, she gradually improved in teaching. The students not only won the first place in the school again in the Chinese language test in March, but even pulled the average score of other classes by more than [-] points!

This made some small-minded male Chinese teachers and class teachers look even more ugly.

Bian Yujing still didn't care.

On the contrary, the principal said that there will be a county-wide midterm exam in April, which made her quite concerned.

Since it is a unified examination for the whole county, then there must be a unified ranking for the whole county, right?At that time, we will know where the third class of the female department of Meigang Primary School she teaches ranks in the county in Chinese.

This morning, Bian Yujing got up before dawn, rushed to Meigang with Bian Yulou from his residence on the south bank of the Qinhuai River, and had breakfast on the way.

After arriving at the school, the sky was already bright, and the time was a quarter of an hour before seven o'clock.

The first class in elementary school is at [-]:[-] am, but Bian Yujing requires the students to come to school for morning reading at a quarter past seven.

She once wanted to enforce it, but found that there was no way to implement it, because many girls had to do housework when they got up early, and they couldn't come so early—even if the children wanted it, their parents might not agree.

In the low-level families, girls aged five to ten can already do most of the housework.

So Bian Yujing could only create a reward and punishment system.

Every morning, the first three students who arrive first, she will reward some small items, such as a piece of white paper, a hair rope, a piece of pastry, etc., are small things that are less than two or three pennies, but they are enough to arouse the enthusiasm of students and even their parents. positivity.


After all, for those ordinary people, if their children come early, they can not only get a small advantage, but also make them face.

For students who arrive later than [-]:[-] every day, she will register their names.After the four-day class period is over, I will talk to the parents of the three students who are late for morning reading.

With her appearance, in the Meigang area, even if she doesn't deliberately show off, she will become the focus of attention wherever she goes.

In this way, if she talks to any parent and persuades them to encourage their children to study, she will inevitably let the neighbors know.

This is a matter of saving face, which will allow parents to "know their shame and be brave" and create conditions for their children to participate in morning reading.

In addition, girls mature earlier than boys, and the first grade basically memorizes words, words, and sentences, so hard work will pay off.

That's why Bian Yujing's Chinese performance in the third class of the women's department is so good.

Of course, the main thing is that she taught well.

She has a thorough understanding of the textbooks and teaching eucalyptus distributed above, and every lesson is very vivid and thorough, so most of the students are impressed by the newly learned words, which naturally makes them learn faster.

This morning, after arriving at Meigang Elementary School, Bian Yujing entered the classroom of Class [-], Grade [-] of the girls' department, and found that the students looked at her strangely.

At first Bian Yujing thought it was because she was sensitive, or there was something wrong with individual students.

But soon she found that most of the students looked at her strangely.

So she called an eight-year-old girl who was usually very well-behaved and had good academic performance outside the classroom, and asked, "Student Mei Zhen, why do you look at the teacher with strange eyes today? But the teacher's face is not clean?"

Mei Zhen shook her head, glanced at Bian Yujing, who was as beautiful as a fairy, and lowered her head again.

Bian Yujing frowned slightly, and said in a more serious tone: "Then why? If something happens, you have to tell the teacher, do you know?"

In the past two months, Bian Yujing has become the idol of this group of little girls and established absolute prestige among them.

Hearing this, although Mei Zhen was timid, she still whispered: "After school yesterday, my mother said that I heard that the teacher used to be..."

Hearing this, Bian Yujing suddenly had a very bad premonition, and couldn't help asking: "What is it?"

"Yes...a prostitute." When she said the last two words, Mei Zhen's voice was like a mosquito, but she quickly raised her head and asked expectantly: "Teacher, everyone in the village is a liar. Bar?"

Bian Yujing was silent for a moment.

She didn't know how to explain it.

Are you telling these students that she is not a prostitute, but an honest official?
In fact, she knew in her heart that the so-called upright officials were not fundamentally different from prostitutes. In the final analysis, they all sold their lust for money.It's just that they are more high-end and mainly sell their talents.

Then she thought that she and her younger sister used their original names when they came here, not "Bian Yujing", which used to be one of the famous prostitutes in Qinhuai, so how did the people of Meigang suddenly know her previous identity?

Could it be that someone spread it maliciously?

At this time, Bian Yujing recalled the various strange behaviors of those men's teachers when they met her in recent days, and felt that this matter was mostly artificial.


So, if someone spread this matter maliciously, did they just want to destroy her image in front of the students, or did they have greater malice?
Bian Yujing felt that a huge crisis was coming to her and her sister...


Mei Zhen's call brought Bian Yujing back to his senses.

She thought for a while, and said: "No matter who the teacher was before, he is your teacher now, and he will take on the responsibility of a teacher.

You need to take up the responsibility of students, and that is to study hard, if not to pay attention to the gossip.

So, Meizhen, tell the teacher, what are you going to do now? "

The little girl is smarter, after thinking about it, she said, "Go back to the classroom and read in the morning."

Bian Yujing smiled and patted Mei Zhen's head.

After the morning reading, Bian Yujing pretended not to see the strange eyes of some students, and gave lectures as usual.

However, just as she finished the main content of the first class and asked the students to practice new characters, there was a faint noise outside.

"Principal Luo, you must give us an explanation for this matter!"

"That's right, let's make it clear, was Teacher Bian a prostitute before?"

"Our children can't be students of a prostitute. How can our Erya get married when it gets out?"

"If you can't explain clearly, let those two female teachers surnamed Bian come out and clarify!"


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